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The following table summarizes the main findings, conclusions and recommendations drawn
from the respondents long and short answers to the validation survey.

(a) Serial (b) Finding Theme (c) Conclusion (d) Recommendation

1. Control documents: QS
and TP have been drafted
to reflect the operation of
the modified equipment in
the current version of the
2. Equipment: 68% of
respondents were not
confident in its operation
and 69% have not
exercised their skill sets
with the water-bagger
since their training. Open
responses indicated more
time be spent on the water
bagger operation and
3. Employment: 57% of
respondents rarely or
never use their WSO skill
56% are in or were in a job
that requires the
4. Respondent Satisfaction:
100% of respondents were
satisfied or very satisfied
with the training.

89% were happy with the

duration of the training.
5. Training: Open responses
highlighted that more time
be spent on preservation
and de-preservation.
Open responses
highlighted that more time
be spent on maintenance,
in particular the Kinney

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strainer, valve 29, general
maintenance (door repair)
and cleaning procedures
for hoses and bladders.
More time on drawing
water samples for
incubation, and water

Share lessons learned from

previous ROWPU
operational deployments.

Teach the chemical,

biological, radiological and
nuclear (CBRN) test kits.

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