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CSN Education  Department - Field 

Observation  Activities Packet   

Greetings Future Educator,  
One of the most rewarding aspects of EDU 201, EDU 202 and EDU 203 is the opportunity you’ll have to observe 
in a school classroom where students are actively engaged in learning. Each of these three CSN courses require 
all students to complete a 10 hour "Field Observation" in a Clark County public school.  
Once your placement is processed, you will receive details regarding your assigned school from your CSN 
professor. Only then, will you contact the school and meet with your CCSD “cooperating teacher”. Both you and 
your cooperating teacher will design a mutually agreeable schedule to complete your required contact hours 
once you meet for the first time.  
Within this packet, you will find the required field experience assignments and other documents that you must 
complete in order to pass this class. 
Your Name: ​>>> Destini Davenport 
CSN Course: ​>>> EDU 203: Introduction to Special Education 
Professor: ​>>> Vicki Reiger  
Professor’s email: ​>>> 
CCSD School: ​>>> Bonner Elementary  
Cooperating Teacher: ​>>> Denise Carson 
Save this completed packet for this class, and your Education Capstone Course, (EDU 299). Your CSN instructor 
will let you know their required format for submitting the observation assignments within this packet. 
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1.​ Locate your assigned school on a map, or via the CCSD website, and arrive during the ​Initial Visitation Week 
dates provided to you by your CSN instructor. This initial visit will be your chance to gather information about 
your assigned cooperating CCSD teacher. School locations and other information can be found on the CCSD 
web site at 
2.​ Pre-plan for an on-time arrival, and make sure that all interaction with CCSD employees and students is 
respectful, courteous, and professional. You are a guest in their school, and a representative of this class and 
the college. CCSD is allowing you to visit their school to further your understanding of the teaching profession. It 
is imperative that your actions reflect a willingness to learn, and are reflective of a future professional educator.  
3.​ The first half of your field observation/experience will be centered around learning about the school you were 
assigned, and focusing on the general and unique characteristics of its culture. You will be looking at and 
reflecting upon things that are going on in the classroom at the school level that you were assigned. You are 
simply observing during this time. Your cooperating teacher will give you guidance on how your experience can 
be expanded beyond simple observations, when he/she feels comfortable with your professionalism and skills.  
Check in at the school office and let the Office Manager know that you are a CSN Education student who has
been placed with a cooperating teacher at their school for Field Observation. Be patient while the information
you’ll need is located by the Office Manager. The request for placement came through Interact™ from our Field
Observation Coordinator, and has been pre-approved by the school’s administrator. During this initial visit, some
of you may be sent directly to the classroom to meet your cooperating teacher, some of you may be given contact
information for the cooperating teacher, and then will return on a different day for your first classroom visit. 
Introduce yourself to your assigned Cooperating Teacher. Since this is your first visit, ask the teacher where 
he/she would like you to sit while you complete your observation hours for this CSN Introduction to Education 
class. Show the teacher this “Field Observation Activities Packet”, as well as the last 3 pages which contain the 
“Cooperating Teacher Information”​, the ​“Time Log”​ and ​“Field Observation Student Evaluation”​ pages. 
Let the teacher know that you will be taking notes during the observation for your packet assignments, and that 
you will be asking him/her to verify your hours of attendance, and evaluate your participation once the total 
observation hours are complete. 
Standards of Conduct 
You are student representatives of the CSN Education Department and the teaching profession. Candidates are 
expected to maintain high standards of personal and professional ethics. 
Attendance and Punctuality 
Regular attendance and punctuality are mandatory. Once you plan a schedule with the 
cooperating teacher, this becomes an agreement in which you are expected to adhere to. You are expected to 
sign in and out at the school (as required by the school office and/or program). In case of illness or emergency, 
you must contact the assigned school and let them know you will not be in attendance on that day so they can 
notify your cooperating teacher. 
