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WCGZBZ49QJ ~ Speeches that Changed the World (Speeches that Shaped the Modern World) eBook

Speeches that Changed the

World (Speeches that Shaped
the Modern World)

By Alan J Whiticker

Jaico Publishing House, Delhi, India. Softcover. Book Condition:

New. Speeches that Changed the World is a collection of the
most important speeches given since the year 1900. There are
speeches about power and about equality. There are speeches of
hate and those of hope, of compassion and sorrow, politics and
diplomacy, war and peace, freedom and justice. What they have
in common is the rhetoric the power of persuasion.These
speeches carry the hopes and regrets of our modern world, and
become even more powerful and poignant with the passage of
time.Printed Pages: 296 with CD.

[ 7.01 MB ]

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8GVUF9KF4P // Speeches that Changed the World (Speeches that Shaped the Modern World) # Book

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