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Cassandra Shimmel

12345 Texas Blvd.

Austin TX. 73301

April 5 2020

David Wagstaff
1515 Market St.
Philadelphia, PN 19102, US

Dear Mr. Wagstaff:

As a new communications grad entering the professional work world, with two past internships
in the marketing field, I am writing to express my interest in working as a marketing agent for
company. My past internships have all involved marketing for small owned business such as the
ones your company is directly doing marketing for. I am certain I would be an effective and
valuable member of your team.
After my collegiate education in communications as well as my past internships, I have advanced
knowledge in social media marketing as well as outreach within communities. I am very
comfortable creating and following timelines as well as working with feedback to alter and
skillfully adjust the advertisements of products to more effectively reach the targeted audience.
Within my previous skill set I developed my skills as a leader as well as an adaptive learner that
can adjust to any situation. I specifically excel at:
- Creating a scheduled outline of goals and steps in order to reach these goals
- Open communication with the customer as well as tracking and reporting the progress of
our work
- Consistently updating and managing social media as well as informing the client on the
use of these platforms
- Forecasting future windows of opportunity within the community and ways to improve
marketing strategies through different consumer seasons.
In addition to my hands-on internship experience, I also have a strong educational foundation
through my communication degree. This education has equipped me to follow my passions with
knowledge as well as professional excellence in marketing. I have learned the importance of
working with a team and shining through with the creativity I have to offer.
Thank you for taking the time to read this cover letter and consider me for the position. Please to
not hesitate to contact me with any questions or clarifications. I would love to take the time to
meet with you and discuss this position in greater detail.
Thank you for your consideration.
Cassandra Shimmel

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