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In this Modern World, people’s life depends on the availability of electricity.

Without electricity you could be less competitive in terms of communication, news,

entertainment, health and productivity. Modern technology needs huge amount of

electrical power for its various operation. The Human population is increasing day by

day hence the demand also of electricity is increasing.

As time passes by, many people are making or inventing new equipment or

machines in order to produce electricity but some of these new invented machines are

very expensive and some people cannot afford to have it. However, some inventors are

inventing machines that use natural resources (Bejec, 2015).

One of the most common activity of human is walking. Every time the person

walks, he loses some energy to road surface in the form of vibration due to transfer of

his weight on to the road surface, every step resulting losing kinetic energy. Using the

piezoelectric transducer, we can convert this step in to electricity.

The researcher will make use of the waste kinetic energy into electrical energy

that every time they walk in the flatform, the weight of the person compresses the

piezoelectric transducer that produce electrical power. Then the generated power is

stored in the battery to power small electronic devices such as cellphone, laptop and



The main objectives of the study are:

1. To design and construct Power Generation Through Footstep.

Significance of the Study

This study is very useful in the area where people always passing by. It is

especially suited for implementation in crowded area. This study is also useful in times

of emergencies, for example, if there is power interruption, it will help power up small

electrical devices like cell/smartphones, small LED bulbs, etc. While harvesting its

power and storing it a battery will be an advantage in the future or emergency use and

help lessen the energy consumption from the grid.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will cover the construction and designing footstep power generation

through footstep. This project is applicable in the place where people usually walk or in

the crowded area to generate more electricity. The piezoelectric must not contact with

water since the water is a good conductor and will cause our circuit to short. The

purpose of this study is for producing electricity to use in small scale application such as

charging phones and lighting a LED bulb and store the energy into the battery.

Operational Definition of Terms

Bride rectifier- the piezoelectric transducer produces alternating current to convert it to

direct current we use bridge rectifier.

Piezoelectric transducer- a device that can generate electricity through pressure

Diode- a device that prevents the current from going back to the generator

Battery – storage of the electricity produced by the piezoelectric transducer



This chapter is the process of identifying, collecting, and review articles/thesis as well as

selecting and citing passages within the articles and unpublished thesis that are

relevant to the process project.

1. Energy harvesting using piezoelectric materials

In this experiment they try to compare the two kind of piezoelectric materials. It

presented to achieve the objective of energy harvesting from vibrational sources

through piezoelectric sensor. In this analysis, two piezoelectric buzzers: 27 mm

buzzer and 35 mm buzzer were used to carry out the experiment. The

experimental set-up includes an electro-dynamic shaker, function generator and

a power amplifier. the Buzzer that has a thickness of 35 mm gave maximum

output at resonant frequency of 23 Hz and 57 g of mechanical stress while

buzzer of thickness 27 mm gave maximum output at resonant frequency of 25 Hz

and 27 g of weight. The paper also presents some important applications of

piezoelectricity in day-to-day life.” (Tushar Nayyar,et al. 2016, Dec 14)


2. Piezoelectric energy harvester using impact-driven flexible

Side-walls for human-limb motion

This paper aims to introduce a human-limb-driven piezoelectric energy harvester

 using two mass-charged unimorphic piezoelectric beams clamped 

on two transparent sidewalls. Since the energy produced by human-limb motion has 

low-frequency and high amplitude characteristics, the energy harvester has been

designed to up-convert the low-frequency human-limb vibration by mechanical

impact of a spring less spherical metallic ball. So instead of direct mechanical impact

on the generating power elements (unimorph piezoelectric beams), the ball impacts

on the bases (flexible sidewalls) of each beam to avoid mechanical wear of the

piezo-sensor. While excited by human-limb motion, the ball impacts consecutively

on the flexible sidewalls which transfer impulsive forces to the loaded mass of the

respective unimorph beam.

The beam vibrates at its own resonant frequency and induces the generation of volta

ge due to the piezoelectric effect. A proof-of-concept prototype has been fabricated

and tested. At optimum load condition, each unimorph piezoelectric generator

generates 96 µW average power while excited at 4.96 Hz frequency and ~2g

acceleration. The device with series connected generators is capable of generating

maximum 175 µW average power. Improved design and further optimization would

be able to increase its power generation capability (as well as power density) to be

used in wearable devices applications. (Halim, M.A. & Park, J.Y. Microsyst Technol


3. Piezoelectric Power Generator

The piezoelectric power generator can be used regardless of the size of the parts 

and can place the mass center of the mass at the core by disposing of the free e

nds of the cantilevers opposite each other while connecting a plurality of cantilev

ers in order.The piezoelectric power generator is a morph structure cantilever

piezoelectric power generator having at least two cantilevers disposed with their

free ends opposite to each other, and a mass that is one body provided for

bending of the cantilevers” (King et al ,2015 Jan 8).

