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Nama : Juniarta Simanjuntak Nilai :

NIM : 2193321059

Prodi/ Fakultas : English education Paraf Dosen:

Kelas : Reguler/ Ekstensi



Hari/ Tanggal: Waktu :

Materi :


1. Explain about writing and reading strategy!



1. Nurjamal in Sumirat, Darwis (2011: 69) He explained that writing is a language skill is the
ability of a person in expressing an idea, feeling, and also thoughts that are owned to people or
other parties by using a written media, other opinions from Djago Tarigan in Elina Syarif,
Zulkarnaini, Sumarno (2009: 5) they argue that writing means to express in writing ideas, ideas,
opinions, or thoughts and feelings. In general, the notion of writing is an activity of expressing
ideas, thoughts, experiences and knowledge in the form of notes using letters, symbols or
symbols that are made systematically so that it can be easily understood by others. In writing
the required strategy, the strategy is divided into two namely:

1. Writing strategies based on process

a. Beginning writing strategy

-Well the sensitivity of reasoning to issues that are worth writing down.

-After sensitivity increases, hone the analytical power to make a good title.

-Write all problems or smart ideas that arise in the book title / writing problems so that we
have a collection of titles or problems that are worth writing.
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- Specify a title that can include sub-substances to be written.

- Read books, scientific magazine journals.

b. Strategy during writing

- develop or break down the subject of writing into sub-topics or break down from the title of
the book / problem into chapters.

- develop chapters into sub-chapters. You do this by lowering keywords in the chapter title.

- start writing.

- write down your opinion, the results of the structure of the synthesis analysis, the results of
the evaluation, and understanding into written ingredients.

- combine references to describe and review the substance written.

c. Post-writing

Done as a verification stage when the writing has become a draft book, what is done is:

-edit for correcting the substance.

-Editing writing.

- ask for opinions to experts or colleagues.

-edit the book formation or physical form of the appearance of writing.

-in writing there is a satisfaction terminal.

2. Strategy based on the way

a. Directly and indirectly: this method is more often done by people who are used to writing,
readily available material (for example, there are already reference cards), have facilities such
as typewriters or computers. The good news is that writing is straightforward so, if you use a
computer error can be corrected, writing tends to be neat, does not require a lot of paper. The
disadvantage is that it uses typewriter or computer skills and is rather wasteful of electricity.

b. Indirect way: this method is done by the writer because he is not good at using computer
facilities, does not have time to write, novice writer, the material is not too heavy or difficult.
The advantage is that, wherever you can write, not wasteful of technology, does not require
expertise in the computer field. The disadvantage is that sometimes writing a concept becomes
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complicated because of error correction, addition, or subtraction. Takes 2 times to write or



Strategy is a plan or way to do something. While reading is a language activity that actively
absorbs information conveyed through written media. Reading strategy is a way or technique
(in reading) to absorb information conveyed through written media. The reading strategy is
used by the reader to obtain the message from the reading that is read. A good reader will
often use it. They use the strategy before, during and after reading.

✓ Importance of Having a Reading Strategy

1. Easy in the reading process,

2. Easy to absorb messages or information from readings that are read,

3. Reading is no longer a boring activity,

4. Reading activities do not become an activity to be respected,

5. Growing interest in reading,

6. reading becomes a necessity,

7. Readers know the reading strategies that fit their respective reading potentials, and

8. Bad myths about reading become good myths that make people become interested in

✓Reading Strategy

1. In reading it is very necessary:

a. Interest Interest is the urge to know something.

b. Motivation Motivation is the desire or drive to read (both from outside and from inside).

c. Concentration Concentration is the focus in what you read.

a. Before Reading Before starting to read, try to get the "big picture" or the whole point of the
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reading. Here are some strategies to help you see what you read:

Ø Observe the title and author,

Ø See contents,

Ø Reads the introduction or introduction,

Ø Read the first sentence under the title or first sentence in each paragraph, and

Ø Read the conclusions or end of paragraphs or end of books.

b. During reading When reading, try to be sensitive, be an active thinker by doing predictive
activities, such as:

Ø Making philosophical questions or 5W + 1H,

Ø Look for answers to each of your questions,

Ø Stop immediately and ask yourself, "What did I just read?". Then answer your own questions,

Ø Express ideas or ideas in your own words,

Ø Underline or mark important ideas,

Ø Make a list of keywords, phrases, or concluding.

sentences This can be done by:

§ Creating a reading frame or out lining,

§ Make a scheme or chart, and

§ Summarizing or summarising.

c. After reading

After carrying out activities on the reading strategy found in the reading strategy before reading
and during reading, then look again at the pages. Here are some tips for reviewing:

Ø Ask yourself what you know after reading the reading.

Ø Share what you just read with others who want to listen.

Ø Write a summary or summary of what you are reading.

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3. The Reading Strategy Model

The steps are as follows:

a. Survey Survey is a preliminary study or preliminary study.

Ø Steps:

✓ Introductory part that needs to be read inside and outside cover (title, author, and

✓ Read the introduction or introduction (purpose, general description of the contents of the
book, and the systematics)

✓ Read abstracts or book reviews or summaries of essays, and

✓ Read the table of contents and list of abbreviations, such as:

✓ Section contents: seen in general the order of the chapters.

✓ Final part: seen conclusions, suggestions and recommendations, bibliography, curriculum

vitae, and index.

b. Question Question is a question. We can make questions for ourselves about what we read.

Ø Steps:

✓ Formulate questions (general questions can be extracted from the title page, preface, and
table of contents).

✓ formulating specific questions can be explored from chapters, subchapters, and others.

✓ formulate questions with 5W + 1H or philosophical.

c. Read Read is an activity where we start reading.

Ø Steps:

✓ While reading, concentrate on searching for answers to questions that are made,
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✓ Reading can be flexible and flexible, and

✓ Also note the reading of tables, graphs and maps.

d. Recite Recite is to reiterate the core readings that have been read in their own language.

Ø Steps: retell the answers you get in your own language. It should be written below the
question formulation.

e. Review Review is rearranging based on opinions and comments.

Ø Steps: Checking or looking back at certain parts that are considered important. Such as
subtitles, sub-chapters, images, tables, and others.

4. Benefits of Implementing a Reading Strategy

1. Facilitate the reading process,

2. makes it easy to understand the core reading,

3. makes it easy to absorb messages and reading information that is read,

4. help focus attention on the reading,

5. help concentration and understanding because it is active in confirming, canceling, repairing

or revising what it has predicted,

6. help in determining whether the book is suitable for its needs,

7. make us more flexible in reading (can adjust the rhythm of reading speed),

8. can make learning outcomes more effective and efficient because it can be used in a
systematic learning system, and

9. foster interest in reading.

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