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MECHANICAL ventilation 2
1.07.0. REPORT S


This installation basically have to meet the regulations as follows:
2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
3. Hint of Equipment Manufacturer.
4. Fire Office Committee (FOC).
5. Indonesia Plumbing guidelines 1979.
6. National Plumbing Code.
7. Indonesian National Standard 2000
This installation work must be carried out by companies that have the Installati
on of City of the authorized institution and has been used to do it and a refere
nce list should be attached to the installation of mailings

1.02.0. PICTURES
1. The plan pictures and these requirements is a complementary union, and the sa
me tie.
2. The pictures of this system shows the general layout of equipment, and instal
lation should be done with due regard to the condition of existing buildings and
also consider ease of maintenance service if the equipment is operated.
3. Architects pictures and Structure / Civil should be used as a reference for i
mplementation and installation of finishing details.
4. Before the work began, the contractor must submit working drawings and detail
s to the Owner Parties to be reviewed and approved first. By asking these pictur
es, contractor deemed to have been studying the situation from other installatio
ns associated with this installation.
5. The installation contractor should make installation pictures attached, along
with operating and Maintenance Instruction, and must be submitted to The Owner
at the time of first delivery in duplicate 3 (three), bound and equipped with a
data table of contents and notations.
1. This installation contractor should cooperate with other installation contrac
tor, so that all work can proceed smoothly in accordance with a predetermined ti
2. Good coordination is necessary, so installation does not impede the progress
of the other installations.
3. If the implementation of this installation prevents another installation, the
n all the result being the contractor responsibility.
1. Before the implementation of this installation began, the contractor must sub
mit working pictures and details to the Owner Parties in duplicate 3 (three) for
2. Contractor must hold a re-examination of every size and capacity of equipment
to be installed. If there is something questionable, contractor should immediat
ely contact the Owner Parties. Retrieving the size and / or selection of the wro
ng equipment capacity will be the responsibility of contractor.
3. proposed the Implementation method or Standard Work

1.05.0. Testing and commissioning

1. Before Testing and Commissioning implemented, firstly the contractor must be
filed Testing and Commissioning Program.
2. The installation contractor must perform all the testing and measurement as d
eemed necessary and or requested by the Owner Parties to determine whether the e
ntire installation to function properly and can meet all the requirements reques
3. All materials, equipment and other installations necessary to conduct such te
sting is the responsibility of contractor.


1. This installation of equipment should be guaranteed for one year commencing f
rom the first delivery.
2. The maintenance period for this installation is 12 (Twelve) months from the t
ime the first delivery.
3. During this maintenance period, the installation contractor is required to ov
ercome the damage that would occur without any additional cost.
4. During this maintenance period, the entire installation has been completed is
the responsibility of the contractor completely.
5. During this maintenance period, if the contractor does not perform this insta
llation reprimand from The Owner of repair / replacement / adjustment is needed,
the Owner reserves the right hand The repair / replacement / adjustment to othe
r parties for the cost of this installation contractor.
6. During this maintenance period, this installation contractor should train off
icers who are appointed by the owner so it can recognize the system can perform
the installation and maintenance.
7. The first handover of a new installation can be carried out after examination
with no evidence of good results, signed jointly by the contractor and the Owne
r and enclosed Party City of Use of Work Safety Bureau and other competent autho

8. Handover after the maintenance period is a new installation can be carried ou

t after:
a) Minutes of the second handover which states that the installation is in good
condition, signed with the contractor and the Owner Parties.
b) The contractor has handed over all permit use of government authorities, such
as Fire Department and the Agency Safety at Work, etc., so that the installatio
n has been installed can be used without violating the relevant installation reg
c) All images/pictures installed along with operating, instruction, technical an
d maintenance manuals dual 3 (three), including 1 (one) original set has been su
bmitted to the Owner Parties.
d) Tool Kit and accessories that are he factory standard from major equipment i
nstalled must be submitted to the Owner Parties.
1.07.0. REPORTS
1. Daily and Weekly Reports
Contractor shall make daily reports and weekly reports which provides a descri
ption of:
- Physical activity
- Notes and orders submitted Owner Parties orally or in writing.
- The number of materials into / rejected
- The number of labor
- weather conditions, and
- Work plus / less ( additional job o/ reducing)
Weekly report is a summary of daily reports and after signed by the Project Mana
ger must be submitted to The Owner for known / approved.
2. Testing Report
This installation contractor must submit to the Owner Parties in duplicate 3 (th
ree) on matters as follows:
- The results of testing all the requirements of the installation operations.
- The results of equipment testing
- The results of cable / pipe testing
- and others.
All testing and measurements that will be witnessed by the Owner Parties.


The installation contractor must place a person in charge of implementation and
experienced experts who have always been in the field, which acts as a represent
ative of the contractor and has the ability to provide technical decisions and f
ully responsible in receiving any instructions to be given by Owner Parties.
Responsible for the above should also be placed on the job when needed / desired
by the Owner Parties.


1. Implementation installations that deviate from the plan adjusted to field con
ditions, must get written approval first from the consultants and Owner.
2. This installation contractor must submit any changes in the existing picture
to The Owner in duplicate 3 (three).
3. Material changes, and others, must be submitted by the contractor to The Owne
r, in writing and added work / less / the changes that have to be approved by th
e Owner Parties in writing.

1.10.0. PERMITS
Permits the maintenance required for the implementation of this installation and
all necessary costs of contractor responsibility.


1. Walls break opening, floors and walls etc. required in the implementation of
this installation and restore it to its original state/condition, the scope of t
his installation work.
2. break opening / welding / drilling can be conducted only if there is consent/
approval from the Owner Parties in writing.


1. Routine checks should be carried out by the installation contractor periodica
lly and no less than every two weeks.
2. Special inspection should be carried out by the contractor of this installati
on, if there is a request/demand from and or when there is an interruption in th
is installation.


Vice contractor should always be present in every project meeting arranged by th
e assignor.

L .

