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RULE – 20 - Application -
( b ) -
( ) ( )


RULE – 21 - Definitions -

(a “ Masthead ” L gh m an a wh gh p ac d o r h for – and – aft centerline of the vessel

showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 225 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from
right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on either side of the vessel. ( )
vessel ၂၂၅

vessel ၂၂ ၅

( b ) “ Sidelights ” m an a gr n gh on h ar oard d and a r d gh on h por d ach

showing an unbroken light over an arc of horizon of 112.5 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from
right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on its respective side. In a vessel of less than 20 metres in length
of the sidelights may be combined in one lantern carried on the fore-and-aft centerline of the vessel.
( ) ၁၁၂.၅

၂၂ ၅ ၂၀

(c) “ Sternlight ” m an a wh gh p ac d a n ar a prac ca a h rn how ng an n rok n

light over an arc of the horizon of 135 degrees and so fixed as to show the light 67.5 degrees from right aft
on each side of the vessel.
( ) ၁၃၅

vessel ၆၇.၅
( d ) “ Towing light ” m an a ow gh ha ng h am charac r c a h “ rn gh ” d f n d n
paragraph ( c ) of this Rule.
(ဃ) ( )
( e ) “ All-round light ” m an a gh how ng an n rok n gh o r an arc of h hor zon of ( 360 )
( ) ၃၆၀

(f) “ Flashing light ” m an a gh f a h ng a r g ar n r a a a fr q ncy of (120 ) flashes or
more per minute. ( )

.k o a .

General( Emergency ) ( PSC & RB )

. Emergency Situation , Abandon Ship and Principles of Survival .

.Types of Emergency that may lead to abandonment are --
. Fire and Explosion -
. Collision -
ro nd ng rand ng -
o ch ng o om -
. Hull failure and Heavy weather damage -

. Cargo Shifting -
. Foundering - ၀
. Flooding - ၀
. Severe Reaction of Dangerous Goods or Chemical in Bulk - ( )

.Emergencies that may require launching and operation of rescue boats are ;---
. Abandom ship , including marshalling of survival craft -

.Manoverboard -
. Towing and Rescue of survival Craft from a Shipwreck -

. Emergency Signals -
. General Emergency Alarm System -
. – Con ng of (7 or mor hor a fo ow d (1 Long a on h h p’ Wh or r n or Add ona
on an Electrically operated bell or Klaxon or Other equivalent warning system .
. Public Address ( P . A ) System - P.A
. Fire Alarm Signal -
. Abandon Ship Signal -
. - Verbal Order by Master - -

k o s a

. Passage Plan ♣♥ ♂ ♀ ♦ ★ ♠♠ ♣
.★ All Time o Con ro Safety of Navigation Navigational Danger
Passage Planning
. Passage Planning Advantages - - -
(1 ang r Ar a Identified
.(2) O O W mpor an da a
.(3) Plan d a
.(4) Position Fixing
.(5) Passage af
.★★★ Passage Planning Major Stages ( 4 )
. (1) Appraisal ( )
. (2) Planning ( )
. (3) Execution ( )
. (4) Monitoring ( )
♣ r o Route ၊ Plan Reference
♣ Passage Appraisal
( = Collate ) Compan , Ma r and Char r r’ (= n r c on
nforma on o rc
.(1) Chart Catalogue and Publications ( NP – 131 )
.(2) Ocean Passage for the world
.(3) Sailing Direction ( Pilot Book )
.(4) Notices to Mariners
(5 Mar n r’ Hand ook ( N – 100 )
.(6) Navigational Chart , Routing Chart , Pilot Chart ;
.(7) Tide Tables
.(8) Distance Table
.(9) Radio Signal Information ( including VTS and Pilot service )
.(10) List of Light
(11 or nr d
♣♣ nforma on o rc Planning ---
♣ Vo ag Ma r , h p’ Op ra or Char r Port Information Nor ’ a
Port of the World Port Latitude , Longitude
♣ Char Ca a og Chart Index Departure Arrival (2) Co r Zone (
) Zone
♣ Chart Catalogue Index A & A1 Voyage Co rag General Chart ( Small Scale Chart
NO. )
♣ Ma r N ar af a ng anc and nd r C aranc
♣ n ra Char Route information Sources Route Safest ,
hor and mo conom
♣ n ra Char Route Master Approval
. Master Approval -
♣ Chart Index General Route ff c Wa Char ( Larg ca Char
Oc an Char , o ng Char
♣ Wa Char Onboard / ၊ Up Date Correction / Check
Correction Onboard Master Inform Voyage
♣ p a Wa Char General Route Way Point

.(1) No go area .
.(2) Margin of Safety .
.(3) Way Points .
.(4) Pilot Boarding Area .
.(5) Reporting Area .
.(6) A / C , Dist; & Co; between way points .
.(7) Safe Water .
.(8) Contingency Anchorage .
.(9) Point of No Return .
.(10) Under Keel Clearance .
.(11) Parallel Index .
.(12) Course Alteration & Wheel Over Positions .
.(13) Traffic Area .
(1 Na ga on ang r
♣ Char Change o on Traffic Ar a Chart Change
Position Chart Change Track O r Lap

♣ a ag an Track Port to Port ( Berth to Berth ) Distance Pilot to Pilot .

♣ Passage Plan Master Approval
♣ Ma r Approval Distance Table
♠♠♠ ( anc a h p’ Nam , Va ag No , Departure Port Destination Port Standard Times
Time Difference , Total Distance to go , Steaming Times , Way Chart No. ♠♠♠
♣ p d (3 ETA .
♣ ann ng ၊ Planning Book Record Voyage

. Execution
♣ x c on Chart Master Approval Master Navigation
Off c r ၊

.. Monitoring
. Continuously Monitor Progress along the Planned Track . (Progress (= ))
♣ Mon or ng Ch ck Back –up informat on Check , (
Duty Officer Check
.★ Anchor Plan .
.★ Berthing Plan . ( berthing = )
♣♣♣ Ocean Chart Chart Catalogue Part (2) A (The World General Charts of the
Oceans ) India Ocean Co rag Chart No. ( 4071 ) ( 4072 )
♣ Chart Catalogue Part . 3 Thematic Charts Routeing Charts ,Gnomonic Charts , Meteorological Charts ,
Tidal Charts Charts
♣ da ca on (4) , (i) NP .201 – Volume .1 = United Kingdom and Ireland ( including European Channel
Ports ) , (ii) NP . 202 – Volume .2 = Europe ( Excluding United Kingdom and Ireland ) , Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic
Ocean , (iii) NP .203 – Volume .3 = Indian Ocean and South China Sea ( including Tidal Stream Tables ) , (iv) NP .204 –
Vo m = ac f c Oc an ( nc d ng da r am a
♣ L of L gh and Fog gna (ALL Publications N P (74) ( 84) , Vo m Volume
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L (I)
♣ Oc an o ng Char (5) (i) North Atlantic Ocean Routing Charts . (ii) South Atlantic Ocean
Routing Charts (iii) Indian Ocean Routing Charts (iv) North Pacific Ocean Routing Charts (v) South Ocean Routing
Charts ( 12 ) ( January December ) Indian Ocean
Routing Charts Chart No. ( 5126 )(1) January Chart No. ( 5126 )(12) December
♣ Char pda Check - Chart NO. 823 , 824 pda
Check Part (2) I Bay of Bengal Char No 3, Title of Chart
or Plan a n r o angoon r , Nautical Scale 1: = 300,000 , Date of Publication
Mar . 1999 . ၊ , New Edition - ( ) p a
Chart New Edition
New Edition March February January December

