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Dermatol Clin 25 (2007) 663–676

Bacterial and Viral Skin Diseases

Eleonora Ruocco, MD, PhDa, Giovanna Donnarumma, MDb,
Adone Baroni, MD, PhDa, Maria Antonietta Tufano, MDb,*
Department of Dermatology, Second University of Naples, Via Pansini 5, 80131 Naples, Italy
Department of Experimental Medicine, Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology Section,
Second University of Naples, Via Costantinopoli 16, 80138 Naples, Italy

Unimpaired skin protects the underlying tissue At least two different populations of microorgan-
and is an excellent frontline defense against the isms can be found in the skin microbiota: a perma-
invasion of pathogenous microorganisms thanks nent or resident flora, which is always present, and
also to the presence of the skin microbiota. a temporary or transient flora, which settles on the
Throughout the life of an individual the skin is human skin only for a certain period of time.
colonized by a number of microorganisms that The permanent flora is a stable population of
can vary from a few hundred per cm2 on the dry microorganisms that is more or less regularly
surfaces of the forearm and back, where the prev- present on the skin in considerable numbers and
alent bacterium is Staphylococcus epidermidis, to does not usually comprise pathogenous microor-
10,000 per cm2 on the damp areas, such as the ganisms. The permanent flora is consistently
armpits and groin, where propionibacteria pre- present and if removed reforms within 24 to 72
dominate, but where corynebacteria and negative hours. It is made up of aerobic or microaerophil
coagulase staphylococci can also be observed. microorganisms. The main bacterium resident on
What is surprising is that the skin microbiota is free skin (ie, nonfollicular) is S epidermidis; in the
made up of microorganisms belonging to a very area of the follicular ostium, with a reduced
limited number of species and that the microbial oxygen supply, are mainly present Propionibacte-
load of the healthy skin is kept consistent, consid- rium acnes, Propionibacterium granulosum, and
ering the large variety and number of potential Propionibacterium avidum. Species of Peptococcus,
colonizers to which the skin is prey. It is not which are anaerobic staphylococci, are present in
surprising, however, that the skin, the barrier 20% of humans, especially on the forehead and
between the body and the environment, is the in the elbow crease. Gram-positive liophil bacteria
site of frequent infections [1]. The integrity of belonging to the genus Corynebacterium settle in
this barrier is influenced by the degree of scaling sebum-rich areas, whereas bacteria belonging to
but also by several factors whose alterations upset the genus Brevibacterium are present in particu-
the environmental balance of the resident flora larly humid areas. Gram-negative bacteria are
and predispose the subject to infection [2]. More- not normal components of the skin flora.
over, the skin displays microbicidal activity even The microorganisms that make up the transient
when its physical integrity is impaired [3]. It flora settle only temporarily on the skin from the
contains the bioactive molecules, among which external environment or from the adjacent mucosal
antimicrobial peptides such as defensins and areas. Unlike in the resident flora, the bacterial
cathelicidins are of critical importance to the species present are numerous, since most microor-
host defense against microbial invasion [4]. ganisms can at least temporarily survive on the skin.
They cannot, however, multiply and, therefore,
* Corresponding author. colonize the skin. In some subjects, Staphylococcus
E-mail address: aureus is present in the nose and peri-anal area and
(M.A. Tufano). can spread to other areas of the skin. Gram-negative
0733-8635/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
664 RUOCCO et al

