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Role of Water in the Physical Stability of

Solid Dosage Formulations

Pharmaceutical Technology Division, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Finland
Orion Pharma, Orionintie 1, Espoo, Finland
Viikki Drug Discovery Technology Center (DDTC), University of Helsinki, Finland

Received 21 December 2004; revised 3 May 2005; accepted 4 May 2005

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/jps.20411

ABSTRACT: The interaction of moisture with pharmaceutical solids is highly crucial to

an understanding of water-based processes, for example, manufacturing processes or
prediction of solid dosage form stability and shelf life. Both the active pharmaceutical
ingredient (API) and excipients in the formulation have different moisture sorption
properties that can result in unexpected processing-induced phase transitions and they
can affect solid-state phase transitions in the final dosage forms. The character of
excipient effects on the stability of formulation. Phase transformations in formulations
can lead to instability in physicochemical, biopharmaceutical, and processing properties
of products. The aim of the present study was to investigate the water sorption properties
of different excipients, model the sorption isotherms, examine the phase transitions,
and identify differences of excipients in solid dosage form stability using dynamic
vapor sorption analysis, near-infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction methods.
The thermal processing was carried out with a variable temperature X-ray powder
diffractometer to compare the dehydration behavior of wet excipients and evaluate solid-
state properties during heating. These results showed that despite some limitations,
moisture sorption isotherms of excipients are useful in predicting solid-state stability,
interactions at early stages of formulation development, and effects of moisture on
physicochemical properties of the final dosage forms. ß 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the
American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 94:2147–2165, 2005
Keywords: dynamic vapor sorption; excipients; near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy;
phase transition; sorption isotherms; X-ray powder diffraction

INTRODUCTION high relative humidity (RH) or in a dosage form

consisting of materials that contain water and are
Pharmaceutical solids may come in contact with capable of transferring it to other ingredients.1
water during manufacturing processes and some The physical and chemical properties of pharma-
moisture could remain as the residual water from ceutical solids are critically dependent on the
processing in solid oral dosage forms. Moreover, presence of moisture, for example, flow, compac-
they may be exposed to water during storage at tion, dissolution, stability, storage, processing
into formulations, and final product packing.2
The association between moisture and solid
Correspondence to: Sari Airaksinen (Telephone: þ358-9- materials was described as one in which the mois-
191 59164; Fax: þ358-9-191 59144;
ture is adsorbed as monolayers or multilayers or
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 94, 2147–2165 (2005)
may be present as condensed water at the surface.3
ß 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association Water can interact with crystalline solids by


adsorption of moisture on particle surfaces, crystal multilayer sorption. In type II isotherms multi-
hydrate formation, deliquescence, and capillary layer sorption occurs at high water vapor pressures,
condensation.4 In contrast, amorphous materials whereas monolayer adsorption occurs at low
have a high capacity for water vapor sorption, that pressures. The equilibrium conditions are slightly
is, the amount of water absorbed is greater than different if attained from adsorption rather than
what could be accounted for only by surface desorption processes and the moisture content
adsorption and thus the bulk properties of the is lower for sorption.8 The difference between
solid can be significantly altered. The amount of adsorption and desorption isotherms is termed
water that is sorbed is dependent on the chemical hysteresis, which occurs in the capillary condensa-
properties and polarity of the compound, as well as tion region of the sorption isotherms for ranges of
on the RH, temperature, and particle-size distri- different adsorbate-adsorbent pairs.6
bution, specific surface area, and deliquescence, A pharmaceutical dosage form generally con-
structure of the sorbent surface, and porosity of the sists of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)
material. For these reasons information on the combined with a varying number of excipients that
sorption mechanism of water on powder surfaces is have been added to the formulation to define the
required. This information can often be obtained responsibility of formulating a product that is
from the shape of the vapor sorption isotherm. physically and chemically stable, manufacturable,
Moisture sorption isotherms characterize the and bioavailable. Dalton and Hancock found that
amount of vapor adsorbed or desorbed at different the behavior of the formulations varied consi-
equilibrium concentrations in the gas phase. derably depending on the large differences in the
Isotherm equations are useful for predicting the water sorption behavior of the excipients.9 The
water sorption properties of excipients, but not excipients also significantly affected the phase
even one equation gives results accurate through- transitions of the API, as previously reported.10–13
out the entire range of water activities. The BET These studies indicated that crystalline excipients
equation (Brunauer–Emmett–Teller’s multilayer in the formulation could even accelerate and am-
adsorption theory) was developed based on the fact orphous excipients could delay the polymorphic
that sorption occurs in two distinct thermody- transformations of APIs. Many factors related to
namic states—a tightly bound portion and multi- moisture may induce unexpected phase transfor-
layers having the properties of bulk free water.5 mations with new properties in the solid state and
The classical BET model of adsorption is used therefore the solid-state properties of API as well
only in the range of RH up to about 30%–40%. as the excipients must be understood in order to
The GAB (Guggenheim–Andersen–de Boer ensure consistent dosage form. Phase trans-
monolayer sorption theory) model introduces a formations of nitrofurantoin anhydrate with a-
third state of sorbed species intermediate with lactose monohydrate (LMH) or microcrystalline
the tightly bound and free states. Even though the cellulose (MCC) under high humidity conditions
GAB model does not always truly describe the were reported earlier by Otsuka et al.14 They found
moisture sorption phenomenon, this equation that the hydrate formation of nitrofurantoin was
offers considerable practical utility in fitting accelerated by LMH in the formulation but not by
isotherms for pharmaceutical materials to com- MCC.
pare them with each other over the entire RH The excipients used in this study are widely
range.5 used for solid dosage forms and have different
The physical adsorption isotherms may be water sorption properties—two crystalline, three
classified into six major types (I–VI) according to partially amorphous, and two amorphous well-
the IUPAC classification (International Union known excipients were selected. The aim of present
of Pure and Applied Chemistry).6 Types I, III, V, study was to investigate the water sorption
and VI isotherms are not commonly observed.6,7 properties of different excipients, model the sorp-
Type III isotherms appear when all the sorption tion isotherms, examine the phase transitions,
occurs according to a multilayer mechanism identify differences of the excipients in solid
throughout the pressure range and indicate dosage form stability as well as to compare the
weak adsorbent-adsorbate interactions. Type II dehydration behavior of wet excipients and eval-
isotherms (sigmoid or S-shaped) are the normal uate solid-state properties during heating. It is
form of isotherms, that are usually obtained advantageous if the moisture sorption isotherm of
with nonporous or macroporous adsorbents. This a formulation can be predicted at an early stage
isotherm represents unrestricted monolayer- of formulation development.



