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Reporter: Mary Jane R.


Global Education is a mental development program that seeks to improve global human development

delivery. In formal education, as a mode of human Edu

based on the understanding of global dynamics, through the various sectors of human development
development delivery, it is integrated into formal

catias an undertaking to restructure education

educational programs, as an advanced program where global dimensions to local problems are
appreciated through interconnectivity. Its first phase began
and society in the 1960s and 1970s, through the initiatives of educationalists, NGOs and
intergovernmental organizations. The program evolves with the internet, and is in its virtual
interconnectivity phase, through social media and other global public spheres. This global approach to
mental development, seeks to fix the failing curriculum-based global education program that is: stuck in
limited subject knowledge, based on theories that have failed the world (ref. Climate change); hinged on
memorization without visual exposure to knowledge development resources and global culture, limited by
access to human development resources. Instead, the program seeks to improve the global mental
resources pool through the appreciation of global dynamics and local perspectives on issues. This is
through alternative motivations for global human development, and alternative global futures hinged on

( )

Global education emphasizes the unity and interdependence of human society, developing a sense of self
and appreciation of cultural diversity, affirmation of social justice and human rights, as well as building
peace and actions for a sustainable future in different times and places.

Global education promotes positive values and assists students to take responsibility for their actions and
to see themselves as global citizens who can contribute to a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.


The Australian Model of Global Education

Australian global educators place particular emphasis on developing relationships with its neighbors in the
Asia–Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.

Global Perspectives
A framework for global education in Australian schools is a concise, practical and philosophical guide to
including a global perspective across the curriculum. There is also advice for teachers and school
leadership teams on how to implement the framework at a school level. 

Global education has five learning emphases or perspectives:

 Interdependence and globalization – an

understanding of the complex social, economic

and political links between people and the
impact that changes have on each other
 Identity and cultural diversity – an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and
being open to the culture of others
 Social justice and human rights – an understanding of the impact of inequality and
discrimination, the importance of standing up
for our own rights and our responsibility to
respect the rights of others

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