. Seamanship ( Notes ) -♣♥ ♂ ♀ ♦ ★
. Voyage Planning ♣♥ ♂ ♀ ♦ ★ ♠♠ ♣
. The Passage Plan ensure that the bridge management team is fully aware of the vessels intended voyage and of
the contingency plans .
. The plan is from berth to berth and any changes to the intended voyage must be amended in the plan .
. The master is overall responsible for the plan but may delegate the task of creating .
. Appraisal . Planning
.(1) Gathering of information . .(1) Plot true course on charts .
.(2) Consider manoeuvring characteristics .(2) Consider safe passing distances off
of ’ deepest draught . . land / critical areas , safe speed .
(3 h p’ c r f ca on n da .(3) Alter course points clearly marked .
(3 h p’ c r f ca on n da .(3) Alter course points clearly marked .
.(4) The latest charts and publications .(4) Methods of position fixing .
. used are the most up to date .
.(5) The charts used are the largest .(5) Parallel index lines shown .
. scale available .
.(6) Consult tide atlases and tide tables . .(6) Contingency plans considered .
.(7) Determine relevant traffic routing schemes .
.(8) Consult port guides .
.(9) Obtain weather information . .
. Execution . Monitoring
.(1) Once departure time is known .(1) Obtain regular weather forecasts .
. calculate accurate tidal heights .(2) Cross check all position fixing methods .
. and tidal flows . .(3) Regularly check all navigational equipment .
.(2) Obtain latest meteorological ( pda A‘
. information . .(5) Comply with mandatory reporting procedures .
(3 Ca c a A‘ a cr ca ar a .(6) Enter route information in A I S .
.(4) Consider traffic density at Critical
. points on the voyage .
. . Passage Planning ( Practice ) -♣♥ ♂ ♀ ♦ ★ ♠♠ ♣
.. Voyage Instruction
. Confirmation of Destination
. --- Confirm Destination
. --- Establish Route
. --- Calculate Distances
. Appraisal
♣ ( Co a Compan , Ma r and Char r r’ n r c on
♣( ah r n ra nforma on from ca on , No c , ad o n , Co ag and O d a ag an )
♣ ( Co c and No Cargo nforma on , ra gh of V and Mano r ng aa
.. Planning =
♣ roc d r for Char c on
♣ f h Larg – scale charts for the voyage ( or part of the voyage ) are not onboard , they must be
requisitioned . ( = ၊ )
♣ d n f pr d c d (= ၊ ) areas of danger and mark on charts .
♣ Ca c a on of Wh – Over Position .
♣ Steps to Draw Wheel – Over Bearing by Advance – Transfer Method .
( anc ackward from W = Ad anc – ran f r -- an of Co r a ra on )
( anc ackward from W = 7 - ( 1 3 --- an 3 ) = 4 . 8 cables . )
♣ of Larg ca an w hn ma ca Char
♣ Mark a d n f d Hazard and an Add ona nforma on on Char w ho an nforma on o r oad
♣ of h Adm ra L of L gh .
♣ of h Adm ra L of ad o gna
♣ Ca c a on of adar Hor zon
♣ ran f rr ng o on From On Char o Ano h r Char
♣ of Adm ra L of ad o gna for nforma on A o ACONS .
♣ of Adm ra L of ad o gna for nforma on on acon
♣ d n f h Hazard and Carr o k(= ၊ ) Assessment for each Hazard .
. Execution
. Allocate Resources for Bridge Team Management .
. Allocate (= ) Resources (= ).
. Monitoring
♣ Con n o Mon or rogr (= ) along the Planned Track .
.★ Anchor Plan .
.★ Berthing Plan . ( berthing = )

. k o a .

Elementary First Aid

. First Aid ၀
( ) m rg nc r am n
. Objectives of First Aid -
( o pr n d a h or f r h r n r -
( o co n r-ac hock - (
.(iii) To relieve pain - ၀
. On Finding a Casualty - --
.(2) ( )
.(3) ( --
. ---
. ---
.(4) ( ---
. ---
. ---
. ( )
. ( ) ၊
. ( )
.*** O (4) ***
. -- Unconscious Casualties
. -- Immediate threat to life may be --
. (i)

. (ii)
. --- Examination
. (1)
. ( )
. ( ) ၀ ၀
. ( ) ၀
. (2)
. ( ) ( ၀ ).
. ( ) ၀ ( ၀
. (( O2--- Air Way ---- Breathing ---- Circulation ( Blood , Heart ) --- { + O2 } -------- Life .))
. ( )

. ( )
( )
. ( )

. (၄)

Magnetic Compass
. Magnetic Compass ( 1 ) (3 ) ၊(3 on ၊
{( 1 ) Point = ( 11.25 ) )} ၊
၀ .
( )
( )
. Spike Transistor Radio

. Gyro Compass

. Repeater

. Repeater Watch Gyro

. Gyro Repeater Gyro
( )
. Gyro Repeater Gyro Course Course

. Flag Flow from the Jack Staff ( )

. -- ( )

. Flag Flow from the Foremast Head ( Courtesy Flag )
. Mast ( )

. Signals Flown from the Fore Mast Yardarm or the Jumper Stay .
. Mast ( Jumper Stay )
.’’ B ’’ = ( ၊ ) - - (
( ) ( )
. ’’ B ’’ =( ၀ ) -- I
required a Pilot =
. ’’ H ’’ = ( ၀ ၊ ၀ )

. ’’ Q ’’ = ( ၀ ) ၀

. ’’ Ensign ’’ =

. = (၄)
. Mast
. Flag flown from the flag-pole at the Stern . The Ship’s Ensign . When at Sea , the Ensign may
be flown from a Gaff .
. ( Astern )
Poop Deck ( 5

. ၀
. k o s a

.Q; R. 34 (d) ?
 Insight of one another approach ng
intention (or ) Action ၊
Action ၊ Whistle 5 hor and ap d a

. Q; Anchor Watch Vessel ?

 V H F Contact
 3 (d
 Master Inform
 Anchor a on
 ( Slack or Heave – up )
. Q; Timber Carrier Freeboard G . C Vessel Freeboard
 Well Timber Deck Cargo At least Standard Super Structure Height
Solidly Stow Vessel Reserve Buoyancy G . C Vessel
.Q; Subdivision Load ?

 C1,C2 SOLAS Chp ( II )

.Q; Cargo Hold Space Cargo Passenger Safety
.Q; Wire Wire Connecter / Wire Match Wire Sosun Store
Turn table
.Q; Desalting Apparatus
.Q; Dipper F W Tank ( )
.Q; Bailer L/B ( )
.Q; Special Rules Sailing Direction ( Pilot Book )
.Q; R O C involve - - (၃) , (၄)
.Q; Shallow Water Vessel ( 1.5 ) Draft
.Q; Radio Room CO2
.Q; V - (i) Fishing Vsl other than trawling
 (ii) Trawling
 (iii) Vsl engaged in Dredging in under water operation .
.Q; Immersion Suit - .
.Q; T P A - .
.Q; Full way Pilot Engine Safe Speed .
.Q; . L/B = (
.Q; Day Light Signal Lamp Aldis Lamp
.Q; Buoy Open Link ( 3 ) = Short Link Investigation
.Q; .2009 SOLAS Chapter (V) Equipment ?
.Q; Regulation 19 – I ( L R I T ) = ( Long Range Identification and Tracking of the Ship )
.Q; Information from L R I T ; (1) The Identify of the Ship
 (2) Position of the Ship
 (3) Date and Time of Position .