MATERIALS AND METHODS (disodium hydrogen phosphate), and all the salts
were of reagent grade. Samples in triplicate in
Materials open glass vials were allowed to equilibrate in the
vacuum desiccator and were stored for 2 weeks.
A total of 13 different excipients were used in this
study (Table 1). The excipients studied were divided
into three groups based on their crystallinity: X-Ray Powder Diffractometry (XRPD)
The X-ray diffraction patterns were measured
 crystalline excipients, as previously described.10 The sorption samples
 partially crystalline excipients, were measured at room temperature after a 2-
 amorphous excipients. week storage under conditions of differing RH
(0%–95% RH) in the desiccators.
Water Sorption-Desorption Isotherms by The thermal processing samples were mea-
DVS Method sured using a variable-temperature X-ray powder
The water sorption-desorption isotherms were diffraction (VT-XRPD) theta–theta diffractometer
measured using an accurate humidity- and (Bruker axs D8, Bruker AXC GmbH, Karlsruhe,
temperature-controlled microbalance system, Germany). Both dry and wet masses at different
Dynamic Vapor Sorption (DVS 1, Surface Man- water contents for each excipient (Table 1 and
agement Systems, Ltd., 3 Warple Mews, Warple Fig. 5) were placed into the holder of an XRPD. The
Way, London, UK). The 10–20 mg sample was wet masses were performed with a mortar
predried at 258C by flowing dry nitrogen. The and pestle to simulate the early stages of prefor-
relative humidity (RH) was raised in steps from mulation. Each sample was heated at increments
0% to 95% and back to 0%. The equilibration con- of 108C from 258C to 1808C–2708C (depending on
dition at each step of the RH for the rate of change the melting temperature) and maintained at the
in mass with time (dm/dt) was selected for each target temperature for 15 min. The heating rate
material separately. The mass changes were calcu- was 0.28C/s, angular range was 58–408, with in-
lated with respect to the mass of the dried sample. crements of 0.18, and the measuring time was 1 s/
step (38 (2y)/min). The variable-temperature dif-
Data Analysis fraction patterns of the wet masses were measured
24 h after addition of water to ensure a uniform
The experimental monolayer water values were
distribution of water. This method enabled us to
determined from the sorption isotherms, using
follow the phase transformations of each excipient
BET equations15 and GAB equations16–18 for
during the thermal processing. Estimation of
modeling the moisture sorption isotherms.
the crystallinity was calculated as previously
Water Sorption with the Desiccator Method
Each excipient was dried on trays at 458C and 70– Near Infrared Spectroscopy
75 mbar for 24–48 h in a vacutherm (Heraeus VT Offline near-infrared (NIR) spectra were measur-
6025, Kendro Laboratory Products GmbH, 63450 ed as previously described.10 The sorption sam-
Hanau, Germany) and then dried further at 228C ples were measured at room temperature after a
in the vacuum desiccator (Nalgene desiccator, 2-week storage under conditions of differing RH
Nalge Company, Rochester, NY) at RHs of 0% for (0%–95% RH).
5 days. The moisture sorption properties of the
excipients (500 mg/sample) were determined
Specific Surface Area
gravimetrically before and after storage at 228C
under conditions of differing RH (0%–95% RH). The specific surface area was measured using
The various RH conditions were achieved in the nitrogen-adsorption technique based on the
vacuum desiccators using saturated salt solu- BET theory (TriStar 3000, Micromeritics, Inc.,
tions. The relative humidities were 0% RH (silica Norcross, GA). The samples were outgassed under
gel), 11% RH (lithium chloride), 23% RH (potas- vacuum at 408C for 1200 min. The specific surface
sium acetate), 33% RH (magnesium nitrate), 43% area was calculated based on three points of
RH (potassium carbonate), 52% RH (magnesium the relative pressure 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 in accor-
nitrate), 59% RH (sodium bromide), 75% RH (sodium dance with the current United States Pharmaco-
chloride), 85% RH (potassium chloride), 95% RH poeia (USP) version. The acceptance criteria for



Table 1. Physical Properties of Excipients Used in the Study


Average Particle Size Specific Surface BET g H2O/ GAB g H2O

Excipient (Manufacturer) Brand Name d50 (d10–d90) (mm) Area (m2/g) 100 g d.m. 100 g d.m.
Low substituted hydroxypropylcellulose Grade LH-11 (LHPC1) 57 (13–173) 0.99 5.41 6.58
(LHPC) (Shin-Etsu Chemicals Co., Grade LH-21 (LHPC2) 54 (12–136) 0.97 5.46 6.73
Tokyo, Japan) Grade LH-30 (LHPC3) 18 (4–54) 1.93 5.29 6.36
a-Lactose monohydrate (DMV Pharmatose1 200M (LMH) 43 (5–127) 0.52 0.0074 0.0071
International, Veghel, Netherlands)
Corn starch (Maydis amylum, (STA) 17 (9–35) 1.00 5.55 7.87
Cerestar, Scandinavia)
D-Mannitol (Roquette freres, Mannitol1 60 (MANN) 46 (9–135) 0.33 0.0110 0.0050


