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Unit Testing :

It is a type of testing which is always performed by the developers

Jasmine and Karma frame work are used for unit testing in angular frame work

karma is a test runner tool

angular also supports the unit testing components classes , directives , services etc

JAsmine and karma both together are used together for Unit testing

jasmine is a open source testing framework

KArma is a tool which lets us spawn browsers and run jasmine test inside of karma can also watch your
developement files for changes and re runs and tests the code automatically



it stands for reactive extensions . It is used by Third party javascript library fro asynchronous ajax calls


what is observable ?

Observable is yhe collection of available in rx library

It holds the data that is returned by the services.

It can be strongly typed or non strongly typed

To read the data available in the observable can be read in the two ways .

1) by using async pipe

2) by using it's own subscribe method

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