.Q; I A M S A R Manual = International Aero Nautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual . -.
.Q; . Observance of Good Seamanship V M V
rc d n h r a o Mano r R (18 )
.Q; Sailing Direction ( Pilot Book ) Volume = ( 72 ) ( 74 )
(2) Mariner Hand Book Ocean Passage of the World
.Q; Sailing Direction ( Pilot Book ) Correction =
.Q; U R H O = United Kingdom Hydrographic Office .
.Q; Manoeuvring Light ( ) = Vessel
( Vertical plane ) ( )

( 2 ) (
( 2 )
.Q; Fire Hose Non-perishable material Approved by the Administration .
.Q; Fire Hose Cargo Ship , (1000) GT and upward = = one for each (30) M of ship
length and one spare but not less than (5) . ( only Deck )
. Less than (1000) GT = = one for each (30) M of ship length and one spare but
not less than (3) . (150 ) M (6) ( Engine Room )
.Q; Nozzles Standard Sizes (12)mm , (16)mm , (19)mm { Size }
.Q; Nozzles a p rpo p Jet type Spray type
.Q; Dual meaning F h ng G, P, Z signal
.Q; r ona q pm n - - .(1) Protective Clothing
. .(2) Boot and Glove
. .(3) Rigid Helmet
. .(4) An Electric Safety Lamp ( period (3) hr .)
. .(5) An axe
.Q; B . A Set ( Breathing Apparatus Set ) = (1) Mask (or) Smoke Mask (or) Smoke Helmet .
. = (2) Suitable Air Pump ( Bellow type ) ( 36 ).
.Q; SCBA ---- = -con a n r a h ng Appara = L ng h (3 M SCBA
Air Cylinder ( 1200 ) Liters ( (30) )
.Q; B . A Set Fr roof L f Ln Snap Hook
. Fire Proof Life Line Wire H mp rop ( )
.Q; E E B D ( Emergency Escape Breathing Device ) Bridge Engine (
). Tanker Every Crew Cabin
.♣♣ Situation ♣♣.

. O / S ( Open Sea ) = COLREG – 72 Rules Fully Comply

Proceed Power – Driven Vessel Under – Way
. N / C ( Narrow Channel ) (or) Fair Way = Before
Entering N / C or Fair Way r ca on Master Approval
Rule . 9 ( a ) N/C or Fair Way Outer Limit Starboard ( STBD ) Side af and rac ca
Distance Keep Proceed Power – Driven Vessel Under – Way
. T S S ( Traffic Separation Schemes ) = Before Entering
TSS r ca on Master Approval Rule . 10 , b (i) (ii)
raff c para on L n on Keep Clear General Direction of Traffic Flow
Proceed Power – Driven Vessel Under – Way
k o s a

.. SOLAS Chapter – (V) = Safety of Navigation

.Q ; SOLAS Chp – (V) Vessel Navigation Equipment and System ?
.(1) A properly adjusted standard Magnetic Compass .
( A p or or o h r Compa ar ng c o ak ar ng 3 .
.(3) Means of Correcting Heading and bearing to true at all times .
.(4) Nautical Chart and ( N P ) Nautical Publication .
.(5) A Receiver for a Global Navigation System .
.(6) If less than ( 150 ) GT, Radar, Reflector (9) G Hz and (3) G Hz .
.(7) A telephone or other means to communicate between bridge and Emergency Steering Gear position
. . ARPA (၆)
. (1) Distance (2) Bearing (3) C P A
. (4) T C P A (5) Approaching Vsl Course (6) Approaching Vsl Speed
. . Purpose of ism Code = i s m Code
. An International Standard for the Safe Management and Operation of Ships and for Pollution
Prevention .
. . Non – Conformity ( N . C ) = SMS ( Safety Management System )
. - Bunker Bunker Boat Communication Check
Check Bunker
. . Major N.C = SMS ( ) Safety
( ) ro k Case Major N.C Action
. - - Failure fire alarm system
. - - missing Life Raft
. - - Oil / Water Separator
. . D P A ( Designated Person Ashore ) = H gh L of Manag m n Company

. . P S C ( Post State Control ) = For gn hp International

. . Survey = Certificate Survey
. Survey Certificate
. . Inspection ( Spot Check ) = International
g a on Inspection
. Portable Fire Extinguisher Total Weight = not more than ( 23 ) Kg

-Q; - G R B ( Garbage Record Book ) =
-Ans : - Garbage is defined as all kinds of victual ( ၊ ) , domestic and operational
wastes , excluding Fresh Fish and parts thereof , generated from normal operation of the ship and
liable to dispose off continuously or penalically ( ) , except these substances are defined or
listed in the other annex of the present convention.
- Garbage Record Book Every ships of 400 GT and above Every ships when certified to carry
(15) person or more Each completed pages Master sign Garbage
Record Book (2) years on board
-Q; - I A L A = I A L A System of Buoyage = I A L A Maritime Buoyage System

-Q; G . F (2) = Isolated Danger Mark

-Ans : - = Marks a danger of limited navigable extent with safe water all around it .
-Q; - Short Flashing Duration = ( 1 ) seconds .
- - Long Flashing Duration = ( 4 ) to ( 6 ) seconds .
- Short Blast Duration = ( 1 ) seconds .
- prolong Blast Duration = ( 4 ) to ( 6 ) seconds .
-Q; G T ( Gross Tonnage ) = GT ၊
- - Gross Tonnage ( GT ) - ( measurements of vessels internal volume. )
- Gross Tonnage means measure of the overall size of the ship , will be obtained from the
formula based on the volume of all enclosed space in the ship and constant which is to be either
calculated or tabulated. ( )
- GT = K1 V
- V = Total volume of all enclosed spaces of the ship in cubic meters ( m³ ) .
- K1 = 0.2 + 0.02 Log 10 V
-Q; N T =
- - Net Tonnage ( NT ) [ Net ( Registered ) Tonnage ]
- ( Capacity of the vessel available for cargo and passengers .)[earning capacity of the vessel ]
- Net Tonnage means the useful capacity of the ship and will be obtained from a formula . This
formula is based on the volume of cargo space in cubic meter , moulded depth and draught , number
of passenger of over 12 and certain constant .
- NT = K1 Vc ( 4 d / 3 D )² + K2 ( N1 + N2 / 10 )
- V = Total volume of cargo spaces in cubic meters
- K1 = 0.2 + 0.02 Log 10 V
- K2 = 1.25 [ (GT + 10,000 )/ 10,000 ]
- GT = Gross tonnage
- D = Moulded depth amidships in meters ( m )
- d = Moulded draught amidships in meters ( m )
- N1 = Numbers of passengers in cabins with not more than 8 berths .
- N2 = Numbers of passengers ( other )
-Q; Dead weight ( ) = Load Displacement ( ) _ Light Displacement ( )
-Q; L B P = Length Between Perpendicular = is the Length at summer load line between Forward
Perpendicular and Aft Perpendicular , through the After side of Rudder Post .
-Q; L O A = Length Overall = is the maximum length between Fore most point and After most
point .
-Q; I S M Certificate
- I S M Code =
- ism code means International Management Code for the safe operation of the ship and pollution
prevention adopted by the organization.
ism code SOLAS CHAPTER ( ix ) Management for the safe operation of the ship

