Wireline Logging Guidelines For ESSO HIGHLANDS LTD Version 4 - 1 PDF

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Wireline logging guidelines for ESSO HIGHLANDS LTD

Version 4.1
OCT 2013

Esso Highlands Ltd Logging Guidelines Revised Oct-2013

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Revision History

Baseline document: Esso Highlands Ltd logging guidelines Revised by G. Ishberdina 26 Jul 2012

Date Description Revised by Document

9 Aug12 Edits made to the document Arnaldo Ribeiro 2.0
5-Dec-12 Accepted edits Rob Twigg 2.1
5-Dec-12 Updated Fishing Head Diagrams Rob Twigg 2.2
9-Jan-13 Updated ASCII and Sonic presentation Denis Shelepo 2.3
scale us/ft
14-Jan-13 Updated ASCII as per drilling request. Ashish DATEY 2.4
17-Jan-13 Updated delivery requirements for QC Rob Twigg 2.5
18-Jan13 Update to section 8, DLIS file Munish Kumar 2.6
31-Jan- Update to section 2.3, pg 8 (during Logging Munish Kumar 2.7
2013 operations). Explicitly state depth alignment
Update to page 6 Pre-job planning, Second Arnaldo Ribeiro
paragraph, data transmission checks prior
to logging.
11-Feb-13 Update RT Scanner / Sonic Scanner / PPC Ashish Datey 2.8
Update Dual OBMI-CMR tool string.
21-Mar- Included diagrams for 5 7/8” contingency Munish Kumar 2.9
2013 logging (pg 43 and 44)
19-Apr-13 Added MDT and XPT diagrams Rob Twigg 3.0
23-Apr- Updated OD on tool diagrams for 5 7/8” Rob Twigg 3.1
2013 hole
3-June- Updated Donald Lyons 3.2
20-Jun-13 Sonic Scanner QC plots added Arnaldo Ribeiro 3.3
09-Jul-13 XPT generic SOP added Vlad Torlov 3.4
27-Aug-13 Added Flow chart for stuck tool and CMR Rob Twigg 3.5
tuning. Moved MDT and XPT operating
guidelines into section 3.
13-Sep-13 Updates Section 3.2 General (Virus scan Rob Twigg 3.6
disabled), 3.4 PPC caliper offset, Data
delivery Section
18-Sep-13 Updates to print layouts Rob Twigg, Sebastian 3.7
04-Oct-13 Update data delivery section Sebastian Mastrangelo 4.0
30-Oct-13 Updated tool diagrams. Included using Rob Twigg 4.1
new RT Scanner standoff clamps.

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1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4
2 Operations .......................................................................................................... 6
3 Tool Operational Requirements ........................................................................ 10
4 Recommended logging parameters .................................................................. 23
5 Data Delivery .................................................................................................... 26
6 DLIS Files ......................................................................................................... 30
7 ASCII Files........................................................................................................ 31
8 PDF Formats .................................................................................................... 32
Appendix I – Tool String Diagrams .......................................................................... 46
Appendix II: Depth control ....................................................................................... 69
Appendix III Hides B Well Wireline Tension Profiles ................................................ 71
Appendix IV Well control Procedures ...................................................................... 80

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1 Introduction
This guide has been written to establish a set of standard procedures for the Wireline logging
of Esso Highlands Ltd wells. Its goal is to provide continuity in data acquisition and
presentation in the circumstances of changing Wireline Engineers and Wellsite Geologist. It is
not a substitute for Schlumberger Log Quality Control Manual.
- Reference datum – AMSL.
- NAF (Non Aqueous Fluid mud type is going to be used).
- Pre, during, and post job planning and execution
- Wireline logging presentations and deliverables

Documents that are important for logging operations but were not included in this document
1. PNG Radiation Handling Service Delivery Process – This process includes all the
steps and required documentation to be completed priori and during operations
involving radioactive material.
2. PNG Explosive Handling Service Delivery Process – This process includes all the
steps and required documentation to be completed priori and during operations
involving explosive material.

The above process need to be followed in by the Wireline Logging Engineer prior to the
logging job and given to the Wellsite Geologist.

1. Project Overview

Hides Gas Field, Papua New Guinea Highlands

The Hides gas field, located in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, is situated along the
NW-SE trending compressional Hides anticline. Four wells (Hides 1-4) have penetrated the
field’s Toro and Digimu sandstone reservoirs along an approximately 15 km section of the
anticline. Topography is rugged along the anticline and varies from ~1700-2700m above
mean sea level (amsl). The topographically highest well, Hides -1, was drilled at ~2690m
amsl and the topographically lowest well, Hides 4, was drilled at ~1665m amsl. The Hides 1-4
wells intersected a varied stratigraphic section across the field, from a thin veneer of soils and
volcaniclastics overlying karsted limestone at the surface through various marine to marginal
marine silts, mudstones and sandstones, down to the main reservoir intervals, the Toro
shoreface sandstone and the Digimu sandstone. The field is bound to the southwest by the
main Hides thrust fault that formed the Hides anticline and there is further evidence of
thrusting within the anticline in well and seismic data. Limited production of gas for gas fired
power has occurred from the field since 1991. The Hides gas resource is to be developed as
feedstock for the PNG LNG project from 4 well pads located along the axis of the surface
expression of the anticline. Each well pad will host 3 cellars plus one contingency cellar and
initially two production wells. One produced water disposal well is to be drilled from a
separate well pad at the southeast end of the anticline.

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1.1. Official Company Name

The official company name for reporting and log heading purposes is:

All logos on logs or reports should match the Schlumberger and PNG LNG logo..

1.2. Drilling Rig

Rig Name: Nabors 702 and 703

1.3. Basin/Area
Basin: Papuan Basin
Area: Hela Province

1.4. Well Naming Convention

The wells in the Hides/Angore area are all pre-determined in the following convention; Hides

Field: Hides
Well Pad B
Well No: 1

Well name: Hides B1

Please check with the Operations Geologist with regards to the naming conventions for wells
which are sidetracked. In general, wells which are sidetracked will be named Well Name ST1
(e.g., Hides B1 ST1).

1.5. Failure Reporting

Anysensor, computer or any equipment failures or service quality issues should be reported
to the Wellsite Geologist and Drilling Supervisor, and a report sent to the Operations

1.6. Well Data Security

The following procedures are to be followed at all times at the rig site and camp:
At the rig site, all digital data is to be supplied to ExxonMobil Wellsite Geologist as set out in
the section below. Logs and LAS files should also be given to the company man if requested.
Digital files should be transferred from the Wireline unit to the ExxonMobil Wellsite Geologists’

Any hard copy data (paper/CD/DVD) that is no longer required MUST be shredded before

Confidentiality agreements are in place between ExxonMobil and Schlumberger, it is

Schlumberger’s responsibility to ensure they are being strictly observed.

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2 Operations
2.1 Pre-Job Planning
The logging program specific for each well should be provided before the load out. The
Wireline Engineer should be made aware of the objectives of the logging program and should
be encouraged to suggest improvements. A confirmed final logging protocol, with
required tool strings, logging intervals, repeat sections and any special instructions,
will be issued in writing to the Wellsite Geologist by the Operations Geologist before
the logging job. The Wellsite Geologist will notify the Wireline Engineer immediately of any
late changes and refinements to a logging program, including mid-program modifications. Any
non-standard logging runs or operations (e.g. CMR, MSCT) should be discussed in detail and
appropriate changes made to the JSA well before the job.
Data transmission after acquisition should be discussed (use of IWW, use of email) as to
make the Wireline Engineer aware of what data is required straight after the log is completed
and by what means it is going to be transmitted. Wireline Engineer needs to check one week
and again prior to logging that the Internet connection available for the logging truck works.
Wireline Engineer also to make sure that he carries to the rig site a shielded cable for internet
connection in case of emergency.
All the tools will be operationally and functionally checked in the base. Enough time should be
allowed at the wellsite for the Wireline Engineer to make a quick check of the tools after they
arrived at the wellsite and before the job starts. This is to detect any problem that would have
occurred during transportation.
Before calibrations to be performed prior to the job off the critical path prior to the job. It
should be aimed they are done within 24 hours of rig up however if calibrations are more than
24 hours old and cannot be repeated prior to rig up then they are NOT required to be
repeated on rig floor prior to run in hole. Any calibrations flagged overdue for this reason
should be annotated in the remarks.
The Wireline Engineer and the Wellsite Geologist will discuss the logging job as soon as the
Wireline Engineer arrives on the rig. The Wireline Engineer will check if all the specified tools
(including back-up tools) are on the rig and immediately notify the Wellsite Geologist of any
‘missing’ tools and give the Wellsite Geologist and Drilling Supervisor the inventory of both
exclusive and call out tools.
The Wireline Engineer should discuss the contingency for fishing, in the event that the tool
string becomes stuck in the well.
The Wireline Engineer will supply details of intended logging speeds for each tool string and
an estimate of the duration of each logging run to the Wellsite Geologist. The Wellsite
Geologist will ensure that the Esso Highlands Ltd Drilling Representative and Operations
Geologist are aware of anticipated logging times.
The Engineer should produce a QC print of the log header for proofing by the Wellsite
Geologist and the Operations Geologist as soon as is practical. It is important to confirm that
the information loaded into the logging computer is as complete and correct as possible
before logging starts so that incorrect information is not written to acquisition files. Incorrect
information written to a logging file header will in turn necessitate time consuming corrections.
The Esso Highlands Ltd Drilling Representative and Wellsite Geologist should provide the
Wireline Representative in the Schlumberger Operating Base the expected date of logging
and allow the Wireline crew sufficient time on the rig prior to logging to thoroughly check all
the tools before rigging up.
2.2 Before Logging Starts
No attempt is made to cover all aspects of logging QC in these sections, as this is
comprehensively covered in the Schlumberger Log Quality Control manual. However, the
following checks and procedures should be followed.
The Wireline Engineer must have records of the shop calibrations available for inspection by
the Wellsite Geologist. It is the responsibility of the Wireline Engineer to inform the Wellsite