Lestrem, France)
Microcrystalline cellulose Avicel1 PH 101 (MCC1) 57 (18–127) 1.21 2.69 3.46
(FMC International, Cork, Ireland) Avicel1 PH 102 (MCC2) 113 (31–209) 1.24 2.77 3.56
Avicel1 PH 200 (MCC3) 196 (52–330) 1.17 2.69 3.41
(JRS Pharma, Nastola, Finland) Emcocel1 50 (MCC4) 63 (21–133) 1.37 2.80 3.71
Silicified microcrystalline cellulose ProSolv1 50 (SMCC1) 56 (18–121) 5.63 2.71 3.45
(JRS Pharma, Nastola, Finland) ProSolv1 90HD (SMCC2) 121 (38–207) 6.48 2.67 3.39
Starch, pregelatinized (Colorcon, Sta-rx1 1500 (PGSTA) 72 (17–157) 0.26a 5.39 7.27
Indianapolis, IN, USA)
Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients.43

the correlation coefficient was at least 0.9975.

The masses of the samples were calculated by
weighing first the empty sample tube and stopper
assembly and the tube with the dried sample plug-
ged by the stopper after drying before analysis.

Scanning Electron Micrographs (SEMs)

The morphology of the samples was presented
based on micrographs taken with a SEM (Scanning
electron microscope JSM-840A, Jeol, Tokyo,
Japan). The sample preparation for electron
microscopy was done according to the current
USP version (an acceleration voltage of 4.5 kV).

Particle Size Distribution

Figure 1. X-ray powder diffraction patterns of the
The volume particle size distribution was deter- excipients in the angular range of 58–408 (2y): a-lactose
mined using a method based on laser light diffrac- monohydrate (LMH) and mannitol (MANN) as exam-
tion (Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer ples of crystalline material; microcrystalline cellulose
LS13 320, Beckman Coulter, Inc., Miami, FL). (MCC2), silicified microcrystalline cellulose (SMCC1),
The samples were measured using air as the and corn starch (STA) as examples of partially amor-
medium and were prepared by dispersing powder phous material; low-substituted hydroxypropylcellulose
in the unique Tornado Dry Powder System. (LHPC2) and pregelatinized starch (PGSTA) as exam-
ples of amorphous material.

RESULTS mental water sorption isotherm data with the

BET and GAB equations. The BET and the GAB
Characterization of Starting Materials values for LMH and MANN are presented in
The characteristic XRPD diffraction patterns of Table 1. The mean crystallinity of LMH or MANN
all 13 excipients were observed using XRPD in the after storage at 0%, 85%, and 95% RH are pre-
angular range of 58–408 (2y) and by NIR spectro- sented in Table 2. The morphology of the crystal-
metry. Fig. 1 presents the XRPD diffraction line excipients was examined using a SEM. The
patterns measured for the samples of crystalline shape of the LMH particles was similar to that of
material (LMH and MANN), partially amorphous the MANN particles, but LMH had more fine
(MCC2, SMCC1 and STA), and amorphous mate- particles on the surfaces of larger particles and the
rial (LHPC2, PGSTA). The detailed information particle-size distribution appeared wide, as seen
for starting material is presented in Table 2. in Figure 2A. The MANN particles showed smooth
and plate like layers with narrow particle-size
Moisture Sorption distribution. MANN had lower specific surface
area than LMH (Table 1), due to the presence of
The moisture sorption isotherms, crystallinity and small particles.
morphology of each sample were studied, and the
results of the sample excipients are presented in Partially Crystalline Excipients
Fig. 2. The specific surface area values and size The water isotherm curves of the partially crystal-
distribution parameters of the sample excipients line excipients (SMCC1 and STA) showed the
are presented in Table 1 and Fig. 2. typical type II behavior described in the IUPAC
classification (Fig. 2C and D), with a distinct
Crystalline Excipients
‘‘knee’’for each isotherm curve a low RH. The
The water adsorption isotherms of the crystalline MCC and SMCC showed wider hysteresis gaps
excipients (MANN and LMH) approached the than STA, especially at high RH. The BET and
type III in behavior in the IUPAC classification. GAB values for SMCC1 and STA are presented
The adsorption-desorption isotherm of crystalline in Table 1. The mean crystallinities of them after
LMH and MANN showed no significant hyster- storage at 0%, 85%, and 95% RH are presented in
esis. The monolayer was determined from experi- Table 2.



Table 2. Summarized the Changes in Crystal Structure Determined by XRPD

Average Crystallinity Changes in Crystal Changes in Crystal

Identification of (10%) After Storage at Structure After Storage Structure During

Excipient Starting Material 0–85–95% RH at 0%–95% RH Thermal Processing

Crystalline excipients:
a-Lactose monohydrate (LMH) Monoclinic monohydrate 80–80–75% At 95% RH: features At 1508C crystalline water
(27–1947, ICDDa) of the diffraction dehydrated, at 1808C
patterns for changed and remained
anhydrous b-lactose to anhydrate
d-Mannitol (MANN) b form21,22 75–75–75% At 75% RH: ratios of At 1608C transformed to
some intensities amorphous form, after
changed because of cooling transformed to
preferred orientation crystalline polymorph
of the crystals a form


Partially crystalline excipients:
Silicified microcrystalline Diffraction reflections at about 45–45–45% No changes in No permanent changes
cellulose (SMCCI) 15.2, 18, 20.2, 23.18 (2y) crystal structure in crystal structure
Corn starch (STA) Diffraction reflections at about 25–45–55% At 75%–95% RH: Some recrystallization
15, 16.5, 22.6, 34.78 (2y) recrystallization
Amorphous excipients:
Starch, pregelatinized (PGSTA) Wide diffraction reflections 0–25–30% At 75%–95% RH: Some recrystallization
at around 198 (2y) recrystallization
l-hydroxypropylcellulose Wide diffraction reflections No possible to Transformed No changes, remained
LH-21, (LHPC2) at around 218 (2y) determine more amorphous amorphous
ICDD; International Center for Diffraction Data, Newtown Square, PA, USA).