SOLAS CHAPTER ( ix ) Regulation ( 3 ) Safety Management Requirement

( 1 ). The Company and Ship shall comply with ism code requirements
( 2 ). The ship shall be operated by a company holding a Document of Compliances References to Regulation
( 4 ). - Regulation ( 4 ) Company Administration or Organization recognized by Administration
DOC document of Compliance
- DOC [ document of Compliance ] copy kept SMC
- ism code Part ( A ) Implementation
- Part ( B ) Certification and Verification
- Part ( A ) Implementation section ( 12 )
- Part ( B ) Certification and Verification section ( 4 )
- ism code objectives
-(1) Safety of sea
-(2) Prevention of Human injury and Loss of lives
-(3) Avoidance of Damages relating to Environment and Properties .
-Q; Chain Register Mode = Chain Register
- - Code of Safe working practices for Merchant Seaman Act Register of Lifting appliances and
m of Loo g ar ILO Convention No. (152) [Dock Regulation] recommended Form
- Chain Register g r of h p’ L f ng App anc and Cargo Hand ng ar ’ .
- Part ( I ) - Thorough examination of lifting appliance and loose gear .
- Part (II ) - Regular Inspection of loose gear .
- thorough ( = ၊ ၊
- Loose Gear swivel , chain , hook , separator , sling
- Attach = Certificate of test and thorough examination of lifting appliances.
- = Certificate of test and thorough examination of derrick used in union purchase.
= Certificate of test and thorough examination of loose gear .
= Certificate of test and thorough examination of wire eye .
- Testing and Examination of Cargo Gears
- L f ng app anc Compentent Person (5) years interval suitably tested
- Test Certificate (or) Repor onboard At least for (2) year kept
- Test Cargo ar Proof Load Test
-Q; Proof Load
- Proof Load (or) Test Load S.W.L Load
- Cha n , ng , Hook , hack , w = Twice the S.W.L
- Through Examination =
-Q; Wire =
- - Chain Wire Rope Every (3) months Inspection Wire Rope (8) times of diameter
visible broken wire 10% of total wire in rope
- - Davit Wire
- Not more than ( 30 ) months End to End , Not more than ( 5 ) years Renew - Rigging
Plan Reference Length , Size
- Life Boat Fall Wire Weight Davit Chain Block Lash
- Davit Harbour Safety Pin on
- Fall Wire Slack Davit Bulldog Grip Secure Fall Wire One End

- Fall Wire End Heaving Line End Seizing

- Fall Wire r m
- Drum H a ng L n z ng Drum Wr ck Flake

- Heaving Line Other End New Wire Seizing Drum Heaving Line End

- New Fall Wire Drum Bull-dog Grip Drum Secure

- r m Wire Roll by Roll Grease
- Wire Other End Davit Secure
- Runner Wire
- Derrick ck Lay Down
- Runner Wire Slack Old Wire End New Wire End Canvas burlap

- Runner Wire Drum

- New Wire Drum Wire Stopper z ng Od Wr Drum

- New Wire r m Roll by Roll Grease

- Cargo Hook Secure
- Grease = Cardium Compound + Fish Oil
-Q; Snub Round Turn =
- - Short Round Turn in Astern River Stream ; ( Snub Round Turn ) ( With the
Tide )
- KEY POINTS ; Use anchor and current effect to assist a vessel coming with the stream to turn
(1 in a narrow channel or fairway .
- Either side can be turned regardless of propeller type of screw .
- Before dropping anchor , required to way off to eliminate ( ၊ h p’ mom n m o
avoid excessive stress on the case .
- Drop the Upstream anchor and snub the cable and hold at short stay .
- With the Current Proceed Aga n h C rr n Round Turn ၊
- Transverse thrust , Current affect Anchor
- (1) Vessel Mid- channel proceed Starboard Side Bank Slacker Water
Swing Hard O r Wh o ar oard
- (2) Current affect Vessel broad side mid ship Engine Reverse
Transverse thrust affect Lee drift
- (3) up stream anchor short stay position ( about one shackle in the water )
Let go Cable Let go Vessel Weight Ca excessively
Ca reverse Course Anchor
- (4) Vessel H ad o C rr n Engine Ah ad Anchor Complete the
round turn

-Q; Calling Master ( 10 ) =

-(1) If restricted visibility is encountered or expected .
-(2) If the traffic conditions or the movements of other ships are causing concern .
-(3) If difficulty is experienced in maintaining course .
-(4) On failure to sight land , a navigation mark or to obtain soundings by the expected time .
-(5) If unexpectedly, land or a navigation mark is sighted or change in soundings occurs.
-(6) On break-down of the engines , propulsion machinery remote control , steering gear or any
essential navigational equipment alarm or indicator .
-(7) If the radio equipment malfunctions .
-(8) In heavy weather , If in any doubt about the possibility of weather damage .
-(9) If the ship meets any hazard to navigation , such as ice or a derelict , and
-(10) In any other emergency or if in any doubt .
- ( , ,C, , , H , E , N , D , Radio )
-Q; Give Way vessel Action Calling Master ၊
-Q; Notice to Mariner =
- - (1) Weekly (2) Cumulative Notice { (6) months } (3) Annual Notice to Mariner .
- Weekly = White Colour , Front Page Notice Number , Edition Number , Publish Date .
- Section ( 6 )
- Section ( I ) : Explanatory Notices Index to Section ( II )
- Section ( II ) : Admiralty Notices to Mariner , Correction to Charts .
- Section ( III ) : Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings .
- Section ( IV ) : Correction to Admiralty Sailing Direction .
- Section ( V ) : Correction to Admiralty List of Light and Fog Signal .
- Section ( VI ) : Correction to Admiralty List of Radio Signal .
-Q; Capacity Plan =
-- Capacity Plan (or) Profile Plan
- (1) Capacity and KG of Every Compartment for Fuel , Cargo , Store .
- (2) Weight and appropriate KG of Crew and Passenger
- (3 o a W gh of ck Cargo and ’ o Carr d on oard
- (4) Amount of F.O , D.O , Ballast , F.W and Cargo Capacity .
- (5 ck q pm n Quantity , Loading Scale , Displacement Curve .
-( Max m m rm ck Load and ach ho d
-Q; Docking Plan =
- (1) Particulars of the ship .
- (2) Positions of the tanks and their bottom plugs .
- (3) Positions of the sea – chest and sea – valves .
- (4) Positions of Echo sounder oscillator plates .
- (5) Positions and particulars of bilge keel .
- (6) Positions and numbers of zinc anodes .
- (7) Positions of deck scuppers and overboard discharges , etc .
- (8) Positions of shore connection and types , etc .
- (9) Types and numbers of propellers .
- (10) Types of rudder and steering gear , telemotor , etc .
- (11) Types of Main propelling machinery ( engine ) and generators .
- (12) Types of anchors , cables and its length and types of windlass and mooring winches .
- (13) Types of cargo gears , winches and hatch covers , etc .
- (14) Fire main and general fire protection arrangement , etc .
- The docking plan is used for discussion with the dock Master in advance .
-Q; - General Arrangement Plan [ G . A Plan ]
- (1) General Arrangement Plan Right Corner = h p’ Nam
- = Own r’ Nam
- = Builder Name
- = Offical Number
- = raw ng ca
-(2) Ship’s Particular Table = LOA , LBP , Load Draft , Service Speed , GT , NT ,
Type of Machinery , Type of Main Engine .
- (3) Each Deck Detail drawing Side View , Front View
- (4) Cargo Ha ch Wa La o ၊ Ho d ank Loca on and m n on
ank Sounding Pipe , Air Pipe V n a on m
- (5) Mooring Equipments , Anchor , Cable , Fairlead La o
-( M an of cap , r ng ar , Cha n Lock r , o n or , Loca on
- (7) Monkey Island andard Compa , ad o Ma , Ar a , gna Ma Arrang m n