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Geologist if the shop calibrations are not current and/or do not fully meet logging company
All reports of tool operational check must be available, to show that the good operation of all
equipment has been checked before using the tools. Wellsite Geologist needs to witness the
Before Cals, tool zero, surface checks of all the wireline tools and also MDT probe
The Wireline Engineer will liaise directly with the Mud Engineer prior to logging CMR+ at least
40cc of base oil is required. The Wellsite Geologist will make sure that the Mud Engineer has
provided a list of basic mud parameters.
Three maximum recording thermometers will be placed in each tool string; the maximum
bottom hole temperature for each run will be reported to the Wellsite Geologist. Prints of
previous logs run in the well (including relevant LWD logs) and logs from offset wells should
be available in the logging unit.
The Wellsite Geologist will attend and take an active role in the pre-logging safety meeting.
Wireline Engineer should make sure that JSA (Job Safety Analysis) will be commenced
before the job with an appropriate JSA form that can be obtained either from the rig or made
by the Engineer.
Tool string diagrams will be supplied to the Wellsite Geologist and the Esso Highlands Ltd
Drilling supervisor detailing the tool strings lengths, weights, and maximum OD of each tool.
Accurate dimensions of the Wireline logging head shall be given to the Esso Highlands Ltd
Drilling Supervisor. (See Appendix I – Tool string diagrams)
2.3 During Logging Operations
The Wireline Engineer should help the Wellsite Geologist maintain an accurate record of
operations on the Wireline Logging Witness and Quality Control Report form. Consensus
should be reached with the Wireline Engineer regarding logging times, including lost time
before being recorded. The form will be reviewed and agreed upon after the job by the
Wellsite Geologist and the Wireline Engineer.
The Wellsite Geologist (or other qualified Esso Highlands Ltd representative) should be
present in the wireline logging unit at all times when in open hole or when logging in cased
hole. On occasion when the Esso Highlands Ltd witness must be out of the logging unit (e.g.,
to transmit data to town) the Wireline Engineer will make every effort to contact the witness
immediately if any problems occur. If the witness is out of the logging unit during rig down /
rig up between logging runs, the Wireline Engineer will contact the witness when the new tool
string begins to be run in hole or if any problems are encountered during the rig up.
The Wellsite Geologist or Wireline Engineer will inform the Esso Highlands Ltd Drilling
Supervisor immediately of any problems encountered running in hole (unable to descend) or
pulling out of hole (tight hole conditions). Under no circumstances will any attempt be made to
free a stuck tool (overpull the cable) without first informing the Esso Highlands Ltd Drilling
Supervisor and inviting him/her to be present in the logging unit. A record will be kept by the
Wireline Engineer of the points where the tool string hanged up when RIH or of the points
where overpull was encountered while logging up. The amount of overpull will be recorded as
well. This information will be included in the remarks section, on the log header.
The Wireline Engineer must immediately bring to the attention of the Wellsite Geologist all
potential operational and evaluation problems (e.g. tool responses that are atypical and/or
outside logging company tolerances and observed poor hole conditions such as tight spots,
shoulders or tool sticking). These matters should be annotated on the log at the correct depth
and noted in the “Remarks” section of the relevant log header.
It is the responsibility of the Wireline Engineer to inform the Wellsite Geologist if before and
after tool calibrations do not fully meet logging company specifications.
Log presentation standards are to conform to the guidelines in the “Formats” Section of this
document; and general industry standards unless any deviations have been approved by the
Operations Geologist/Petrophysicist beforehand in writing.

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Depth zero the logging tool at the rotary table, and report the value in the log header. All logs
will be measured from the rotary table (RT not DF) which will be referenced to Above Mean
Sea Level (AMSL) depending on locality. See Appendix II, Schlumberger Depth Control
Policy section.
The first wireline log run will follow wireline depth control procedures on page 57.
Wireline will be the depth reference. All subsequent wireline logs will be tied to the
previous wireline run; record depth offsets applied in the log header.
Ensure that there is an exact depth match between log traces for each tool in a string.
The down log of the first run shall be used as the depth reference log for the main pass, if
there is no fluctuation observed on cable tension. This will be confirmed by a stretch
measurement calculation as per standard Schlumberger depth control policy.
The main pass of the first log should be logged at least 50 meters into casing. Log runs from
consecutive log suites should overlap by at least 50 meters.
All the caliper logging should be checked against the ID of the casing, and all the sonic
logging should be checked against DT of casing in order to maintain high LQC.
The caliper check in casing should be discussed with the Esso Highlands Ltd representative
as of whether to make it before or after the main pass. Schlumberger recommends that the
caliper check would be done after the main pass so that in the case the caliper would not
close, the main log could still be recorded without having to POOH and change the tool.
Schlumberger strongly recommends it is performed after the main log has been
Where appropriate, record logs while running in hole. Standard resistivity logging data
(Resistivity, ZAIT, Sonic Scanner compressional, etc) should always be recorded while
running into the open hole. Logging speed should not be reduced in order to obtain good data
while running in. These down logs provide insurance and a QC source for tool response. Hard
copies of down logs will only be required if the up log is not satisfactory (e.g. the tool fails).
When running in hole, check the depth at known points, such as casing shoes or pip tags,
and note inconsistencies on the log header. Report both the logger’s and the driller’s casing
depths on the header.
Confirm that logs are run at the correct speed and that tool responses are consistent with logs
from other wells in the area.
It is standard policy to run repeat sections as follows:
Repeat sections of at least 50-100 metres will be run over the primary objective or a particular
zone of interest, as advised by the Wellsite Geologist. The repeat interval should show
enough character to verify tool functions. In case of CMR run, the interval of repeat section
can be negotiated between Wireline Engineer and Wellsite Geologist to save rig time.
Repeats will generally constitute the first up log(s) acquired so that repeatability can be
confirmed before the main log pass. However if a caliper is run in the toolstring, this should be
discussed prior to logging considering the eventuality that the caliper could not be closed.
Therefore, if the repeat interval is not at or near the base of the logging interval, it may be
more efficient to make two repeat passes before starting the main log pass. This would be
specified by the Operations Geologist/Petrophysicist in the final logging program.
The Wellsite Geologist (in consultation with the Operations Geologist) may cancel or modify
the acquisition of repeat sections if hole conditions raise serious concern about acquiring the
main log.
A real time backup of DLIS log data must be recorded while logging, either to an external
USB Hard Drive or to the hard disk of another acquisition computer.
As soon as possible after a run, the Wireline Engineer will provide the Wellsite Geologist with
soft and hard copies as per the data deliverables guidelines. Outline in the “Prints
Composition” section.
At the end of the logging job the Wireline Engineer will present Wireline Service Ticket to the
Esso Highlands Ltd Drilling Representative. The Wireline Engineer will ensure that the time

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breakdowns (logging times/down time etc) agree with those recorded by the Wellsite
Geologist. Any discrepancies will be resolved at the wellsite.
The Wireline Engineer shall produce all the field products as per the agreement with the
Operations Geologist in town (and as per the logging program that was issued prior to the
job). See Appendix III, Sample logging program. The completed Esso Highlands Ltd Log
Quality Control form shall be completed and given to the Wellsite Geologist as well.

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3 Tool Operational Requirements

Note: Detailed final list of environmental corrections and logging parameters are
presented in Section 6.

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3.1 Stuck Tool Procedure

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3.2 General
1. Prior to acquisition Virus Scan should be run on the acquisition machine. During
acquisition VIRUS SCAN should be DISABLED. In one instance it caused Maxwell to
freeze whilst attempting to open the HRMS caliper.
2. When logging with MAXWELL ensure the 10 Golden rules are followed, this includes
to reimage the acquisition machine every 10 jobs or 1 month.

3.3 PEX (HRMS: Density, HGNS: Neutron)

3. Esso Highlands Ltd Standard forms only to be used as per the formats section in this
4. Corrections done in real time for the neutron porosity as per Recommended logging
parameters section.
5. In playback after the maximum temperatures are obtained then the neutron can be
recomputed with the temperature correction option enabled.
6. Barite correction applied only when absolutely needed and after informing the
Wellsite Geologist/Operations Geologist.
7. HRMS caliper with Extension arm to be used in 17 inch section.

3.4 PPC (Powered Positioning Caliper):

1. At start of log, ensure calipers are opened fully and all Arms are Powered to Level 3
2. If 2 PPCs are run ensure 45 degree offset adapter (AH-255) is connected between
3. Caliper extension arms to be used when logging in 17 inch section
4. Once Tool reach the casing shoe, keep same power level as used during logging. If
excessive overpull, lower the power level to open until PPCs are completely inside
the casing. Reapply same power level as used in the logging run. Log inside the
casing for 20-30m (ensure all tool is already in the casing) and check for stable
measurements on EHD1 and EHD2 in each PPC. Calculate the new offsets using the
excel job sheet. Once the log is stopped, apply the new offsets and recompute. Only
deliver the rush data once you confirm that both PPCs EHD are matching the
expected casing ID.
5. Noted in the remarks section:
a. Offsets applied if any
b. Power level used during logging

3.5 GPIT (Inclinometer):

1. Confirm well coordinates (Latitude & Longitude) from Wellsite Geologist. Input into
parameters to get correct Magnetic Inclination/Declination.
2. Ensure 4ft (1.2m) of non-magnetic tool housing is run above and below GPIT

3.6 RT Scanner (ZAIT):

1. Do NOT run tool without any caliper tool. Caliper used for Borehole correction.
2. If HRMS is run directly above ZAIT, ensure top & bottom flex joints on HRMS are
3. If HRMS is not run directly above ZAIT then 2 knuckle joints (AH-107 or AH-184)
should be run between ZAIT and tool above it
4. 2.5 inch Bottom non-magnetic stand-off above bottom nose section and two 2.5in
normal stand-off on Electronics housing when logging in 17in section and 12.25in
5. 1.5 inch Bottom non-magnetic stand-off above bottom nose section and two 1.5 in
normal stand-off on Electronics housing when logging in 8.5in section
6. Rt Scanner hole-finder should be used during logging in 17 and 12.25in section
instead of the SP/Rm sub.
7. The new standoff clamps part number: 100678081 should be used on all standoffs
and torqued up with a torque wrench. The stand off stop collar is only recommended
to be use on TLC pipe conveyed runs.
8. There is a bug in Maxwell which causes the RT Scanner curves not to display:

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a. Refer to best practice Intouch 6134241
b. Complete all wellsketch data and DnI initialization.
c. Ensure field acceptance criteria is computed.
d. Ensure TD parameter is not blank
e. PRIOR to logging run a simulated log and ensure log curves display. Use the
same set up for acquisition.