13.0.0. OTHER WORK
15.0.0. PRODUCT


2.0.1. GENERAL
These articles below describe in general terms that need to be followed for all
the parts in the implementation procedures associated with the installation of a
The drawings and specifications are specific provisions and similar complementar
y tie/mengikat.
1. Outside air conditions
Temperature : 33.2 ° C (91.8 °F)
Relative Humidity : 80%
2. Conditions in the room (all rooms in Condition)
Temperature : 24 ° C ± 2 ° C / 75 F ± 4 °F
Relative Humidity : 55% ± 10% RH
3. Noise Criteria
Office 40 to 45 NC (55 to 60 dB)
Space Management 40 to 45 NC (45 to 50 dB)
Outdoor sports 50 to 55 NC (60 to 65 dB)
All equipment and installations that require necessary resistance to fire within
a certain time period, and the spread of fire caused by the gaps between the pi
pe or duct with a wall or floor must use a fire barrier material (fire stopping
material) that is suitable for this purpose.

All equipment and assistive devices should be installed according to installatio
n methods that are technically practical, good and accountable and in accordance
with the guidelines and instructions on the brochure or publication issued by t
he equipment manufacturer or the tools are.
2. Platform Tools.
All the foundation for tools and motors, the size is such that no parts or equip
ment beyond the motor base. Heavy equipment in its heavy operations is defined
3. Platforms.
For equipment such as fans and the sort of hanging and sitting on a platform, th
e platform should be reinforced with a steel frame channel (elbow) or dibautkan
welded or riveted to a frame so strong, rigid and does not vibrate in its operat
2.0.5. The roof penetration.
All parts are through the roof installations such as duct, pipe, venting must be
equipped with a concrete edge (Curb) around the parts of the installation so th
at the construction is completely waterproof

2.0.6. Attainment Tools For Service.

1. All major equipment or equipment installation aids in principle should be eas
y to be observed, serviced, and easy access in repairs, including pipe and duct
accessories like valve, clean out, dampers, filters, venting etc.
For this installation contractor shall take into consideration in the best posit
ion of the equipment and accessories, so the goal is achieved.
2. Besides, the contractor must propose to the Parties Owner (if not shown in pi
cture) service doors (access panel), for any equipment and accessories that are
in the shaft or ceiling that needs it, its size and exact location.
3. If the planning image (gambar rencana) has indicated the was necessary access
panel, then shift to the right position of the access panel where they will be
in relation to equipment / accessories and connection with the architect / inter
ior needs to be discussed with the Owner Parties for approval.

2.0.7. Equipment and Materials Protection .

1. The responsibility and obligation for contractors to protect equipment, bette
r materials are already, or not yet installed when expected to be damaged, defec
tive or interfere with the surrounding circumstances or the nature (rain, dust,
sand, moisture) or by the materials chemical surroundings.
2. Before the delivery, installation is cleaned or tested and re-adjusted to pro
ve that the equipment and materials for proper operation. Equipment and material
s damaged or defective because they do not do the right protection is a part of
the installation that can not be accepted (not handover 100%).

2.0.8. Painting
All the parts work concerning carbon steel or galvanized zinc should be painted
on the bottom and paint finish. Before the painting done, the parts must be free
of grease, oil and any dirt. Painting sequences are anti-rust primer (zinccroma
te) and the paint finish consists of 2 layers of paint copolymer. For devices da
maged paint manufacturer / defects in the transport, storage etc., should be re-
painted in the original or in accordance with the specified color Owner Parties.
For pipelines, the color code is according to standards.

2.0.9. Anti Rust

1. All the equipment installation aid, which comes from iron and not previously
treated for anti corrosion (such a hanger, holder, base, flange, etc.) should be
painted with anti-rust paint, that is paint zinchromate and then finish with a
specified color.
2. All bolts, nuts and washer should be electroplated zinc.
3. Platform buffer equipment (steel bases), all should be clear of free welded,
painted with a base and paint zinchromate end (finish) 2 layers

2.0.10. Sleeve, equipment embedded in the wall.

Assist devices, sleeve and other necessary or embedded into concrete or wall mus
t be installed and completed according to commercial instructions. For that size
, position prepared for this purpose should be consulted with the Project Manage
r / Court and accompanied by detailed drawings. All Ducting or pipe through the
wall to use the sleeve with a clearance 20mm (3 / 4 ") if the insulated duct or
pipe, still needed clearance 20mm (3 / 4") between the insulation and the sleeve
. Sleeve is through the roof should be extended ± 200 mm above the roof floor. Aft
er installation of the pipe or duct clearance must be filled with fire-resistant
2.0.11. Numbering, Names Equipment / Accessories.
All installed equipment and accessories must be given the code names and numbers
of equipment, such as that included in the list of equipment or data sheet or a
s indicated on the plan drawings. If there is equipment or Accessories not have
a code name and number, the contractor shall propose to the Project Manager / MK
and this all must be listed in as built drawings.


3.0.1. Scope of Work
This installation work includes the procurement and Installing installation Air
system (Air Conditioning) and Mechanical Ventilation (Mechanical Ventilation) in
full including all equipment and supporting facilities, which obtained a comple
te installation and good and thoroughly tested and ready for use.

3.0.2. Procurement and Installation

1. Procurement, installation, configuring and testing all air system equipment (
air conditioning) such as: Split AC Machine Outdoor / Indoor, Fan, Thermostat, C
ontrol, and so on.
2. Procurement, installation, configuring and testing all the Ducting installati
3. Procurement, installation, configuring and testing the condensation water pip
ing installations (drainage) to the nearest water canal.
4. Procurement, installation, configuring and testing procedures Interlock syste
m installation and ventilation air by fire alarm systems available.
5. Procurement, installation, adjustment and testing electrical power source for
these installations such as cables and AC panel.
6. Procurement and installation of all civil works due to this installation as d
escribed in this document.
7. Repair all the damage and re-finishing the job caused by this installation.
8. Educate staff of the building owner, who was appointed about ways to run and
maintain these installations.
9. Submit Tools Part (a standard tool to repair machines installed), the picture
s, user guide how to run and maintain a complete technical data and installation
of equipment installed.
10. This installation maintenance held periodically during the maintenance perio
11. Warranty of machinery / equipment installed.
12. Coordination of the parties concerned during the field work.
13. Doing work or other provisions contained in this document and its addendum.