-Q; Shell Expansion Plan
- Hull rak , a and Fram Thickness and Numbering
- Strakes Letter
- Fore and Aft sets of plate strake
- Keel Plate upward Alphabet ( A , B , C , D ,- - -) ၊(I) ၊
- Keel Plate Adjacent strake ( A ) strake (or) Garboard strake
- Main Deck adjacent strake Sheer strake
- Plate Number
- Strake para a Aft to Fwd Numbering ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ,)-
- Frame Numbering Aft to Fwd
-Q; Cargo Plan =
- - Cargo Securing Arrangements
- Stowage and Securing Arrang m n Specific Guidance Annex of the Code

- Annex (1) - Container on deck

- Annex (2) - Portable tank
- Annex (3) - Portable receptacles
- Annex (4) - Wheel based cargo
- Annex (5) - Heavy items
- Annex (6) - Coiled steel sheet
- Annex (7) - Heavy metal products
- Annex (8) - Anchor chains
- Annex (9) - Metal scrap in bulk
- Annex (10) - Flexible intermediate bulk container
- Annex (11) - Under – deck stowage of logs
- Annex (12) - Unit load Specific Guidance Comply
-Q; Rigging Plan =
- - Rigging Plan Lifting appliances Loo g ar Rig (
) an
- Rigging Plan contain ;
- (1) Position and rigging of the masts and stays .
- (2) Position and size of deck eye – plate and cleats .
- (3) Position , size and S.W.L of blocks and shackles .
- (4) Position of inboard and outboard booms . ( Maximum out-reach )
- (5) Position of derricks producing maximum forces .
- (6) Maximum angle between runner .
- (7) Length , size , and S.W.L of ( runners, topping lifts, guys, preventers, gangway
and life-boat falls )
- (8) Optimum position of guys and preventers to resist such maximum forces .
- (9) Combined load diagrams .
- (10) Guidance on the maintenance of the derrick rigging .
- (11 and ng gg ng

-Q; Ship’s Plans

- (1) Contingency Plan (or) Emergency Plan
- (2) Capacity Plan
- (3) Cargo Plan
- (4) Docking Plan
- (5) Tank Condition Plan
- (6) General Arrangement Plan
- (7) Shell Expansion Plan
- (8) Fire Control Plan
- (9) Piping and Pumping Plan
- (10) Rigging Plan
- (11) Garbage Management Plan
- (12) Shipboard Oil Pollution Plan
- (13) Damage Control Plan
-Q; Open Sea Chart Position = ( Sun )
-Q; Coastal Water Position = ( Object )
-Q; Dry Bulb Wet Bulb =
-Q; I A L A ( Special Mark ) ( A B Region )
-Q; Mooring =
- - Seafarers ‘’ Moor ng ‘’ Term Mooring ( Securing the Vessel ) with Two Anchors
. ( ‘’ o a moor ng o ‘’ )
- Advantages of Mooring ---
-(1) Vessel d rn Little swing room Vessel Stem C nr
Own Length rn ng
-(2) Cable Scope Pre-adjust
- Disadvantages of Mooring ---
-(1) Open Moor Second or Lee or Sleeping Anchor No Va
-(2) Fo Haw
-(3) Mooring Weight Anchor Lee Anchor Drop Down
Weighting In Case of Emergency
-(4) Abeam Op n Haw gh pan
-Q; S O L A S { Chapter ( III ) } = Life – saving appliances and arrangements .
-Q; S O L A S { Chapter ( V ) } = Safety of Navigation .
-Q; L S A = Life – saving appliances
-- MARPOL 73 / 78
- International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships , 1973
- as modified by the Protocol of 1978 .
- Annex I - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil .
- Annex II - Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid
- Substances in Bulk .
- Annex III - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances
- Carried by Sea in Packaged Form .
- Annex IV - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ship.
- Annex V - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ship.
- Annex VI - Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ship.
- OiL means petroleum in any form including Crude oil , Fuel oil , Sludge , Oil refuse and Refined
products .
- 15 ppm = Oil content does not exceed 15 parts per million ( ppm )
- (A hp -- charg from mach n r pac n-ro = 15 ppm
- New ship (1 3 =( 30000 1 ) Oil tanker more than 50 NM
from nearest land .
- Old ship (1/ 15000 ) , Oil tanker ( Oily Water Separator ( 100 ppm )
-Q; IALA = I A L A Maritime Buoyage System
- The International Association of Lighthouse Authorities ( I A L A )
- Mariner ၊ Visibility ၊
၊ Char ၊ Recent Wreck
Safe Navigation Passage
- Scope = The System applies to all fixed and floating marks , other than { Light house , Sectors of
Light , and Mark Landbys , Certain Large Light – Floats and Light Vessel }
-Q; NP ( Nautical Publication ) =
- Publications = (1)— Admiralty List of Radio Signals .
- = (2)--- Catalogue of Admiralty Charts and Publications ( NP – 131 ) .
- = (3)--- Admiralty Notices to Mariners .
- = (4)--- Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners .
- = (5)--- Cumulative List of Admiralty Notices to Mariners .
- = (6)--- Admiralty Sailing Directions .
- = (7)--- Admiralty List of Light and Fog Signals .
- = (8)--- Admiralty Tide Tables .

-Q; Admiralty List of Radio Signals Contents ;

-(1) Volume (1) = Coast Radio Stations .
-(2) Volume (2) = Radio Aids to Navigation , Satellite Navigation Systems , Legal Time , -
Radio Time Signals , Electronic Position Fixing Systems .
-(3) Volume (3) = Maritime Safety Information Services .
-(4) Volume (4) = Meteorological Observation Stations .
-(5) Volume (5) = Global Maritime Safety and Distress System ( G M D S S ) .
-(6) Volume (6) = Pilot Services , Vessel Traffic Services , Port Operations .
- M A R P O L Annex ( IV ) = Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ship.
- M A R P O L Annex ( II ) = Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid
- Substances in Bulk . -
-Q; AIS = Automatic Identification Systems ( AIS ) All ship 1st July (2004)
AIS h p oard roadca ng ran pond r ( h p’ , po on ,
co r , p d o r h gro nd , a c da a , o ag da a VHF channel All ships or
fac continually transmit . (MMSI Number)
-Q; SART = Search and Rescue Radar Transponder .
- ၊ r a Craf Position ၊
ad o q pm n
-* Switch on Stand-by ( – and 3 cm adar ( Hz Detect
Radar ( a Automatic Respond Design
- adar SART ( 1 w p Fr q nc gna gna
Radar Screen (12) Blops Line Display
-* (12) Blips Line SART Position Outward (8) N M Blips Line
SART Position C ar
- Range ;
- (15 ) M Height Na ga ona adar (5) N M interrogated
- Power ( 10 ) K W Ar orn adar ( radar ) ( 3000 ) ft ( 30 ) N M
interrogated ( ၊ )
- Survival Craft Survivors V A r Craf SART Signal c d SART
Audio and Visual Signal
- SART (3)
-(1) L / B , L / Raft and Vessel Fixed SART.
-(2) Portable S A R T ( Survival Craft )
-(3) E P I R B Float Free SART.
- SART E P I R B Release and or F oa Fr
- Test Procedure
- - Vessel Radar ( 6 ) miles / ( 12 ) miles , Range Set
--SART Test switch ON
- - Radar Screen S A R T ( 12 ) Swept Signal ( 12 ) Rings or ( 24 ) Rings

