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I am neutral in accordance with the decision made by President Trump to cut funds for the WHO,

we must take into account the great crisis that the planet is going through today, which is the
coronavirus pandemic, the support for this organization is necessary, since it is in charge of
studying this type of problem. But there are also rumors that this organization covered the data
regarding that this virus was growing and spreading, this would make the function of this
organization fail towards the world.

It is said that this organization found out about contagions in the Chinese country, but instead of
reporting the situation that was gradually emerging, they decided to keep the information hidden
from the world, which is a very bad decision since if they had reported on this, different measures
could have been taken in time and possibly have avoided many of the deaths that have occurred
around the world, so we need to think about the different possibilities that exist.

In conclusion, we must take into account several factors such as the veracity of the rumors that
have arisen regarding this, since if these become true, the actions taken by trump would be
correct. But if these rumors were not, possibly the decision made by President Trump could have
been the wrong one, since by cutting the funds of this organization, it is making its monetary aid
less, so the expenses they make to find the cure of this virus will be greater

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