Smart Cooking and Grocery Shopping Personal Assistant: Features

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Smart cooking and grocery shopping personal assistant

Need for such a software:

 America is facing an obesity crisis.
 Americans has a decent fitness culture.
 Not everyone has access to high-quality education or an expensive nutritionist.

 Keep track of what you eat just by using image recognition.

 Developing AI programs capable of making individualized recommendations for people, including

what food to get, and how to prepare it.

 Smart kitchen assistant to help automate food routines, such as planning meals and grocery store visits,
placing orders for grocery on Instacart.

 Have an easy-to-follow, step-by-step voice-navigated video recipes with the help of artificial
intelligence and a support team of cooking experts.

 Apply AI to analyze their nutritional needs.” For example, good fats intake, too much carbs intake, less
intake of Vitamin A or omega 3, too much of natural sugar from smoothies, can track both micro and
macro nutrients.

 Machine Learning based platform that can use on-body sensors to detect poor body posture, which
might give rise to neck pain or spinal issues. AI can look for patterns and make suggestions on lifestyle

 AI-based chatbot to combine the person’s medical history and a database of medical symptoms to show
a risk indication for a number of diseases.

 An algorithm that provides everyone with a healthy buddy based on eating habits, social and health-
related data.

 Ability to recommend menu items in a restaurant by just pointing the app at the menu list.

With predictive fitness analytics, both real-time and historical data are used,
aggregated from multiple data streams to create a personalized baseline for each
individual. Visualizing data through dashboards is key to the user's ability to
leverage the wealth of data available.

With a predictive calculation unique to each person, fitness users can understand
whether they are missing, meeting, or beating their fitness targets. In addition,
users can be given suggestions for making up shortfalls in daily goals, nutritional
analysis, and advice to stay on course toward achieving the overall objectives.
A great feature of several fitness apps is the ability to share and compare with
social groups. This social sharing and comparing has been seen to be a key
motivator – tapping into our innate need for empowerment and competition,
leading to positive behavior modification to stay on track with our fitness goals.
Including these social fitness apps in your health and wellness programs can be an
excellent way to create some healthy competition and comraderie among

AI will enable the software to ask for intelligent questions. For example, if user scans an image
of an oatmeal, the software will enter the basic ingredients (milk and oats), and then ask for basic
questions such as did you add any sweetener/fruits/flavors?

Lacking/ problems:
Rely On User Data Entry
No info on micronutrients
Fitness trackers don’t do miracles. The fact that you’re
wearing them doesn’t make you healthier. That’s why it’s
important to include some features to your fitness app that
can motivate people to lead a healthy life.

Quality of calories: a calorie of high-fructose corn syrup is the

same as a calorie of protein despite the fact that science, and our
bodies, tells us otherwise

lack of Integration and compatibility

It is crucial for a fitness app to be compatible with as many
wearable devices as possible. 

 Dangerous

Workout apps can also be very dangerous. This is because you cannot see or
know if you are doing the movement correctly.
horizontal integration

Personal training without the personal trainer

Finally, a way to get some personal training without the personal trainer (and
the PT prices). The Coach uses its intelligence to assess the workouts of its 21
million users and customises itself to an individual user’s fitness level,
preferences and goals. It analyses workout performance, tracks progress and
adapts its training to continually challenge the user.

Basically, it uses computer intelligence to check on how you’re performing in

the same way a real-life PT would and uses this tech to switch up the training
plan as you get better. It also means the app can recognise when you’re in
danger of injury and overtraining and change your workouts to make you go
easier when necessary. The idea is that the artificial intelligence built into the
app on your phone will not only create an individual workout plan but it also
has your back when it comes to improving AND resting.

The way ‘Kaia’ tracks your movements is through 16 key points on the body
using your phone’s camera, which means it can give personalised feedback to
help you achieve a better squat.

Issue: Fixed set of diet options without focusing on users taste and

The research which used a machine learning algorithm  predict which foods
are most suitable to lower post-prandial sugar levels by looking at the
composition of the gut microbiota. The target market for the app are
individuals with pre-diabetes. Also takes into account health goals, allergies
and preferences
The idea being that individuals are more likely to stick to their personalised plans the
more it fits into their lifestyle and goals
Applying AI to automate nutrition planning. Our
self-adjusting diet
algorithm is based on a model we created that maps
and forecasts the progress of an individual user and
makes intelligent weekly adjustments based on the
data we gather

data collect-> information, converts, knowledge, action, result.


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