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Pre-intermediate Progress Test 4A: Unit 8

1 Complete the sentences with the, a, an or –.

Have you ever been to the Himalayas?
1 I haven’t seen Ben for a while. Perhaps he’s on -        holiday.
2 We stayed in       an    expensive hotel in Rome.
3       the    sun’s very hot at midday, so be careful.
4 I’ve got     a      good camera because I enjoy taking photos.
5 I’d love to go to     -      Brazil one day.

5 5

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ or ‘X’.
1. He told us that he would be back in ____an____ hour.
2. ‘Will you be free on _x___ Sunday?’ Winnie asked Paul.
3. Don’t hesitate to ask him for ___x_____ advice if you need it.
4. Her aunt lives on ____-____ Fraser Island, doesn’t she?
5. The ambulance men are attending to ___an_____ injured.
6. There’s _____the___ U-turn ahead. x
7. Mrs. Chan has ___x_____ 8-year-old daughter. x
8. I have known ____a____ Lees for many years.x
9. Mrs Lee said to Diana, ‘I’m cooking dinner. Please keep ____an____ eye on your little brother.’
10. I can’t move this table. Will you please give me ____a____ hand?

7 10

3 Choose the correct answers.

There aren’t any / some good restaurants in my neighbourhood.
1 I think there’s too many / much traffic in the city centre.x
2 There isn’t enough / some time to see everything unfortunately.
3 Would you like any / some coffee?x
4 I took too many / a lot of photos yesterday. I’m really pleased.
5 There are still a few / no places I’d like to see before we go home.

3 5

4 Complete the sentences with a suitable word.

There are lots of cycle lanes in town so why don’t you use your bicycle?
1 I recently saw someone drive the wrong way down a           one          -         way            street.
2 You have to stop when the     traffic        lights are red.
3 Please put your old newspapers and bottles in the     recycling              bins.
4 Mum uses     public                transport to get to work because it’s cheaper than going by car.
5 We live in a high-rise       building              block.

3 5
Pre-intermediate Progress Test 4A: Unit 8

5 Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box. You won’t need all the nouns.
mountain range beach coast desert forest hill mountain island
ocean river sea valley
The Alps are a mountain range in Europe.
1 There are a lot of very old trees in the         forest            near our house.
2 The Atlantic   ocean                  is a huge area of water between Europe and America.
3 No rain has fallen in the         desert            for years so there are no plants.
4 The sand on the         beach        is golden.
5 No one lives on the       island            off the coast.

4 5

6 Choose the correct answer.

1. There aren't much / many / some / a little car parks in the centre of Oxford.
2. Eating out is expensive here. There aren't a few / any / some / much restaurants.
3. Liverpool has a little / a few / a lot / many of great nightclubs.
4. Hurry up! We only have a little / a few / some / a lot of time before the coach leaves.
5. We saw much / some / a little of / a lot beautiful scenery when we went to Austria.
6. There are a little / many / few / much shops near the university.
7. It's very quiet. There aren't some / a lot / much / many people here today.
8. There are some / a little / much / few expensive new flats next to the river.

7 8

Functional language
7 Cross out the extra word in each sentence.
Can you help for me, please?
1 Go out to the end of the road.
2 Take off the next right.
3 The cinema’s on to the other side of the road.
4 We’re looking on for the railway station.
5 You need to go over straight on at the traffic lights.

5 5
Pre-intermediate Progress Test 4A: Unit 8

8 Complete the sentences with a suitable word.

The station is on your left, not your right.
1 Go to the   end                  of the road and you’ll see the bank.
2               take      the next right and go straight on.
3 Turn right             on        the traffic lights.
4 You’ll see the cinema           on          the corner.
5 Excuse           me          , can you tell me where the station is?

4 5

9 Choose a word from the table below to fill each space.

a a few any a little much

a lot of some many an a lot

1. A: Do you like this program?

B: Not ____much______. You can change the channel if you want to.
2. We only have ____a few______ carrots. We should go and buy some more.
3. "Do we need any mushrooms?" "No, we have ____a lot ______. Look, three bags!"
4. There was an explosion at the factory and _____a lot of_____ people were injured. We don't know how
many yet.
5. When you make the pie, put __a little________ wine in too. But not too much! It makes it really tasty.
6. When you go out, buy me _____an_____ apple and a bottle of Coke.
7. I don't need _____an_____ advice from you. You don't understand the problem!
8. Lots of people in Spain like to take ____a______ siesta during the hottest part of the day.
9. How ___many_______ children do Tom and Sandra have?
10. ____a lot of______ people think he is stupid, but he's actually quite intelligent.

8 10
Pre-intermediate Progress Test 4A: Unit 8

1 Can you tell me the way to the post office?

True (t) or False (f)?
(you are at the hospital) on the Jackson
1. The stadium is opposite the swimming-pool t
road_turn left on the roundabout and_take
2. The cinema is between the shoe shop and
the avenue mercury road, on the end of de
the florist t
3. The tourist office is next to the hospital f
street turn right, go past the roundabout
4. The school is on Elton Street t
and the post office is on the left on the
5. There are 4 banks f corner_____________
6. The florist is next to the bakery t ____________________________________
7. There is a pub at the corner of Marley ____________________________________
Avenue and Queen Street f 2 Where is the swimming-pool?
8. The city hall is beside the station f (you are having lunch at the pizzeria)___take
the second exit on the roundabout and go
Go straight ahead 8 straight ahead, on the corner turn right and
Go up/down the swimming pool is on the right of the road
Turn right/left in the end of the street_______
Cross……. ____________________________________
Go past the…… ____________________________________
It’s on your right/left 3 Can you tell me the way to the school?
You can’t miss it (you are at the police station)_turn left, and
to the end of the street and turn left______
____________________________________ 8
4 Excuse me, how can I get to the stadium?
(you are at
school)________________________ 66

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