The SMCC1 showed typical cellulose struc- Table 1. Average crystallinity of PGSTA after
ture with different sizes and shapes of particles storage at 0%, 85%, and 95% RH is presented in
(Fig. 2C), whereas STA had nearly spherical Table 2. It was not possible to determine the crys-
particles (Fig. 2D). The MCC did not have much tallinity of LHPC2 (Fig. 2F). The water isotherm
higher specific surface area than STA (Table 1). of the amorphous LHPC remained at type II
The specific surface area of SMCC was much curve, showing high moisture absorption at high
higher compared with that of any other excipient, RH; the LHPC2 showed no significant hysteresis.
because the SiO2 treatment increases the specific The PGSTA particles showed porous aggregates
surface area. together with small particles (Fig. 2E). In contrast,
the LHPC2 was composed of fibrous (rodlike
Amorphous Excipients particles) and relatively large particles with
various shapes (Fig. 2F). The PGSTA had lower
The water isotherm of the amorphous PGSTA
surface area than LHPC (Table 1).
was type II according to the IUPAC classification
(Fig. 2E). At low RH the isotherm curve showed a
X-Ray Diffraction
distinct ‘‘knee’’ and a hysteresis gap remained
over the entire RH range. The BET and the GAB The effect of moisture sorption on all 13 excipients
values for PGSTA and LHPC2 are presented in was investigated with XRPD after a 2-week

Figure 2. Moisture sorption isotherms, particle size, specific surface area (S),
crystallinity (%), and SEM micrographs of excipients. (A) a-Lactose monohydrate (bar
10 mm) (B) Mannitol (bar 10 mm) (C) SMCC1 (bar 10 mm) (D) Corn starch (bar 10 mm) (E)
Pregelatinized starch (bar 10 mm, desorption of water was interrupted due to technical
problems) (F) LHPC2 (bar 10 mm).



Figure 2. (Continued )

storage under conditions of differing RH (0%– sample diffraction patterns decreased gradually
95% RH) and major changes in crystal structure with increase in humidity and transformed a more
and in crystallinity are summarized in Table 2. amorphous form (Fig. 3B). PGSTA, like STA,
At a 95% RH, some additional features of the included features of recrystallization diffraction
LMH diffraction patterns were identified, which patterns after storage at RH from 75% to 95%
closely reminded features of the diffraction pat- (Fig. 3C). In case of PGSTA, the diffraction pattern
terns for anhydrous b-lactose (Fig. 3A). At 75% RH of the recrystallized form was reminiscent of the
some additional features of the MANN diffraction STA diffraction pattern at 0% RH. Wide reflections
patterns were also identified (Fig. 3A) and the of the characteristic diffraction pattern of PGSTA
ratios of some intensities changed. None of the (138–248 (2y)) disappeared totally at 95% RH and
MCC and SMCC samples showed any difference in new reflections for the diffraction patterns were
crystal structure or crystallinity after storage at observed at 158, 178, and 238 (2y) (Fig. 3C).
0%–95% RH (Fig. 3B). At RH levels from 75% to
95% the STA diffraction patterns included fea-
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
tures of recrystallization—reflections at about
158–248 (2y) became more clear (Fig. 3C). Wide The effect of moisture sorption on all 13 excipients
reflections of the characteristic diffraction pattern was investigated with NIR spectroscopy after a 2-
for all LHPC samples were observed at 188–238 week storage under conditions of differing RH
(2y). The widths and intensities of all three LHPC (0%–95% RH). Distinct absorption maxima of



Figure 2. (Continued )

water were identified in the 1900–2000-nm same water bands at 1900–2000 nm were identi-
region. The water bands for the crystalline fied with NIR from the amorphous excipients
excipients were identified with NIR spectroscopy present after moisture sorption. The sorbed water
and are shown in Fig. 4A. The crystalline water of was seen for LHPC2 and PGSTA as an increasing
LMH was seen as a distinct absorption maximum absorption maximum at 1920–1925 nm at 0%–
at 1933 nm and it was seen as an increasing 85% RH (Fig. 4B and C). At 95% RH the sorbed
absorption maximum after storage at 75% RH moisture was observed as free water, and thus as
(Fig. 4A). The NIR spectra of MANN did not an increased absorption maximum at around
change after storage at 0%–85% RH, but at 95% 1900 nm.
RH free water showed an absorption maximum at
around 1900 nm (Fig. 4A).
Evaluation of Thermal Processing Induced
The water related to partially crystalline exci-
Phase Transformation
pients celluloses and starches was seen as a wide
band at lower wavelengths of around 1920 nm. The To compare the dehydration behavior of wet ex-
water bands for SMCC1 at 0%–85% RH showed cipients, to evaluate solid-state properties during
that a gradually increasing absorption maximum heating and to determine the changes in crystal
formed at 1920 nm and for STA at 1925 nm structure induced by high temperature the ther-
(Fig. 4B). At 95% RH free water showed an mal processing was carried out with a VT-XRPD
absorption maximum at around 1900 nm. The under ambient conditions. The amount of water