4.0.0 FAN ventilation

4.0.1. Scope of Work
Procurement and installation of ventilation equipment (fans) including labor, su
pervision, materials, equipment, accessories, service and testing, so ready to b
e operated in accordance with the plans as shown in the picture plan that comple
ments of this document.

4.0.2. General
1. Technical specifications which are outlined below, is a basic need that must
be followed. While specific terms of the provision type, ability (performance) e
quipment, and other fittings can be seen on the plan drawing sheet "Equipment Li
st" or if the attached data sheet attached.
2. Fan must have a certificate, according to the applicable standard country whe
re the fan is made for testing and rating (performance) such as standard AMCA fr
om 210 to 74 in America.
3. Sound pressure levels in dB must be equipped with Re watts at 10-12 mid octav
e frequency band. 60 to 4000 Hz.
4. Basically, all fans must have low noise levels in its operations, and within
the limits of normal. When was the high noise level should be given extra noise
silencers without additional cost.
5. Fan installation includes installation of cable from the panel, remote, on-of
f switch and pilot lamp.
6. Fan section relating to the outside air, its outlet area should be screened S
tainless Steel which can be opened for cleaning.
7. Contractor to submit the data product: printed data from manufacturers, catal
og, acoustic performance, testing data. Curve performance, operational and maint
enance guidelines, one set of spare part each fan belt - every fan after the bal
ancing performed.

4.0.3 Technical Specification

1. Centrifugal Fan
Fan must be of type Airfoil backward curve fit as described in the list of equip
ment with the following components. :
- Type in-line
- Volute casing of galvanized steel
- multivane Impeller from galvanized steel
- Shaft of mild steel.
- using grease lubrication ball or roller bearings and should be free maintenan
- External rotor motor rotates around stator internally.
- Could be the fan motor speed control.
- Motor of TEFC type, IP 44, insulation class B.
- Fan and motor sits on a frame holder (base frame), with the motor position ca
n be set to fan belt tension (if the motor and fan relationship is not direct re
- Drain connection supplied under the fan.
- Provide access doors for all of fan scroll over 900 mm in diameter. The door
of the quick types opening.

2. Axial Fan
- Impeller fan of the type Airfoil blade, adjustable pitch.
- Material fan:
a) Casing : hot dipped galvanized steel
b) Impeller : Aluminum die-cast or PAG
c) Shaft : carbon steel
d) Lubrication : grease ball bearings
- Motor of TEFC type, IP 54, insulation class F (outdoor type).
- complete Fan counter with flange for splicing into Ducting. Equipped with a
bell accessories package (the inlet cone) when the suction inlet is not connecte
d to the duct (as shown in the picture or data sheet).
- Provide access doors for all of fan scroll over 900 mm in diameter. The door
of the quick types opening.

3. Propeller Fan (wall or ceiling fan).

- Fan of propeller type for wall or ceiling, unless stated ceiling fan of the
centrifugal type as shown in the picture or data sheet.
- For the wall fan-related outside complete with automatic shutter of the type
of Aluminum (if shown in the drawings plans or data sheet).
For the wall Fan with large capacity and high static pressure (high pressure fa
n), the framework fan of painted steel with a stainless impeller from Aluminum d


5.0.1. Scope of Work.
Installation and procurement of Air Cooled Split Unit consisting of an Indoor Un
it and Outdoor Unit pipeline following the second refrigerant from the unit. The
capacity of each unit as stated in the schedule of equipment on the image plann
ing (gambar rencana) sheet.

5.0.2. General
Technical specifications described here are the basic needs that must be met. Wh
ile the specific provisions of the ability of units (performance) can be viewed
on the image planning sheet that complements of this document.

5.0.3. Technical Specifications

1. Unit capacity based on:
- Air conditioning condenser 35 ° C.
- room temperature 24 ° C ± 2 C.
- Resulting Humidity 55% ± 10% RH
2. Outdoor Unit.
- Compressor from type "Scroll" or "Screw" with refrigerant HFC-134a. Each comp
ressor is equipped with "Vibrator Spring Isolators", crankcase, automatic revers
ible oil pump, crankcase, automatic heater for the oil solubility settings for s
hoot down.
- Casing of the outdoor unit should be waterproof, galvanized steel that finish
ed wearing baked enamel.
- All suction pipes should be insolated with "Close Fitting celcular Insulatio
n " each unit is equipped with factory wired security control panels to overload
, current limiting.
- Security Control consist of low pressure switches, high pressure switches, oi
l pressure safety switch, compressor motor protector, heater control relay.
- Fan of the condensing unit is the propeller with a direct connection and equi
pped with security protection.
3. Indoor Unit.
- Blower from the indoor fan of the tangential type with total 1 units is drive
n by a motor 4 pole (1450 RPM).
- Refrigerant (liquid) line has a combination moisture indicator and sight glass
, refrigerant filter drier, liquid line solenoid valve.
- Casing from indoor placed on the wall to wall mounted type and / or ceiled to
cassette type.
4. Equipment settings.
A room thermostat is equipped with a switch Off, Fan, Cool and room temperature
setting will enable the operating unit.

6.0.0. FILTER or air filter.

6.0.1. Scope of Work
The scope of this point work is the supply and installation of filter /the filt
er of incoming air / inlet to the engine Fan Air Handling Units, Fan Coil Units
and Fan as shown in this technical specification.
6.0.2. General
Technical specifications described below are as basic needs that must be met.

