Cover Letter

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May 5, 2020

Logan Driggs

7810 South Fairgrounds Road, Stillwater OK, 74074

Cover Letter


The collection of essays that I posted for my portfolio all sum up what I stand for and

what my plans, for the future, are. This portfolio would show anyone that I am a sports fanatic

and to hope to one day be a great basketball coach. Also shows that I stand for what is right and

do not allow racial discrimination of any kind to fly by me.

Under essay one on my weebly, you will see a paper titled athletes and substances abuse.

I wrote that paper for my comp one class. This is a paper that I enjoyed writing. It was all about

athletics, but it touches on a dark subject about drugs being introduced to athletes. This is a huge

matter in the sports world and is something I plan to help stop. Every day an athlete’s career is

ruined, or their lives are taken by substances abuse. Essay two touches up on racism that still

exist. It also tells a little story about my friend Daylon. In high school Daylon always seemed to

have a big target on his back and everyone wanted a shot at him. I caught up very quickly on

what was going on. From then on, I will not allow for someone to treat another person like trash

just because the color of their skin. Essay 3 is my favorite one on my weebly. It is titled “this I

believe”. I poured my heart into this essay. I wrote about basketball and how it is the greatest
sport of all time. I believe that with every ounce in me. If it were not the greatest sport, I would

not try to be coaching it. But basketball means the world to me. I like to say it was my first true

love. Without it I do not know where I would be in life. Essay four is titled Slavery and

Reconstruction. I wrote this for one of my history classes. The reason I decided to put it on my

weebly is because while I coach high school basketball. I must teach something. History has

always been my best subject. I believe it is very important to know where you came from and

why things are the way they are.

I am not the best when it comes to literacy. Even though I have come a long way

especially in the first two years of college. In high school I turned in papers that looked like a

five-year-old typed. But if I have something to write that I am interested in. I can write forever.

But I am thankful for the papers that I did not care for. They helped me get creative and learn

how to become a better writer.

Writing process has improved tremendously. First things first when I write a paper is an

outline. Either it is a physical outline or a mental outline I must have something to keep more

organized. So, if I had a writing toolbox an outline is going in there. Second, I would say give

your self-time to think about a topic to write about. Do not come up with one the moment the

assignment is presented or when the assignment is due that day. Sit and think about a subject and

how you are going to orchestrate that essay. Finally, I would say do not panic. Your mind does

not function right when you panic. When people get assigned to a big paper they panic. You just

must take it one step at a time.

My strengths as a writer would be that I can always type enough to the certain word

count requirements. I try to entertain the reader. Nobody wants to read something boring. My

weaknesses would probably be spelling. Thank the lord for spell check! I just write or type so
fast and do not pay attention to my spelling. Another problem is procrastinating. I am the worlds

worst about not typing the whole essay or paper out until the last moment.

This is it for me as far as Comp classes go. It has been real but not to real. I still need to

address my grammar and spelling but as I continue to grow it will get better. I will always be

writing and typing. Teachers type more than anyone I know. Also, coaches type a lot of letters.

So, writing is something I am stuck with for the rest of my life. I am sure it is just like shooting

free throws. The more I practice the better I am going to get.

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