You should exercise respectful discretion when voicing your personal views. It is important that your demeanor 
and opinions remain confidential. Under no circumstances can information about any students be released to, 
or discussed with, any unauthorized person. It is forbidden to have any contact with students outside of the 
classroom you are assigned. This restriction also includes CSN students contacting CCSD students using any 
electronic means or through the use of social media. 
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Dress Code 
CSN Department of Education wants you to be a success. Therefore we have established a dress code for 
students fulfilling their observation requirement in the assigned school district. Appearance creates credibility; 
make a good first impression by dressing professionally. 
Required Acceptable Attire: 
• Shirts with collars 
• Ties (optional) with button down shirts 
• Khakis, trousers, slacks; belts if pants have loops, (no sagging, rips or tears) 
• Simple jewelry 
• Shoes and socks that cover the toes and heels 
• Shirts or blouses that cover the shoulders & waist; no see-through or mesh 
• Sweaters worn over shirt 
• Pants, pantsuits, khakis, trousers, slacks (no sagging, rips or tears) 
• Jumpers, dresses, skirts (in length from 2" above the knee to the ankle)  
• Shoes and socks that cover the toes and heels 
• Leggings worn under dresses/skirts/jumpers 
• Simple jewelry or none 
• Little (daytime) make-up 
Not Acceptable Attire:​ jeans, shorts, tank tops, halter tops, muscle T-shirts, tight fitting clothing, warm-ups, 
sandals, flip flops, stilettos; no cleavage showing, no sagging or frayed hems; no head covering except for 
religious reasons, such as a yarmulke or turban-like. No nontraditional hair colors/styles. Undergarments and 
tattoos should be covered. Remove facial jewelry. No perfume. ​*School principal/supervisor has the sole 
discretion on questionable clothing or appearance that distracts from student learning. 
Classroom Conduct: 
At all times, the cooperating teacher maintains legal responsibility for pupils in his or her classroom. You should 
never assume that responsibility and be left unsupervised with children. You should not discipline students. You 
are an observer, who should take notes to discuss during your next education class meeting, or to record in your 
Field Observation packet. 
Professional Conduct: 
Never speak to staff or students in an abusive manner. 
Never touch or be alone with a student for any reason. 
Never give a student food, drink, or other items without the teacher’s permission. 
Never take photos/video of students or staff without written permission from the principal. 
Never make or accept calls/text using any communication device. 
REVIEW THE TERMS of the CCSD Waiver Forms you agreed to: 
“Student Statement of Responsibility” (Exhibit B)   
“Student Confidentiality Statement” (Exhibit C)     
These 2 waiver documents MUST be ​agreed​ to during the Field Observation registration process in order to 
secure your placement. Completion of the Field Observation is a PASS/FAIL component of the course. 
ASSIGNMENT 1 (Observations): ​After arrival, take a seat in a nonintrusive location to begin your classroom 
observations. Complete the questions below: 
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Observation 1:​ What are your first impressions of the classroom environment? Is it warm, inviting, organized, 
etc? Describe the physical environment in detail. ​>>> The classroom is cool, friendly, and well- organized. It 
is very spacious and colorful. On the walls are all learning posters that the students can use for help with 
Observation 2:​ Please describe the student make-up of the class, including gender, ethnicity, ELL, students 
with physical challenges, and any other apparent attributes that are important to note. ​>>> There are two 
Soecial education students and there are several mixed ethnicities. There is a make up of 11 boys and 9 
girls in the classroom. 
Observation 3:​ What are the posted class rules in the room? (exactly as written) ​>>> The rules written in 
classroom are no yelling, to be helpful, to be nice, to not be bossy, to always be on your best effort, to be 
respectful, to not touch other students items that don’t belong to you, and to always be polite. 
Observation 4: ​Does the teacher enforce these posted rules? Are rewards or consequences being used for 
compliance or noncompliance? ​>>> Yes the teacher enforces these rules and Yes, there are rewards. There 
rewards are to clip their behaviors on a board by her desk and if you get clipped to outstanding and stay 
there all day you will recieve free computer time to play any educational game.  
ASSIGNMENT 2 (Classroom Layout): ​Use graph paper or drawing software to create an accurate overhead 
view, labeled drawing, of your assigned classroom before answering the questions below 