6.0.3. Technical Specifications

1. Pre-filter
- Type washable, fire resistance, the metallic media of thickness 2 ". Filter f
rame is made of sectional galvanized steel 'U'. 30-35% filter efficiency based o
n ASHRAE standard 52-76 dust Atmosphere sport, average arrestance 94-96%, in the
low velocity conditions.
- Filter to be attached tightly to each other toward the frame. Not allowed th
e gap between the plate covered with a filter due to a lack of size.
-Filter to be installed must be proved from the filter brand brosure toward its
type and efficiency.
2. Bag Filter (Not in use).
-Bag Filters used for AHU / FCU with a capacity of 1 m3 / s to 2.5 m3 / s who s
erve the rooms associated with the public.
- This filter bags of the form 'V', made of fiberglass that shaped package sacs
was mounted on the frame made of galvanized Steel with a thickness of 25 mm. In
stallation of the AHU unit must be strong and easy to be cleaned off when (if ne
3. Carbon Filter.
-Carbon filters are used for AHU / FCU to serve the rooms smelled like smoke an
d cigarette smoke or kitchen.
-This filter is shaped of cylinder cartridges that containing activated carbon.
This cartridge is made of 2 pieces of different cylinder diameter, made of galv
anized Steel and small holes.
- Space between the two cylinder is filled carbon already compressed in a contai
ner stand can absorb vibration and smoke. Width 16mm space between the cylinder,
and closes the Cartridge is closed with lock ring and tied with a gasket filte
r efficiency from 80 to 95% based on ASHRAE 52/76 dust Atmosphere sports Resist
age filter is 0.55 in WG (137 Pa).
-Filter is installed should be demonstrated from the filter brand brochure on t
he type and efficiency (if necessary).

7.0.0. Silencer VIBRATIONS

7.0.1. Scope of Work.
The scope of work of this point is the supply and installation of a silencer vib
ration (Vibration Isolation / Eliminator) for all machines that vibrate like Spl
it System Units, Fan and also needed for duct, pipe, etc..
7.0.2. Technical Specifications
1. A silencer vibration (Vibration isolator) should be able to reduce engine vib
ration with 90% efficiency.
2. Type of the selected vibration absorbers to suit the needs machines / units t
hat will be muted vibrations. Vibration reducer must be installed in accordance
with the requirements / recommendations equipment manufacturers / machines. Vibr
ation reducer can be a Neoprene Pad, Neoprene Mounts, Spring Isolators, Isolator
s Restrain, Pipe Hanger, etc.


8.0.1. Scope of work
Procurement and Equipment installation of automated control systems on equipment
that needs it, whether such as set forth in the image planning (rencana gambar)
, or not stated in the image planning, but it is part of control equipment shoul
d be installed for the proper functioning of equipment they will be, or as descr
ibed in the system description, so that the control system which can function as
8.0.2. System Description
1. AC Control System
- Start, stop and status of each air conditioning and ventilation units must be
in a remote from the control panel, which were located in the control room.

9.0.0. Ducting WORK

9.0.1. Scope of Work.
The scope of work to this point is the procurement and installation (including m
anufacturing) complete with duct work insulation / without insulation, dampers,
grilles, registers, the following assistive devices that support such work as sh
own in the picture plan that complements this document.
9.0.2. General
1. If not specifically described ducting in general terms means duct work, fitti
ngs, dampers, support and other components / accessories needed to complete this
2. Ducting pathways are shown in the image plan is the basic image that shows th
e route and size of Ducting. Contractor must adjust to local circumstances (shop
drawings) and with lines of other installations.
The following details or the pieces needed and obtain approval from the Board of
Directors / Consultants before implemented.
3. Sizes as shown in the picture is clean and the cross-sectional size of the ex
cessive air. If necessary lining to the size of the duct, means the cross-sectio
n should be enlarged according lining thickness.
4. Ducting Materials from Layer Steel Zinc (BJLS).
9.0.3. Duct Construction.
1. Duct Construction is for low velocity (low pressure duct) with the static pre
ssure within the duct until 3 in WG (750 Pa) with a maximum speed of 1800 to 250
0 FPM (9 - 12.5 m / s).
2. Duct construction must follow SMACNA standards, unless specified things that
must be met beyond those standards.
3. All across the duct connection to the above measures should be put on 600 mm
flange connection of the brackets using the rubber packing 2 mm thick.
4. The relationship between the dimensions of the duct with the use of sheet met
al when not shown in the picture is as follows:
Measured based on the longest side of Galvanized sheet metal:
- Up to 300 mm : BJLS 50
- 325 to 750 mm : BJLS 60
- 775 to 1350 mm : BJLS 80
- 1350 to 2100 mm : BJLS 100
- 2125 upwards : BJLS 120

5. All Ducting connection with max distance 2000 mm (Flange connection, slip joi
nt, pitsburg lock Seam, etc.) must be completely air tight with a sealant to pre
vent air leakage.
6. Branching (take off) must wear a splitter damper can be arranged and locked i
n position.
7. Reducer (transition), the slope of the duct is made not more than 14 °.
8. Hole testing, the main supply and return duct test holes must be made to meas
ure temperature, humidity and static pressure and velocity. When finished shut w
ith a plastic probe that was isolated.
9. Strengthening the duct, all duct larger 500-mm surface must be cross-broken (
broken cross).
10. Duct hanger, how lynching (penggantungan) duct must be such that there is pr
actically no lendutan-lendutan, vibrations and deformation.

11. Terms of lynching should follow:

longest size of duct
(mm) Diameter hanger

(mm) Trapeze brackets

(mm) distance

Up to 300 8 25 x 25 x 3 2
325 to 750 8 25 x 25 x 3 2
775 to 1350 10 30 x 30 x 3 1,5
1375 to 2100 15 40 x 40 x 5 1,5
2125 Upward 20 40 x 40 x 5 1,5
Note: Ducting hanger that wearing Long Screw type.
12. Elbow, made in the specifications image or image detail.
13. All elbow must be of the full radius elbow type, inner radius (R t) equal to
the width of the duct. For the situation where the need to use short radius elb
ow (R t less than the width of the duct) must use turning vanes.
14. Turning vanes number and position is determined by logarithmic chart on the
basis of (RT) / (RH). To elbow perpendicular to use double thickness guide vanes
, according to the image detail. To tie the hanger to the concrete construction
used ramset / dynabolt.
15. Flexible connection.
- contractor must install the connection of flexible connection from the double
sheet glass cloth material (canvas) 0.65 mm thick or more, fire resistance to th
e duct is logged in / out of the fan or AHU).
- The length of flexible connection no more than 20 cm, and did not cause leakag
e of the connection.
- The assembly process must be in a straight line in such a way that does not c
ause cross-sectional area reduction.
16. Aluminum Flexible Duct Round consists of type 2 layers of aluminum laminate
encapsulating with spring steel wire helix and 2-mm spacing of fire resistance.
Max working pressure. 5 inch WG. Flexible duct to the equipment using special cl
amps (quick clamp) of plastic material.

