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Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

INTEGRANTES: Kevin Catota, Danny León

STUDENT: ________________________________________ DATE: _______________
TEACHER: _______________________________________ GROUP: ______________
Student familiarizes with the different loss and environmental interferences that occurs in
the link of satellite communications, and manage the modelling of those losses.

In this practice, first, it will simulate satellite link, then, will add different types of lost and
will can with it observes its effects in the connection estimate.

Student will need have the knowledge of:
- Rain losses
- Atmospherics losses
- saturation of rain
- Polarization of electromagnetic waves
- Noise figure

Generates a New Scenario

Model a Ground Station in Ensenada, B.C
1. Select tool, Insert Objects ( )
2. Select the following:
Table 1. Insert installation

Select an Object to Be Inserted: Facility
Select a Method: Select from City Database

3. Click the button Insert…

4. When the city search tool appears, enter the following:

Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

Table 2. Criteria for the city search


City Name On Ensenada
Auto Select Color On N/A

5. Click the button Search.

6. When the search results appear, double-click on Ensenada, Baja California, México
to insert it on the stage.
7. Close the City Search tool.

Insert a Geostationary Satellite

1. In the Insert Objects Tool ( ) and select the following:
Table 3. Insert object tool Options.

Select Object to be inserted Satellite
Select a method Orbit Wizard

2. Click on Insert…
3. When it appears in Orbit Wizard, enter the following:
Table 4. Creation of "Satelite GEO"

Type Geosynchronous
Subsatellite Point -100 degrees
Satellite Name Satelite_GEO

4. When finished, click OK.

5. Close the Insert Objects tool.

Install a Sensor in Ensenada

1. Select Ensenada ( ) in the Object Browser.
2. Place a Sensor object ( ) using the Object Catalog.
3. Rename it as Gimbal_R.
4. Open the properties ( ) of Gimbal_R ( ).
5. Modify the Cone Angle to five (5) degrees.
6. Select the Basic - Pointing page.

Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

7. Change Pointing Type to Target.

8. Move the satellite ( ) Satellite_GEO to the Assigned Targets field.
9. Click on OK.

Install a Sensor in Satelite_GEO

1. Select Satelite_GEO ( ) in the Object Browser.
2. Place a Sensor object ( ) using the Object Catalog.
3. Rename it as Gimbal_T.
4. Open the properties ( ) of Gimbal_T ( ).
5. Modify the Cone Angle to five (5) degrees.
6. Select the Basic - Pointing page.
7. Change Pointing Type to Target.
8. Move the installation ( ) Ensenada to the Assigned Targets field.
9. Click on OK.

Install a Transmitter in Satelite_GEO

1. Select the Gimbal_T sensor.
2. Using the Object Catalog ( ) Insert a Transmitter ( ).
3. Open the properties ( ) of the transmitter ( ).
4. In the Transmitter Type, select the Complex Transmitter option.
5. In the options, enter the following:
Table 5. Creation of Satelite GEO

Option Value
Frequency 5.5 GHz
Power 10W

6. On the Antenna page enter the following:

Table 6. Creation of Satelite GEO

Option Value
Antenna Type Parabolic
Diameter 1 meter
Antenna Efficiency 50%

7. On the Modulator page enter the following:

Table 7. Creation of Satelite GEO

Option Value
Data Rate 16 Mbps
Modulation 16QAM

Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

8. Click on OK.

Install a Transmitter in Ensenada

1. Select the Gimbal_R sensor.
2. Using the Object Catalog ( ) Insert a Receptor ( ).
3. Open the properties ( ) of the Receptor ( ).
4. In the Transmitter Type, select the Complex Receiver option.
5. On the Antenna page enter the following:
Table 8. Creation of Satelite GEO

Option Value
Antenna Type Parabolic
Diameter 2 meters
Antenna Efficiency 50%

6. Click on OK.

Generate a Detailed Link Report

1. In the object navigator select the transmitter ( ).
2. Open the links tool ( ).
3. Expand ( ) Ensenada ( ) of the associated objects tree.
4. Select the Receiver ( ).
5. Click on Compute.
6. Click on the button Report & Graph Manager.
7. Make sure that the Show Graphs option is disabled and that the Show Reports
option is enable.
8. From the report, styles select Link Budget-Detailed.
9. Click on the button Generate...

Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

Figure 1. GEO Satellite Link

Polarization is the condition or expression of the electric field vector with reference to the
orientation of the antenna. To calculate the loss given to a cross polarization, it is necessary
to compare the angle between the vertical references of the transmitter and the receiver in
the plane perpendicular to the line of sight. The resulting loss is the cosine square of the
double angle between the two polarization states.
Table 9. Types of Polarization

Type Description
Linear The transmitter / receiver is linearly polarized.
Right-Hand The transmitter / receiver is set to circular polarization on the
Circular right-hand side.
Left-Hand Circular The transmitter / receiver is set to circular polarization on the left.
Vertical The transmitter / receiver is linearly polarized, and the electric
field is vertical with respect to the antenna. If the antenna is
oriented vertically, the electric field is aligned with it.
Horizontal The transmitter / receiver is linearly polarized, and the electric
field is vertical with respect to the antenna. If the antenna is
oriented vertically, the electric field is aligned orthogonally with
Elliptical The receiver is elliptically polarized. The vector that describes the
orientation of the electric field with reference to the antenna
describes an ellipse as it rotates with time.

Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

Change the Transmitter Polarization

1. Open the properties ( ) of the transmitter ( ).
2. Select the Basic - Definition page.
3. Select the Antenna section.
4. Select the Polarization section.
5. Enable the Use option.
6. Select Vertical in Polarization type.
7. Click on OK

Change the Receiver Polarization

1. Open the properties ( ) of the receiver ( ).
2. Select the Basic - Definition page.
3. Select the Antenna section.
4. Select the Polarization section.
5. Enable the Use option.
6. Select Horizontal in Polarization type.
7. Click on OK

Compare the Link Budget Report

1. Update ( ) the link budget report.
 What happens with the link budget?

2. Change the polarization of the receiving antenna to Right-Hand Circular.

3. Update ( ) the link budget report.
 How does the link budget change?
 Why are both results different?

4. Change the polarization of the receiver and transmitter to Right Hand Circular.
5. Update ( ) the link budget report.

Insert a Rain Model

Rain models are used to estimate the amount of degradation (or fading) of the signal as it
passes through rain. The degradation is mainly due to the absorption of energy by the water
molecules and is a function of the frequency and angle of elevation. Rainfall losses increase

Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

with increasing frequency. Losses also increase as the elevation angle decreases due to a
greater distance through the atmosphere with rain. Rain also increases the noise
temperature of the antenna on the ground.
The rain models used in the Communications and Radar modules are annual statistical
models. The annual rainfall rate and the probability of rainfall rate for a particular region
are determined by historical measurements. In general, the world is divided into different
regions of rain, each with different rainfall rates.

1. Open the properties ( ) of the scenario ( ).

2. Select the RF- Environment page.
3. Enable the Use option in the Rain Model section.
4. Change the rain model (Rain Model ) to the Crane 1985 model.
5. Click Apply.
6. Update the link budget report.
 What has happened to the communications link?

When the Rain Model option is selected in the scenario property page, the parameters of the
rain model can also be placed in the receiver.
The rain saturation values are dependent on the rainfall model. If the rain model isn’t
selected for the scenario, these parameters are not used. To include the rainfall margin as
part of the RF analysis, activate the rainfall model to select the annual rainfall saturation.
All calculations will include the appropriate rainfall margins based on the frequency,
elevation angle, and position of the ground segment. STK also includes the contribution of
rain noise in the calculations if the rain option is selected as part of the system temperature
Table 10. Rain models

Crane 1982 This is the original rain model used in previous versions of the
Radar and Communications modules. Maintained for version
Crane 1985 The latest version of the Crane rain model.
CCIR 1983 The rain model originates from the CCIR (now ITU-R) used in
previous versions of the Communications and Radar modules.
Maintained for compatibility.
ITU-R P.618-5 An ITU rain model based on the ITU-R P.618 ITU recommendation.
ITU-R P.618-9 An ITU rain model based on the most recent revision of the ITU-R
Recommendation P.618 of the ITU. The ITU-R rain model still
requires only one input parameter from the user, the temperature of
the earth's surface. This model takes both recommendations ITU-R

Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

P.618.5 and ITU-R P.619.9

Plugin Rain A rain model based on a user's script plugin.

If the transmitter and receiver are above the rain height threshold, the rain losses are zero.
Rainfall losses are calculated for objects on the ground and for aircraft flying below the
altitude of the clouds.

Atmospheric Absorption Models

Absorption models determine the effect of the atmosphere on the communication system.
In this exercise the model ITU-R P.676-5 will be used.