bacteria can also be isolated, particularly those be- infections with a bacterial etiology can involve
longing to the Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomona- more than one part of the body.
ceae families. The former are part of the normal Thus, infections with a bacterial etiology
intestinal flora, the latter are found in the environ- associated with an inflammatory process limited
ment, most readily in damp places [5]. to the hair follicle are classified as folliculitis.
It is therefore evident that possible coloniza- They are characterized clinically by the presence
tion and invasion by pathogenous microorgan- of abscesses and the formation of typical papules
isms is counteracted both by the host defenses and or pustules. Impetigo, erysipelas, and cellulitis
by the resident flora, which contrast colonization are widespread infections. Impetigo is an in-
by other microorganisms competing for nutrients fection limited to the epidermis and characterized
or producing peptides with antimicrobial activity by a bullous rash that evolves in crusts and
[2]. Most skin infections are therefore self-limiting pustules. Erysipelas is an acute erythematous
in healthy subjects. Infections arising in a healthy infection that spreads rapidly and is usually
skin are defined as primary infections. They are associated with systemic symptoms. If the lesion
usually caused by a single microbial species; the is located in the subcutaneous fat and mainly
entry point of the germ is often unknown, involves the derma, it is called cellulitis. Both
although a slight trauma is probably implicated. infections are associated with an intense inflam-
Instead, infections defined as secondary develop matory process. Infections characterized by rap-
on preexisting skin lesions, which, therefore, facil- idly progressive cellulitis that causes extensive
itate the entry of the microorganisms. Atopic damage to the tissue below the derma, in
dermatitis, psoriatic lesions and other eczematous particular to the muscular tissue, and impairs
disorders are the most common examples, but the blood flow are known as necrotizing in-
also prone to this complication are surgical or fections, subsequent to which necrotizing fasciitis
injury wounds, burns, insect bites or stings, ulcers, and gas gangrene (infections not considered of
and areas of maceration [6,7]. Secondary infec- dermatological competence) arise.
tions, usually polymicrobial, are generally caused The microorganisms most commonly involved
by microorganisms that in themselves have little in skin infections of a bacterial etiology are listed
pathogenic power. When the humoral and cell in Table 1.
immune defenses are low, secondary infections Gram-positive cocci are responsible for most
arise more readily and develop more rapidly [8]. skin infections and often the same microorganism
Once the skin barrier has been penetrated, the can cause different infections according to the
microorganisms belonging to the resident flora, different layers of skin that it is able to colonize.
mainly coagulase negative anaerobic staphylococci, Staphylococci are generally aerobic, gram-
can cause infections, especially skin abscesses. positive cocci catalase-positive, which appear in
However, also responsible for skin infections are irregular, so-called grapelike clusters under the
microorganisms that, acquired from the environ- microscope, although single and paired cells are
ment, are temporarily part of the skin flora, for the most common in a fluid culture. The dominant
example S aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. species of staphylococcus on the skin is S epider-
In general, a skin infection can follow three midis on the face and chest, with a lesser but still
different events (Fig. 1): substantial role for Staphylococcus hominis. In
recent years there has been a much greater appre-
 a lesion of the skin that favors infection from
ciation of the role of the normal skin flora in
the outside;
infection. Because of the normal colonization of
 skin manifestations of systemic infections,
skin by coagulase-negative staphylococci it is
which can spread through the blood from
difficult to be sure that small, localized lesions
the site of infection to the skin or by direct in-
such as folliculitis are really caused by these or-
ganisms [9]. There are a number of miscellaneous
 skin damage caused by toxins.
infections attributed to coagulase-negative
staphylococci. S epidermidis and S hominis,
coagulase-negative staphylococci, are now well-es-
tablished pathogens in certain areas of the skin,
Bacterial infections
while S aureus, a species of coagulase-positive
Bacterial infections can be classified on the staphylococci, remains a potent pathogen able to
basis of the site involved, although some skin exhibit new antibiotic resistance patterns and to

microorganism toxin or immuno-complex microorganism

blood vessel
Systemic infection Toxin-mediated infection Epithelial cells invasion

Dermis cells invasion



Fig. 1. Mucocutaneous lesion pathogenesis.

continue to infect both the immunocompetent- host cells by a mechanism involving the formation
and incompetent-host [10]. of a fibronectin bridge between the bacterial fibro-
S aureus permanently colonizes the moist nectin-binding proteins and host a5b1 integrin
squamous epithelium of the anterior nostrils of molecules, which triggers internalization [16,17].
20% of the population, and is transiently associ- The ability of S aureus to cause infection seems
ated with another 60% [11]. Occasionally, the to depend on the ability of the organism to
organism can cause superficial skin infections. produce a cocktail of enzymes or toxins that
Primary staphylococcal infections of the skin are contribute to the appearance of disease. The
chiefly boils, foruncles and other localized pustu- microorganism can secrete a range of extracellular
lar lesions, and impetigo plus its more severe man- enzymes such as proteases, a hyaluronidase, a li-
ifestation, scalded skin syndrome [12]. S aureus pase, and a nuclease that facilitate tissue destruc-
expresses a wide range of secreted and cell-sur- tion and the spread of membrane-damaging
face–associated virulence factors, including toxins, which cause cytolytic effects on the host
surface proteins that promote adhesion to dam- cells and tissue damage, and superantigens, which
aged tissue and to the surface of the host cells contribute to the symptoms of septic shock [18].
[13], which bind proteins in the blood to help Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is characterized
evade immune responses and promote iron uptake by fever, headache, and confusion, with an
[14]. Most strains express a polysaccharide cap- erythematous rash resembling scarlet fever and
sule [15]. Moreover, S aureus has been regarded desquamation in the later stages. The symptoms
as a noninvasive pathogen but it is now evident are also usually accompanied by diarrhea, vomit-
that the bacterium can invade many types of ing, and hypotensive shock. TSS is caused by
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Table 1 bullous impetigo has been reported as part of