9.0.4. Ducting Fire Resistant .

1. Duct for work related to fire control, smoke (stairwell pressurization, smoke
duct, Ducting through a fire wall) must be resistant to fire (fire rating) for
2 hours.
2. Duct Construction of zinc coated steel material (BJLS 140 - 1:37 mm thick) wi
th a continuous connection to the connection weld lengthwise and crosswise conne
ction. Duct coated with calcium silicate board density 500 kg/m3, 25 mm thick, t
hermal resistance is 0.24 m 2 K / W and Heat Transition coefficient 'K' 2.5 W m
2 / K. Contractors are required to re-select the insulation thickness with the
3. Connection to the fan duct is not justified in using joint flexible canvas.
4. Each duct curve above should be installed oil catcher (especially for kitchen
) and manhole for cleaning every 6-8 m.

9.0.5. Fire Dampers / Smoke Damper.

Fire dampers installed in accordance as illustrated. Fire damper of the horizont
al multi-blade type, equipped with fusible links and fusible link bar frame and
blade of 1.6 mm material steel plate. Fuse must have a melting point 70 ° C. Blade
is constructed such that in the horizontal center of gravity blade will automat
ically shut down and when the fuse link broken. Frame and blade angle complete w
ith stop, catch spring, and others. (Fig. construction must be approved by the p
lanners before made / installed).

9.0.6. Grille, Register, Diffuser.

1. Diffuser, grille and register should be made of anodized aluminum profile and
the ex. local. Installation of diffuser / grille to the plafond must wear rubbe
r 6 mm thick sponge.
2. Colors for diffuser, grille and register in anodized with color will be deter
mined later by the Architect / Directors.
3. Supply registers is the horizontal bar grille that you can set the volume air
flow rate damper.
4. Grille just as the supply registers in the construction, without using volume
5. Damper of the diffuser is a galvanized iron sheet BJLS 80 type: "opposed blad
e damper". Finishing painted black. Construction should be fairly rigid and does
not vibrate as air flow, and can be locked at the desired position.
6. No justified use bolts on the surface of the diffuser / grille / register.
7. Slot diffuser consisting of types 1, 2, 3 or 4 slot in the material is anodiz
ed with color aluminum to be determined by the architect / interior (not used).
8. Slot must have the steering flow (deflector) are both in their construction s
o that the function really deflector forming flow patterns that meet its standar
d and does not change positions because the air flow. Slot diffuser is ex import
(Titus / Price, Barber Coulman or approved equivalent). If the slot diffuser is
continuous then the connection must use the alignment between the strip.

9.0.7. Plenum Duct.

1. Plenum Duct in accordance with its dimensions have to use the material in acc
ordance with the provisions of the former.
2. The whole side of the Plenum must be reinforced with brackets 40 x 40 x 3 and
if necessary put bracing on the longest side.
3. Glass fiber insulation rated 24 kg/m3 density on the outside of Plenum duct a
nd density 48 kg/m3 on the inside and both are coated with aluminum foil or doub
le-sided can also be insulated with an elastomeric rubber sheet with a thickness
of 12.4 mm.


10.0.1. Scope of Work.
The scope of work at this point is the procurement and installation of piping co
mplete with fittings, fittings, tools, Accessories in isolation or without isola
tion in accordance as shown on the image plan that complements of this document.

10.0.2. General
Like what is shown in the picture plan, pipeline routes listed are the basic pic
ture that shows route and size of the pipe. Contractor must adjust to local circ
umstances (shop drawings) and with lines of other installations, the following d
etails or the pieces needed and received approval from the Board of Directors /
Consultants before implemented.
10.0.3. M a t e r i a l
1. Condensation Pipe : PVC Pipe AW class.
2. Refrigerant pipe : Hard copper ASTM B-88 or BS ...

10.0.4. Construction Installation of Pipe.

1. Connection pipe with a diameter up to 50 mm is threaded connection.
2. Connection pipe diameter above 65 mm is the connection flange / welding.
3. Before the installed pipe must be cleaned the inside of the dirt.
4. Every piece of pipe with a welding / saws should be cleaned first from the re
mnants of welding (welding lumps) before jointed, flattened (reamed) after sawin
g, thus achieving the original size.
5. Cutting pipe have to use a cutter .
6. Each connection after welding, must be cleaned from the crust and immediately
after the cold dimenie / zinchromat.
7. For threaded connection, to use a tape seal to prevent leakage and are not al
lowed to use the plumber rope.
8. Each end of the pipe will not be covered with jointed plates (metal) welded.
9. Pipes that pass through walls / concrete plates should wear sleeve and the su
rrounding filled with caulking materials for example compriband or building seal
10. The pipes must be painted before it is isolated with anti-rust paint (2 laye
rs of paint menie) or zinchromat.
11. Insulated pipe should be tested prior to 8 kg/cm2 for 24 hours.
12. Pipe hangers in accordance with detailed drawings, the distance between the
pipe hanger / pipe buffer must be no more than:

- up to 12 mm Diameter : 2 m distance
- 20 to 25 mm : distance of 2.5 m.
- Diameter 32 to 65 mm : distance of 3 m.
- Diameter 80 to 125 mm : distance of 3.5 m.
- The diameter of 150 mm and above : distance of 4.5 m

13. Hanger pipe on the concrete plate use Philip red head (dyna-bolt), to 80 mm
above the pipe and pipe ramset to 12.5 mm s / d 65 mm.
14. The pipes that hold the floor, supported using a clamp or collar attached ti
ghtly to the pipe rested on the floor and wearing a rubber pad.
15. Pipes hanging from the engine room when the plate above the floor, to use th
e system using vibration isolator hanger.
16. All pipes must be installed parallel to the straight wall / part of the buil
ding in a horizontal or vertical direction. All the pipes in the chiller room su
pported / suspended with Vibration insulation.
17. Basically turns the corner to? and 45 ?17. Bend angle allowed is 90 primar
ily used for long exhaust pipe radius and in terms? and 45 ?90 of local conditi
ons do not allow the use of short radius must get written approval from the Owne
r and Consultant Planner.
18. Before the pipe installed, supports should be installed first in perfect con
19. Before you install supports to be painted with primer zinchromate ICI.
20. All pipe should be well rested on the supports.
21. Pipe and fittings must be free from stress in the material resulting from th
e forced.