4. Piezoelectric Power Generating Tre Apparatus

ABSTRACT” A system and apparatus for generating electricity via at least one

piezoelectric cable embedded within the tires of a vehicle is described. Electricity

is converted from pressure exerted by the weight of the car compressing on the

outer circumference of the tires as the tire rotates. The electricity is converted via

the piezoelectric cable, and is then conveyed by induction to reinforce and

supplement the electrical of the vehicle. The apparatus is configured as a

Publication Classification See circuit, facilitating circuit to harden or soften the

piezoelectric cable, and therefore stiffen or soften the overall ride of the equipped

with the apparatus. (Navarro et al. 2017, Mar 03).



This paper aim to introduce the effect of piezoelectric. Piezoelectricity (also called

the piezoelectric effect) is the appearance of an electrical potential (a voltage, in other

words) across the sides of a crystal when you subject it to mechanical stress (by

squeezing it).In practice, the crystal becomes a kind of tiny battery with a positive

charge on one face and a negative charge on the opposite face; current flows if we

connect the two faces together to make a circuit. In the reverse piezoelectric effect, a

crystal becomes mechanically stressed (deformed in shape) when a voltage is applied

across its opposite faces. (Woodford,Chris,2018).

Conceptual Framework

The conceptualization of the study starts with input followed by the throughput

and the output process as shown in figure 1. The input includes the ideas taken from

the book, internet, and other references related to the study, together with the supplies,

materials, and equipment. The throughput includes, the planning, designing,

constructing, testing, and revising if some failure in the operation occurs. The expected

output of the study is the complete Power Generation Through Footstep.

1. Planning
2. Designing
1. Ideas & 1. Planning Testing
References 2. Designing 5. Revising
2. RRL 3. Constructing Power Generation
3. Materials 4. Testing Through Footstep
4. Tools 5. Revising

Fig. 1 Conceptual Framework of the Study


This chapter consist of techniques and procedures in designing used in developing and

fulfilling the objectives of the study.

Methods and Techniques

The method and procedures in making Power generation Through Footstep follow

different procedures;

1.Design Procedure

a. Prepare the conceptual design of Footstep Power Generation Through

Footstep. Identify all components that are supposed to be included starting from

the most to the least important. Make sure that you have everything you need to

make the project to avoid going back to the start.


Operational Materials

The materials and equipment needed for the project with their corresponding

quantity, unit, description, and cost are shown in Appendix A.

Tools and Equipment Needed

The tools and equipment needed with their corresponding function are shown in

Appendix B.

Construction Procedure

The following are the step by step procedures of construction;

1.For constructing flooring tiles procedures are;

a. Cut the plywood according to the plan with the correct dimension.

b. A hole will be placed in every corner of the plywood.

c. Assemble the plywood using nuts and bolts and spring.

2. For the piezoelectric sensor and the rectifier;

a. Place a foam at the top and bottom of the piezoelectric to protect

the sensor.

b. Attached the rectifier to each piezoelectric using soldering iron.


Figure 2. The pressure applied to the piezoelectric sensor (35mm) convert it to

electricity. Since the output of the piezoelectric sensor is alternating current, full bridge

rectifier ln4001 is used to convert AC to DC. Full Bridge rectifier does not give pure DC

(some ripples come) to get pure DC we use diode ln4007 which removes the ripples

and give us pure DC. The output of DC voltage is stored in a rechargeable.


Fig.2 Schematic Diagram

Block diagram

In figure 3, the force applied to Piezo sensor produce ac to convert it to dc we use full

bridge rectifiers, that convert the piezo voltage to dc which are later use for charging the

battery. Bridge rectifier not give pure dc 15 (some ripples comes) to get pure dc I use

diodes which removes the ripples and give us pure DC.





Fig. 3 Block Diagram


The following are the processes that include the operating procedures, safety

precautions, maintenance, test run and the construction schedule to ensure a safety

and flawless operation of the machine.

Operating Procedure

In operating the device, the following steps must be considered:

1. The tiles should can handle the weight of the person.

2. Attach the output of the piezoelectric to the terminal of battery.

3. Check the output voltage.


Safety Precautions

In operating the device, the following procedures must be observed.

1. The piezoelectric transducer should be placed properly.

2. Check the wires if it is properly connected and doesn’t have any leakage that

may result short circuit.