added to the excipients varied, depending on the

sorption properties of the material (amounts of
water added in Fig. 5). The diffraction patterns of
the wet excipients heated at temperatures ranging
from 258C to 1808C–2608C and cooled back to
258C are shown in Fig. 5. Major changes in crystal
structure during thermal processing are summar-
ized in Table 2.
The crystalline LMH, after addition of 0.1 g/g
water, showed dehydration behavior beginning at
1508C, at which temperature the water of crystal-
lization of LMH dehydrates. Some features of the
diffraction patterns for anhydrous b-lactose could
also be identified during the thermal processing at
1508C–1708C, in accord with previous reports.20
The crystal structure of LMH changed and re-
mained in anhydrous at 1808C (Fig. 5A). The
diffraction pattern of MANN, after addition of
0.1 g/g water, transformed from the crystalline
to the amorphous form at 1608C (Fig. 5B). After
cooling back to 258C, the polymorphic b form of
MANN transformed to the new form, which remained
in the polymorphic a form shown previously.21–23
The thermal processing of partially amorphous
SMCC1, after addition of 0.3 g/g water, showed
no difference after heating from 508C to 2608C
or after cooling back to 258C (Fig. 5C). The position
of the reflection at about 228 (2y) shifted to smaller
scattering angles as a function of temperature
indicating that the heating had increased the
distance of the lattice planes. The partially
amorphous STA, after addition of 1.5 g/g water,
began to transform to a more amorphous form
at about 1608C, transforming increasingly amor-
phous at 2008C–2608C, and finally becom-
ing permanently amorphous even after cooling
(Fig. 5D). After addition of 1.5 g/g water the
amorphous PGSTA remained amorphous dur-
ing heating to 2608C as well as after cooling
(Fig. 5E). The diffraction curve for amorphous
LHPC2 showed only normal evaporation of water
during heating from 508C to 2608C and cooling
back to 258C, despite addition of 4 g/g water
(Fig. 5F).

Figure 3. X-ray powder diffraction patterns of exci-

pients after a 2-week storage at 0%, 75%, and 95% RH.
(A) Crystalline excipients: a-lactose monohydrate
(LMH) and mannitol (MANN) (B) Low-substituted
hydroxypropylcellulose (LHPC2) and silicified micro-
crystalline cellulose (SMCC1) (C) Corn starch (STA) and
pregelatinized starch (PGSTA).




Water sorption properties may be affected by time-

dependent phenomena, due to structural trans-
formations and phase transitions.24 The water
sorption isotherm relates the equilibrium amount
of water sorbed onto a solid and the water activity
at constant temperature and pressure. The gen-
eral shape of the isotherm, specific surface area of
the sample, reversibility of moisture uptake,
presence and shape of a hysteresis loop provide
information on the manner of interaction of
the solid with water.25 The shape of a sorption
isotherm is dependent on the interaction be-
tween the vapor molecules and the solid sample
and allows for conclusions regarding the sorption
mechanism.24 The water sorption isotherms of
biological materials often follow the shape of the
sigmoid type II isotherm. Some crystalline mate-
rials, for example, sugars, may have a fairly low
adsorption of water until deliquescence, at which
point the sorption increases and follows the
Type III isotherm. Hysteresis may result from
condensation of water in the capillaries.26 The
size and shape of the hysteresis loop itself can also
give a useful indication of the predominant pore-
filling or -emptying mechanisms.8 The hysteresis
loops at high RH are often identified in highly
porous materials and at low RH are often associat-
ed with swelling or some other type of interaction
between the sorbate and sorbent in the bulk.6
Water vapor onto porous solids differs from vapor
uptake onto the surfaces of flat materials in that
water will condense to a liquid in a pore struc-
ture.2 This is generally attributed to the increased
attractive forces between adsorbate molecules
that occur as surfaces become highly curved, such
as in a pore or capillary.

Moisture Adsorption by Crystalline Solids

Crystalline excipients are nonhygroscopic and
there is no monolayer formation, but delayed
multilayering occurs.27 At low RH water is ad-
sorbed onto the surface of crystalline material.
As RH increases, the water molecules become
Figure 4. Near-infrared (NIR) reflectance spectra of
attached at the sugar-vapor interface by weak
(A) crystalline excipients: a-lactose monohydrate (LMH) interaction forces, for example, van der Waals
and mannitol (MANN), (B) silicified microcrystalline forces.28 Water primarily interacts with the polar
cellulose (SMCC1) and low-substituted hydroxypro- groups on the crystalline surface. This is a surface
pylcellulose (LHPC2), and (C) corn starch (STA) and effect and thus surface area, particle size, and size
pregelatinized starch (PGSTA) after a 2-week storage at distribution are crucial for the ability to adsorb
0%, 75%, and 95% RH. Second derivative of absorbance, moisture as a function of RH. As the RH is in-
log (1/R), at 1850–2000 nm. creased, some tendency for multilayer sorption is



