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Geography IGCSE

Student’s name Juan Manuel Heredia Amaya

Grade Date Score


For a named country you have studied, describe a population policy which has been used to influence its
population growth. Comment on how successful this policy was.

Name of country: China

China has a big problem regarding the size of its population; China is known to have one of the
largest populations in the world, this great number of population has make that the country
take some measures to try to control it, the purpose of which was to limit the great majority of
family units in the country to one child each. The rationale for implementing the policy was to
reduce the growth rate of China’s enormous population. It was announced in late 2015 that the
program was to end in early 2016, aiming to reduce the growth rate of China's huge population.

For an example of international migration you have studied, describe the positive and negative impacts on
the destination country.

In the past years the conditions and problems that occurs in the country of Venezuela
have produce that most of the population immigrate from there to other countries
trying to find better conditions of live, one of this cases is the case of the immigrant of
Venezuela that cross the Colombian frontier, this will produce different problems in
there for example the radical increase on the number of the population, also if the
people they are not integrated into the population, they can lead to crime, also lots of
immigrants don´t have legal papers to work in the country so they have to choose to
work illegally creating That means that they do not pay taxes while other people do. It is
unfair and detrimental to taxpayers.

But also this immigration have some positive facts such as the cultural enrichment given
by people who come from a foreign country, also most people equals more jobs, the
foreign people will take jobs that the population do not so it will increase it, as well The
more people there are, the more consumption there will be, it is very important that
immigrants are integrated into the culture of the country they come to so that it is as
fair and equitable as possible.

Explain how a delta is formed. Include a fully labeled diagram or diagrams.

a delta in geography is an accident which is formed at the mouth of a river, this is formed by river
sediments which are deposited in the sewer mouth, the largest deltas are characterized by having
multiple arms which separate to return to join in a cluster of active and inactive channels, these
can only be seen in calm water, the delta usually takes a triangular shape, this occurs due to the
material carried by the rivers, this outlet directly leads to the sea, one of the best known deltas is
that of the Nile River, the mouth of this river extends through a triangular region.
Explain how a meander and an ox-bow lake are formed. Include a fully labeled diagram or diagrams.

a meander is formed is that curve in the course of a river, it is formed more in flood plains since in
these they form more easily since they have very small slopes, Sediments are usually deposited in
the convex part of the meander, while in the concave, due to the centrifugal force, erosion and
retraction of said shore predominates. The combination of the advance of the shore in the convex
parts and the retraction in the concaves produces the migration of the channel and, therefore, the
development of the meander.

An oxbow lake forms when a river creates a meander, due to the river's eroding bank. After a long
period of time, the meander becomes very curved, and eventually the neck of the meander
becomes narrower and the river cuts through the neck during a flood, cutting off the meander and
forming an oxbow lake.

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