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Classroom Layout Question 1:​ Describe the workflow of the room. Is the space used efficiently? ​>>> Yes, the 
classroom has pertly of doom it has two long desk ith chairs that fits all the students. 
Classroom Layout Question 2:​ In your opinion, how can the physical arrangement of the room be improved? 
>>> I think the classroom is well suited for the number of students and the space occupies all the 
learning instruments and tools. 
ASSIGNMENT 3 (Instruction): ​Observe any instructional time in your assigned classroom, and record your 
observations when presented with the questions below:  
Instruction Question 1:​ What is the posted daily schedule for different subjects or periods? ​>>> The daily 
schedule is at 8:05 the students do writing, at 9:05 they switch to art, at 9:55 they work on mathematics, 
at 11:50 they have recess/lunch, at 12:30 they do reading, and lastly, at 1:40 they do science. 
Instruction Question 2:​ Is instruction done in small groups, centers, whole groups, individual? ​>>> ​ ​The 
instruction is mainly individual but, the teacher does do some instruction in whole groups. 

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Instruction Question 3:​ How would you describe your cooperating teacher’s teaching style? ​>>> The teachers 
teaching style is very informative and hands on. 
Instruction Question 4: ​Does the teacher incorporate the sensory modalities (learning styles)? If so, give 
examples. ​>>> In the Special Education classroom I was also, observing for the teacher used sensory 
modalities which helped for a student who could not understand the concept of adding numbers 
Instruction Question 5:​ Do the students seem engaged in the lesson(s) that are being presented? Please 
explain. ​>>> Yes, the students are engaged in the lessons. They are active listeners and are aware of the 
teachers instructions. 
Instruction Question 6:​ Are there any students isolated from the rest of the class for any reason? Why? ​>>> 
Yes, there are two students who are isolated because of learning behaviors. 
Instruction Question 7:​ Is instructional time managed efficiently? Please explain ​>>> Yes, time is managed 
efficiently because each subject is broken up in time management. 
Instruction Question 8:​ How does the cooperating teacher handle transitions from one subject or period to 
another, and are these transitions efficient? ​>>> She does one subject at a time is very hands on with each 
subject. She walks around to make sure every student is on task and doesn’t need help. When they 
switch to another assignment/ lesson the students get up walk clockwise around their desks to the turn 
in bin and say, “Tik tok around the clock”. This allows them to get up and turn in their assignment and get 
ready for another lesson. 
Instruction Question 9:​ List ways that the teacher attempts any “attention getting” commands? (Ex: 
Countdown, Light flicker, Heads on Desk) How effective are they? ​>>> The teachers attention getters are 
more vocal she uses warnings or moves student down in a 7 step process. Which is Outstanding, Good , 
Ready to learn, Too talkative, Call to parents, and Talk with principal.  
Instruction Question 10:​ What specific behavior issues does the teacher have to deal with? How does the 
teacher deal with these behavior issues? Be specific. ​>>> The teacher has to deal with a student with no 
concept in understanding lessons. With this student she is very patient and understanding and carefully 
goes through the lessons in a better way so that student can understand.  
Instruction Question 11:​ Are there any policies or procedures in place that help or hinder instructional time? If 
so, explain them and how they help or hinder use of instructional time. ​>>> If there was a fire drill or hard lock 
down this may hinder instructional time. They hinder instructional time by hindering the time for the set 
schedule for the lessons needed to teacher each student. This disallows the teacher enough time to work 
with her student on each subject. 
ASSIGNMENT 4 (Culture): ​Using the information provided below, carefully observe and evaluate the culture of 
the school where you are assigned to observe. Remember you are evaluating the school for its educational 
culture, place of learning, sense of safety, invitation for learning, promotion of self-actualization, development of 
values and socialization. 
Physical Characteristics: ​Look at the physical areas of the school to determine atmosphere, comfort, and 
feelings the school creates for students in the educational setting.  
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1. ​Consider the school property: building, grounds, fencing, equipment, landscaping, trees, parking lot, 
crosswalks, gates, signs and symbols. ​>>> The school is very clean, trees are well- trimmed, and 
crosswalks are well marked with crossing guards available when the children get out of school.  
2.​ Next, study the interior of the school: halls, floor coverings, lighting, doors, windows, hall colors and 
decorations and entrance security. ​>>> The inside is clean with the help of the 3 handy Janitors in 
the lunchroom and school at all times, the lights are all working and brighter in the classrooms to 
help the students working process, the colors are white, orange, and light blue, and you have to 
be buzzed in to the office door and the classroom doors and doors around school remain locked 
after they are closed. 
Culture of the School: ​Read, listen and observe to determine the climate, values, and atmosphere within the 
1.​ Identify the school’s mission statement, motto, and mascot. ​>>> The schools mascot is a Bobcat. 
The motto is “ To Be Kind and Work hard”. 
2. ​Analyze staff and visitor interactions in the main office. Note student and faculty interactions in other 
areas of the school. ​>>> Every staff is very friendly to one another and they interact with a smile. 
3. ​Look at the formal practices: School bell schedule, and the grouping of students. (ie. grades, block 
scheduling, periods) Does the school use inclusion, or a pull-out program for special education 
students? ​>>> The bell schedule is 8:00a.m. - 2:11p.m. The school does use inclusion for Special 
Education. This is only just to work on they problem areas for a hour or so then, the Special 
Education students get sent to regular classrooms. 
4.​ Observe student-to-student interactions, inside and outside of the building. Observe where students 
gather to socialize – lunchroom, halls, playground, etc. ​>>> The students socialize on the playground 
and in the lunchroom. 
5. ​Examine school traditions, achievements and awards; community recognition or community partners; 
extracurricular activities/clubs and athletics. Look for and document sources of community pride and 
sense of identity through ceremonies, assemblies, trophies, and artifacts. ​>>> School traditions is the 
Bonner run for education, muffins for Moms, Dounts for Dads, Family night, school spirit days, 
career day, and their several fun, and amazing field trips. Achievements and awards are the 
school was award in 2014 The National Blue Ribbon Award. Community recognition is this school 
is recognized as the safest and most hard working elementary school. A few of there Activities/ 
clubs and athletics are Cheerleading, Band, Flag football, Basketball, Soccor, Music club, Dance 
club, and Color guard. 
Culture of the Classroom: ​ ​Each classroom has its own culture and way of life. 
1.​ Look for teacher(s) expectations for learning and success, interactions with students, and his/her 
personality. ​>>> The teacher wants to seee each of her student succeed. She interacts with her 
students in a calm and respectful manner. Her personality is sweet and loving. 
2. ​Evaluate the level of student participation in the class. Who participates? Who does not? What 
modifications, accommodations, and/or inclusion techniques were observed? ​>>> The whole class 
participates, and the student with special accommodations has a little trouble listening and 
staying still. There are no inclusion techniques. 
3. ​Evaluate the interactions between teachers and students, rapport, cohesiveness, distribution of 
power, tone, frequency and reinforcements. ​>>> The interactions between teachers and students are 
very sweet, and calm. There are different tones for each relationships between teacher and 
students it depends if they were either behaving in a “good” or “bad” way. 

