SLP Reflection Questions

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Service Learning Reflection 

❖ How can you transfer this experience into your future classroom?
➢ There will always be needs that need to be addressed in our classrooms.There will
always be problems that we, as teachers, need to figure out how to solve. These
problems may be inside our classrooms, or outside our classrooms that are
affecting our students. I can transfer this experience into my future classroom by
always finding the needs that need to be addressed and fixed in my class, and
trying my best to solve them.
❖ How did your service learning project change your assumptions of the causes and
solutions needed to address larger societal needs?
➢ My SLP helped me realize that there are way bigger problems than we see
everyday. Especially during this Coronavirus crisis, the support we offer students
and the lessons we teach can truly be taken outside of the classroom. If we aren’t
offering these students the assistance they need, their situations will likely get
worse, and this will translate on a societal level.
❖ How did your service learning project develop your problem solving and critical thinking
➢ My SLP helped my problem solving skills because it helped me realize the
importance of having back up plans. The first idea may not work the first time
around so you need to reevaluate and readjust. It really helped my critical thinking
because I really had to ask myself “how is this going to work” from every angle,
figure out if my project was really going to help people and how, and consider
how I was going to execute it.
❖ What did you discover about yourself throughout this project?
➢ Through this project, I discovered that I am a decent problem solver and planner.
Before constructing my project, I spent a lot of time researching and planning
ever aspect of my project. I learned that if you plan really well, it makes the
project much easier along the way.

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