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Reading no.

Read the text and answer the questions.
My town.
I live in Newquay. It’s a small town on the Atlantic coast in the south of England. It has
great beaches and is the best place to surf in the UK. There are lots of surf schools where
you can learn how to surf. I go surfing with my friends every weekend. My favorite place is
Fistral Beach.

I love Newquay because there are lots of other things to do as well as surfing. If you like
water sports, you can go kayaking, water-skiing or coasteering. Coasteering is different
because it is rock climbing, jumping into the sea and swimming in the same activity, but
you should always go with a special instructor.

If you like animals you can also visit the Blue Reef Aquarium and see lots of different fish
and even sharks. You can also go horse riding on the beach or visit Newquay Zoo. There
are lots of other attractions too like mini golf and bowling. Come and see for yourself!

1. What is the text about?

the text is about a city called Newquay, there are lots of other things to do.

2. Does the writes talk about the weather?

No, it doesn´t.

3. Which is the main activity in Newquay?

The main activity is the surf
4. In which aspects is coasteering different?
Coasteering is different because it is rock climbing, jumping into the sea and swimming in
the same activity
5. Which other activities beside water sport you can do in Newquay? Name at least
Other activities are mini golf, bowling and go horse riding
Decide if the following sentences are True or False

6. Newquay is in the North of England T FX

7. Newquay isn’t a good place to go surfing T FX
8. The writer loves to do outdoors activities TX F
9. Coasteering is similar to surfing T FX
10. There is a zoo in the city TX F
Reading no. 2
Read the text and choose the best option for each question.
Lights in the sky?
The sky is full of natural optical phenomena. Phenomena is plural for phenomenon, which
means a remarkable event. A natural optical phenomena is an amazing sight in the sky
made by natural light. Optical phenomena happen when light and matter interact with one
another. Matter is anything that takes up space. People are matter just like houses, trees,
and liquids. The phenomena in the sky are made from the sunlight or moonlight. This light
interacts with things like clouds, water, or the atmosphere. Some phenomena are common
and seen by many people. Some others are rare that many people don’t believe in them.
One type of optical phenomenon is an aurora. An aurora has a few different names. They
are aurora borealis (or northern lights), the aurora australis (southern lights), and polar
lights. The northern lights is the most well-known name. Auroras are mostly seen in the
Arctic and Antarctic regions of the world.
Auroras happen when there are changes in the magnetosphere from solar winds. A
magnetosphere is part of space that surrounds an object in space, like Earth. Solar winds
are energy that the sun releases. When the solar winds and magnetosphere come
together, they create the beautiful lights of auroras.
Earthquake lights are phenomena that occur where earthquakes happen. Earthquakes are
the shaking of the Earth’s surface. Some cannot even be felt, but others can bring down
cities. Sometimes these lights are seen right before an earthquake or in the weeks before
an earthquake. Sometimes they are seen right after the earthquake. Not all scientist
believe in them and have other explanations for the light when it happens.
1. What is a natural optical phenomenon?
a) Is something seen in the sky
b) Is an event made by natural light
c) Is an event made by artificial light
2. The phenomena are made from…
a) Matter and light
b) People
c) Light from celestial bodies
3. Which types of phenomena does the reading talk about?
a) Auroras and earthquakes
b) Earthquake lights and auroras
c) Magnetosphere and auroras
4. Where are auroras most commonly seen?
a) In the north and south poles
b) In the middle of the Earth
c) They cannot be seen
5. Earthquake lights happen…
a) Before or after the earthquake
b) Before and after the earthquake
c) During the earthquake
Reading no. 3
Read the text and answer.
Gisela’s incident
Gisela left the hotel early for the trip to the airport. She was very anxious to get home after
traveling for a business trip. She knew her family would be waiting for her at the other
airport and she hadn’t seen them for nine months. She checked into her flight and
downloaded her boarding pass the evening before and now she had it on her phone.
When she got to security in front of the bathrooms and beside the boarding gate, they
asked for her boarding pass and her passport. She showed them her phone and then she
got out her document folder to find her passport but it wasn’t there. She was terrified that
she couldn’t focus or think. But then, she remembered she left it on the reception and she
had forgotten to pick it up. If she went back to the reception she would lose her flight but
she couldn’t take off without the passport. Then a woman asked her what the problem was
and she explained that she needed to get back but she didn’t have a car, and the woman
told her that she could carry her very fast with her car, and Gisela accepted.
1. What is the purpose of Gisela’s trip?
a) To go for a business meeting
b) To get home and see her family
c) To have a holiday and free time
2. What was next to Security?
a) The bathrooms
b) The security desk
c) The boarding gate
3. Where did Gisela lose the passport?
a) At the airport
b) At home
c) At the hotel
4. What would have happened if she had returned to find her passport?
a) She would have lost the trip
b) She would have paid more
c) She would have cried a lot
5. What did the woman offer her?
a) A new passport
b) A car to drive
c) A trip to her home
Reading no. 4
Read the text and complete the information.
The wild parrots of San Francisco
They flash overhead in a burst of color, bright as kites in the sky. They fill the air with
joyous shrieks. They are the wild parrots of San Francisco, California. During the day, the
parrots travel from park to park in various parts of the city. At night, they roost and settle
down to sleep in a park near the downtown section of the city. These emerald-green
parrots with their cherry-red and blue-crowned heads are called “conures”.They come from
western Ecuador and northern Peru, on the continent of South America. These conures
are a Near Threatened species and are rarely found in the United States.
What are exotic jungle birds doing four thousand miles from home in a busy, concrete city
like San Francisco? No one knows. It’s a mystery!
Some bird experts believe that a flock of six wild parrots was imported from South
America. Somehow they got loose or were released and began breeding. Right now, there
are over two hundred birds in the San Francisco flock. For six years a man named Mark
Bittner studied the wild parrots up close. Mark lived on Telegraph Hill and began feeding
sunflower seeds to the parrots when he first spotted them. The birds began to gather his
cottage window and soon became friendly.
1. The text talks about
2. Where do parrots rest at night?
3. Where do parrots come from?
4. Why do they live in the city?
5. What did Mark do to get closer to parrots?
Decide if the following statements are True or False

6. These parrots are found all around the United States T F

7. Parrots go from city to city in the day and sleep at night T F

8. They feed on flowers and insects T F

9. birds are not native from USA T F

10. Mark started studying them closely T F

Reading no. 5
Read the following text and choose the correct answer to each question.

Tania is a girl who loves painting. She goes to painting classes at the art club near her
house. She would like to learn how to play an instrument but she doesn’t have enough
time to go to the music club. Her friend Betsy plays many instruments like the drums, the
piano, the flute and she loves playing the violin but she doesn’t like the guitar. She is her
best friend and she wants to paint but she doesn’t know how to do it. Tania helps her on
her attempts to draw and Betsy helps Tania to play the violin. Sometimes they go to the
park for a walk or practice skate boarding. One day Betsy fell down and broke her knee,
that’s why she hates skate boarding. They enjoy being together.
1. Tania is good at…
a) Painting
b) Playing an instrument
c) Math
2. Tania wants to...
a) Learn how to play an instrument
b) Go roller skating with Betsy
c) Go to a club in her town
3. Betsy loves…
a) The piano
b) The flute
c) The violin
4. Betsy hates…
a) The guitar
b) Skateboarding
c) The violin
5. Tania and Betsy are…
a) Good at singing
b) Trying to help each other
c) Bad at drawing

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