10.0.5. Refrigerant Piping Construction & Drain for Split System.

1. Provide and install piping installation for the entire air conditioning syste
m, (refrigerant and drain / condensation) including fittings, fittings and tools
2. Refrigerant pipe should all be done carefully and as best as possible, before
hanging all parts must be clean, dry and free from dust and dirt and should be
set as short as possible.
3. Copper pipe of the type K or L is dehydrated and sealed. Diameter pipe that i
s used must be re-adjusted to the engine cooling capacity and the equivalent len
gth of pipe.
4. Height difference between the condensing and evaporator and pipe length does
not exceed that specified by the manufacturer.
5. Pipe connection of "hard drawn tubing" should be connected by means of wrough
t copper fittings or brass fittings non porbus, and recommended the silver solde
r used to blow her noble gas such as dry nitrogen into the pipe that was connect
ed to avoid the formation of oxide scale in the pipe.
6. Soft solder "tintead 50-50" must not be used, solder tintead 95-5 "may be use
d except in the hot gas discharge pipe.
7. Pipe type of "soft drawn tubing" can be connected with solder, or other flame
suitable for refrigerant pipe. In the pipeline "prec 6. Soft solder "tintead 50
-50" must not be used, solder tintead 95-5 "may be used except in the hot gas di
scharge pipe.
7. Pipe type of "soft drawn tubing" can be connected with solder, or other flame
suitable for refrigerant pipe. In the pipeline "pre-charged refrigerant lines"
provided by the manufacturer should be installed in accordance with the requirem
ents of the plant.
8. Refrigerant pipe should be supported and hung properly to prevent flexing and
continue the engine vibration to the building.
9. Refrigerant pipe should be installed in accordance with the requirements of "
ASHRAE Guide Book" and / or manufacturer requirements.
10. A refrigerant drier (filter drier) with sufficient capacity and "moisture in
dicator sight glass" should be installed in the "liquid line" any pipe installed
, sight glass should be fitted with a protective cap, filter drier must be accor
ding to ARI Standard 710, should be of full low replaceable care.
11. Fitting for the flare points should be the standard type forged brass SAE fl
are according to standard ARI 720 with the short shank flare units .
12. Strainer should be installed in the network before entering refrigerant Ther
mostatic expansion valve.


11.0.1. Scope of Work.
Scope of work for this isolation is the procurement and installation of insulati
on for pipes, Ducting and equipment specified, complete with other materials for
the purposes of supporting this isolation.

11.0.2. Material
1. Insulation outside (Ducting) : Fiber glass 25 mm thick or 50 mm, 24
kg/m3 density, thermal cond.0, 032 W / m ?K.
2. Isolation in (Ducting / Plenum) : Fiber glass, 25 mm thick or 50
mm, 48 kg/m3 density thermal COND. 0.032 W / m ?K.
3. Refrigerant pipe insulation : Elastomeric rubber, density 35
-40 kg/m3, thermal COND. 0.033 W / m ?K.
4. Condensate drain pipe : Elastomeric rubber, density 35
-40 kg/m3, thermal COND. 0.033 W / m ?K.
5. Isolation equipment & tools pipe : Elastomeric rubber, density 35
-40 kg/m3, thermal COND. 0.033 W / m ?K.
6. Aluminum foil : Double-sided reinforced fire-r
7. Adhesive tape : Adhesive aluminum foil, fire r

11.0.3. External insulation.

1. Ducting supply and return under the roof (roof) is insulated with a thickness
of 50 mm.
2. Ducting supply and return are not under the roof (roof) is insulated with a t
hickness of 25 mm.
3. Ducting the air flow temperature equal to the surrounding air does not need t
o be isolated.
4. Ducting associated with the outside air is insulated with 50mm thickness.
5. How to attach insulation using adhesive clips and not justified using plastic
rope. (see GMB. details).
6. Connections between the 75 mm overlap.
7. Next wrapped with aluminum foil with a connection between the 75 mm overlap.
8. All connections using aluminum foil aluminum foil adhesive tape, so completel
y air tight.

11.0.4. Isolation In (Duct and Plenum).

1. Insulation in the duct and the Plenum for both supply and return is intended
to reduce noise levels generated by equipment, duct, fittings, etc.. thus achiev
ed the desired NC.
2. Ducting and Plenum Size shown in the picture is excessive aperture in the air
after isolated.
3. Ducting insulation in the fiber glass is 50 mm thick as shown in the drawings
and from specific types of isolation in which one side coated with black neopre
ne compound or cloth coated with fire resistant glass.
4. Plenum insulation in the same way with the isolation in the Ducting, with the
exception of 50 mm thick insulation for supply Plenum and 25 mm for the Plenum

11.0.5. Pipe insulation.

1. Insulated pipe is split ac refrigerant pipe and the condensate pipe.
2. Refrigerant pipe insulation thickness is:
- diameter to 50 mm: 25 mm thick
Contractors are required to check the pipe insulation thickness with insulation
3. Condensate pipe insulation thickness:
- diameter to 100 mm: 25 mm thick
4. For the pipe associated with the open air and exposed to rain, wearing Jacket
ing insulation material 0.5 mm thick aluminum.
5. How to attach insulation to the pipe using the recommended adhesive insulatio
n manufacturers, as well as the connection between.
6. In each pipe hangers, wooden block to wear a full circle of teak 50 mm width
and thickness equal to insulation. The size of the timber diameter exactly equal
to the outside diameter of the pipe. Connections between the wood and insulatio
n should be tight and adhesive wear. Next on the connection. wrapped with alumin
um foil adhesive tape 100 mm wide.

