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Stevenson Name: Matt Dixon

9/11 Documentary
9/11 Documentary
1. Please take a 5 mins to reflect to what does 9/11 means to you?
9/11 was a terrorist attack that rocked our nation and still affects how we live today. To me the
attack was a heartless act of violence that brought our nation together and changed how we live
our lives today.

2. Briefly explain why the 9/11 attacks happened. (Who was involved? Why did it happen?)

The 9/11 attacks happened because the terrorist group Al-Queda wanted to strike fear into The
United States by destroying our Trade Center and our centers of government.

3. Briefly explain what happened on September 11, 2001.

To put it briefly terrorists hijacked four planes, two they crashed into the Twin Towers in New
York, one they sent to the pentagon, and the other was on its way to Washington D.C. but was
stopped and crashed in a field by the passengers.

4. After watching several clips, what types of emotions are triggered from the 9/11 attacks
on America.
After watching the clips of 9/11 I can’t help but a get a feeling of awe and amazement at how
much destruction happened that die. Hundreds died, even more were injured for the rest of their
lives. It amazes and scares me every time I watch the video of the second plane hitting the
towers. I often think, how could someone do this? They must have been really into their cause to
kill this amount of innocent people.

5. Reflection- How has 9/11 impacted the United States? How has it impacted its citizens?
How has it impacted you?
9/11 impacted the US and its citizens in many ways, some of them god and some of them not. These
changes include better airport security, a new war being started, judgement of the whole Muslim
religion, and a unitedness in America against a single enemy. 9/11 the event never really impacted my
life but its impact on America and the world has.

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