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Nautical Flags and Their Meanings Signal flags are used 10 communicate messages, at times because radio silence is required. Here ae their names and meanings, both Intemational and/or specific to the Navy, as well as meanings when used in a Salling Regatta. There is also a signaling system ealled Semaphore which uses the positon of the flags relative to a person to denote the letter. International Code Flags Name & . ia Phonetic Pronunciation yeas Alte have a diver down; keep wel clear at stow speed AL-fah | Bravo | am taking in, discharging, or carrying dangerous cargo. | BRAF-voh Chanie "Yes" or "affirmative", CHARAce (Change of Course (Sailing Regatta) Detta | | am maneuvering with difficulty; keep clear. DELL- Echo {am directing my course o starboard ECK-oh | Roxet | am disabled; communicate with me. ‘On aiterafcatirs Flight Operations underwa FOKS-ot aa “ | Gor | [roquite a pilot | cour | Hote! {have a pilot on board. | hhoh-TELL n=O R PIR es eX tL India IN-dee-ah Sutiet JEW-lee-ett Lima LEE-mah Mite MIKE November VEM-bur Oscar Oss-kur Pepa pah-PAH Quebec kay-BECK Romeo ROH-me-oh | am directing my course to port. (International) ‘Coming alongside. (Navy) Round the Ends Starting Rule (Sailing Regatta) [am on fire and have dangerous cargo; keep clear I wish to communicate with you. ‘You should stop your vessel immediately. Come Within Hail or Follow Me (Sailing Regatta) My vessel is stopped: making no way. Mark Missing (Sailing Regatta) No or negative. Abandonment and Re-sail (Sailing Regatta) | Man overboacd. | All personnel return to proceeding to sea (Inport), | Ship meets health regs; request clearance into port. (International) | Boat recall; all boats return to ship. (Navy) | None, (International) Preparing to replenish (At sea). Ready duty ship (In port) (Navy) ES+HX= = V Sierra see-AIR-ah Tango TANG-g0 Uniform YOU-nee-form Victor VIK-ah Whiskey WISS-kee Xny ECKS-ray Yankee YANG-kee Zatw 200-I00 Code/Answer Code or Answer First substitute rst Repeater) First sub Moving aster. (International) Conducting flag hoist dri. (Navy) Shorten Course (Sailing Regatta) Keep clear; engaged in trawling, (International) Do not pass ahead ofrme, (Navy) You are running into danger. | require assistance, 1 requite medical assistance. ‘Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals. Individual Recall (Sailing Regatta) 1 am dragging anchor. (International) Ship has visual communications duty. (Navy) Wear Life Jackets (Sailing Regatta) I require tug. 20% Scoring Penalty (Sailing Regatta) Message is understood. Also, numeric decimal point. (International) Flag that follows is from the International Code of Signals. (Navy) Postponement (Sailing Regatta) ‘Substitute forthe first flag in tis hoist, (International) ‘Also "repeats" the first flag or series of flags inthis hoist, Absence of flag officer or unit commander (In port). (Navy) General Recall (Sailing Regatta) eX Second substitute Second sub Third substitute Thied sub One WUN Two TOO, Three TREE Four FOW-er Five FIFE Six SICKS Seven SEV-en Eight ATE Nine NIN-er Substitute forthe second flag inthis hoist (International) Absence of chief of staf? (In port) (Navy) ‘Suistitute forthe third flag in this hoist. (International) Absence of commanding officer (In port). (Navy) ‘None. (International) Numeral one. (Navy) None. (International) Numeral two. (Navy) None, (Intemational) Numeral three, (Navy) None. (Intemational) Numeral four, (Navy) None. (International) ‘Numeral five. (Navy) None. (International) ‘Numeral six. (Navy) None. (International) ‘Numeral seven, (Navy) ‘None. (International) ‘Numeral eight. (Navy) ‘None. (International) ‘Numeral nine, (Navy) a Be. » ee, — +— _ -_ Zero ZEE-roh Pennant one PEN-ant WUN Pennant two PEN-ent TOO Pennant three PEN-ant TREE Pennant four PEN-ant FOW-er Pennant five PEN-ant FIBE Pennant six PEN-ant SICKS Pennant seven PEN-ant SEV-en Pennant eight PEN-ant ATE Pennant Nine PEN-ant NIN-er Pennant zer0 PEN-ant ZEE-roh ‘None. (International) Numeral zero. (Navy) ‘Numeral one. (International) Pennant one. (Navy) Numeral two. (International) Pennant iwo. (Navy) Numeral three. (International) Pennant three. (Navy) ‘Numeral four. (International) Pennant four. (Navy) Postponement (Sailing Revatta) Numeral five. (International) Pennant five, (Navy) ‘Numeral six, (International) Pennant six. (Navy) Nameral seven. (International) Pennant seven, (Navy) "Numeral eight (International) Pennant eight. (Navy) ‘Numeral nine (International) Pennant nine. (Navy) ‘Numeral zero (International) Pennant zero. (Navy) Flag/Shape V+ Sa ells Race Commi Name First Substitute AP fee Flags Sounds 1 when raised 2 when raised 1 when lowered 2 when raised [when lowered None when raised | when lowered Repetitive | when raised Repetitive 3 when raised {svhen lowered 2 when raised | when raised Meaning Individual Recall General Reval, Postponement Round the Ends Starting Rule Change of Course Come Within Hail or Follow Me Mark Missing ‘Abandonment and Resa Shorten Course Wear Life Jacket BK un: (Class Flag Raised Class Flag Lowered Nover H Black Warning Preparatory (or lor Z or Black Fag) Raised Preparatory (or | or Z or Biack Flag) Lowered Start 3 when raised | when lowered | when lowered Abandonment Return to Shore 20% Scoring Penalty Hard Start: Disqualification 5 minutes to start 4 minutes to start | minute to start Start > Small Cra Warning Up to 38 mph winds ees USCG Auxilary ‘World Flag Database Miscellaneous Flags Storm Warning 55-73 mph winds 39-54 mph winds US Power Squadton Race Committee CLA. Flags ofthe World Flags of All Countries Hurricane Warning 74% mph winds i © Semaphore Fag Signalling System ‘Nautical Flag Translator

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