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ASSIGNMENT 5 (Cooperating Teacher Interview): ​Complete the questions below by interviewing your 
cooperating teacher during a convenient time. Include any school documents that your cooperating teacher will 
allow you to photocopy for your packet.  
Interview Question 1:​ What was the primary reason you became a teacher? ​>>> The primary reason she 
became a teacher is from peer influence. Her major was pyschology and she changed because her 
friends in college were talking her into how great teaching would be and how it will be a job she can stay 
employed forever. So, as of now she has been teaching or 21 years.  
Interview Question 2:​ What are the main challenges you face as a teacher? ​>>> The main challenges she 
faces as a teacher is she doesn’t always agree with the district and she believes that the distrit does not 
really care for the students. 
Interview Question 3:​ What is the best part of being a teacher? ​>>> The best part for her about being at 
teacher is the children/ kids. 
Interview Question 4:​ How do you determine where students sit in class? ​>>> How she determines where the 
students sit in the class is it usually takes her three days where the students sit where they want. Then 
after a week she is starting to get a feel of each students personality and then places them in the sit they 
are needed to be in her classroom. 
Interview Question 5:​ How do you determine the members of any flexible groups? ​>>> How she determines 
he members of any flexible groups is she gives a test or observation to see who is struggling and she see 
where she can fit those students who are having similar academic problems and places them together. 
Interview Question 6: ​Beyond standardized testing, what assessments do you use regularly? ​>>> What 
assessments she gives regularly is common tests/ assessments. She also works we other 2nd grade 
teachers and they all give the same types of tests. 
Interview Question 7:​ What requirements are placed on you for reporting progress to parents? ​>>> ​ ​What 
requirements are placed on her for reporting progress to parents is that send a weekly progress report to 
the parents so they can see their academic success each week. 
Interview Question 8:​ How often do you interact with a student’s parents in person, and what type of 
discussions do you typically have? ​>>> How often she interacts with the students parents in person is daily 
or when necessary. What type of discussions she typically has is the students behavior in class and if 
they did well or a assignment or if they are struggling on a assignment. 
Interview Question 9:​ How much grading do you complete on a daily/weekly basis? ​>>> How much grading 
does she complete on a daily and weekly basis is a lot of grading and for math she is grading more than 
five times a week. 
Interview Question 10: ​How long does it take to prepare lessons for the day/week? ​>>> How long does it take 
her to prepare lessons is it varies. She does a group grading with the 2nd grade teachers. 
Interview Question 11:​ What procedures or strategies do you use to maximize instructional time? ​>>> What 
procedures / strategies does she use to maximize instructional time is everything done in class 
maximizes the students instructional time. 