- - N B SART ( 1 w p gna Observe Radar Rings

Blips ( )
--SART Audio Tone “L d ”
--SART Test “L d ” Audio Tone (

-- SART Position Radar Screen Signal Ring

-Q; O O W at Sea =
- (1) Master pon Off c r .
- (2) R ( 5 ) Look – out S T C W Look – out .
- (3) COLREG 72 STCW .
- (4) Master and ng Ord r , N gh Ord r .
- (5 o on , Co r , p d , rror Check .
- (6) Co r Ma n a n .
- (7) Watch Wheel Auto – Manual (2) .
- ( c ron c Na ga on A d Fam ar .
- (9) R . V ( Restricted Visibility ) R .(19) .
- (1 W a h r Cond on .
- (11) O O W .
- (12) Calling Master .
- (13 gna .
- (14) Proper Relieving Bridge .
- (15) Watch Log ook .
-Q; Man Overboard =
-- Man-Overboard Turn
- Man-Overboard ( Simultaneous Action )
-Hard Over Wheel to Man fall side and Release M . O . B Life-buoy .
-Inform Master , Engine Room , and Position Plotted .
-Raise the Alarm ( _ _ _ ) Oscar .
- Post Extra Look-Out .
-In Conjested Water MO V H F , R .T Transmit ၊
- n rna ona Cod F ag “ O ”
-Boat Station Stand- by , Rescuse Boat Ready

-Q; Williamson turn =

-- Williamson Turn
- Day or Night or Poor Visibility Method .
- Automatic return feature Position
- Hard O r wh o Man- Fa d
- off Co r Hard O r Wh o aga n d
- c proca Co r
- Reciprocal Course ad Reduce Speed
- Leeward Slow Speed Approach
-Q; Single Delay ( or ) One Minute Delay Turn
- Automatic Return Feature Position
- Man Fa One Minute -
- Hard o r wh o W ah r d Turning Circle Speed reduced
- Man Fall position Heading ad Leeward
Slow-Speed- Approach -
-Q; Plate =
- Striker Plate = Striker plate (or a m pa = h do on h ow o nd ng p p ( o nd ng
pp DB plate )
- Boss Plate = Boss plate = Stern Tube (or) Propeller shaft round shell plate .
- k o s a

. Implement by which a ship becomes attached to the ground at sea bed , and so rendered stationary
. Anchor ၀ Cable Home Sea bed position Cable ang o
Vessel position a onar Cable w gh
. Part of Anchor
. Shank = Main body of the anchor . Is a part of anchor between anchoring and arm . hank
weight of anchor
. Throat / Trend = The increase girth of and anchor shank as is approaches the arms extends for
a distance equal to that of arms .
. Gravity band = Anchor Anchor Center of gravity point
.Arm of Anchor = That part of an anchor which extends from crown to Fluke .
.Fluke of Anchor = Flattened triangular extremity of arm of an anchor .
.Crown of Anchor = That part directly beneath shank, where arms go in opposite direction .
.Tipping Palm = More or Less flat projection on arm of a self- canting anchor . Its duty is to bite
no h gro nd and n r ha h f k rn downward o no h gro nd ( Anchor
fluke ၀ Anchor head

. Stock = Is the cross piece just below ring of anchor . Being right anchor to line of flute is ensure
fluke biting and resist shank turning and so releasing fluke from ground .
. Type of Anchor
.(i) Stock or Common Anchor
.(ii) Stock Less or Patent Anchor
. (i) Stock or Common Anchor
. Stock Stock Anchor Weight ( 25 ) % Arms
၀ Anchor Sea bed Hor zon a po on
Fluke Right Angle Fluke Sea bed
Rotation Prevent Great Stability Moving Part Sea bed material
Choke ၊ Sea bed Accidentally Ho d ng
. Disadvantage Moving parts Hawse pipe Store
Flute ၀ ၊
Flute ၀
. Steel Common Anchor Holding Power Weight ( 3 ) to ( 4 ) times

. Stock nd Spheres (or) Enlargements ( ) Anchor

Rotation Assist Sea bed Anchor prevent
. (ii) Stock Less or Patent Anchor
. Stock ၀ Hawse pipe Store Letting go
Head Anchor Weight ( 60 )% Head End of the Shank
position Arms Rotation pivot Arm Axis of the Shank a o (3
o ( degree Rotate Ho d ng ro nd Holding power
Weight ( 3 ) to ( 4 ) times
. Stockless Anchor Disadvantage moving parts Sea bed Chok
Anchor Biting Under Heavy Load ( 1 d gr
. Normally Anchor ( 3 ) ( 2 ) Bowers Anchor Hawse pipe
(1) par h Anchor
. Anchor Marking
hank Anchor Weight marking Fluke Circle Test Serial
Number Test Certificate Certifying Authorities Serial Number
. ( 76 ) kg Anchor Test Test Anchor Tensile Stress
Test ( 1 ) ton Weight Anchor ( on r ( 30 ) tons Anchor
( 15 on r Test Test Certificate Certificate

.(1) Serial Number of Test .
.(2) Name of Certifying Authorities .
.(3) Name of Test Surveyor .
.(4) Type of Anchor .
.(5) Weight of Anchor .
.(6) Weight of Stock ( Stock Anchor ).
.(7) Length of Shank ( mm ) .
.(8) Length of Arms ( mm ) .
.(9) Diameter of Trend .
.(10) Proof of Load .
. Chain Cable
. Wrought iron , Forged , Mild Steel (or) Cast Steel
. Chain Cable Diameter (၂) L nk Stud ၀
Stud Chain Strength L nk Stud Open Link (or)
End Link
. Chain Cable ( 27.5 M ) / ( 15 ) Fathoms / ( 90 ) ft Length
Length (1 hack American Shots Shackle
Joining Shackle Lug Joining hack L g
o n ng hack ( n r hack
L g o n ng hack Cable Shackle Joining Common Link Direct Join
Op n L nk Join Open Link Common Link intermediate Link (
Enlarged Link ) Shackle marking Stud Link

. Lug less Joining Shackle N ck Lug Joining Shackle

Open Link , Enlarge Link Shackle Direct Join Kenter Shackle
top swaged
. Marking on Cable

. X = Test Certificate Serial No.