Main bacteria that involve the skin AIDS-related pruritis [23].
Microorganisms Diseases Besides infections such as boils or impetigo, S
Staphylococcus aureus Toxic shock syndrome
aureus also colonizes and aggravates lesions such
Pyoderma as those of atopic dermatitis. Some studies indi-
Impetigo cate that when the density of S aureus exceeds
Furuncle a certain level, such as 106/cm2, an exudative or
Streptococcus pyogenes Scarlet fever impetiginized form of lesion occurs. The reason
Streptococcal toxic for the overgrowth of S aureus in atopic dermatitis
shock syndrome and not in diseases such as psoriasis is not known
Pyoderma [24,25]. Protein A elicits a much less vigorous
Erysipelas response in atopics than in normal skin or psori-
Necrotizing fasciitis
atics, but this may be the result rather than a cause
Corynebacterium Erythrasma
of colonization. Attention has recently focused on
Corynebacterium diphteriae Cutaneous diphtheria the skin lipids and there is some evidence that
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Septicemia fatty acids, which may control staphylococcal
Ulcer colonization, are deficient in atopics [4,26].
Propionibacterium acnes Acne The therapy of choice for staphylococcal
Folliculitis infections is usually a penicillase-resistant penicil-
Proteus Folliculitis lin. The administration of erythromycin is
Mycobacterium ulcerans Buruli ulcer frequent, although an increase in the frequency
of erythromycin-resistant strains has been
reported. Meticillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA) is
exotoxins, the most common of which is toxic a problem particularly for hospitals; vancomycin
shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1), produced is the only drug available but strains resistant
mainly by strains of phage-group I S aureus. to it are also emerging (vancomycin intensive
This toxin acts as a superantigen, stimulating the S aureus [VISA]) [27,28].
production of T cells and the release of cytokines Skin infection with streptococci covers a range
[19]. from simple colonization to primary and second-
Scalded skin syndrome or Ritter disease is also ary infections; the skin provides an important
caused by a strain of toxigenous S aureus [20]. The portal of entry for systemic infection by these
toxin implicated in this syndrome is known as organisms. Streptococci are gram-positive, spher-
exfoliating toxin or scalded skin toxin. Initially ical, aerobic, and facultatively anaerobic bacteria,
the skin lesions may be mild, but the toxin causes arranged in chains or pairs. They are nonsporing,
the destruction of the desmosomes and the catalase negative, oxidase negative, and mainly
detachment of the superficial layer of the epider- nonmotile. Hemolysis on blood-agar culture
mis. It is generally regarded as a sporadic disease provides a useful division of streptococci into
with most cases in children aged 0.5 to 2 years. those that are hemolytic (beta hemolytic, showing
Few adult patients are reported, chiefly in the a zone of complete hemolysis, and alpha hemo-
immunosuppressed, although cases in immuno- lytic or viridans streptococci, showing a zone of
competent adults are known [21]. incomplete hemolysis) and nonhemolytic (those
Impetigo is characterized by golden, stuck-on with no effect on red blood cells). Hemolytic
crusts or blisters (bullae); the blisters are most streptococci are further divided according to the
probably caused by small amounts of epidermo- carriage of polysaccharide or teichoic acid or
lytic toxin or by the toxin in an otherwise resistant Lancefield group antigens. Direct streptococcal
host [22]. About three quarters of the cases are in infection of the skin may take on a number of
patients younger than 20, with about 35% in forms [29,30]. S pyogenes (group A hemolytic
those younger than 10. In Europe it is chiefly streptococcus) remains the major streptococcal
a staphylococcal disease, though one third of pathogen in these infections but non–group A
lesions have both S aureus and S pyogenes. Amer- streptococci also play a part and have become
ican experience would suggest a predominantly more commonly recognized with the widespread
streptococcal background, although there are use of modern, rapid laboratory test kits. S pyo-
signs that this may be changing. In AIDS patients genes is the etiological agent of streptococcal
an extensive atypical intertriginous form of impetigo and erysipelas, skin pathologies also