3. Check each piezo if it is working properly.


1. Check the spring if its functional hence replace it.

2. Always check the wiring connection running to the battery.

Testing and Revision

Table 1 indicates the problems that were encountered during the testing period

and the revisions that were needed to be done in order for the Power Generation

Through Footstep to function at its best. Problems such as the piezoelectric material get

broken and some piezoelectric become load ; thus, coming to a revision to add spring

and foam and add rectifier in each Piezo.

Table 1. Testing and Revision

Problem Revision
Piezoelectric get broken Add spring and foam
Some piezoelectric become load Add rectifier in each Piezo

Table 4. Illustrates the schedule of the complete process design until the final

operation of the Power Generation Through Footstep is achieved. From the first day

until the middle of week 1 were the planning and designing, from there until the middle

of week 2 was preparing the materials, between the second and third week, the

researcher needed a few days break to get her studies back on track. From the third

week up until the middle of the fourth week was the cutting all materials that need

fabrication, from there until the middle of the sixth week the placing of piezoelectric

materials and rectifier, and finally, from the sixth to the eighth week began the testing

and revising and improving to meet the projects objectives.


Table 1. Construction Schedule

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8








Legend :

A - Planning and Designing

B - Preparing the Materials

C – Break and working at home

D – Constructing the shafting and turbine

E – Fabricating the bracket and adapter

F – Installing the machine

G – Test and Revising



This chapter presents the result and discussion of the study derived from the

trials that made.


The idea of design and constructing Power Generation Through Footstep was

done first by collecting information and ideas about the project. In preparing for

construction, materials were selected to be use in this project. It was done using

materials such piezoelectric material, plywood for the flooring tiles and foam for top and

bottom of the piezoelectric material to protect it from damaging. The base and top layer

are connected through spring in order to provide a flexible walking on the tile. Each of

the parts was built appropriately to reach the optimal design and desired output.

For the piezoelectric sensor, this device uses human pressure to generate

electricity. Piezo sensor produces ac to convert it to dc we use full bridge rectifiers, that

convert the piezo voltage to dc which are later use for charging the battery. Full Bridge

rectifier not give pure dc (some ripples comes) to get pure dc we use half bridge rectifier

which removes the ripples and give us pure DC. In this project full bridge rectifier is

used in each piezoelectric sensor to get the maximum output.

Technical Drawing

Figure 4 shows the top view of the Power Generation Through Footstep. The

student or person who will enter the campus will step on this tile to generate electricity.

Fig.4 Top View

Figure 5 shows the side view of the Power Generation Through Footstep. This is

the area where the piezoelectric and rectifier are placed.


Fig.5 Side View

Figure 6 shows the top view of the Power Generation Through Footstep. As the

image implies, this is the part where the top layer touches the piezoelectric.

Fig.6 Front View



The project entitled Power Generation Through Footstep uses piezoelectric

material to generate electricity. This renewable type source of energy uses waste kinetic

energy into electrical energy that every time they walk in the flatform, the weight of the

person compresses the piezoelectric transducer that produce electrical power.




The technical study aimed to design and construct Power Generation Through

Footstep attached to the battery. It is useful in the area where the people always

passing by and also can be used as a power back up.


The piezo tiles capable of generating electrical energy by the use of the waste

kinetic energy of the person. It is made possible using piezoelectric material and

rectifier. It is especially suited for implementation in crowded areas. It can also be used

as charging ports, lighting a Led and can be used as a power back up.


Based on the result of the study, the researcher’s recommendations are as


1. Determine the maximum output produce by the piezoelectric material.

2. The output efficiency also depends on mechanical structure of the project as

carefully designed structure may increase the output efficiency.




Bejec, Aneano L Jr. (2015). Micro Hydropower Generator Using Car Alternator.
Retrieve fffff from University of Southern Mindanao Kidapawan City Campus Library.



Operational Materials

Bill of Materials

Item No. Quantity Description Unit Unit Price Total Price

1 1 Plyboard pc. 850.00 850.00

2 12 Nuts and Bolts Pcs. 25.00 300.00

3 12 Spring Pc. 30.00 360.00

4 400 Diode pcs. 1.00 400.00

5 30 Connecting m. 5.00 150.00

6 20 35mm pcs 65.00 1300.00
Total Price 3360.00


Tools and Equipment Needed

Tool and Equipment Needed and Function to Finish the Overall Machine

A. Tool Function

Multi Tester A tool used to measure current,

voltage, and resistance.
Saw A tool used to cut the plywood

B. Equipment

Soldering Iron An electrical machine used to join

pieces of wires.
Drilling machine A machine used to cut holes into or
through metal and wood.
A machine that cuts or smoothens
Portable Grinding Machine surfaces depending on the blades

Cost of Fabrication

Description Cost

Supplies and Materials 3,360.00

Labor Cost 1,000.00

Miscellaneous 1,000.00

Total Cost 5,360.00

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