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Title: Art and literature quiz

Using the Longman Dictionary of English Language & Culture out the answers to the
following questions about art and literature.

1) Where does Isabel Allende come from?

a) Mexico b) Argentina c) Chile

2) Which part of Britain is home to the sculpture The Angel of the North?
a) Northeast England b) Northwest England c) Southwest England

3) Fill in the gaps to name two of Pat Barker’s novels: - - generation and The G---t R--d

4) The English artists Jake and Dinos Chapman produce work which is often considered shocking and
lacking in humour. Is this statement true or false?

5) What is Tracey Emin’s best-known work and describe its characteristics.

6) Does Joseph Heller’s Catch 22 praise or criticise war?

7) Which two John Irving novels have been made into successful

8) Which prize did Harper Lee win for To Kill a Mocking Bird in 1961?
a) Nobel b) Booker c) Pulitzer

9) Philip Pullman’s best-known trilogy is called Her Dark Materials. Is this true or false?

10) In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, which animals support the disc?

a) four s b) four elephants c) four lions

11) JK Rowling’s Harry Potter goes to a special school for __z___s

12) What is pop art?

a) a form of modern art which shows everyday common objects
b) a form of art concentrating on pop stars
c) a form of art focussing on abstract shapes

13) What type of building did The Tate Modern used to be?

14) What is the Turner Prize?

Source: Longman Dictionary of English Language & Culture

Title: Art and literature quiz - Teacher’s Notes

Time: 30–45 minutes

Lesson ideas:
W armer - Books and art! Ask students what their favourite type of book is – Favourite authors and why?
Harry Potter and the world of fantasy or authors who write about historical events such as war? What kind of art do they like –
modern? Traditional? Sculptures? Can any of them describe a piece of art they’ve been impressed with?

The quiz mixes literature and art – get students to do this quiz in pairs. Monitor their work and any reactions to answers that
could be worth discussing afterwards, e.g. particular enthusiasm about an author or interest in modern art objects for example.

Students feed back answers to teacher at end of quiz. Discuss any areas that you noticed caused interest. Alternatively get
students in pairs to look at the merits of modern art and any criticisms they have too.

Answers :

1) c - Chile (p. 31)

2) a - Northeast England (p. 43)
3) Regeneration and The Ghost Road (p. 93)
4) False - their work is known for its black humour (p. 221)
5) My Bed - a real bed that has not been made after being slept in - bed is covered and surrounded with things such as
sunglasses, ashtrays and underwear ( p. 449)
6) It is an anti-war novel, therefore criticising war (p. 652)
7) The World According to Garp and The Cider House Rules (p. 734)
8) c - Pulitzer Prize for Literature (p. 791)
9) False - His Dark Materials (p. 1119)
10) b - four elephants (p. 1085)
11) Wizards (p. 1206)
12) a - a form of modern art which shows everyday common objects (p. 1073)
13) a power station (p. 1422)
14) An important prize that is given each year to a British Artist under 50 years old for a work of visual art (p. 1493)

Source: Longman Dictionary of English Language & Culture


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