3.7 OBMI (Oil-Base Micro Imager):

1. If 2 OBMI are run, declare the upper tool as OBMT-x and the lower tool as OBMT-x2.
Ensure 45 degree offset adapter (AH-255) is connected between them.
2. Always select ‘Dip meter’ Mode for Logging.
3. Do not allow the ‘OBMT_BorDIP’ computation during logging, as it may be too much
data for the acquisition buffer
4. Two passes of OBMI to be performed across the main interval, tool is susceptible to
mud cake and often the first pass does not look too good. It is highly recommendable
to log 2 passes. The first pass can be logged at any speed, but the second pass
should be run >1800 ft/hr if possible.
5. If one of the OBMI tools locks in the path of the other tool. i.e. you get 4 images
instead of 8 images. Then stop logging and drop down and relog the section.

3.8 CMR Plus (Combinable Magnetic Resonance Tool):

1. Parameters and software acquisition settings will be provided to the logging Engineer
by a Schlumberger DCS consultant, after consultation with the Esso Highlands Ltd
Operations Geologist and Petrophysicist.
2. The mud Engineer will provide at least 40cc of base oil sample in time to the logging
Engineer to allow pre-job T2 determination. This information will be included in the
header base oil sample check logs will be included in the CMR print.
3. A ditch magnet will be placed in the shale shakers from first returns to clean the hole
as much as possible from its metallic debris.
4. NRTA CMR should be installed which solves noise problems that affect logs in OBM
in certain type of formation
5. In combination with OBMI-CMR - two different passes should be performed to avoid
noise on CMR with OBMI current injection “OFF”. CMR pass should be performed
first to minimize any debris collection.
6. In case of high noise on CMR data – CMR and OBMI to be logged separately as per
attached tool string diagram.

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3.8.1 CMR Tuning Procedure

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3.9 CBL-VDL (Tool Sonic Scanner):
1. Tool should be properly centralized with correct size GEMCO.
2. DCBL-VDL mode to be selected
3. 4 GEMCO’s should be used as per attached tool-string diagram

3.10 MDT:
The following considerations should be followed in reference to formation testing with the

1. For the Hides/Angore wells, two MRPS fitted with Large Diameter probes are planned
to be run in the string. The second being a backup MRPS.
2. If MRPO check-valves plugging is expected for example, due to excessive amount of
CaCO3 in the mud, use of one water filled sample chambers will be considered.
Having this chamber positioned near the pump-out can help to flush plugged valves
with fresh water.
3. Large hole kit will be used ONLY after the hole is deemed in need of it, and after
permission has been granted from the Operations Geologist in town.
4. For all the Gas wells fill the dead space in the Multi Samplers (MRMS) with distilled
water. For PWD 1 water well DO NOT fill the dead space with distilled water (leave it
as air).
5. An accurate account of Hydrocarbons pumped into the well bore needs to be
maintained during an MDT sampling job.

3.10.1 MDT Operational Guidelines

MDT Job Specification and Data Recording:

 Prior to commencing the MDT program, a list of pre-test and sample depths will
be provided to the Wireline Logging Engineer by the Wellsite Geologist.
 Actual depths, pressure data and sampling parameters and remarks will be
recorded on Schlumberger MDT Pretest & Sample Acquisition Spreadsheet by
the Wireline Engineer.

 Wireline Engineer and Schlumberger Reservoir Engineer in town will record

accurate amounts of Hydrocarbons pumped into the wellbore per hole section.

 Wireline Engineer also to maintain an up to date Logging Diary.

 Acquired graphical data to be uploaded to Interact server realtime using

WellSync software. If communication link permits, DLIS files to be uploaded in
real time also.

Directional Surveys:
 Wellsite Geologist will provide a well deviation listing including TVDRT versus
MDRT comparison in 0.5 meters intervals over the logged interval.

Tool Configuration:
 The MDT tool will be configured as specified in customer provided logging
protocol. Configuration is subject to change on client’s request.

MDT General Procedures:

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Ensure the tool is checked on surface, that stuck tool procedures and fishing equipment
are available and reviewed.
 Before running in, assess the hole conditions and overbalance from LWD and
drilling indications and discuss this with the Wellsite Manager / Drilling Engineer /
Wireline Engineer / Petrophysicist / Reservoir Engineer / Operations Geologist
as necessary.
 Given that the MDT is likely to be stationary for extended periods (particularly
during sampling), all measures / techniques to avoid potential tool sticking
should be employed.
 A stick test procedure will be provided by ExxonMobil to the Wireline Engineer.
 In the event of the tool becoming stuck, inform the Drilling Supervisor, Wellsite
Geologist and Operations Geologist immediately. Do not attempt to free the tool
without Drilling Supervisor’s permission.
 Gamma Ray tie-in log should be made as close as possible to the zones of
interest. Where tests are made over large depth intervals, run additional tie-ins.
If a depth adjustment has to be made, re-log the interval to check that the correct
offset has been entered. A slow speed for the tie in logs should be used to
minimize the amount of cable stretch. Make additional tie in logs at any time you
feel the depth may be suspect.
 Calculation of gradients across a continuous interval is sensitive to depth
corrections in that interval; avoid depth adjustments within any continuous
 To accurately position the tool on depth, the tool must be dropped below the test
depth, then pulled up to the specific depth. The tool must be dropped sufficiently
below the test depth such that when pulling up the tension indicates the full
weight of the tool-string plus cable.
 It is important to monitor and maintain the pressure applied to the packer
throughout pre-test and sampling operations.
 Wellsite Geologist to supervise all the MDT chambers being loaded into the MDT
string and also when the MPSR bottles are taken out from the MRMS at surface.
All the serial numbers of each chamber to be noted down.

Gauge Stability:
 Prior to commencing the survey it is important that the pressure gauge is
stabilized. This stability is principally a function of temperature and therefore,
monitoring of temperature variation is key in determining if the pressure gauge is
 The target temperature stability is a variation of <0.2C per minute. The target
pressure variation is <0.1 psi per minute providing the temperature criteria is
satisfied. Variations in pressure due to gravitational effects may still be observed

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even if the temperature is stable. The temperature response of the
Schlumberger Crystal Quartz Gauge (CQG) is rapid, so gauge stabilization while
correlating should be sufficient.

General Pre-Test Guidelines:

 Pre-test draw downs are to be controlled to as low as practically possible, “....

ideally draw downs should not exceed 100psi in zones with good porosity and
permeability”. For clean sands extract 10cc volume into tool, if test is
permeable then immediately extract another 10cc – do not wait for first
drawdown to stabilize at formation pressure. If no mobility is seen on initial
10cc drawdown [Tight Test] then close tool and move to next position. The
target maximum drawdown to define a tight test is 1500 psi below Formation
pressure. No more than three attempts should be made to establish a valid test.
 Hydrostatic pressure measurements are to be taken before and after each pre-
test. These measurements are to be taken once the pressure is deemed stable.
i.e. when the maximum rate of pressure change does not exceed 1 psi/min.

 Sufficient build-up time should be allowed to assess the final formation pressure.
Three consecutive identical pressure readings on the quartz gauge (up to the
second decimal number) should be achieved to ensure that the pressure has

 Plot the hydrostatic pressure versus TVDKB, and formation pressure versus
TVDSS. Ensure that the formation pressures define valid gradients. If this is not
the case, ensure the remarks section includes a note describing the cause.
Pressures and temperatures should also be plotted in real time as they are
acquired to ensure that pre-tests are valid and for initial interpretation

 Ensure hydrostatic stability. If the hydrostatic line is varying during testing,

investigate why and ensure the remarks section includes a note describing the
cause. If required, take additional pre-tests close to programmed pre-test
depths to ensure fluid gradients are adequately defined.

MDT Pre-Test Operational Sequence:

 RIH to target interval and perform gamma depth correlation pass. Sufficiently slow
down the speed of the correlation pass for the tool and gauges to equilibrate.
 If necessary, move the tool up and down over a + 20m shale interval until the
temperature has stabilised to ~0.2C per minute.
 Move the tool to first point and wait until temperature change is <0.2C per minute
(the quartz gauge will fluctuate 0.5 to 1 psi until the probe is set).
 Set the tool at the required depth and perform a pre-test (two successive 10cc
draw downs, without retracting the probe, and without waiting for the first
pretest stabilization).
 In the event of a tight, bad seal or supercharged pre-test, attempt a further 2 tests
within ±0.5m of the original pre-test point.

