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CHS Portfolio

Personal Artifact
Future career interests (if known):​ ​Nursing

Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

1.Critical thinking

Description of Artifact (*The personal artifact maybe anything that demonstrates growth,
skills, interests, discoveries, and/or abilities from your experience this last year -- can be
school-related or not.)
I received a 40/40 on my reflection essay for shadowing a radiologic technologist at Heladnsurg
District Hospital.

Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts?

I chose this as my artifact because CI54 is a college-level class that I have taken at the Santa
Rosa Junior college. I was extremely never that my writing skill level would not be anywhere
near a college-level students. After proofreading it and perfecting it I turned it in a got a 40/40.

How did your experience with this artifact change or impact you?
This certificate changes my perspective of college. I thought it would be tremendously hard but
if you just work hard enough you can receive a good grade.

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this
artifact? Explain.
I saw a growth in my critical thinking soft skills. I work very hard on this essay to get a good
grade. I made sure to proofread it a dozen times and to make sure I was explaining my self
narrowly. I also used my communication with Mr. Dobbins when asking for help. We
collaborated on how key ideas and how to make the essay better.
CHS Portfolio

Provide an example of how the skills you practiced or the knowledge you gained via this
artifact may also be used in a career in which you are interested.
I will used to steps I took when writing an essay in college. I strategically planned how to write it
and asked multiple people to proofread it. I also used Grammarly to help correct any grammar
errors. In college I will use resources like these to do well in my classes.

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