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Logan Driggs


April 18, 2020

This I Believe

I believe the greatest game ever played is basketball. Basketball is a fast paced and quick

minded game. Not like a lot of sports where you have a lot of breaks in between action. There

has been a lot of great basketball players in our lifetime. Some you could say are the greatest

athletes of all time. All sports are great, but I believe basketball tops them all.

Basketball has helped me find a meaning in life. It is what I am pursuing as a career. As a

little boy I dreamed of playing in the NBA and told everyone that is what I was going to do when

I grow up. But if you can shoot for the stars at least land on the moon. So, I played and fell in

love with the game more and more. The sound of shoes squeaking, and the ball being bounced.

The smell of the gym and the millions of different shoes I had for basketball. It is the greatest

thing in the world.

I do not think everyone can play basketball. It takes some different kind of talent and

strong mental awareness to play the game. Take football, anybody can hit bodies together and

run around a field and players in all shapes and sizes can play. Baseball there is a lot of standing

so pretty much anybody in any physical condition can play. In basketball you must be able to run

at high rates for a long period of time while at the same time dribbling a ball. Also, most players

must be in great shape and be able to jump high and get up and down the court with ease. The

number one thing is you must be able to put the ball in the basket. Sounds easy but not everyone

can do it. Basketball also has some of the hardest game time management or playoffs. The game
can change with in a second. The playoffs are the longest of all sports and are one and done,

unless you are in the NBA where they must go through 4 best out of 7 game series. You could

say I am discriminating against other sports and athletes. But I love all sports and have a love for

many athletes. In certain situations, I think some athletes from different sports are a lot greater

than others. If a boxer were to fight a baseball player, I am taking the boxer to win every time. If

a baseball player wanted to out throw a quarterback, I am most likely taking the baseball player.

But top to bottom, I believe basketball players are the best athletes.

Basketball has produced some of the greatest athletes ever. Yes, every sport has their

greats. But athletes like Shaq, Lebron James, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, and the greatest

athlete of all time Michael Jordan. No other athletes can run and jump better than these guys.

Michael Jordan has one six NBA championships and 2 Olympic gold medals. That means not

only did he reign in the US but also the whole world. You can not name another athlete from any

other sport that has one six rings and win two Olympic gold medals. Not to mention he won

those six rings going undefeated in the playoffs. Some say Michael is not the greatest and the

only athletes that I can think of matching his greatness are Tom Brady, Kobe Bryant, and

Muhammad Ali. Kobe Bryant would be the only other basketball player to come close to

matching the greatness of Michael Jordan.

No other sport can take the spot in my heart like basketball has. I am sure that if it was

another sport that I fell in love with, I would be saying other things. But Basketball is the sport

that I thank god for every day for making it heavy on my mind and heart. Basketball and

everything that has to do with the game is the greatest sport of all time. This I believe.

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