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 Commence program below and repeat the step above at each test point.
 After initial depth correlation log; take pressures from top-downwards (to reduce
temperature and pressure hysteresis) unless advised otherwise by the
Pretest/Sampling program which will be issued by ExxonMobil Operations

3.10.2 Sampling using Single Probe

General Guidelines for Sample Selection:

 ExxonMobil Operations Geologist and/or Petrophysicist will advise on sampling,
following FEWD and wireline static log interpretation.

 Clean-up pumping is to be monitored in real time from composition data to

optimize clean-up time. Allow an additional 1 minute pumping following clean-up
indications to allow for flow line purge. Hydrocarbon volumes pumped into the
wellbore need to be reported to the Drilling Supervisor, Wellsite Geologist and
Operations Geologist.

 Low-shock sampling techniques are to be employed for samples. Draw downs

are to be controlled to as low as practically possible, but ideally should not
exceed 100 psi. For good quality rock the drawdown is expected to be below
20 psi. When fluid flow is diverted to the sample chamber monitor fluid
pressure as rapid over-pressuring may indicate that the inlet valve to the
chamber has failed to open.

General guidelines targeting minimization of clean-up times, pump through

volumes and sample contamination levels are as follows:
 Concentrate on getting several good samples from the “best sampling point”
rather than sampling from different depths.
 Where possible choose smaller or inter-bedded sand bodies as primary sample
collection targets (this minimizes pump through volumes).
 If thin inter-bedded sands are not available locate the probe as close to the top or
base of a sand interval. This is intended to minimize mud invasion by reducing
the likelihood of gravity slumping (mud filtrate being denser than hydrocarbons).
 It is preferable to take samples in gas sands after oil and water sands have been
 If a gas zone is encountered and there is concern of gas expansion in the tool, it
is recommended to displace pumps and flow lines with mud after completion of
any gas sampling to tanks prior to pulling out of hole or continuing with pressure
 The LFA/CFA module will be the indicator for levels of contamination. PVT
quality gas samples are required, therefore pump-out should continue until the

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formation has cleaned up to all practical limits and as Quality Checked and
agreed by the Operations Geologist.

Operational Sequence for Sampling:

Gas Sampling Procedure:

 Place the tool at required depth for first sample point.
 Set the probe and slack a few metres of cable but do not yo-yo (slack off
on the cable sufficiently to reduce Head Tension (HTEN) by 500 to 700 lbs).
 Carry out pre-test (as per instructions) and confirm mobility prior to starting the
pump for clean-up. If mobility is sufficient (>50md/cp) then proceed with pump
out. If not adjust tool depth and try again.
 After confirming mobility (without retracting the tool) start pumping up with
MRPO. Start the pump at a slow speed (300 – 500 rpm) and increase in small
steps as much as possible until achieving desirable drawdown level (if possible
less than 100 psi).
 Keep pumping until LFA/CFA indicates gas shows and continue pumping until
desirable contamination level achieved.
 Once clean-up criteria have been achieved reduce pump speed, this should be
maintained during sampling.
 Open the seal valve in the sample chamber and immediately close the exit port.
 Apply about 4000 psi overpressure to the sample and seal the sample chamber.
 After sealing first sample bottle do not proceed immediately to the second one:
allow a few pump strokes before opening the next bottle to clean up the flowline.
 After sampling operations are complete let the pressure buildup until it clearly
trends towards reservoir pressure.

Water Sampling Procedure:

 Water sampling as per gas sampling above, however contamination to be
assessed using the resistivity cell. Clean up should continue as long as
operationally reasonable.
The initial reading of the resistivity cell (Rmr, filtrate resistivity at reservoir conditions)
will be used to determine the resistivity of contamination solution.

3.10.3 MDT sample collection and Transfer

Any Gallon chambers if filled have to be vented/opened at the rig site and the gas/water
analysed as per the following:

 Equipment to transfer gas samples to Baker Hughes (BH) Mudlogging

ballons/bladders is to be available on the rig.

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 Gallon chamber which will be used in the MDT tool string, if filled to be opened at the
rig site. H2S and C02 to be tested using Dräger tubes which will be supplied by BH.
BH also to test for C1 to C5. Prior to opening the chambers, BH and Schlumberger to
make a JSA with the Wellsite Geologist and Drilling Supervisor. If a water sample is
taken in the Gallon chamber then this sample needs to be analysed by the Mud
Engineer as per list below, and the rest of the sample put in a Pyrex bottle lab or
onsite analysis.

 If any MPSR or water samples are required to be sent to Australia, then

Schlumberger will be required to clearly label, securely pack and manifest MPSR
chambers for shipment to Petrolab in Australia. Wellsite Geologist to send the
shipment manifest to the Operations Geologist. Export permits will be required prior
to shipping the MPSR’s to Australia.

3.11 XPT Operational Guidelines

XPT Job Specification and Data Recording:
 Similarly to MDT a list of pre-test depths will be provided to the Wireline Logging
Engineer by the Wellsite Geologist.
 Actual depths & pressure data will be recorded on Schlumberger Acquisition
Spreadsheet by the Wireline Engineer.

 If communication link permites, DLIS files will be uploaded by Logging engineer

in real time to Interact.

 Schlumberger Reservoir Engineer in town will provide real time acquisition

support, data interpretation and liase with client representative.

 Wireline Engineer also to maintain an up to date Logging Diary.

Directional Surveys:
 Wellsite Geologist will provide a well deviation listing including TVDRT versus
MDRT comparison in 0.5 meters intervals over the logged interval.

Tool Configuration:
 The XPT tool will be configured as specified in customer provided logging
protocol (standalone or combined with other logging tools).

XPT General Procedures:

Ensure the tool is checked on surface, that stuck tool procedures and fishing equipment
are available and reviewed.
 Before running in, assess the hole conditions and overbalance from LWD and
drilling indications and discuss this with the Wellsite Manager / Drilling Engineer /
Wireline Engineer / Petrophysicist / Reservoir Engineer / Operations Geologist
as necessary.
 A stick test procedure could be followed if requested or time on the first station

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 In the event of the tool becoming stuck, inform the Drilling Supervisor, Wellsite
Geologist and Operations Geologist immediately. Do not attempt to free the tool
without Drilling Supervisor’s permission.
 Gamma Ray tie-in log should be made as close as possible to the zones of
interest. Where tests are made over large depth intervals, run additional tie-ins.
If a depth adjustment has to be made, re-log the interval to check that the correct
offset has been entered. A slow speed for the tie in logs should be used to
minimize the amount of cable stretch. Make additional tie in logs at any time you
feel the depth may be suspect.
 Calculation of gradients across a continuous interval is sensitive to depth
corrections in that interval; avoid depth adjustments within any continuous
 To accurately position the tool on depth, the tool must be dropped below the test
depth, then pulled up to the specific depth. The tool must be dropped sufficiently
below the test depth such that when pulling up the tension indicates the full
weight of the tool-string plus cable.

Gauge Stability:
 Prior to commencing the survey it is important that the pressure gauge is
stabilized. This stability is principally a function of temperature and therefore,
monitoring of temperature variation is key in determining if the pressure gauge is
 The target temperature stability is a variation of <0.2C per minute. The target
pressure variation is <0.1 psi per minute providing the temperature criteria is
satisfied. Variations in pressure due to gravitational effects may still be observed
even if the temperature is stable. The temperature response of the
Schlumberger Crystal Quartz Gauge (CQG) is typically rapid, so gauge
stabilization while correlating should be sufficient.

General Pre-Test Guidelines:

 Pre-test draw downs are to be controlled to as low as practically possible, “....

ideally draw downs should not exceed 100psi in zones with good porosity and
permeability”. For clean sands extract 5-10cc volume into tool, if test is
permeable then immediately extract another 5-10cc – do not wait for first
drawdown to stabilize at formation pressure. If no mobility is seen on initial 5-
10cc drawdown [Tight Test] then close tool and move to next position. The
target maximum drawdown to define a tight test is 1500 psi below Formation
pressure. No more than three attempts should be made to establish a valid test.
I case of low mobility formation the XPT pretest volume should be lowered (1-
5cc) to reduce time on station.
 Hydrostatic pressure is continuously recorded with Hydrostatic sapphire gauge
while on station.

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 Sufficient build-up time should be allowed to assess the final formation pressure.
Three consecutive identical pressure readings on the quartz gauge (up to the
second decimal number) should be achieved to ensure that the pressure has

 Plot the hydrostatic pressure versus TVDKB, and formation pressure versus
TVDSS. Ensure that the formation pressures define valid gradients. If this is not
the case, ensure the remarks section includes a note describing the cause.
Pressures and temperatures should also be plotted in real time as they are
acquired to ensure that pre-tests are valid and for initial interpretation.

XPT Pre-Test Operational Sequence:

 RIH to target interval and perform gamma depth correlation pass. Sufficiently slow
down the speed of the correlation pass for the tool and gauges to equilibrate.
 If necessary, move the tool up and down over a + 20m shale interval until the
temperature has stabilised to ~0.2C per minute.
 Set the tool at the required depth and perform a pre-test (two successive 5-10cc
draw downs, without retracting the probe, and without waiting for the first
pretest stabilization). The drawdown volume should be reduced (1-5cc) in case
of low permeability rock.
 In the event of a tight, bad seal or supercharged pre-test, attempt a further 2 tests
within ±0.5m of the original pre-test point.
 Continue pretests shallowest to deepest whenever possible. The sequence can be
modified depending on priority and if well conditions dictate.