expected.2 At high humidity (generally more than RH (0%–85%). At a point above 85% RH LMH
65% RH) solid water-soluble sugar molecules at adsorbs more moisture and the moisture content
the particle surfaces begin to dissolve in adsorbed increases. The reason for the significant increase
water vapor and form a saturated sugar solu- in moisture content at high RH is capillary con-
tion.2,29. This will eventually lead to a deliques- densation, the consequence of which is that at
cence of the solid or sugar.26 Because a solution is high RH the isotherm is only valid for packed beds
being created, the moisture content rises drama- of lactose powders, and a capillary size distribu-
tically.2 At a characteristic RH a complete mono- tion of the powder may influence the shape of the
layer of water molecules will be formed on the isotherm curve.30 However, the critical relative
surface of the crystalline solid particles and humidity (RH0) for LMH is above 85% (99%
measurement of this point may be useful in at 248C 28) and the deliquescence of LMH could
estimating the isotherms of solid sorbate.28 Since also explain the sorption behavior. It was also
most crystalline solids have low specific surface suggested that enhanced chemical and physical
areas (<1 m2/g), they will adsorb much less than reactivity at the surface of crystals in the presence
0.1% (w/w) water vapor even at very high humidi- of water vapor may be due to plasticization of small
ties and low temperatures. disordered (amorphous) regions.31
The water sorption isotherms of LMH and MANN is a nonhygroscopic crystalline solid
MANN followed the shape of the type III isotherm. that has several polymorphic forms. The sorption
A type III isotherm shows very little moisture gain of water vapor onto crystalline MANN below RH0
until water begins to dissolve the crystal surface. is dependent on the polarity of the surface and
The shape of this curve is due to water interact- is proportional to the surface area.2 At 75% RH
ing only via hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl the ratios of the intensities changed, due to the
groups on the surface of the crystalline material.27 preferred orientation. MANN adsorbs, as does
The adsorption-desorption isotherm of crystalline LMH, very little moisture over a low range of RH
LMH and MANN showed no significant hysteresis. (0%–85%). At above 85% RH MANN adsorbs more
Many crystalline solids exhibit low hygroscopicity moisture than LMH and the moisture content
(anhydrous form) over a wide range; since the flow increases more than in LMH. The RH0 for MANN
moisture point has been reached; the crystalline is 80% at 258C.28 The hydration of MANN in-
solid rapidly adsorbs large amounts of water vapor, creased at water contents of about 0.1 g/g and
causing it to deliquesce (hydrous form). 0.25–0.3 g/g.32 The formation of a monolayer of
Solids that form specific crystalline hydrates, water occurs at hydration levels that are much
for example, LMH, sorb small amounts of water lower than that of the observed transition. It was
onto their external surface below a characteristic suggested that these transitions were associated
RH.2 Crystalline hydrates are frequently formed with different stages of microdissolution with in-
because they represent a lower thermodynamic creasing levels of hydration. NIR results of MANN
energy state than the anhydrous form and water showed that some of the water exhibits behavior as
molecules may not be removed without the appli- free water at 95% RH, which is consistent with
cation of a large amount of energy.28 Our results previous findings.32 The GAB value of MANN is
showed that the water content of the crystalline smaller (0.5 g/g) than that of LMH (0.7 g/g),
LMH remained relatively constant at all RH because LMH has a larger specific surface area
levels. LMH adsorbs very little moisture over low than MANN.

Figure 5. Thermal processing behavior by variable-temperature XRPD (VT-XRPD).

Diffraction patterns of the wet excipients heated at temperatures ranging from 258C
(þwater) to 1808C–2608C and cooled back to 258C (b). Amount of water added to the
excipients varied, depending on the sorption properties of the material. First XRPD
patterns in the figures are without addition of water as controls. (A) VT-XRPD patterns
of a-lactose monohydrate (LMH) after additions of 0.1 g/g water. (B) VT-XRPD patterns of
mannitol (MANN) after additions of 0.1 g/g water. (C) VT-XRPD patterns of silicified
microcrystalline cellulose (SMCC1) after additions of 0.3 g/g water. (D) VT-XRPD
patterns of corn starch (STA) after additions of 1.5 g/g water. (E) VT-XRPD patterns of
pregelatinized starch (PGSTA) after additions of 1.5 g/g water. (F) VT-XRPD patterns of
low-substituted hydroxypropylcellulose (LHPC2) after additions of 4.0 g/g water.



Figure 5. (Continued )



Moisture Absorption by the Amorphous Part of Solids of higher proportions of amorphous material.
Material that absorbs water into its internal
Microcrystalline Cellulose
structure exhibits sorption at lower RH in much
Water vapor is absorbed into the amorphous part greater amounts than is expected based on the
of solids and not simply adsorbed onto the surface; specific surface area of the material, and exhibits
thus the amount of water taken up is not directly hysteresis over the complete range of RH. This
related to the specific surface area of the solid.33 type of hysteresis is generally explained by either
The amount of moisture sorbed by amorphous kinetic effects or a change in the polymer-chain
solids is typically much greater than that sorbed conformation caused by the plasticization effects of
by nonhydrating crystalline solids below their sorbed water.5 Sorption-desorption equilibria with
critical relative humidity (RH0).2 The chemical starches and celluloses always give rise to hyster-
and physical properties of the sorbent (e.g., esis. MCC, SMCC, and STA showed hysteresis,
hydrophilicity), temperature and RH, strength which indicates that water condenses into the
and nature of any interactions between the water pores by capillary condensation but only desorbs
and the solid molecules, and the bulk properties of from them at lower humidities than those requir-
the sorbent (e.g., glass transition temperature, ed for condensation.36 The presence of hysteresis
Tg) control moisture absorption by amorphous loops at low RH is associated with swelling or some
materials.34 other type of interaction between the sorbate and
The adsorption and desorption isotherms for sorbent in the bulk.6,37 Type H4 hysteresis loops
MCCs and starches retain a sigmoidal-shaped (IUPAC classification, after Sing et al.6) do not
curve, thus reflecting a type II isotherm, which is close until the equilibrium pressure is at, or very
in agreement with, for example, Al-Muhtaseb et al. 35 close to, the saturation pressure. These H4 hy-
Sigmoidal isotherms are typical of partially amor- steresis loops, for example, in SMCC1, are often
phous material. At low RH the isotherm curve associated with narrow slit-shaped pores and the
showed a distinct ‘‘knee’’, because adsorption is pore-size distribution is mainly in the micropore
enhanced at low RH as a result of the polar nature range.7 However, interpretation of the hysteresis
of surfaces, as reported previously.36 Water vapor loop for pore-size analysis is considered to be
sorption by MCCs occurs by the same basic unreliable. SMCC1 showed hysteresis, which
mechanism as with other types of celluloses and increased continuously until 95% RH and both
starches, and this appears to be described by the hysteresis and the hysteresis loop were different
sorption of a single tightly bound water molecule at in starches or LHPC2. A clearly evident char-
an anhydroglucose unit, followed by a second less acteristic is that the hysteresis remains over the
tightly bound water molecule, with additional entire humidity range and, unlike in crystalline
water sorbed in a more nonspecific manner, that hydrates, water uptake occurs continuously. Par-
is, free water.33 During water-cellulose interac- tially amorphous materials tend to exhibit con-
tions, water replaces the cross-linking hydrogen siderable bulk absorption of water, which is a slow
bonds between cellulose chains and loosens the diffusion-controlled process and thus part of the
structure of cellulose until capillary condensation nonequilibrium regime.2
occurs.5 In contrast to starch, water is only sorbed
in the noncrystalline regions of celluloses and
Low-Substituted Hydroxypropylcellulose
only a reduction in the degree of crystallinity is
allowed more water vapor uptake.33 Water can act The water sorption isotherm of LHPC2 followed
as a plasticizer for the amorphous parts of solids, the shape typical of type II isotherms and LHPC2
thereby lowering the Tg of amorphous material. showed hysteresis, which was reminiscent of that
At an RH of about 70%, a decrease is observed for STA. The hysteresis of LHPC2 was maximum
corresponding to an upward shift for the moisture at 30% RH, whereas that of STA was maximum at
sorption isotherm, indicating that a glass transition 60% RH. These type II isotherms exhibit type H3
in the amorphous structure of MCC has occurred. hysteresis loops (IUPAC classification, after Sing
Absorption of significant amounts of water into et al.6), which exhibits no limiting sorption at high
the internal structure of a solid influences the RH. LHPC is insoluble in water but swells when it
properties of solid.2 This is apparent in the hystere- comes into contact with water. Hysteresis at low
sis observed between the sorption and desorption RH may be associated with swelling of a nonrigid
isotherms and this phenomenon becomes exagger- porous structure or with an irreversible chemical
ated to a greater extent for materials that consist interaction of the adsorbate with the adsorbent.6



