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Remenber, this kind of stories have some specific characteristics like:
1. Main character, sometimes this character is a hero. (Personaje Principal, a veces
es un héroe).
2. Magical or supernatural element. (Elemento mágico o sobrenatural).
3. Omniscient narrator: The omniscient narrator tells the story in the 3rd person and
is not a character in the story, but transmits it from the outside, knows everything
about the characters and the plots, can predict the future, suppose and judge.
(Narrador omnisciente, El narrador omnisciente nos cuenta la historia en 3ª
persona y no es un personaje del relato, sino que nos lo transmite desde fuera, lo
conoce todo sobre los personajes y las tramas, puede predecir el porvenir,
suponer y juzgar).
4. Moral lesson. (Moraleja).

And for the continouing of the story it is importatnt to mantein those characteristics.
(Mantener estas características es importante para la continuidad de la historia).

(La información debe ir en inglés)

Extensión: 1 cuartilla
After the miller's son became the respected King Marquis of Carabás and married the
beautiful princess, they went to live in that castle together with the jack in boots, who
became the castle's highest authority, after the king .
     After two years of happiness, the king and queen became parents to a beautiful
princess, of course the puss in boots was happy to see everything his master had
accomplished, but unfortunately this happiness would be overshadowed by an unexpected
visit; to the disgrace of everyone in the kingdom, the evil sorcerer had returned, since he
faked his disappearance so that he could plan his return very well. The sorcerer was
determined to recover what was his, for which he decided to take the beautiful princess
and thus be sure that his castle would be returned to him in exchange for recovering the
princess; but as always, the cat was even more cunning than the sorcerer, and in an act of
bravery confronted him again, but this time, he knew that he could not fail, so he decided
to give himself in exchange for the princess and asked her to have a fair rematch between
the two, in addition to giving him back his kingdom. The sorcerer decided to accept the
proposal of the puss in boots and returned the princess to her parents, but clearly the
family was not entirely happy, since the cat, who was clearly another member of his
family, was still in danger. While in the kingdom they planned a battle against the great
sorcerer, the brave puss in boots stood face to face with him. The cat had prepared during
all this time a powerful magic potion that would end anyone who wanted to end their
master's happiness, and it was time to use it. After a strong fight, the cat decided to give
up in order to carry out his plan; the puss in boots posed as dead and was lying on the
ground, but first of all, very carefully he changed the drink that the sorcerer had kept, for
that magic destructive potion. The sorcerer pulled out his drink to celebrate his triumph,
but what a surprise, he fell at the cat's feet almost instantly. The cat, though weak but
happy, stood up and celebrated his victory, devouring once more that wizard who was
now just a pile of minced meat.
     When the great army that the king had prepared to attack the sorcerer arrived at the
place, they found with the great surprise that the cat had already defeated him, all were
happy and took the cat back to the castle with laughter and chants; Seeing his cat arrive
back at the castle, the prince could not contain his tears, and thanked once again for
risking his life to save his princess. That night they prepared a great feast for the cat, and
in that, if it was very clear, he wanted delicious cat tongues prepared by the chef of the
castle, and so it was, that night the cat in boots and his master enjoyed some delicious
tongues of cat like they never had before, from that day on in the castle there was not a
day when cat tongues were not prepared, which also became the princess's favorite dish.
From that moment everyone in the kingdom lived happily ever after.
Author Students Names MELISA ORTIZ ID: 597164

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