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Interview Question 12:​ What positive reinforcement programs have you had success with, and what behavioral 
consequences seem most effective with this age group? ​>>> What positive reinforcement programs does 
she have success with is champs, love or logic, kahgen and what behavioral consequences does she 
seem most effective for this age group is clip up and clip down, silence rules, and consequences based 
on actions 
Interview Question 13:​ How are specialist teachers involved in the instructional planning process? ​>>> How 
specialist teachers are involved in instructional process is she said that they are not really involved. She 
instructs every lesson and plans and makes every lesson plan. 
Interview Question 14:​ How often are you evaluated, and what measurement tool is used by the administration 
for determining your teaching performance? ​>>> How often is she evaluated is once a month and what 
measurement tool is used by the administration for determining her teasching performance is NEP’s. 
Interview Question 15: ​What consequences are there if your evaluation is not favorable? ​>>> What 
consequences are there her evaluation is not favorable is they will get written up and they will lose their 
Interview Question 16:​ What types of support do you receive instructionally, financially, or professionally from 
the school, parent organization or school district to enhance instruction? ​>>> The type of support she receives 
instructionally is PD, financially is the parents help by given money for activities for children and/ or 
supplies for their children, and professionally from the school PTO provides them with gifts and events. 
All of these help the school district to enhance instruction and provide the students with materials.  
Interview Question 17:​ What surprised you most about teaching as a profession? ​>>> What surprised her the 
most about teaching as a profession is how much it changed from the beginning to now. She feels that 
school districts don’t allow students to go through the developmental stage like they are suppose too. 
She quoted say that, “ She would like me to teach my students how I want to teach them and not how the 
district wants me to teach them”.  
ASSIGNMENT 6 (Observing a student): ​Discretely observe one student in your assigned classroom during an 
extended period of direct instruction. Detail what was going on in the environment, and what you observed the 
student doing while the lesson was being given. Make sure to document ALL behavior in relationship to what was 
being presented by the classroom teacher. Please describe the setting, the lesson that was given, if the student 
was on task and engaged in the lesson, and what you uncovered about putting yourself in a lesson from the 
student’s point of view.  
>>> What is going on in the environment is they are following long in the same book that the teacher is 
reading. They are learning vocabulary words and learning what each word means. They are acting it the 
word and saying the word. The student I am observing is sitting down on the carpet in the middle of he 
room like the rest of his classmates and he is following a long. The student then got up walked around 
the classroom to go by the door to blow his nose and this took him awhile. He was obviously not 
following a long but, when he got finished he sat down and by now the teacher was transitioning to 
another book. So, the class had to get up and go to their desks and pull out their second textbook. The 
student I was observing did just that and got his second book out and walk back to the carpet to sit 
down. The student transitions to the other book and this time the teacher wanted the students to read it 
silencely to themselves first then they would read it together. The student was very engaged and was also 
raising his hand to answer the teachers questions. If I would put myself into the lesson from the students 
point of view is I would be paying attention and following all the teachers instructions. I would also be the 
type of student who would not always be the one to answer questions. I feel it is important to be open 
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minded as a student and very involved in the lesson. To make sure you came out of class at least know 
one thing you did not know coming in to the class.  
ASSIGNMENT 7 (Summary): ​Thoroughly summarize and reflect upon your entire 10 hour Field Observation 
>>> For this observation, I observed in a Second-grade elementary school classroom at Bonner 
Elementary School in Las Vegas. The teacher, Mrs. Carson, she has been teaching full time for the past 
twenty-one years but her original major was not always teaching. She wanted to major in Psychology 
but, her friends influenced her that teaching was a better route. Which, is a perfect decision now 
becauseshe loves the environment and the children. She has a class of about 21 students but as of 
recently many of her students are moving away and changing school districts. She really seems to be 
passionate about teaching but may appear overly strict with the children. The physical classroom 
environment is very small, her class is in the very back of the school and is in the new buildings 
classrooms. These were built just recently because the main building could not fit all of the students. 
This way the classroom is arrange into stations, the desks are in the center of the room divided into six 
sets of five. There are only two desks in the room that the students sit in for lessons. There are also desks 
in the back of the room for computer time for a few students in the classroom who have been good 
enough to earn their time to do something fun and educational. The balanced between the teacher voice 
and the students is very balanced. When the teacher is talking she is only one who is allowed to talk it, if 
the sudent has a question they have to quietly raise their hand in order to get their question addressed. 
This is during class time unless she calls on you to talk, even when students are in their rotation groups, 
they are only allowed to whisper to each other and if they do not then they are quietly told to lower their 
voice or they get pinned down on a behavioral board in the classroom by the teachers desk. The balance 
between student and student voices is minimal when the children talk to each other they can only in a 
whisper and only say one sentence or just discuss what is going on in the lesson. The noise level in the 
classroom is almost always extremely quiet and everyone can hear all the other voices of other students 
especially those speaking but, when they are working they are silent but between activities they are very 
loud and very discussive. Risk taking in the classroom is somewhat encouraged in the classroom, many 
students when they do take a risk they are immediately held by a teacher or their fellow student with the 
correct answer. They are never shot down or call out for having incorrect answer. The teacher will be 
kinder about the approach she takes to correct the child if their risk fails. She will always tell them to 
check their thinking and give them a chance to correct it. While they are correcting their answer she will 
move on to another child to answer. This classroom was very interactive and they use a lot of 
problem-solving and step by step thought processes. The teacher did her very best and incorporated 
every student in the classroom regardless of disabilty. One lesson I will take with me when I begin my 
teaching and I have my own classroom. I will always remember what Mrs. Carson told me,” Teach your 
students how you want to teach them and not how the district wants to teach them”.  
Before final grading for EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 courses can occur, the CSN student must submit their 
completed ​Field Observation Activities Packet​, ​Time Log​, and ​Student Evaluation​ to their CSN instructor for 
grading. The student must also provide the CCSD cooperating teacher with their CSN professor’s contact 
information, so the cooperating teacher can send a quick email validation that the student completed their 10 
hours before the final exam date.   
The instructor’s email can be found on the first page of this packet, and on the next page.  
Remember to save this completed packet in digital form, or as a hard copy for the 
Education Department’s capstone course, (EDU 299) 