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4 Recommended logging parameters
Following is the list of parameters for PEX/Rt Scanner/CMR/Sonic Scanner and the
recommended values to be used for the final deliverables.
 Priority upload on-depth Producer DLIS file without the Sonic Scanner data to APG-
SLB Interact as it is required for urgent RT Scanner processing
 Upload zipped on-depth Producer DLIS file to APG-SLB Interact for Sonic Scanner

Notes (exceptions during log acquisition):

The recommended parameters are to be also used during log acquisition with the following
 During log acquisition BHT is not known till the tool string comes out of hole. Set GTSE to
GRADIENT_FROM_SURFACE and ensure that GGRD, SHT, STEM are set correctly for
log acquisition. If the GGRD is not known from nearby wells then GGRD can be estimated
from HTEM channel value just prior to the start of acquisition: GGRD = (HTEM-SHT) /
(Depth of HTEM)
 HNGS parameters BAR1, BAR2, BHK, DBCC, HABK, HCRB can be only computed
during the playback phase. During the log acquisition set HMWM, SGRC, TPOS as per
the recommendations.

General Parameters
Parameter Definition Recommended value
BHS Borehole Status Open
BHT Bottom hole temperature Actual
BS Bit size Actual
GCSE_DOWN_PASS Generalized caliper selection BS
Down Pass
GCSE_UP_PASS Generalized caliper selection Up CALI
GRSE Generalized Resistivity Selection REMS (requires MST, RMS, GTSE)
GDEV Average Angular Deviation of Actual : Manually compute GDEV =
Borehole from Vertical arc-cos (TVD/MD)
GTSE Generalized temperature GTEM_LINEST (requires BHT,
selection SHT, TD)
SHT Surface hole temperature Actual
TD Total depth Actual

Mud Parameters
Parameter Definition Recommended value
BARI Barite Mud Present Flag Actual
BSAL Borehole Salinity Actual : Water fraction times salinity
DFD Drilling Fluid Density Actual
DFT Drilling Fluid Type OIL
DFT_OIL Oil Base Type Actual (likely: Synthetic Oil)
DFT_WATER Water Base Type -
HEMA Hematite Mud Presence Flag NO

Formation Parameters
Parameter Definition Recommended value
MATR Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity Corrections LIMESTONE

HGNS Parameters
Parameter Definition Recommended value

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BSCO Borehole Salinity Correction Option YES
CCCO Casing & Cement Thickness Correction Option NO
FSCO Formation Salinity Correction Option NO
HSCO Hole Size Correction Option YES
MCCO Mud Cake Correction Option NO
MWCO Mud Weight Correction Option YES
PTCO Pressure / Temperature Correction Option YES
SOCN Standoff Neutron If tool is run with wear ring,
then 0.125” else 0”
SOCO Standoff Correction YES
TPOS Tool Position Eccentered

HDRS Parameters
Parameter Definition Recommended value
DHC Density Hole Correction Bit Size
NAAC Switch for the correction of formation activation by OFF
the APS
ON: when APS is run above
NPRM Nuclear Processing Mode High Resolution

RT Scanner Parameters
Parameter Definition Recommended value OBM
ABHME 3D Induction Borehole Correction Mode ComputeOBMStandoff
AROT 3D Induction RotationSelector North
ASTA 3D Induction Tool Standoff Actual
ACDE AIT Casing Detection Enable Yes
ENB1DV No: during acquisition
Yes: during playback

 Perform LFST at surface. Make sure the LFST type is correctly set. It should be set to
Before_Job when the LFST is run during the Before Logging Surface phase
 Perform Water Bottle Tool Check Task
 Perform Base Oil Measurements: A 40cm3 sample is required. In Logging phase under
the Operation tab, open the Station Log. Switch the Main Objective to CMRT-B Standard
Check and the Sub Objective to “Mud Filtrate Standard Check”. Use base oil sample for
OBM. This measurement is required for Hydrogen Index and T1 of base oil, to account
for effects on CMR porosity and T2 distribution.
 Auto-tune: Power-up the antenna and Auto-tune while running in the open-hole section.
 Downhole LFST: Only if there is a clean good porosity (> 15pu) oil or water bearing zone,
attempt a downhole LFST (follow CMR tuning procedures on page 14).
 Logging Parameters:

Logging Mode - B Mode: Expert Depth Log

Acquisition Setting
EPM_OPT Enhanced Processing Mode Option On
NWT Number of Wait Times 2
DLSR Depth Log Sample Rate 7.5
LOG_SPEED Logging speed 410 ft/h
Pulse Sequence

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TE_V Echo Spacing 200,200
PT_V Polarization Time xxx, 0.02
NECH_V Number of Echoes 1800, 30
RPTN_V Number of Repetition 1, 50
Processing Setting
NSTACK Number of Stacking Levels Uphole 3
POLC_SW Polarization correction switch No
T1T2R_IN T1/T2 Ratio Input 1.5

Sonic Scanner

 Acquisition Class/Service: Acquisition Class: Standard

 SFTY Reference: Intermediate
 DTMD: Default for WBM and 240 us/ft for SOBM
 In playback enable multishot and Set NSRA=8

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5 Data Delivery
5.1 Files included in data delivery

5.1.1 DLIS Deliverables:

The DLIS are listed in order of priority, rush data needs to be upload as soon as possible
once logging run is completed and parameters checked.

DLIS Real Rush Wellsite QC Final


R1_Producer_Reduced - APG - - -

R1_Producer_No_SS - APG - - -

R1_Producer_Full - - APG - APG

R1_Customer_Reduced - XOM XOM XOM XOM

R1_Customer_Full - - XOM XOM XOM

R2_Producer_Reduced - APG - - R1-

R2_Producer_Full - - APG - APG

R2_Customer_Reduced - XOM - - XOM

R2_Customer_Full - - XOM XOM XOM

R3_Producer_Full APG - - - APG

R3_Customer_Full - - XOM XOM XOM

A detail of the channels included in each DLIS file is listed in the Section 6, and available
in the job spec file template in the server.
For DLIS upload, APG means interact APG internal organization, XOM is the relevant
well/section folder in client interact.
DLIS data should have a PDF of the VERIFICATION LISTING in the same folder as the
DLIS data with the same file name. The PDF should be created with Adobe Writer or if using
CutePDF Writer the page size should be changed to A3 (under advanced settings) to prevent
the lines over writing.

5.1.2 LAS Deliverables:

LAS files have to be generated after logging, and handover to the WSG and company
man at the wellsite as per data delivery procedure. Files have to be upload to both APG and
client interact folders.

LAS Real Rush Wellsite QC Final



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In addition, an email has to be send to the Well Services Cementing Engineer with the link to
the LAS file and the following information:
- Date of last circulation.
- Time of logger at TD.
- Bottom hole temperature recorded in first run.
- Link to the LAS_Caliper file in interact (No file attached to be send thru interact).

5.1.3 PDS Deliverables:

Follow the table to generate the different PDFs for each logging section:

Presentation \ Sections 20in 17.5in 12.25in 8.5in

Resistivity 200 X X X X

Resistivity 500 X X X X

PPC1 200 X X X X

PPC1 500 X X X X

PPC2 200 X X X X

PPC2 500 X X X X

Sonic 200 X X X X

CMR 200 - - - X

Dual OBMI 40 - - - X

Dual OBMI 200 - - - X

MDT Pressure - - - X

MDT Sampling - - - X

LQC Tension (internal use only) X X X X

LQC Tools R1 (internal use only) X X X X

LQC Tools R2 (internal use only) X X X X

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5.2 Data delivery flow
Deliver the correct data at the right time is one of the key requirements for HIDES
project. The following section explain the order in where the data has to be send, this needs
to be followed as written by the engineer while performing the logging. The names for the files
follow the names listed in section 5.1 and the list of channels/formats to be included in each
file is available in sections 6,7 and 8. Review the Data Delivery Process for more details.

5.2.1 Rush Package

The engineer will deliver to the domain with the following files as soon as possible,
once depth and parameters has been confirm to be correct.
Engineer will provide to the well site geologist a RUSH FIELD DATA after data to
domain has been delivered. Caliper information has to be provided to the CM. Caliper and
temperature information has to be provide to Well Services engineer

DLIS 1-DLIS_Producer_Reduce APG Interact


DLIS 2-DLIS_Producer_No_SS APG Interact


LAS 3-LAS_Caliper XOM Interact/WSG

LAS 4-LAS Basic XOM Interact/WSG
DLIS 5-DLIS_Customer_Reduced XOM Interact/WSG

5.2.2 Wellsite Package

Engineer will generate the wellsite package as soon as possible after calibrations. If any
critical parameter has been update, Domain has to be informed. Caliper information has to be
provided to the CM.
All the client data will be copied in a DVD and handover to the WSG. Printed copies of the
PDS may be required for QC porpoises. Caliper and temperature information has to be
provide to Well Services engineer as per Data delivery process.

PDS 1-PDF_LQC_Tension APG Interact

PDS 2-PDF_LQC_Tools APG Interact

LAS 3-LAS_Caliper XOM Interact

LAS 4-LAS Basic XOM Interact
PDS 5-All PDS as per sec 5.1.3 XOM Interact
DLIS 6-DLIS_Customer_Reduced XOM Interact
DLIS 7-DLIS_Customer_Full XOM Interact
DLIS 8-DLIS_Produced_Full APG Interact

5.2.3 QC Package
QC package will be prepared by hole section. This package will be submitted to PDC to
prepare a CD.
A FIELD QC PACKAGE will be delivered per hole section. Esso will provide feedback on
the QC package for any corrections. If any correction is required, the engineer will correct the
data and resubmit a new PDC request. Corrected data has to be stored in the server for any
additional correction.
Each correction will have a different revision number for easy tracking.
If any major parameter is changed, full produced DLIS file has to be upload again to APG

PDS 1-PDF_LQC_Tension APG Interact

PDS 2-PDF_LQC_Tools APG Interact
LAS 3-LAS_Caliper XOM Interact

LAS 4-LAS Basic XOM Interact

PDS 5-All PDS as per sec 5.1.3 XOM Interact
DLIS 6-DLIS_Customer_Reduced XOM Interact
DLIS 7-DLIS_Customer_Full XOM Interact
DLIS 8-DLIS_Produced_Full APG Interact

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5.2.4 Consolidated QC Package
At the completion of the well a CONSOLIDATE QC PACKAGE will be prepare for all the
hole sections following the structure below.