11.0.6. Pipe Tools isolation.

1. Isolation and Accessories.
All accessories chilled water supply pipe and return such as valve, strainer, an
d other similar elastomeric insulated with rubber. How to isolation done so as n
ot to damage the insulation when the equipment is needed for repaired / serviced
2. Isolation Equipment
Equipment associated with the chilled water pump system as expansion tank, air e
liminator with elastomeric rubber insulated. How to isolation is such that if th
ere is improvement from the isolation of the equipment is easy to open without c
ausing damage to the insulation.

11.0.7. Isolation Protection Against Damage.

1. For pipes and pipe tools (accessories) which is isolated and located at:
- Open space
- Open space is exposed to rain
Must wear protective metal jacketing Aluminum material 0.5 mm thick, with a conn
ection system so that rainwater can not seep into.
2. Aids for the conduct of the pipe with a metal protection jacketing so easily
removed / opened without destroying the protector, if there is improvement.
3. Each insulated pipe hangers, but without the use of metal jacketing, between
the clamp and insulation hangers must wear metal holder (saddles) of BJLS 80 wid
th 150 mm and a semi-circle or full according to type hangers and the sides are
folded to avoid sharp.


12.0.1. Scope of Work.
The scope of work for the electrical / control is the procurement and installati
on of all electrical installations (including electric motor) wiring, panels and
control instrumentation as shown on image planning / diagrams which complement
the document.

12.0.1. General
1. As shown in the picture plan, cable lines and panel positioning and motor is
listed as the basic picture that shows a route, panel location and control instr
ument positioning.
2. Contractor must adjust to local circumstances (shop drawings) and with lines
of other installations following details are required to obtain the approval of

12.0.2. Technical Specifications

1. Electrical
- Electric Motors
a) Motor for OU :
- Type cage induction motor bike squirrel
- 3 ph/380V/50Hz
- Insulation class E
- Type safety, totally enclosed fan cooled
- IP 44.
b) Motor for IU:
- The type of induction motor, (motor with permanent split capacitor single pack
aged with the thermal overload FCU) protector.
- 1 ph/220 V/50 Hz
- 3 levels of speed
- Insulation class E
c) Motor Fan:
- Same with the AHU for the motor is not a single packet with a fan.
- Motors that became one with the fan, the number of phase is depending on the c
apacity of fan.
All electric motors used for this project has a minimum power factor of 0.8. Rev
1450 rpm maximum motor (for motors mentioned. Above).
Motors are used here must already meet the standard NEMA (America), BS (UK), DIN
(Germany), and JIS (Japan).
- P a n e l
a) All the components used for energy panels and control panels should be from t
he same brand used in electrical installations.
b) energy panels to be made of iron plate 2 mm thick, equipped with a Yale lock
or similar painting with primer and 2 times the minimum duco. Color finishing de
termined later.
c) The panels are not derived directly from the product specific equipment panel
s to be assembled here come from a special panel maker, to brand components used
d) Each of the panel and the unit should be grounded machine. Prisoners earth mu
st be less than 3 ohms, measured after at least not raining 3 (three) days.

- Panel Starter
a) Star Delta Starter : If the motor capacity of 7.5 HP upwards.
b) Direct on Line : If the motor capacity of under 7.5 HP.
c) The panel must be equipped with ignition pilot lamp (red, yellow, green) ampe
remeter and voltmeter with selector switch for 3 phase, plat name for the equipm
ent serviced and push button ON, OFF and switches when wearing disconnecting rem
ote star / stop.

2. Duct Differential Pressure Controller (Air).

- Function Control : PI
- Pressure range : 0 - 75 mm WG
- Power supply : 24 V DC
- Output : 4 - 20 ma DC
- Accuracy : ?0.5% FS
3. Flow Meter (Mechanical impeller sensor type).
Micro processor control monitors,
- Display flow rate /
highly accurate total : ?1.5 ? / FS,
- Temp. : Up to 200 ? F
- Pressure : 400 psi,
- Flow range : 1 - 30 fps,
- Linearity / repeability : ?1%, stainless steel sensors.

4. Wiring
- Wiring for electrical installations and control must be installed in metal co
nduit JIS standard.
- Wiring diagrams should be accordance to the needs of its AC equipment.
- cable installed in the ground, NYFGbY type must be installed at least 75 cm d
eep with sand as a base and protector, then covered with a protective stone befo
re recovering.
- In the cable route, each 50 m and every turn in order to be a sign of the exc
avation direction signal wires and cables.
- For a cable across the ditch, highway or other installations, should be prote
cted with galvanized pipe medium class.
- In each pull of the cable there should be no connection.
- bending radius of cable, should be a minimum of 15 times the cable diameter.
- Connect the cable to the terminal should use the "cable schoen" should be 25
mm above the cable installation "schoen cables" have to use tin solder and press
ed hydraulic.
- sizes smaller pliers is enough to press his hand.
- Each cable leading to the terminal equipment must be protected using flexible
metal conduit.
- cable attached to the outer wall had to use metal conduit and clamp neatly in
to the wall using pipe clamps.
- cables are hung on the concrete plate should wear hanger clamps and wire rod
in ramset into concrete.
- cable that can be used is made Kabelmetal, Kabelindo, Supreme, Tranka.

- All star delta panel equipped with:

a) Pilot lamp: red, yellow, green (R-S-T)
b) Ampere meter: for 3 ph with phase selector switch
c) Voltmeter: for 3 ph with phase selector switch
d) Disconnecting switches for remote star stop.
- Centralized Remote Stop Star, Remote star stop for the equipment shown in the
diagram panel are placed in the controls room.
- remote panel should be completed for each equipment with pilot lamp (red, yel
low, green) and the plate is the name of each equipment, etc.. in accordance wit
h the detail drawings.