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Dear Cooperating Teacher, 
Thank you for assisting in the preparation of a new generation of Nevada teachers. Our education majors are 
required to complete 10 field observation hours in these courses: 
EDU 201 Introduction To Elementary Education 
EDU 202 Introduction To Secondary Education  
EDU 203 Introduction To Special Education 
This class is where many of our students actually make the decision whether they will continue further study of 
the profession. We appreciate you joining us in providing these students with a wonderful first experience in the 
classroom. If at all possible, please utilize the student to assist you in supervised classroom instructional 
activities if you deem them ready. 
We are hopeful that the information we have enclosed with this letter, which has been approved by the Nevada 
College Consortium, will help you with a clear sense of how this field experience works.  
When the student has completed his/her required observation hours, please complete and sign the ​“FIELD 
Then, return these two pages to the student who will submit them to his/her professor. For your convenience, 
the student has provided you with CSN contact information below. Please contact the CSN instructor if there 
are any questions or concerns. 
Also, before a final grade for EDU 201, EDU 202, or EDU 203 courses can be assigned, the CSN professor 
MUST receive your official email verification that the student successfully completed his/her 10 hours. Please 
also “cc” the student on this email as soon as the student has completed the 10 contact hours. The student 
WILL NOT​ receive a final grade in the course until the email is received from you.  
CSN Course # & name: ​>>> EDU 203: # 3001 And Introduction to Special Education 
CSN Professor: ​>>> Vicki Reiger 
CSN Professor’s phone: ​>>> 702-217-3250 
CSN Professor’s email: ​>>> 
Student’s name: ​>>> Destini Davenport  
Student’s email: ​>>> 
Should you have any concerns or questions about this process, please feel free to contact the instructor directly, 
or the CSN Education Department at: (702) 651-4400. 
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TIME LOG - ​CSN Field Observations   
CSN Student: ​>>> Destini Davenport 
CSN Instructor: ​>>> Vicki Reiger 
CCSD School Assigned: ​>>> Bonner Elementary  
CCSD Cooperating Teacher: ​>>> Denise Carson 
CCSD Grade/Department: ​>>> 2nd Grade 
CCSD School Principal: ​>>> Erin McCarthy 
CCSD School Phone & Fax: (702) ​>>> 799-6050 ​ (702) ​>>> 
Record accurate data for all school visitations in the table below 