Both the chemical binding and the effects of water crystal lattices.5 Modified starch (PGSTA) is
on the structures of amorphous solids account partially pregelatinized corn starch that contains
for the presence of type II isotherms.38 The role soluble (gelatinized) and insoluble fractions.43
played by water here is likely that of a plasticizer. At low RH, water is bound directly to the
In LHPC, the hydrogen bondings between the available anhydroglucose units throughout the
unsubstituted hydroxy groups are more firmly starch grain and in those amorphous regions of
formed than the hydroxy groups of hydroxypro- cellulose with a stoichiometry of one water mole-
pyl.39 The LHPC2 and starches absorbed more cule per anhydroglucose unit.5 At increasing RH,
water than SMCC1, which is consistent with polymer–polymer hydrogen bonds break down,
previous findings.39,40 Since the crystallinity of which allows water to begin binding to other water
MCC is much higher than that of LHPC, there are molecules already bound to anhydroglucose units.
few free hydroxyl groups in the MCC particles to As the moisture content increases, the sorbed
undergo hydrogen bonding with the water mole- moisture causes a subsequent swelling of the
cule, compared with LHPC.39 The saturated biopolymer, the degree of crystallinity decreases,
amount of bound water with LHPC was larger and there is an increasing availability of the polar
than that with MCC, as was expected from the groups to the water molecules.35 Finally, at high
crystallinity. But the moisture contents (adsorbed RH, water directly bound to one hydroxyl group
water) of the MCC and LHPC stored at <84% RH per anhydroglucose unit as well as water can also
were less than the saturated amounts of bound bind to other water molecules such as free water.
water. The amount of free water adsorbed to Although starch is able to take larger amounts of
LHPC (LH11) and MCC (Avicel PH101) at 75% water into its internal structure, it was able to
RH was measured and it was determined that absorb less water than LHPC. The NIR results of
the water absorbed with the MCC and LHPC was STA showed that free water had a gradually
not free water, but water loosely bound with the increasing absorption maximum at 95% RH, but
particles.39 The NIR results of LHPC2 showed less than with PGSTA. According to Delwiche
that free water had a gradually increasing ab- et al.42 the NIR spectra of starch suggest that some
sorption maximum at 95% RH, but not at 75% RH. multilayer water is present before the monolayer
The same phenomenon, but not as high as in is completed.
LHPC2, was observed with SMCC1 and PGSTA. The water sorption isotherms of STA and
The swelling work and force of LHPC are higher PGSTA were sigmoidally shaped type II, with
than those of MCC and increased with increasing the low- and high-RH end regions possessing
particle size and the degree of hydroxypropyl the steepest slope for starches, as previously
substitution, because the stronger intermolecular reported.42 The starch isotherm is attributable
hydrogen bonding network in the MCC particles to hydrogen bonding of water molecules to the
probably prevented the penetration of water into available hydroxyl groups of the substrate, that
the particle in a manner independent of particle is, those in the amorphous regions and on the
size.39 Swelling of LHPC attains saturation in a surfaces of the crystallites.35 Water affects the
short time and LHPC is considered to be readily structure acting as a plasticizer of the amorphous
wettable (Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Tokyo, Japan). regions. The hysteresis of starches was reminis-
cent of that of LHPC2. However, the hysteresis
loop of PGSTA was the largest of all the excipients.
This may have been due to the differing structure
A similar mechanism of water uptake occurs in of the excipients including starches; the extent of
starches and the noncrystalline regions of cellu- hysteresis may reflect the structural and confor-
loses.2 Water molecules have a strong affinity for mational rearrangements, which alters the acces-
starch due to the combination of an abundance sibility of energetically favorable polar sites and
of hydroxyl groups and a relatively open con- thus may hinder the movement of moisture.35 It
formation of the glucose monomers that comprise was shown that despite significant morphological
starch.42 The crystalline regions in starch gran- differences between the various starches, the
ules are composed of partially crystalline amylo- values of Wm (weight sorbed corresponding to
pectin and the amorphous regions of linear one water molecule per sorption site on the solid)
amylase and branching points of amylopectin.41 from BET analysis were quite constant.5
STA is partially crystalline, due probably to the The crystallinity of STA increased as much as
hydration of amylase, which fills in the distorted that of PGSTA (30%) as a result of increased RH,