1. In the properties ( ) of the scenario ( ), select the RF-Environment page.

2. Enable the Use option in the Atmospheric Absorption Model section.
3. Select model ITU-R P.676-5.
4. Click Apply.
Observe how it affected using this model.
 How did it affect the use of the atmospheric loss model?
Table 11. Models of Atmospheric Absorption

Model Description
Simple Satcom This is the original model used in the Communications and
Radar modules for gaseous absorption. The maximum height
for this model is 50 km.
ITU-R P676-3 This model implements a recommendation of the ITU. It is
included here for compatibility.
ITU-R 676-5 This model implements the latest update of the ITU's
atmospheric absorption model. It continues with the support
for the fast and regional / seasonal approach models. The
maximum height of this model is 100km.
TIREM 3.10/ TIREM The terrestrial model with integrated rugged terrain (TIREM)
3.16 (developed by adds fidelity to effector calculation and modeling caused by
business partner Alion irregular terrain, sea water and more effects in point-to-point
Science and links with line of sight. Among other things, TIREM predicts
Technology) the loss by radiofrequency propagation on irregular terrain
and seawater. The maximum height of this model is 30 km.
Plugin Atmos A gaseous absorption model based on a user script.
Two Ray (Fourth This propagation model is applied for transmitters and
Power Law) receivers of low range and height.

Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

The surface values are used when calculating the attenuation by gas absorption. This model
requires that one end of the link is above the atmosphere.
The surface values of the scenario can be obviated by using local values in the RF properties
of each installation, target or vehicle.
The ITU model performs geometric tracking on a propagation path. The atmosphere is
separated into separate heights and a number of line segments are calculated within each
level through the path.
The ITU recommendation specifies two different atmospheric models and two different
atmospheric attenuation calculations, which are controlled by the following options:
Table 12. Attenuation Calculations

Use fast Approx. If selected, a valid empirical curve model in the range of 1 to
Method 350 GHz is used. Otherwise, a high precision physics-based
model is used which considers the effects of each spectral
component (1 to 1000 GHz).
Use Seasonal/Regional If selected, a model dependent on latitude and season is used.
Model In another case, a global reference model is used.
Ray Trace Delta Only for the ITU-R P.676-3 model. This option allows
Altitude controlling the resolution of the geometric tracking by
specifying the difference in altitude of the different layers.

Tropospheric Cantillation
This part of the ITU-R P.618-8 model considers the rapid fluctuation of the signal due to
fading by tropospheric scintillation.
To use the tropospheric scintillation model, select Use in the Tropospheric Scintillation
Model and, if desired, select the Compute Deep Fade option. Enter the percentage of
tropospheric saturation; STK will calculate the loss in dB that will occur for the percentage
of time that does not exceed the specified limit.

1. In the properties ( ) of the scenario ( ), on the RF-Environment page, select the

option Use in the Tropospheric Scintillation section.
2. Change the percent saturation by tropospheric fading to 0.01%.
3. Click on Apply.
4. Update the Link Budget report
 How is the communication link affected?
The Tropospheric Cantillation model is based on modeling RF energy with a certain beam
width. Since the dipole antennas are omnidirectional and do not provide a specific beam
width, a parabolic antenna of 1 meter in diameter and 70% efficiency is assumed only for

Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

calculation of the scintillation. This does not impact the calculations of the link budget,
which are still carried out with the antenna selected by the user.

Other Environmental Models

The Cloud and Haze model is not available when using the rain model. The kind of fog and
clouds implements:
 Roof of clouds
 Cloud thickness and haze
 Cloud temperature
 Liquid Water Density
 Water Content

Adding interference to the receiver

While losses can be generated and modeled in the scenario, the behavior of the receiver can
be modified to include the calculation of atmospheric and meteorological interferences, as
well as to calculate the noise temperature of the receiver.
An antenna operates at a temperature level. Any higher temperature will cause interference
(noise). This noise affects the signal-to-noise ratio of the communication link.

1. Open the properties ( ) of the receiver ( ).

2. Select the Basic - Definition page.
3. Make sure the Use Rain Model option is enabled.
4. Change the value of Rain Outage Percentage to 0.01%
5. Select the System Noise Temperature section.
6. Change the modeling value from Constant to Compute.
7. Change the value of the noise figure to 2.2 dB
8. Change the values of the Antenna Noise section:
Table 13. Noise Temperature Values

Compute Antenna noise Enabled
Earth Enabled
Sun Enabled
Atmosphere Enabled
Rain Enabled
Tropospheric Scintillation Enabled

Satellite communications laboratory Practice 8 - Link Losses

Cosmic Background Enabled

9. Click on OK
The noise temperature of the system is calculated from the noise figure of the receiver, the
transmission line losses, the temperature of the transmission line and contributions from the
sun, the atmosphere, rain and other sources.
10. Update the Link Budget report to see how the rain and the atmosphere contribute to
the system temperature and the quality of the signal.
 How much is the atmospheric component of the system temperature?
 How much is the rain component of the system temperature?
 How much is the total degradation of the BER?

Save Your Work

1. Close all reports.
2. Close the access tool
3. Save ( ) your work.


Make your general comments on the practice, report what is done in it. Write your
conclusions about the results obtained.







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