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What is a web page?
It is known as a Web page, electronic page or digital page to a digital document of a
multimedia nature (that is, capable of including audio, video, text and their combinations),
adapted to the standards of the World Wide Web (WWW) and to which It can be accessed
through a web browser and an active Internet connection. This is the basic format of content
on the network.
On the Internet there are more than one billion Web pages of diverse nature and diverse
content, from all over the world and in the main languages spoken. This represents the main
information file of humanity that currently exists, stored along thousands of servers throughout
the planet, which can be accessed quickly thanks to a system of communication protocols
In many cases, access to a Web page or its specific contents may be subject to prohibitions,
commercial payments or other identification methods (such as online registration).
The content of this huge virtual library is not fully supervised, moreover, and its regulation
represents a challenge and a debate for the traditional institutions of humanity, such as the
family, the school or even the laws of the countries.
Web pages are programmed in an HTML or XHTML format, and are characterized by their
relationship between them through hyperlinks: links to different content that allow a complex,
simultaneous and diverse reading, very different from what we can find in The books and
What is a web page for?
 Web pages also allow interaction with
the user.
The Web pages basically fulfill the task of
providing information of any kind and in
any style or degree of formality.
Some, at the same time, allow different
degrees of interaction between users or
with some institution, such as the pages of forums, dating services or social networks, the
pages of purchase and sale of goods, the pages of consultation or contact with companies ,
governmental institutions or NGOs, and even specialized technical support pages.
In principle, the functions of a Web page are as broad as the demand of the users and the
offer of their creators.
Types of Web page
There are two types of Web page, according to the way in which its content is generated:
• Static web pages. They operate by downloading a file programmed in HTML code, in which
are all the instructions for the browser to rebuild the Web page, accessing the locations of its
elements and following a preconceived, rigid order, which does not allow interaction with the
Username. These types of pages are merely informative, documentary, not interactive.
• Dynamic web pages. Unlike the previous ones, dynamic Web pages are generated at the
moment of user access, using some interpreted language (such as PHP), which allows you to
receive user requests, process them in databases and offer a Answer according to your
And according to their functionality, these are some of them:


A blog like this that you are reading right now, is a

portal where opinion articles on a specific topic are
published and where the contents are usually
structured, appearing in the first place the most
recent. In this type of web pages, users can write
comments to blog posts giving their point of view.
Currently, most blogs are made with the WordPress
CMS that makes programming and maintenance
tasks easier.

Online stores
Ecommerces or online stores are websites where
products or services are marketed. At present they
are having a great growth because many users
already carry out their transactions on the Internet
and also many traditional shops have started to
develop this type of sites to generate business on the network. To give you some information,
some ecommerces have already become distribution giants and are some of the largest
companies in the world such as Alibaba or Amazon.

Corporate websites

Corporate websites are those that

describe the characteristics of the
company where the company's
main information is collected, such
as who they are, their location,
what they are dedicated to and other company data. The main products or services offered by
the company are also usually shown on these websites, but there is no possibility of hiring
them online.

Download site
The purpose of these pages is to provide
the user with the information they are
looking for in the form of downloading some
type of file. These files can be software to
install on the user's computer and other
types of files in their different types of
formats. Here we can group Softonic, The
corner of the bum and websites of this type
that we have all visited at some time and that
are repositories of downloads.

Search engines
Pages created for users to make their queries
and they return a series of results with the best
pages on that particular query. They may
include advertising, in fact Google gets most of
its revenue from its Google Adwords program
by advertising in its search engine.

They are web pages where users are the
ones who create and modify their content
directly from their browser. The most famous
wiki is Wikipedia, one of the most visited web
pages in the world.

Video consumption sites

There are several websites where we can consume

audiovisual content, the best known is YouTube, although
there are others such as Dailymotion or Vimeo. These
websites are also financed through advertising such as
Gaming websites

Online games are one of the most expanding

markets in the virtual world, for many years before
the existence of the Internet, many have enjoyed
leisure time alone or with friends. With the birth of
the Internet, this sector has multiplied its presence
and although I am not very "gamer", there are
platforms like Steam where you can choose a
series of online games to enjoy hours and hours
of entertainment.

Web Browser

  Web pages require a web

browser to be used.
A Web browser is an
application software used to
open Web pages both on a
local route (such as a hard
disk) or from the Internet.
They are known as
"browsers" or "explorers," based on the metaphor that the Web is a vast and crowded place,
for which a platform is needed.
In that sense, Web browsers allow us to “enter” the Internet and view different contents from
the entry of URL addresses or the use of online data search services (known as Web Search

 A web page contains information capable of containing text, sound, video, programs,
links, images and many other things, adapted for the so-called World Wide Web and
can be accessed through a browser.
 Web pages can be stored on a computer or a Web server.
 A website is a collection of internet pages related and common to an internet domain
or subdomain on the World Wide Web on the internet.
 A Web Page is an HTML / XHTML document that is generally accessible through the
Internet HTTP protocol. All publicly accessible websites constitute a gigantic World
Wide Web of information.
 In a web browser it allows access to the internet, interpreting the information of files
and websites so that they can be read.

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