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The Charts below Give Information about Levels of Education in

Glasgow, a city in Scotland, in 2010.


The levels of education on the basis of age and gender in Glasgow, a Scottish city in
2010 are portrayed in the given charts.

It is clear from the charts that a major proportion of people in the city neither had a
university degree nor a school certificate in the given year and this proportion was
greater among women (38%) than men (35%). When divided by age, this share was
the highest among the oldest group (72%). The age groups between 16 and 50 had
three equal shares of 9% of such people, whereas the remaining group (50-75 age
group) had a share of 30%.

Only 3% of people who were over 75 had a school certificate out of the 33% of the
total population. The share of the other age groups ranged from 15 to 20%.

Out of an average 30% of university degree holders from both genders, the major
proportions were from the age groups between 16 and 50 (71 to 76%). An equal
percentage drop of 25% is seen in the subsequent age groups.

Overall, it is clear that majority of the Glasgow’s population either had a university
degree or a school certificate in the given year.

Word count:179

Sample answer:
The bar chart and pie chart illustrates the percentage of education levels by genders and age
range in Glasgow, a city in Scotland, in 2010. The information provided three different education
levels which are University Degree, School Certificate and No Qualification. Overall, the age
groups embrace a total of University Degree's education level in the bar chart was primarily
colossal of five age items. Regarding the pie chart, No Qualification has the highest percentage
of educational certification that any genders were achieving with all age. Furthermore,
University Degree has a massive amount the greatest proportion from 21 to 35 age range
(76%). In addition, there is a subtle difference between School Certificate and No Qualification
at over 75 age, slightly more people who were without certificated than men and women have a
diploma in school (72% and 3% respectively). In terms of School Certificate, out of the five age
ranges, in each proportion from 16 to 75 age ranges which have slightly fluctuated 15% and
20% respectively. Moreover, it has corresponded percentage of both genders (33%). Compared
to, No Qualification's aged 16 to 50 was one and the same percentage is 9%.

Analysis on Answer:
The bar chart and pie chart illustrates [singular/plural] the percentage of education levels by
genders and age range in Glasgow, a city in Scotland, in 2010. [This gives the impression that
we have a breakdown of educational level by gender, subdivided by age group, which is not the
case. It might be better to make this two separate sentences, one for the bar chart, and one for
the pie.][How many age groupings are there? What are the age ranges? Note that some cohorts
cover a decade and some more. Maybe list the groups.] The information is provided
surrounding [ Misleading preposition: as to? regarding? ] three different education
levels are [Grammar mix-up: namely? ] University Degree, School Certificate and No

Overall, the age groups embrace an total of University Degree's education level in the bar chart
was primarily colossal of five age items. [Incoherent: the key features are: the preponderance of
university level education among those below fifty, and the reversal of this situation among the
over-75s. ] Regarding the pie chart, No Qualification has the highest percentage of educational
certification that any genders were achieving with all age. [To me, the main feature of the pie
charts is that there seems to be no great differentiation by gender.]

Furthermore, University Degree has a massive [Avoid this type of journalistic word with an
implicit opinion in Task 1: the report should be objective.] amount greatest proportion from 21
to 35 age range (76%). In addition, there is a subtle [poor word choice: the difference is
substantial or major] difference between School Certificate and No Qualification at over 75 age,
slightly [A differential of around seventy per cent is not slight.] more people who were without
certificated [had no school leaving certificate] than men and women have a diploma in
school( 72% and 3% respectively).

In terms of School Certificate, out of the five age ranges, in each proportion from 16 to 75 age
ranges which [Incoherent grammar: where is the main verb?] have slightly fluctuated 15% and
20% respectively.[Which two age cohorts are being referred to? ] Moreover, it [What?] has
corresponded [a corresponding?] percentage of both genders (33%). Compared to [Compared
to what?], No [Qualification's [Why the possessive ending?] aged 16 to 50 was the same
percentage is 9%. [Incoherent grammar: two finite verbs, both seemingly main.] [This fourth
paragraph is largely incoherent, and will drop the score for Coherence and Cohesion

I would question whether the capitalization of the categories "University Degree", "School
certificate", and "No qualification" is really necessary. Perhaps: "those holding/with a university
degree/with a school leaving certificate/with no qualification".
I think I would report the key features of the bar chart in one, somewhat longer, paragraph, and
compare the pie charts in another. Your version seems not to have brought out the in-between
nature of the 50-75 age cohort.

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