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Hello my name is Juan Manuel Heredia Amaya and I’m going to talk about food security in a

develop country and in an undeveloped country for this we are going to take as a reference Niger
and USA.

Niger is an undeveloped country with a population of 24,206,644 inhabitants, most of the

production of Niger economy is based on mining of uranium and agriculture, agriculture
contributes approximately 40% of GDP and allows 90% of the population to subsist. Having in
mind the passing problematic of the pandemic ,What could be done to guarantee their food
security, in my opinion, being a very poor country, the idea that the government of this subsidy to
people with money to buy their food could be a bad option since this being poor does not it would
have enough capacity to keep them for a long time, reason why my relation would be to maintain
the production of the country since if this one stops for quarantining its economy would drop, and
the different sanitary measures should be taken to guarantee the health of the inhabitants.

Now for the case of USA, is the it is the world's largest world power, this country is a develop
country with a population 328 million, their economy is based on different things such as
technology, so for this country how we can guaranty the food security, so As in the previous case,
its production cannot be stopped, so if its economy were made, it could reach a crisis, so its
production must be maintained but with the different health measures. One of the other
measures that can guarantee safety is to maintain a limit when people buy products Since people
tend to buy more of the things they need, so there are sometimes no products left for other
people, so placing a limit of products per person would be one of the options, thanks for watching
the video.

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