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CHS Portfolio

Personal Growth: Relationships

Who am I now?

1. Describe a relationship, either in school or outside of school, that you have spent time
developing this year. (​Some examples: relationship with a parent, teacher, coach, friend,
significant other, counselor, mentor, etc.)​
I think a relationship that I have spent developing would be one of my close friends that I
consider family to me. We’ve known each other but these past two years we have grown closer

2. How has this relationship challenged you to grow?

I think this relationship challenged me to grow into a kinder person because my best friend is
always so positive and I want to be a good outgoing person like her.

3. What kinds of skills have you developed or practiced because of this relationship?
One of the skills I have practiced was communication because both of us want to heard but we
need to also learn how to listen.

4. How can you use things you’ve learned in this relationship as you interact with other people in
your life? I can know how to probably talk to someone and how to listen to them respectfully.

5. Do you think this current relationship will continue to be a part of your life in the future?
Explain. I think so because we are almost like family and I’m pretty sure our bond is strong. We
both talk to each other about anything because we have trust and I think that it’s very important
to have to so that we can grow together.

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