DLIS files will be included in the DLIS folder, LAS files in the LAS folder and PDS files in
the Plots folder.
Once the Consolidated QC package is approved a FINAL DATA PACKAGE will be
delivered. The quantity of prints and CD are below.

Distribution Prints* CD/DVD

Esso Highlands Ltd 1 2
Oil Search Ltd (OSL) - 1
Santos Ltd - 1
JX Nippon - 1
Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) - 1
National Petroleum Company (NPCP) - 1
Petromin PNG Holding LTD - 1
DPE 2 2
Total 3 10
*Prints: Coloured paper prints (1:200 and 1:500 scales) for entire well.

NOTES on Data Delivery

Graphical logs are to be provided in PDF formats. No PDS to be delivered to client.
Digital data should be provided in DLIS and LAS.
DLIS data should have a PDF of the VERIFICATION LISTING in the same folder as the
DLIS data with the same file name. The PDF should be created with Adobe Writer or if using
CutePDF Writer the page size should be changed to A3 (under advanced settings) to prevent
the lines over writing.
Note the well directional survey is only to be included on MDT and Seismic runs. It is not
to be included on other runs as there are often small changes made to the final survey after

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6 DLIS Files

Below is the list of channels to me included in the DLIS files that need to be included in
each DLIS file. The template for this files are available on job spec file in the server.

DLIS Customer Reduced:

DLIS Customer Full

DLIS Producer Reduced


DLIS Producer Full

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7 ASCII Files
Below are the list of channels included in each of the required LAS files to be deliver to the
client. They should be generated using the DLIS to ASCII converter.
Sampling rate is 0.1 sample per metre for standard vertical resolution
System: BS, CS, ICV, IHV, TENS



EDTC: ECGR_EDTC, GR_EDTC if HGNS is not present in the tools string OR there
is no a valid GR from HGNS


HDRS: HCAL, HDRA, PEFZ, RHOZ, RXOZ, UZ … Only if HDRS is run for density

HGNS: ECGR, GR, HTEM, NPHI, TNPH … Only if HGNS is run for Neutron logging

Sonic Scanner: DTCO, DTSM, PR, VPVS

PPC: Centered PPC (n=1,2): CRD1_PPCn, CRD2_PPCn, CRD3_PPCn, CRD4_PPCn,

HDOV_PPCn, RB_PPCn Excentered PPC: HD1_PPCn

ZAIT / RT Scanner: AE10, AE20, AE30, AE60, AE90, AMF, ATD1, ATD2,

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8 PDF Formats

8.1 Presentations structure

The details of what has to be included in each presentation are listed below.
20in & 17in & 12.25in & 8.5in Open Hole Section
Run 1: Rt Scanner – Sonic Scanner – PPC - GR

Print Name Scale Content

 Header
 Well sketch
 Operational Run Summary
 Borehole Fluids
Resistivity - Dip Az Print –
1/200  Remarks and Equipment Summary
Scale 1/200
 Main Pass (Detailed parameters)
 Repeat Pass (Detailed parameters)
 Calibration Report (All Tools)
 Tail
 Header
 Well sketch
 Operational Run Summary
Resistivity Print – Scale
1/500  Borehole Fluids
 Remarks and Equipment Summary
 Main Pass (Concise parameters)
 Tail

Run 1: PPC-GR

Print Name Scale Content

 Header
 Well sketch
 Operational Run Summary
Hole Diameter Print –  Borehole Fluids
Bottom/Top PPC – Scale 1/200  Remarks and Equipment Summary
1/200  Main Pass (Detailed parameters)
 Repeat Pass (Detailed parameters)
 Calibration Report (All Tools)
 Tail
 Header
 Well sketch
Hole Diameter Print –  Operational Run Summary
Bottom/Top PPC – Scale 1/500  Borehole Fluids
1/500  Remarks and Equipment Summary
 Main Pass (Concise parameters)
 Tail

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Run 1: SSCAN - GR

Print Name Scale Content

 Header
 Well sketch
 Operational Run Summary
Sonic Scanner Print – Scale  Borehole Fluids
1/200  Remarks and Equipment Summary
 Main Pass (Detailed parameters)
 Calibration Report (All Tools)
 Tail

8.5in Open Hole Section

Run 2: CMR (logged with Dual OBMI )

Print Name Scale Description

CMR Magnetic resonance log 1:200  Header

 Well sketch
 Operational Run Summary
 Borehole Fluids
 Remarks and Equipment Summary
 Main Pass (Detailed parameters)
 Repeat Pass (Detailed parameters)
 Mud Station
 Mud filtrate Station
 Calibration Report (All Tools)
 Tail

Run 2: Dual OBMI

Print Name Scale Description

 Header
 Well sketch
 Operational Run Summary
 Borehole Fluids
OBMI Print - standard
1:200  Remarks and Equipment Summary
 Main Pass (Concise parameters)
 Repeat Pass (Concise parameters)
 Calibration Report (All Tools)
 Tail
 Header
 Well sketch
 Operational Run Summary
 Borehole Fluids
OBMI Print - standard
1:40  Remarks and Equipment Summary
 Main Pass (Concise parameters)
 Repeat Pass (Concise parameters)
 Calibration Report (All Tools)
 Tail

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Run 3: MDT-GR

Print Name Description

 Header
MDT Pressures
 Well sketch
 Operational Run Summary
 Borehole Fluids
 Remarks and Equipment Summary
 Deviation Survey (Final D&M Survey)
 Pretest summary Table
 Mud plot
 Formation plot
 Mobility Plot
 Pressure station (For each station)
 Pressure vs. Time Plot (For each station)
 Correlation Passes
 Calibration Report (All Gauges)
 Tail

*MDT prints generated in InSitu Pro

 Header
MDT Samples
 Well sketch
 Operational Run Summary
 Borehole Fluids
 Remarks and Equipment Summary
 Deviation Survey (Final D&M Survey)
 Pretest summary Table.
 Pressure station (For each station)
 DFA station (For each station)
 Pressure vs. Time Plot (For each station)
 OCM Plots (For each station)
 Correlation Passes
 Calibration Report (All Gauges)
 Tail

*MDT prints generated in InSitu Pro

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8.2 Presentation Formats
 Caliper / Bit Size scale as per bit size 17”:15-25 ; 12¼”:10-20 ; 8½”:6-16 ; 5⅞”:4-14
(20” X 17”): 15-25 ; (17 ½” X 14 ¾”): 12-22

8.3 Rt Scanner –PPC-GPIT (1/200 and 1/500)

RT Scanner processed deliverables presentation (1/1000 Scale)

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8.4 PPC – 4 calipers

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8.5 OBMI

 GR 0 to 200 scale

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8.6 CMR Plus presentation


 GR 0 to 200 scale

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Field Data:

Sonic Scanner (MSIP) processed deliverables presentation (1/200 Scale)

 GR 0 to 200 scale

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 GR 0 to 200 scale

8.9 PEX-GR

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8.10 MDT pretest and sampling presentations

Pretest pressure versus time plot

MDT pressure tests presentation

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MDT LFA Presentation for hydrocarbon samples

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MDT LFA Presentation for water samples

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MDT CFA Presentation for hydrocarbon samples

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MDT CFA Presentation for water samples

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9 Appendix I – Tool String Diagrams
ZAIT-GPIT-Dual PPC-GR Toolstring

LEH-QT – Logging head with Head Tension sensor and ECRD (Electronic weakpoint) installed.

EDTC-B – Gamma Ray sensor and Telemetry cartridge

PPC- 4 arm Caliper tool. 2 PPCs will be run at 45 deg offset to each other using the AH-255 offset
adapter between. This will ensure an 8arm Borehole coverage. Arms will be powered to Level 3 to
ensure PPCs are centralized during logging. Caliper extension arms will be used.

AH-184 – 2 x Knuckle joints (15 deg flex)

ILE-F - Used as a spacer between the 2 AH-184s to ensure PPCs are centralised and fully decoupled
from eccentralized force below. Bowspring will be removed.

GPIT – Well Azimuth, Inclination and RT Scanner tool orientation.

SFT-270 & ECH-KC – Non-magnetic spacer

HILT – 1 arm caliper with ext arms to ensure RT Scanner is run eccentered to in borehole. No
Radioactive source will be loaded
RT Scanner Tool – Measure Formation resistivity and structural dips. Hole-finder bottom nose to be
used. 2.5in standoffs to be used for 12 ¼” and above, 1.5” Standoff for 8.5” hole.

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ZAIT-GPIT-Sonic Scanner -Dual PPC-GR Toolstring (if in vertical hole)

LEH-QT – Logging head with Head Tension sensor and ECRD (Electronic weakpoint) installed.

EDTC-B – Gamma Ray sensor and Telemetry cartridge

PPC- 4 arm Caliper tool. 2 PPCs will be run at 45 deg offset to each other using the AH-255 offset
adapter between. This will ensure an 8arm Borehole coverage. Arms will be powered to Level 3 to
ensure PPCs are centralized during logging. Caliper extension arms will be used.

AH-184 – 2 x Knuckle joints (15 deg flex) and ILE-F - Used as a spacer between the 2 AH-184s to
ensure PPCs are centralised and fully decoupled from eccentralized force below. Bowspring will be

Sonic Scanner – Monopole Compressional & Dipole Shear Sonic data 5x2.5in standoffs to be used

GPIT – Well Azimuth, Inclination and RT Scanner tool orientation.

SFT-270 & ECH-KC – Non-magnetic spacer

HILT – 1 arm caliper with ext arms to ensure RT Scanner is run eccentered to in borehole. No
Radioactive source will be loaded

RT Scanner Tool – Measure Formation resistivity and structural dips. Hole-finder bottom nose to be
used. 2.5in standoffs to be used for 12 ¼” and above, 1.5” Standoff for 8.5” hole.