13.0.1. Foundation
1. All concrete foundations necessary for cooling machinery, pumps, fans (fan),
electric motors, AHU, electrical panels are not included in the AC contractor jo
2. AC contractor must submit layout drawings for the foundation and the size of
each equipment before it is carried out by other parties to the Board of Directo
rs for review and approval.
3. Pump foundation should have a weight of about one and a half times the weight
of the pump (filled with water) and the bike.
4. Foundation other equipment must follow the instructions / guidelines for the
manufacturer of such equipment.
5. Including air conditioning contractor jobs to provide concrete inertia block
(as shown in the image plan) to be installed under the equipment they will be.
6. AC contractor must provide and install the vibration damper (vibration elimin
ators) to protect the building from the noise and vibration generated by machine
7. AC contractor must provide and install (in accordance with the plan drawings,
or drawings are approved) all of the holder (support) or the hanger (hangers) f
or machines, tools, cables and duct pipe required.
8. To adapt to local conditions, the seat-holder or hanger-hanger should be made
from construction pipes, profiles, rods (rod) or strip in accordance with worki
ng drawings or plans are approved. All seats must have the plates (flanges) and
made enough on the floor.
9. All hangers should be installed on the block or the steel frame and must cons
ult with the Board of Directors and Civil builders.
10. Imposition on the block or plate structures caused by the seat-holder or han
gers, it should be kept to be divided fairly evenly so as to avoid the tensions
that are not reasonable.
11. AC contractor must ensure that the installation is installed will not cause
transmission of sound and vibration (vibration & noise transmission) into the ro
oms occupied.
12. In this case performed by an expert or experts appointed.
13. Contractor will be responsible for modifications necessary to meet these req

13.0.2. Painting
1. All the pipes are attached to the bottom painted, the following hanger / buff
2. For hanger / buffer after the base painted should be painted with aluminum pa
3. Paint finish for each pipe:
Refrigerant pipe : dark blue.
Condensation : yellow.
4. Every pipe and valve rated flow direction of the arrow according to the dista
nce of every 3 m on the two sides could be seen.
5. All equipment, caused disturbance or disruption of local weather or rust dama
ge to some or all of its original paint, to be painted again with the appropriat
e color or colors overall requested the Owner.
6. Primer, and finishing of the ICI brand or equivalent that can be approved..

14.0.0. TESTING adjusting and balancing .

14.0.1. Scope of Work
The scope of this work is the implementation of the testing, adjusting and balan
cing for the entire system of air and mechanical ventilation so that the quantit
ies obtained appropriate measurements as seen in image planning so that the syst
em really works well and according to plan.
14.0.2. General
Implementation TAB (testing adjusting and balancing) basically have to follow th
e standard maximum / or guidelines applicable in general such as ASHRAE and SMAC
NA standards using measuring equipment which meets for the implementation of th
e TAB.

14.0.3. Measure equipment.

Measuring equipment such as a minimum the following should be owned by the relev
ant contractor. include:
1. Measurement of air flow rate.
- The pilot tube with inclined manometer or Anemometer and the like (sejenis).
- Hood to measure the air diffuser.
2. Measurement of air temperature / water.
- Sling psychometric
- Thermometer
3. Measurement of spin (rpm).
- Tachometer or the like
4. Electrical measurements.
- Voltmeter
- Ampere-meter / ampere-tang
5. Measurement of pressure-barometer / pressure gauge.
6. Measurement of water flow rate (field portable flow meter).
7. Tool (work tools) needed in changing settings / positions of the balancing eq

4.0.4. TAB Implementation

1. TAB details must be implemented to the entire system and its parts, so that t
he quantities obtained the appropriate measurement scale or close to the amount
specified in the plan.
2. In the implementation of the TAB, in addition to measurements done on quantit
ies specified in the design, are also required to carry out measurements of quan
tities that are not listed in the plan drawings, but this quantity is needed in
determining the conditions and capabilities of equipment and data as well as dat
a needed for the maintenance and operation.
3. All of the implementation of TAB and the measurements of other quantities tha
t are not listed in the plan drawings must be stated in a report form (the form)
was approved by the supervisor.
4. Implementation TAB performed by qualified engineers who have actually experie
nced in the implementation of this TAB.
5. In the implementation of the TAB, must always be accompanied by supervisory p
ersonnel, where the results of measurements and observations made by the supervi
sors was also witnessed in the report they will come and sign.
6. Before implementing TAB, contractor must make a work plan, the implementation
of TAB procedures for each part of the job, and this procedure to be discussed
with the Owner for his approval.
7. Before implementing TAB, the Contractor must prepare a form that contains the
items that will be performed for each system that will be testing.

14.0.5. Balancing Air Distribution System.

Testing and Adjusting procedures:
- Test and adjust blower round design needs.
- Test and record motor full load ampere.
- Perform measurements with PITOT tube (tube traverse) to obtain appropriate cf
m and fan design.
- Test and record the static pressure at the inlet and outlet of the fan.
- Test and adjust cfm for air circulation.
- Test and adjust the needs of outside air for each AHU / FCU / FAN.
- Test and record the temp. Db and Headmaster of the air in and out of the coil
- Adjust the required cfm at all major branches.
- Adjust the cfm requirements for each zone.
- Test and adjust each diffuser / grille of capacity within the allowed limit%.
- Identify the size, type, each diffuser and do recheck the performance of this
type of diffuser.

15.0.0. PRODUCT
1. Materials and equipment contractor must meet the specifications is possible t
o propose other alternatives commensurate with the specified. New contractor cou
ld change if there are formal and written consent of the Owner.
2. Product materials and equipment recommended are as follows:


Split AC duct
Isolating ducting
Power panel component
Pipe insulation
Copper pipe
Electricity cables
Pipe joint
Aluminum foil
Pressure gauge
Flexible duct
Silencer vibrating
Fire stopping

York, Mc Quay, Trane, Acson, LG

Kruger, National, Rosenberg
Parawoll, AB Wool, ACI
Lockfoam, Kemasu, Fumira, Galvalum
Siemens, Merlin Gerin , ABB
Thermaflex, Aeroflex, Inaba
Crenefiel, Inaba,
Pralon, Rucika, Wavin
Kabelindo, Kabel Metal, Supreme
Tozen, AFA
Prima Wangi, Comfort Aire,
Prima Wangi, Comfort Aire,
Sisalation436, Thermofoil731, Polyfoil, Insfoil
Nagano, Tozen, Sika
Nagano, Tozen, Sika
DEC ,Insulated, Insflex
AAF, Farr, ACS, Camfill
Promat, ot the like

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