Day 1

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Day 1

MEAN Full form

M - Mongo DB which is a NoSQL database

E - Express js which a default web frameworks

A - default web application framework fro Node js (Front End framework SPA -> Single Paged

N - to create Restful API's


Mongo DB :

Data can be classified as structured , semi structured , and unstructured

Document oriented database that provides high performance , high availability , and easy scalibility

NoSQL means Non - Relational Databases. It stores data in the form of JSON (actually BSON) documents.

BSON is a binary representation of the JSON files , It stores the data in the form of Key- Value Pair.


Structure of Mongo DB :

Database is a physical container fro collections . Each database gets it's own set of files on the file system
. A single server can have multiple databases. It is a scheme less database .

Every database comprises of collections (Collection is logical container that organises database

Collection will have mulitple JSON documents which saves the data in the Key-Value pair .

Key is the name of the property and value is the data.

Nesting is also possible.



show databases

Use database_name

show collections

{Item:"ABC" , qty:25 , size:{h:14,w:15,uom:"cm"} , status:"A"},

{Item:"DEF" , qty:20 , size:{h:14,w:15,uom:"cm"} , status:"D"},

{Item:"GHI" , qty:15 , size:{h:10,w:15,uom:"cm"} , status:"A"},

{Item:"JKL" , qty:10 , size:{h:14,w:15,uom:"cm"} , status:"D"},




Node JS


Express JS

Core features of Express JS :

it is used to create single page , multipage and hybrid web applications

it allows to set up middlewares to respond to HTTP requests

It defines a routing table which is used to perform different actions based on HTTP method adn URL

it allows to dynamically render the HTML pages.

CROS stands for Cross Origin Resource Sharing


Angular JS:

Angular organise all it's various parts (components , directives , pipes , and services ) into a container .

It has two types of loading i.e. Eager Loading and Lazy Loading . By default eager loading is selected.

Eager loading means loading all the parts of appliaction at the start of the applicaction .

Lazy loading means loading the parts of appliaction only on demand .

Metadata is data about data i.e. to inform angular about how to treat a class whether to use it as
component,module,pipes or services. These metadata can be also called as Decorators .
Injectable is the decorator for the services .





Sessions , Components and Modules

Components of angular are :

1) Modules

2) Components : It is the UI rendering part of a application . because it has template markup

associated with it in the form of HTML

3) Directives

4) Services

5) Pipes

All the above blocks are to be defined as classes with metadata called as Decorators.

@NgModule() , @Component() , @Directive() , @Injectable() , @pipes()

Databinding is a feature not a component . It is of two types one - way and two - way binding .

Angular components are the basic building blocks of UI in angular applications .

Angular application is the tree of angular components .

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