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ZAIT-GPIT-Sonic Scanner -Dual PPC-GR Toolstring (if in deviated hole)

LEH-QT – Logging head with Head Tension sensor and ECRD (Electronic weakpoint) installed.

EDTC-B – Gamma Ray sensor and Telemetry cartridge

PPC- 4 arm Caliper tool. 2 PPCs will be run at 45 deg offset to each other using the AH-255 offset
adapter between. This will ensure an 8arm Borehole coverage. Arms will be powered to Level 3 to
ensure PPCs are centralized during logging. Caliper extension arms will be used.

AH-184 – 2 x Knuckle joints (15 deg flex)

ILE-F - Used as a spacer between the 2 AH-184s to ensure PPCs are centralised and fully decoupled
from eccentralized force below. Bowspring will be removed.

Sonic Scanner – Monopole Compressional & Dipole Shear Sonic data 5x2.5in standoffs to be used

GPIT – Well Azimuth, Inclination and RT Scanner tool orientation.

SFT-270 & ECH-KC – Non-magnetic spacer

RT Scanner Tool – Measure Formation resistivity and structural dips. Hole-finder bottom nose to be
used. 2.5in standoffs to be used for 12 ¼” and above, 1.5” Standoff for 8.5” hole.
Note: If the Sonic Scanner is run AND the entire hole section is deviated, then HDRS is not required
If the Sonic Scanner is not run OR the hole section has vertical portions, then HDRS would be needed.

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CMR-Dual PPC-NRTA-GR Toolstring

LEH-QT – Logging head with Head Tension sensor and ECRD (Electronic weakpoint) installed.

AH-388 – Non-Return To Armour (NRTA)

EDTC-B – Gamma Ray sensor and Telemetry cartridge

PPC- 4 arm Caliper tool. Two PPCs will be run for added weight to assist in tool descent through
Cased Hole section. CMR has a very strong permanent magnet that can bond to Casing and prevent
tool decent. Tool will remain closed or opened to decentralize the tool (one arm).

CMR– Magnetic Resonance derived Porosity and Permeability. Bowspring fitted for additional
eccentralization force.

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Alternative CMR-PPC-GR Toolstring

LEH-QT – Logging head with Head Tension sensor and ECRD (Electronic weakpoint) installed.

EDTC-B – Gamma Ray sensor and Telemetry cartridge

PPC- 4 arm Caliper tool. One PPC will be run for added weight to assist in tool descent through Cased
Hole section. CMR has a very strong permanent magnet that can bond to Casing and prevent tool
decent. Tool will remain closed or opened to decentralize the tool (one arm).

CMR– Magnetic Resonance derived Porosity and Permeability. Bowspring fitted for additional
eccentralization force.

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LEH-QT – Logging head with Head Tension sensor and ECRD (Electronic weakpoint) installed.

EDTC-B – Gamma Ray sensor and Telemetry cartridge

GPIT – Well Azimuth, Inclination and OBMI tool orientation.

SFT-270 – Non-magnetic spacers.

OBMI – Formation bedding boundaries dips and structure image. 2 OBMI’s will be run at 45 deg
offset to each other using the AH-255 offset adapter between. This will ensure an 8 arm Borehole

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DCBL-VDL Tool for Cement Evaluation.

LEH-QT – Logging head with Head Tension

sensor and ECRD (Electronic weakpoint)
EDTC-B – GR sensor and Telemetry cartridge

MAPC-MAMS (SonicScanner) – Configured for

CBL-VDL and use of Gemco centralizers.
Centralization is critical for Log data quality

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5 7/8 in Open Hole Wireline Logging
CMR-Dual OBMI-GR Toolstring

3.375” OD 3.625” OD

4.625” OD

3.625” OD

4.625” OD

4.625” OD

3.875” OD

4.875” OD

4.625” OD

4.875” OD

4.625” OD

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3.375” OD

3.625” OD

Eccentralizing Caliper
4.30” OD

Neutron and Gamma Ray (no


3.375” OD

4.77” OD

Density and Caliper

Maximum Tool OD: 4.77”

Toolstring Weight in air: 888 lbs

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Schlumberger Wireline Logging Equipment Heads

LEH-QT used for Open Hole wireline conveyed toolstrings.

When the open hole cable head is released the torpedo is 1.75” OD. For strip over
operations this needs to pass through any fishing equipment.

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MH-22 used for Gyro runs.

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PEK-BB used for cased hole services such a bridge plug setting and perforating.

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MDT Tool String Diagrams

MDT-GR-TLC (Pressures Only)

X-Over XTF 39 BOX to NC 38
4.75” OD PIN

Downhole Wet Connection


4.75” OD

Tension and Compression

3.375” OD Sub

3.625” OD
Telemetry and GR

Power Cartridge

4.75” OD Hydraulic Module

Single Probe with Large

Diameter Probe

5.0” OD (length 0.3m)

4.75” OD
MAXIMUM OD of MDT is 5.0” at probe section
Tool weight: 1470 lbs

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XPT-GR-TLC (Pressures Only)

4.75” OD X-Over XTF 39 BOX to NC 38


Downhole Wet Connection


4.75” OD

Tension and Compression

3.375” OD Sub

3.625” OD Telemetry and GR

3.375” OD

XPT Pressure Tool

3.875” OD

MAXIMUM OD of XPT for 5.875” hole is 3.875” OD

TLC equipment is 4.75” OD (same as 4” drill pipe connections)
Tool weight: 1084 lbs

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XPT-GR (Pressures Only on wireline)

Logging Head

Tension and Compression

3.375” OD
Sub (to allow conversion to LWF)

3.625” OD
Telemetry and GR

3.375” OD

3.875” OD

XPT Pressure Tool

MAXIMUM OD of XPT for 5.875” hole is 3.875” OD

Tool weight: 600 lbs

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PWD Wells (1 Probe and 6 MPSRs): MDT tool string configured for
Tough Logging Conditions (TLC), containing a Live Fluid Analyser (LFA), a 1
gallon sample chamber, one Multi Sampler and two pump out modules for
downhole redundancy.

Downhole Wet Connect for TLC


Tension - Compression Sub

Gamma Ray and Telemetry

Multi Sampler fitted with

6 x 450cc MPSRs

1 gallon Sample Chamber

Live Fluid Analyser

Backup Pumpout Module

Exit Port

Primary Pumpout Module

Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Tool string weight in air: 1388 Kg

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PWD Wells (2 Probes and 6 MPSRs): MDT tool string configured for
Tough Logging Conditions (TLC), containing a Live Fluid Analyser (LFA), a 1
gallon sample chamber, two Multi Samplers and two pump out modules for
downhole redundancy.

Downhole Wet Connect for TLC


Tension - Compression Sub

Gamma Ray and Telemetry

Multi Sampler fitted with

6 x 450cc MPSRs

1 gallon Sample Chamber

Live Fluid Analyser

Backup Pumpout Module

Exit Port

Primary Pumpout Module

Backup Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Primary Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Tool string weight in air: 1636 Kg

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PWD Wells (1 Probe and 12 MPSRs): MDT tool string configured for
Tough Logging Conditions (TLC), containing a Live Fluid Analyser (LFA), a 1
gallon sample chamber, two Multi Samplers and two pump out modules for
downhole redundancy.

Downhole Wet Connect for TLC


Tension - Compression Sub

Gamma Ray and Telemetry

2 x Multi Samplers fitted with

12 x 450cc MPSRs

1 gallon Sample Chamber

Live Fluid Analyser

Backup Pumpout Module

Exit Port

Primary Pumpout Module

Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Tool string weight in air: 1593 Kg

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PWD Wells (2 Probes and 12 MPSRs): MDT tool string configured for
Tough Logging Conditions (TLC), containing a Live Fluid Analyser (LFA), a 1
gallon sample chamber, two Multi Samplers, two Large Diameter probes and
two pump out modules for downhole redundancy.

Downhole Wet Connect for TLC


Tension - Compression Sub

Gamma Ray and Telemetry

2 x Multi Samplers fitted with

12 x 450cc MPSRs

1 gallon Sample Chamber

Live Fluid Analyser

Backup Pumpout Module

Exit Port

Primary Pumpout Module

Backup Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Primary Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Tool string weight in air: 1840 Kg

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Gas Wells (1 Probe and 6 x MPSRs): MDT tool string configured for
Tough Logging Conditions (TLC), containing a Composition Fluid Analyser
(CFA), one Multi Sampler, a 1 gallon sample chamber filled with water for
flushing the pumps and the flowlines and two pumpout modules for downhole

Downhole Wet Connect for TLC


Tension - Compression Sub

Gamma Ray and Telemetry

Multi Sampler fitted with

6 x 450cc MPSRs

Water Filled Sample Chamber

Composition Fluid Analyser

Backup Pumpout Module

Exit Port

Primary Pumpout Module

Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Tool string weight in air: 1388 Kg

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Gas Wells (2 Probes and 6 x MPSRs): MDT tool string configured for
Tough Logging Conditions (TLC), containing a Composition Fluid Analyser
(CFA), one Multi Sampler, a 1 gallon sample chamber filled with water for
flushing the pumps and the flowlines, two Large Diameter probes and two
pumpout modules for downhole redundancy.