09/30/19 11:30a.m. 12:30p.m. 1 1/2 hr DC

10/7/19 12:30p.m. 2:11p.m. 2 hr DC
10/14/19 12:30p.m. 2:11p.m. 2 hr DC
10/21/19 12:30p.m. 2:11p.m. 2 hr DC
10/28/19 12:30p.m. 2:11p.m. 2 hr DC
11/04/19 12:30 p.m. 2:11p.m. 2hr DC


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TOTAL HOURS: 11 1/2 
Cooperating Teacher Signature: ____________________Denise Carson___________ Date: 
FIELD OBSERVATION STUDENT EVALUATION​ - completed by Cooperating CCSD teacher   
Please complete the following evaluation using the Performance Indicator Scores below (with the student) once 
the total observation hours are met. Your constructive comments are extremely valuable to the student. This 
page should be returned to the student along with their ​Time Log​. If you prefer to fax or mail the completed 

CSN Field Observation Packet  © CSN Education Department 2017 Page 14 
documents, you may do so by sending it to the CSN Professor’s attention via Fax: (702) 651-4908 or through 
regular US mail to:  
CSN North Las Vegas Campus - Education Dept. 
3200 E. Cheyenne Ave.   
Las Vegas, NV 89030-4228 
Enter the appropriate “Performance Indicator Score” in the spaces below  
(4)=exemplary (3)=consistent level (2)=not consistent (1)=lacking  
__4___ Professional appearance, adherence to CCSD dress code   

_4____ Reliability, punctuality    

___4__ Communicates effectively with teachers and staff 

___4__ Demonstrates manners, graciousness     

__4___ Reflects upon observations using critical thinking   

__4___ Demonstrates enthusiasm and curiosity toward the profession 

___4__ Models respectful behavior with students 

__4___ Uses appropriate language 

__4___ Exhibits pre-service educator success indicators 


CSN Field Observation Packet  © CSN Education Department 2017 Page 15 
Cooperating Teacher’s Signature: ______________________________Denise Carson____ Date:___11/4/19_______ 

CSN Field Observation Packet  © CSN Education Department 2017 Page 16 

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