but at 95% RH the final crystallinity of STA (55%) glucose units.33 Using pore analysis by nitrogen
was higher than that of PGSTA (30%). All amor- gas adsorption, it was shown that MCC does not
phous sugars have a strong tendency to take up contain the extent of intrinsic microporous struc-
water vapor. At high RH sorption of water by an ture that could account for the large apparent
amorphous sugar may cause crystallization of specific surface areas measured by water vapor
that sugar, and this process can have significant sorption. Up to at least 6% moisture, sorbed water
consequences for the stability of pharmaceutical does not appear to influence the specific surface
formulations.4 Crystallization is usually the limit- area of MCC and of STA up to about 10% moisture.
ing factor determining how much water vapor can Although water vapor sorption is reversible, the
be taken-up by low-molecularweight amorphous isotherm shows a hysteresis loop down to 0% RH.44
sugars.28 But then water often tends to exhibit type III
behavior when adsorbed onto lowenergy surfaces,
due to its strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
Specific Surface Area by Water
Therefore it is not recommended that water be
and Nitrogen Adsorption
used as a probe molecule in BET surface determi-
Adsorption methods are usually used to charac- nations. Probe molecules of differing nature can
terize dispersed or porous solids in relation to show different adsorption mechanisms on the
their processing, for example, by adsorbent.44 The same solid surface. Water vapor is not suitable as
surface is subjected to adhering molecules and a standard adsorbate for the investigation of
the extent of the surface and its structure are surface structure, but the isotherms give addi-
calculated by counting the molecules that are tional and quite different information on adsorp-
required to cover the surface or to fill a group of tion properties from that given by nitrogen
pores. The pore-size distributions calculated isotherms.44
from the adsorption and desorption branches are
substantially different. Problems appear if the
pore structure varies due to influence of the Thermal Processing Induced Phase Transformation
adsorbate, for example by swelling. Highly polar
molecules cause a hydrophobic or hydrophilic The drying phase is a critical step in many phar-
effect, depending on the chemical nature of the maceutical processes. The strength of the water-
solid surface.44 The larger apparent discrepancy solid interaction is dependent on the level of
between the water vapor and nitrogen BET hydrogen bonding possible within the lattice.2
surface areas for excipients was observed and it The crystalline water of LMH dehydrates at about
was suggested that the term specific surface area 1508C during the thermal processing in a VT-
should not be used when water vapor sorption is XRPD. Some features of the diffraction patterns
involved Zografi et al.33 for anhydrous b-lactose could also be identified
The amount of water that is sorbed into during the heating at 1508C–1708C, as shown
amorphous or partially amorphous substances previously.20 The wet mass of LMH was comple-
(celluloses and starches) is larger than can be tely dried at 1708C and LMH was transformed
accounted for by surface adsorption.33 This is in and irreversibly attained anhydrous crystalline
contrast to adsorption in which the water taken structure at 1808C. The MANN diffraction pat-
up is dependent on the available surface area. tern transformed from a crystalline form to an
The specific surface areas of MCCs and starches amorphous form at 1608C, because this tempera-
measured by water sorption were higher than ture is close to the melting point of MANN.43
those measured by nitrogen adsorption. However, Polymorphic transition from the b-form to the a-
the specific surface areas of MCCs measured by form of MANN was observed after heating and
nitrogen adsorption were higher than those of cooling back to room temperature.
starches. But the specific surface areas of MCC The thermal processing of partially amorphous
measured by water sorption were lower than the and amorphous celluloses showed no difference
specific surface areas of starches. Differences in the after heating up to 2008C or after cooling back to
apparent surface areas of celluloses and starches 258C. It was observed that after evaporation of
using nitrogen adsorption and water vapor sorp- water, tightly cross-linked networks of LHPC
tion are not due to pre-existent pores, but instead would remain, suggesting that interchain binding
to the penetration of water into the material and may be sufficiently strong to produce crystalline
its specific interaction with individual anhydro- like structure.45



Undamaged native starch granules swell when solid phases have unique physical and chemical
they absorb water through hydrogen bonding properties. Despite some limitations, moisture
with their free hydroxyl groups, but they still sorption information on excipients is useful in
retain their order and crystallinity and then predicting the solid-state stability, interactions,
return to their original size on thermal processing. and effects of moisture on physicochemical beha-
However, when these swollen starch granules are vior of the final dosage forms.
heated, the hydrogen bonding between adjacent
glucose units is disrupted and the crystallinity is
progressively destroyed. This process is referred
to as gelatinization and typically occurs in the
We thank Pharmia Oy (Finland) for use of the FT-
temperature range of 608C–858C.46 STA contains
NIR instrument. Dr. Niklas Laitinen of the
28% amylose and the gelatinization temperature
Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, Univer-
is 628C–808C. Leaching of amylose occurs during
sity of Helsinki (Finland) is acknowledged for
gelatinization, but some leaching of amylose
useful comments. This study was financially sup-
occurs at temperatures below the gelatinization
ported by the National Technology Agency, TEKES
temperature due to its location in noncrystalline
(Finland) and by a grant from the Finnish Cul-
regions. Continued heating of starch granules in
tural Foundation (SA, Elli Turunen Foundation).
excess water results in further granule swelling,
viscosity development, and additional leaching,
primarily of amylose. During cooling or dehydra- REFERENCES
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