Downhole Wet Connect for TLC


Tension - Compression Sub

Gamma Ray and Telemetry

Multi Sampler fitted with

6 x 450cc MPSRs

Water Filled Sample Chamber

Composition Fluid Analyser

Backup Pumpout Module

Exit Port

Primary Pumpout Module

Backup Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Primary Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Tool string weight in air: 1636 Kg

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Gas Wells (1 Probe and 12 x MPSRs): MDT tool string configured for
Tough Logging Conditions (TLC), containing a Composition Fluid Analyser
(CFA), two Multi Samplers, a 1 gallon sample chamber filled with water for
flushing the pumps and the flowlines and two pumpout modules for downhole

Downhole Wet Connect for TLC


Tension - Compression Sub

Gamma Ray and Telemetry

2 x Multi Samplers fitted with

12 x 450cc MPSRs

Water Filled Sample Chamber

Composition Fluid Analyser

Backup Pumpout Module

Exit Port

Primary Pumpout Module

Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Tool string weight in air: 1593 Kg

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Gas Wells (2 Probes and 12 x MPSRs): MDT tool string configured for
Tough Logging Conditions (TLC), containing a Composition Fluid Analyser
(CFA), two Multi Samplers, a 1 gallon sample chamber filled with water for
flushing the pumps and the flowlines, two Large Diameter probes and two
pumpout modules for downhole redundancy.

Downhole Wet Connect for TLC


Tension - Compression Sub

Gamma Ray and Telemetry

2 x Multi Samplers fitted with

12 x 450cc MPSRs

Water Filled Sample Chamber

Composition Fluid Analyser

Backup Pumpout Module

Exit Port

Primary Pumpout Module

Backup Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Primary Large Diameter Probe (LD)

Tool string weight in air: 1840 Kg

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Appendix II: Depth control

1. Setting the Tool Zero

Land rig
a) Lower the tool a few feet into the hole and pull up, stopping when the tool reference, either
the Tool Zero, or other appropriate reference point (e.g. the bottom of logging head) is at the
customer’s depth reference point (e.g. Kelly bushing).
b) Set system depth to zero or length from tool reference point to tool zero.
c) Prepare a Z-Chart, noting the number of wraps on the top layer of cable, and measuring
the depth of this layer from the edge of the drum flange.

2. Measuring the Rig-up Length between IDW and rotary table at surface
Land rig
For the first log over any interval, it is important to check that the setup has not changed while
running in the well (e.g. slack in the logging cable, movement of the logging unit, the blocks or
the sheaves).
a) Run in hole about 100 ft and flag the cable at the IDW and note the depth.
b) Lower the tool string until the flag is at the rotary table. Subtract depth recorded above from
current depth. This is the Rig-up Length at surface, RULS. Record RULS in WSD parameters
as given in the Glossary section below.
If possible, mark the position of the rig draw-works drum at this point. If it is suspected that the
setup length has changed during the job, this mark can be used to check for movement of the

3. Running in the hole

Proceed in the cased hole at such a speed so as to avoid “Tool Float” or “bird caging” of the
Maintain a Z-Chart while running in hole, noting the flange depth of each wrap of cable.
Note the depth of significant features while running in hole (e.g. Casing Shoe, formation

4. Measurement of the Rig-up Length between IDW and rotary table at bottom.
Land rig, fixed platform, jack-up
On the first survey in a well:
Start a down log before entering open hole and record a Gamma ray down log at 3000-
5000ft/h as hole conditions dictate. This will become the open hole “Depth Reference log”.
About 150m / 450ft before reaching total depth (TD) put a mark on the logging cable at the
rotary table. Install the line wiper and then have the rig floor operator come down to the unit
and stop the winch with the mark 6 inches in front of the IDW. Calculate the Rig-up Length at
Bottom, RULB, and record in WSD parameters.
Update parameters RULS,RULB and RULC in Well Site Data but make no depth corrections
at this time.
If RULB differs from RULS by more than 0.3m / 1 ft, the rig-up has changed. Attempt to
resolve which component in the rig-up has changed and ensure that further changes do not
Continue to TD recording a continuous “Depth Reference Log”.

Calculate the correction to be applied at TD, RULC (RULC = RULS - RULB)

Update parameters RULS,RULB and RULC in Well Site Data but make no depth corrections
at this time.
If RULB differs from RULS by more than 0.3m / 1 ft, the rig-up has changed. Attempt to
resolve which component in the rig-up has changed and ensure that further changes do not
Continue to TD recording a continuous “Depth Reference Log”.

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5. Correction for Elastic Stretch
The following log down / log up method is applicable in vertical wells when the tension is
evenly distributed along the cable, and is a very good estimate in deviated wells. In both
cases every change in direction will introduce a small depth error, so it is recommended to
run in hole directly to T.D. with the absolute minimum of up log tension checks, mark at truck/
mark at well checks and up log repeat sections etc. This will ensure the best depth accuracy
possible on the Open Hole Depth Reference Down log.
a) At TD, open calipers (if applicable) and log up a section overlapping the down log with no
correction for stretch. Compare depth with the “Depth Reference Log’. Determine depth
correction for stretch SCORR and updates its value in WSD. This log may be used as the
repeat section if a depth corrected playback is acceptable to the customer. Note DO=SCORR
b). While returning to TD crank in the depth correction =SCORR + RULC. (Should be positive)

6. Logging Out
a) After correcting for stretch, if well conditions permit, go down to TD, slack off a few feet and
come up slowly, watching for tension pick up.
b) As soon as the tool starts moving, increase speed to nominal logging speed. Compare
normal tension to that of the repeat to check for varying hole conditions. . Record the main log
pass checking that it is RULC ft/m deeper than the “Log Down Reference” survey.
c) Log to the top of the logging interval WITHOUT CRANKING.
d) Monitor difference between encoders (E1-E2 on the depth system) to identify potential
depth system problem.
Slippage between the two encoders is monitored and automatically corrected by the depth
subsystem according to the Fastest-wheel Algorithm. Investigate and take corrective action
should excessive slippage or differences occur.
At the casing shoe or end of the main log pass, prior to pulling out of hole, instruct the driller
reduce the Martin Decker pull when pulling out to maintain the compensating line tension
within safe limits. See WRM for an explanation of the WMC and this procedure.

7. Repeat Section or Repeat Analysis

Ensure that the Repeat Section or Repeat Analysis is presented on depth with the Main Log,
or record any discrepancies in the log remarks. If the above procedure was followed

8. Depth Check on return to surface, first log in well.

Pull out of hole at reasonable speed.
On land rig, fixed platform or jack-up, bring the tool reference to the customer’s depth
reference and note the depth reading (ZRCS).

Move the cable until the flag is once again at the rotary table and reset the depth to that
previously noted above. Return the tool string to surface and check the tool reference to the
customer’s depth reference. Note the depth reading (ZRCS).

Record ZRCS value in Well Site Data remarks. Any log recorded where ZRCS is greater than
± 2 ft / 10,000 FOW (in one direction) should be considered suspect and reported. Repeat the
First Trip/First Log depth measurement procedures with the next log and check result against
the first log.

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Appendix III Hides B Well Wireline Tension Profiles
Pre-job cable tension model using Tool Planner

It is mandatory to run the cable tension planner before the job. The result should be
discussed with your FSM during briefing and a “pre-job cable tension report” should be sent to
Wellsite Geologist

The tension model should be shared and discussed with Wellsite Geologist on well site.
Tension model has to be updated with actual deviation. Wireline Engineer can get it on
wellsite from Wellsite Geologist.

The CMR’s tension model should take into account an additional restriction in a hole due to
magnetize. Before starting CMR job, Wireline Engineer has to make sure the proper weight
bars are used and tool string weight is enough to pass through conductor casing.

The main added-value of the real-time tension modeling is for the Wireline Engineer to always
know how much tension can safely be apply on the cable, at any depth. It is especially critical
when the tools come close to TD. The initial model is an approximation and therefore must be
adjusted using the "real data" from the tension checks. This model, to be fully useful, must be
fine-tuned all the way down, until the last tension check. See the plot below for illustration. In
real-time, when the tools are in the "blind zone" (close to TD, where the risk is maximum),
tension model gives an exact information how much to pull safely only when the model
matches the real data. It is not only done for reporting purposes, it helps the Wireline
Engineer to greatly reduce the risk of fishing or worse situations.

The following components of the model should be fully understood and presented to the
 3D hole profile (example Figure 1)
 Dog-leg severity (example Figure 2)
 Surface tension: expected surface tension versus tool depth with tool moving up and
down (example Figure 3)
 Expected head tension versus tool depth with tool moving up and down. 'Max' line
shows the maximum head tension possible without exceeding cable maximum safe
pull rating at surface (example Figure 4)
 Expected tensions at every point along the cable with tool positioned TD (example
Figure 5)
 Tension at surface to break weak point with the tool at various depths (example
Figure 6)

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Figure 1: Example of 3D hole profile
Figure 2: Dog-Leg severity example

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Figure 3: Surface tension example
Figure 4: Head tension example

Figure 5: Cable tension distribution

Figure 6: Break weakpoint

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Hides-B1 Tension Model

Model Inputs

№ Parameters Input
1 Casing shoe depth 3065 m
2 Total measured depth 3512 m
3 Surface temperature 23.9 deg C
4 Bottom hole temperature 76.7 deg C
5 Well fluid density 16.1 lb/gal
6 Mud type Oil based
7 Tool string weight in air 1746 lb
8 Maximum tool diameter 3.625 in
9 Tool string weight in fluid 1136.7 lb
10 Weakpoint type ECRD
11 Weakpoint rating 8000 lb
12 Cable type 7-46 ZVXS
13 Maximum safe pool of the cable 9705 lb

3D hole profile

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Surface tension

Head Tension

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Cable Tension

Break weakpoint

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Hides-B2 Tension Model

3D hole profile

Surface tension

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Head Tension

Cable Tension

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Break weakpoint

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Appendix IV Well control Procedures
Well control procedures has to be defined by XOM and communicated to all participants before the
Wireline crew should prepare hydraulic cable cutter and have it available on the rig floor during
wireline operations. The operation of the cutter should be review in toolbox safety meeting prior to rig

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