. Y = Certifying Authority
. End of the Cable Link Cable Marking Marking C rc Circle Serial
Number of test Certificate Certifying Authority initial
. Securing Cable within the Locker
. Chain Locker Cable End Bitter End Secure
.(i) End Link Chain Locker Bulkhead Steel Lugs H r can n Lock p n

.(ii) Port and Starboard Cable End Links join

.(iii) Cable End Link Chain Locker Upper Part Steel Lug Secure (
For ca ck Secure
. Chain Cable Length ( 9 ) to ( 11 ) Shackles
. Cable Diameter ( 1 W ar down
Docking ၊ Wharf Range Out ၊ Cable
End to End Anchor Three Shackle Locker
( 3 ) Shackle
. Slipping the Cable ( )
.(1) ar oard

( Anchor Acock bill Jacob Ladder ( Acock bill = Hawse Pipe C ar

Vertically )
.(3) Jacob Ladder ( 2 . 5 ) inch Manila Massenger Rope Anchor Ring
Heaving Line
.(4) H a ng Massenger Rope Bow Fair Lead Wire Eye

.(5) Massenger Rope Gipsy Drum Anchor Ca Direction

Massenger Rope r c on
.(6) Manila Wire Anchor Ring ၀ p r m
Wire p r m (5) Windlass Gear Cable
Wire Bitt Secure
.(7) Wire Anchor Bow Fairlead Anchor
Winch -
( no r Wr ( Anchor Ring Bitt Secure .
.(9) Winch Anchor Weight no r Wr (

.(10) Gipsy Drum Wire

.(11) Cable Ganger Shackle n r hack ck Cable Crow ar
Secure Spurling pipe Crow Bar Secure
.(12) Kenter Shackle Side Lead Split Pin
pk Kenter Shackle
.(13) Winch Gear On Cable Hawse Pipe Cable End Link Heaving Line
Up and Down Buoy ad
. Buoy - - -
Moor ng L n ( Port and Starboard Bow Fairlead Ready
. Buoy Approach Buoy Distance Report
Moor ng oa Moor ng L n ( o Secure
o Moor ng L n ( Vessel Bow o
o Moor ng Man Cable Buoy Ring Secure
. Cable Buoy Shackle On Mooring Line Buoy Ring
W nd a Cable
. Bow Fairlead p Wr ( Buoy Ring Opposite Bow Secure
Slip Wire V ’ W gh Just Slack
. Anchoring Terms
.Windrode = V r d ng h ad o w nd ( )
.Tiderode = V r d ng h ad o d ( )
.Lee Tide = da r am ng o L -ward (or own w nd ( ) Water
surface mnm m chop Wind tidal stream force V

.Weather Tide = Tidal Stream ng o W nd-ward (or p w nd ( )

Water surface r chopp wind tide affect V

.Shortening – in = Cable Home

.Growing / Leading = Cable Hawse pipe Direction . ( Growing Aft (or) Forward )
.Short stay = Cable Vertical line Co a and ad ng
.Long stay = Cable Horizon Co a and ad ng ( taut = ၊ )
.Brought – up ( ) = Got her Cable , Come to Anchor Sea Bed
Ho d ng V r d ng o h r anchor and Ca
.Snub Cable = nn ng – o Cable Stop
.Range Cable = Cable Deck , Wharf , Dry – Dock Lay – out
.Veer Cable / Walk Back = Windlass Power Cable
.Walking Back the Anchor = Anchor W nd a
.Surge Cable = Cable Break Windlass Fr n–o
.A ‘ cock – bill = ( Ready to fire ) Anchor Hawse Pipe C ar Vertically
. Foul Anchor ( ) = Anchor Cable Line ( ) Wire
( ) Own Ca
. Foul Hawse = Anchor Cable ၊( Cro
. Clear Hawse = Cable C ar
. Open Hawse = Anchor Cable Bow Direction
L ad ng
. Up and Down = Cable Vertically Leading
. Clearing Anchor = ck Securing Gear Anchor Cable r ak

. Nipped Cable = Cable Direction Hawse Pipe ( m r c on harp

. Render Cable = Brake Slackly Cable ow n–o
. Scope = Hawse Pipe Anchor Cable Hawse Pipe Sea Bed V r ca anc

. Cable Scope = Length of Cable from Hawse Pipe to Anchor

. Vertical Distance from Hawse Pipe to Sea – Bed
. Cable Scope = Amount of Cable to be used

.(1) The Nature of the Holding Ground .

.(2) The Amount of Swinging – Room .
.(3) The Degree of Exposure to Bad Weather .
.(4) The duration of stay at Anchor .
. Roughly Guidance Cable Length (3) to (8) time
. Natural Sheer = Cable is Leading find on it own bowl . ( Ahead One point ( ) One and
Half point Direction Leading
. Breaking Sheer = Cable Bow V aw Extremity of the
yaw Vessel r c on aw Cable Leading
Breaking Sheer
. Dragging = Vessel xc r n- n n ona rf
Cable Weight Vessel Weight Hold on
. Dropping Down = Anchor just Clear of the Sea Bed tidal stream aff c dr f
Dropping down Vessel Speed Over the Ground Weight of
the Stream dd r aff c Control Vessel Control
Engine ( ) Anchor
. Dredging Down = Anchor Short Stay Tidal Stream aff c Vessel rf
Vessel Speed Over the Ground Rate of the Current
Vessel Head Way dd r Vessel Control

. Admiralty Pattern Anchor ( or ) Stock Anchor
. Fisherman’s Anchor --- /
. --
. Stock

Stock Arms / Flukes

. Stock
Shank Stock
Stockless Anchor (2)
. Stock Arms
. ၀ Shank
၀ ( Weight )
(3) (4)
. Stockless Anchor

H ng d o Head Shank ၊ Hinged Bolt Arms Shank
( 5
Flukes Arms Crown Cast Steel
. Hinged Bolt Shackle
Hawse Pipe House

Head ( 3/5 )
၀ ( Weight )
. Admiralty Cast Anchor Type AC – 14 ( High Holding Power Anchor )

. Tanker ၊
. Stockless Anchor Stockless Anchor
H ng d n Crown Shank Hinged Pin Fluke Shank
( 35
. Marks On Anchors ( )
Crown hank ( ) ၊ ( Progressive Number
၊ Crown

. Marks On Cable ( )
. Cable ( 30 ) Cha n Ca

Anchor’s Joining Shackles

.(1) Kenter Lugless Joining Shackle .

(1) Kenter Lugless Joining Shackle .

. . Kenter Lugless Joining Shackle N ck
. Shackle (4)
. Spile Pin Spile Pin
. Shackle Pin ၊ Dovetail Recess

. Kenter Shackle
. . (2) ‘’ D ‘’ Lugged Joining Shackle .

