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STEP 1 Record the preliminary layout

1 When the excavator digs the oversized opening for the basement, the stakes
marking the corners of the house will be obliterated. To preserve the layout,
set up a line that extends over the corners of the house, then drive offset
stakes into the ground along that line. Place the offset stakes a set distance
away from the original corner stakes. A 10-ft. offset is common because it’s a
safe distance away from the excavation and it’s an easy distance to remember.
The offset stakes should be in line with the long walls (the 38-ft. walls, in
this example).

Place the offset stakes 10 ft. from Flag the location of the
the original corner stakes. Drive offset stakes with nearby
offset stakes deep into the ground stakes that extend 16 in.
so that very little extends above aboveground; attach
the surface. brightly colored ribbons.

Approximately 30 ft.

Original corner stakes

Approximately 38 ft.

2 Record the elevation of the foundation. In this case, the desired elevation
for the top of the foundation is 30 in. above the highest corner stake. Using a
leveling instrument, measure the difference in elevation between the top of
the corner stake and the top of the nearest offset stake. (See “Using a Leveling
Instrument” on p. 14.)

In this example, the bench mark stake The top of the foundation is The top of the foundation, therefore, should be
is 6 in. higher than the corner stake. 30 in. above the corner stake. 24 in. above the top of the bench mark stake.

Bench mark
Corner stake

F R A M I N G F L O O R S , WA L L S , A N D C E I L I N G S 13

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