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Rachel Pennington

MUED 480: Block 3


TA Lesson Plan: Chamber 

Students will warm up their voices doing the selected exercises and improve their sight-reading
ability. We will then review sections of “Beati quorum via” and “Miniyama Nayo”.


This experience matters in order for the students to reach their full vocal capacity when performing
their choral literature, as well as preparing them for assessment.

I Can Statements (learning goals) 

● I can strengthen my vocal independence, agility, range, and exemplify principles of vocal
health by executing the appropriate vocal exercises.
○ (HCAD.3) The student will demonstrate vocal techniques and choral skills, including
■ increasing vocal independence, agility, and range by singing appropriate vocal
exercises, including the use of head and chest voices
■ Singing an assigned vocal part in complex harmony


● Piano
● “Beati Quorum Via”
● “Miniyama Nayo”

Detailed Process: Warm-ups (10 minutes) 

Time Steps:

1 min 1) “Oo” (drmfsfmrd)

a) Ascending then descending

2 mins 2) Bee- Bay- Bah (sfmfsfmfsfmrd)

a) Ascending

.5 min 3) “Ee” (sfmrd)

a) Descending
Rachel Pennington
MUED 480: Block 3

.5 min 4) “Sing Ee” (ssfmrd)

a) Ascending

1 min 5) D-s-d-s-sfmrd
a) Ascending then descending

5 mins 6) Sight-reading

Detailed Process: Repertoire (30 minutes) 

Time Steps:

1) “Beati Quorum Via”

10 mins
a) Review measure (57-69) by part on text
i) Put in all together after reviewing each part
5 mins b) Start at (43), go until measure (69)
i) Review sections as needed
8 mins c) Go to beginning and run whole piece up until measure (69)
i) Review parts as needed

2) “Miniyama Nayo”

3 mins a) Run measures (23-45)

i) Review parts as needed
4 mins b) Run entire piece up to measure (57)
i) Review parts as needed


● Performance
● Evaluation
Rachel Pennington
MUED 480: Block 3

TA Lesson Plan: Mixed Chorale 


Students will warm up their voices doing the selected exercises and improve their sight-reading
ability and review “I Ask for One Day” and “The Sky Over Shannon”.


This experience matters in order for the students to reach their full vocal capacity when performing
their choral literature, as well as preparing them for assessment.

I Can Statements (learning goals) 

● I can strengthen my vocal independence, agility, range, exemplify principles of vocal health
by executing the appropriate vocal exercises, and develop aural skills by recognizing and
demonstrating diatonic intervals.
○ (HCI.3) The student will apply vocal techniques and choral skills, including:
■ Strengthening vocal independence, agility, and range by singing appropriate
vocal exercises


● Piano
● “I Ask for One Day”
● “The Sky Over Shannon”

Detailed Process: warm-ups (15 minutes) 

Time Steps:

2 mins 1. Stretching

2. “Oo” (drmfsfmrd)
1 min a. Ascending then descending

.5 mins 3. “Ah” (sfmrd)

a. Descending
2 min
4. “Zee Zoh Zoo” (drd sls drmrd)
a. Descending then ascending

1 min 5. “Zingmama” (sfmrd-s-d)

Rachel Pennington
MUED 480: Block 3

a. Descending
.5 mins
6. D-m-r-f-m-s-f-r-d
a. Ascending
6 mins 7. Sight-reading

Detailed Process: Repertoire (75 minutes) 

Time Steps:
25 mins 1. “I Ask For One Day”

a. Finish note check

i. Measure (32-47)
1. A, S, S2, B
ii. Measure (48-57)
1. B, A, S, S2
iii. Measure (58-78)
1. S, A, S2, B
5 mins b. Run whole piece a capella

5 mins 2. Break

25 mins 3. “The Sky Over Shannon”

a. Review measures (50-61) playing parts
i. A, B, S
b. Review measures (62-end) playing parts
i. S, A, B
c. Put that section together a capella
i. Fix sections as needed
d. Transition from measure 40 and run until the end, a capella
i. Fix sections as needed
5 mins e. Run the whole piece a capella


● Performance
● Evaluation

Rachel Pennington
MUED 480: Block 3

TA Lesson Plan: TA Singers


Students will warm up their voices doing the selected exercises and improve their sight-reading
ability. We will then learn new sections of “No Time” and “Great God Almighty”.


This experience matters in order for the students to reach their full vocal capacity when performing
their choral literature, as well as preparing them for assessment.

I Can Statements (learning goals) 

● I can strengthen my vocal independence, agility, range, and exemplify principles of vocal
health by executing the appropriate vocal exercises.
○ (HCAD.3) The student will demonstrate vocal techniques and choral skills, including
■ increasing vocal independence, agility, and range by singing appropriate vocal
exercises, including the use of head and chest voices
■ Singing an assigned vocal part in complex harmony


● Piano
● “No Time”
● “Great God Almighty”

Detailed Process: Warm-ups (15 minutes) 

Time Steps:
2 mins 1. Stretching

1 min 2. “Oo” (drmfsfmrd)

a. Ascending then descending

1 min 3. “Do-do-do-do-doot” d-m-s-m-d

a. Ascending then descending

1.5 min 4. “Me-ah” (d-sfmrd)

a. Ascending then descending
Rachel Pennington
MUED 480: Block 3

1 min 5. “Zingamama” (sfmrd-s-d)

a. Descending

1 min 6. D-m-r-f-m-s-f-l-s...
a. Ascending

5 mins 7. Sight-reading

Detailed Process: Repertoire (75 minutes) 

Time Steps:

25 mins 1) “No Time”

a) Measures 3-7 playing parts
i) SA
ii) TB
iii) Put together
b) Review measures (43-54), play parts
i) A, add S (play their part)
ii) T, add B (play their part)
c) Learn measure (67-end)
i) S, T, B, A
ii) Put all together
5 mins d) Run whole piece a capella

5 mins 2) Break

30 mins 3) “Great God Almighty”

a) Go over rhythm for the rest of the song
b) Learn measure (62-65)
i) S, A - combine
ii) T, B - combine
iii) Combine all 4 parts

c) Learn measures (66-69)

i) T, B - combine
ii) S, A - combine
iii) Combine all 4 parts

d) Put those 2 sections together

e) Learn measures (70-74)

Rachel Pennington
MUED 480: Block 3

i) A, T - combine
ii) S, B - combine
(5 mins) iii) Combine all parts
f) Run full section a capella

g) (Run entire piece)


● Performance
● Evaluation

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