. ‘’ D ‘’ Lugged Joining Shackle

. Shackle Cable Kenter Lugless

. Shackle Shackle ၀ Crown

. Anchor Crown Shackle ‘’ ‘’ o n ng hack ‘’ ‘’ o n ng hack Cable

. ‘’ ‘’ L gg d o n ng hack
. Spile Pin ( steel )
. p n Dovetail Recess Chamber
. Windlass
. Windlass – (3) Steam , Electric Hydraulic Gypsy
(Gipsy) (2) Gipsy Break Gear , Mooring
Drum Main Shaft ၀
Mooring Lines Winch Drum Main Shaft ၀
. Getting Ready to Anchor
.(1) Power on Deck
.(2) Spike , Hammer ( ) Crowbar , Oil Can , Goggles Fore-castle
Hawse Pipe Cover Chain Locker Lashing
.(3) Windlass ar Break
.(4) Windlass am W nd a
Drain Cocks
.(5) Anchor Gear On
( ’ C aw , Lashing , Compressor Bar (or) Bow Stopper , Spurling Pipe ၀

.(7) Gear Break
( Anchor (5,6,7)
.(9) Anchor Hawse Pipe C ar
.(10) Anchor Gear
.(11) Break ar Hawse Pipe
.(12) Break Gear
(13 Anchor ( 10 , 11 , 12 )
. Letting Go the Anchor
. Break Anchor
Break Break Let go
. Shackle (1) Shackle -- (1) Bell , (6) Shackle – (6) Bell
Bow Stopper Break

. Anchor Ball Anchor Light Gear

. Weighting the Anchor
.(1) Hammer ( ) Crowbar , Hose , Oil – Can

( ၀ On Deck
.(3) Windlass Out of Gear Break
.(4) Windlass am W nd a
Drain Cocks
.(5) Anchor Gear
.(6) Locker
.(7) Compressor Bar Lashing r ak

.(8) Anchor Locker Break Bow

Stopper Gear Anchor Ball Anchor Light Gear

. - (1) ( hack (3)

. Securing the Anchor for Sea

.(1) Break Compressor Bar ( ) Bow Stopper Windlass ar
( ’ C aw o cr w
.(3) Hawse Pipe Cover Spurling Pipe Can a
Spurling Pipe ၀
( ၊ Spurling
Pipe Cable ( ၊ Chain Locker

.(4) Gear
. Various Types of Paint
. Primers = Seal
. Under Coats = Primers an
. Anti – Corrosive = h p’ o om Primer
. Anti – Fouling = h p’ ottom Top Coat o ono o Mar n Lf ၀

. Boot – Topping = Exterior of Hull Area

Exterior of Hull Area
. Top – Side = Exterior of the Hull above the Water Line Area
. Gloss or Enamel = Top Coat
. Semi – Gloss = Top Coat
. Bituminous Paint = Primer Top Coat Peaks , Tank , Holds , Bilges

. Chlorinated Rubber = Primer Top Coat (2)

. Aluminium Paint = Cargo Hold ၊ ၊

Bituminous Paint Aluminium Paint Sealer
. Vinyl Paint = Primer , Under Coats , Top Coats , Boot – Topping , Top Side Exterior Superstructure
. Epoxy Paints = (2) Hardener a Base Hardener
Coating Oil Cargo Tank Chemical Tankers
. High Build =
. Non – Slip Paint = Weather Deck (2) ( )
. Airless Spray
. = Gun ( 3000 ) p.s.i ( Lb / in2 )
Airless Spray Gun ၊

. = Airless Spray Gun Ground Gun

၊( )
gh Ang ၀

. = Spray Guns ၊ ၊

၀ ၀ ၀
. Goggles , Gloves Protective Clothing ၀ ၀
Breathing Apparatus

. k o s a

.. Hand Lead Line

. Lead – in method End of Lead .
. Lead – out method End of Lead Lead Line .
. Lead – out method Lead Safety
. Hand Lead ၀ Recess for Arming
. Length of Hand L ad L n ( ) = (25) fathoms = (47.5 m) , Circumference ( =
( mm (or =(1 1 ’’ nch , Ca La d ( L f Hand La d H mp
. (၆) ( )(၇) (၇ =(၃ )
. ( ၁၀ ) ( ၁၄ =(၆ )
.Mark the Line ( 2 ) fathoms = ( Leather with two tails ).
. ( 3 ) fathoms = ( Leather with three tails ).
. ( 5 / 15 ) fathoms = ( White Linen ).
. ( 7 / 17 ) fathoms = ( Red bunting ).
. ( 10 ) fathoms = ( Lather with a hole )
. ( 13) fathoms = ( Blue Serge )
. ( 20 ) fathoms = ( Cord with two Knots )
. ( 9 marks and 11 deeps ) ----- ---- mark
. ----- ---- deep
. --

Chains Weather Side

. Nature of bottom --
. ( Recess ) Tallow ( ) Grease
. Tallow = Bee wax + White Lead
. Hand Lead Line
. -Nature of bottom
. -DR Position
. ၀ ---
. At nine fathoms --- deep nine .
. When no bottom is found -- No o om a ‘’ x z ‘’ fa hom
Ln L ad ng ‘ A rn ‘ -- ‘’ h p go ng Ah ad r ‘’
Ln L ad ng ‘ Ah ad ‘ -- ‘’ h p mo ng A rn r ‘’
. Line remains up and down -- ‘’ h p opp d r ‘’
. Hydrometer
. Hydrometer = Density
. Hydrometer’s Principle

. (Density) ၊ (Density)
(Density) Hydrometer
၊ (Density) Hydrometer
. Hydrometer Hydrometer ၊ Hydrometer
. Dock Water Density .

. Hydrometer
Discharge Pipe ၀ ( ( Mid-ships Point )
( 5 ၊ ( 1
Density Fresh Water ck
Hydrometer Hydrometer
rfac n on Hydrometer Hydrometer
Reading Dock Water Density
. ( 10 ) Density (1 1 kg m
. Whistle
. Whistle means any sound signaling appliance capable of producing the prescribed blasts and which
complies with the specifications in annex (III) to these regulation .
. (၃)

( 100 ) ၀
၊ ၊
. (1 Whistle (1)
. (100) Whistle (1) (100) ၊

. Whistle ၀ ၀
. V/L Less than (20) m -------------- 0.5 miles
. (20) –-- (75) m ------------- 1.0 miles
. (75) --- (200) m ------------- 1.5 miles
. (200) m (or) more ------------- 2.o miles
. Bell ( or ) Gong
. Shall be made of corrosion resistant material and designed to give clear tone .

V L no mor han ( m --------- ( mm ( ၀ )

V L mor han ( m --------- ( 3 mm ( ၀ )
. Bell Striker
. Not less than ( 3 )% of the Mass of Bell .
( 3 )%
. Gong
(1 m V/L must be provided with a gong (or) other instrument .
M d Gong
( 4 ) Cables
(1) =(1 Ca =(
. Pilot Ladders
. Pilot convenient access to the vessel after climbing not less than (5)ft = (1.5)m , not more than
(30)ft = (9)m .
. Free - board ( 1.5 ) m to ( 9 ) m
. Free – board (9)m Accommodation Ladder Pilot

( 480 )mm ( 115 )mm , ( 25 )mm

pr ad r ( Spreader
( 1800 -- 2000 ) mm , ( 115 ) mm , ( 25 ) mm
၀ ( 300 ) mm --- ( 389 ) mm
. Side Ropes ( 18 ) mm
. Man Rope ( 28 ) mm
. (4) (5) Spreader ၊ (9)

.Bulwark Ladder ၀ / wark Ladd r’ anch on ၀

( 700 mm ---- 800 mm ) Stanchions Bulwark ( 1200 ) mm
. Life – Line
. Accommodation Ladder and Gang-way
. – At least ( 560 ) mm in width .
. – ( 2 ) Guard Rail ( or ) Life – Line on each side . Upper Rail ( or ) Life – Line should be at a high of
( 910 ) mm .
. ( At Night ) provided light , life – buoy and life – line .
. Gang-way
. A narrow platform placed between ship and shore for embarkation and disembarkation , called a
Gang-way . Wooden gang-way , do not paint .
ang-wa Safety Net , strong point

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