caused by S aureus. Infection generally arises from manifestations, such as in rheumatic fever and
contact with infected skin lesions in other individ- acute guttate psoriasis. These conditions will be
uals. Once S pyogenes has colonized the skin, it discussed later in this article. Streptococcal
invades the epithelium through small wounds, infections of the mouth; alimentary, respiratory,
with consequent development of the lesion. A and genitourinary tracts; or deeper structures
complex interaction of bacterial and host defense will not be discussed here except insofar as they
factors underlies the initiation, development, and are relevant to the skin [37]. Many streptococcal
clinical manifestations of streptococcal infection infections are toxin-mediated. Lysogenic strains
[31]. The M-protein molecule is known to be a ma- of S pyogenes produce one or more types of
jor virulence factor of streptococci. It is present as pyrogenous exotoxins (previously called erythro-
a double-stranded coiled-coil structure projecting genic), like SPE-A, SPE-B, and SPE-C, which
from the cell surface. The functional properties act on the blood vessels of the skin and cause a dif-
of M-protein include binding of fibrinogen, fibro- fuse rash arising in association with streptococcal
nectin, and b2-microglobulin; adherence to host pharyngitis accompanied by scarlet fever. The
cells; interference with complement deposition; exotoxin that causes scarlet fever is generally
and the conferring of resistance to phagocytosis SPE-A [38]. Clinical manifestations similar to
[32]. The quantity of M protein expressed on the staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome are often
cell surface appears to be an important factor in supported by streptococcal toxins, particularly
the pathogenesis: freshly isolated strains of group the pyrogenous exotoxin A, generally produced
A, C, and G streptococci, particularly those from by M1, M3, or M5 phagotypes of the S pyogenes
invasive infections, are often rich in this substance strains. Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome
[33], and serotypes of S pyogenes such as M1, (STSS) varies somewhat from staphylococcal or
which express large quantities, are commonly classic forms. In most cases the primary site of
associated with an invasive disease [34]. Enhance- infection is the skin, often in surgical wounds. In
ment of M-protein expression may be a factor other cases STSS follows chickenpox or can infect
underlying the increased virulence observed immunodepressed patients. These clinical pictures
when streptococci are rapidly passed from host often contrast with those seen in patients with
to host. The binding of fibrinogen and fibronectin staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome, in whom
by streptococcal surface structures may play an the primary infection is often subclinical [39].
important part in the attachment of microorgan- Necrotizing fasciitis is an acute or subacute
isms to wounds and clots in the first stages of infection that spreads above the fascial planes
colonization and infection [35]. Other projecting causing thrombosis of the vessels and necrosis of
cell-surface molecules with similarities to M the dermis and subcutaneous fat. It is usually
protein, such as F-protein, in their cell-wall caused by hemolytic or anaerobic streptococci or
attachment structure show further functions S aureus [40]. The disease may follow a trivial or
including the inactivation of complement C5a, unapparent injury to the skin and presents
a major signal substance for the chemotactic initially with cellulitis, which quickly develops
attraction of leukocytes, and binding to the Fc a dusky discoloration, hemorrhagic bullae, and
portion of immunoglobulin (Ig) G and IgA underlying areas of necrosis. There is risk of
antibodies. Teichoic acids also contribute to the septicemia and rapid death. Necrotizing fasciitis
virulence of S pyogenes by helping the microor- is most commonly seen in elderly patients, often
ganism bind to the epithelial cells [36]. in association with serious preexisting medical
A streptococcal skin infection develops 24 to disorders [41].
48 hours from the penetration of the skin and The rationale of antimicrobial therapy for
stimulates a marked inflammatory response. S streptococcal infections of the skin is to hasten
pyogenes elaborates a series of toxic products the resolution of the lesion, to reduce the risks of
and enzymes, like hyaluronidase, that helps the suppurative and nonsuppurative complications,
microorganism to spread in the tissues. Lym- and reduce the chances of transmission of
phatic system involvement is common, which infection to others. Streptococci are still remark-
causes lymphadenitis and lymphangitis. Skin ably sensitive to penicillin. Many alternative drugs
infection by S pyogenes may be complicated by are available including erythromycin, tetracycline,
nonsuppurative sequelae such as nephritis and and cephalosporin [42].
scarlet fever; conversely, streptococcal infection Other gram-positive bacteria belonging to the
at other sites in the body may lead to skin skin microbiota are coryneform bacteria. They are
668 RUOCCO et al

considered responsible for skin odor and can be Anaerobic coryneforms recovered from human
associated with pathologies of the skin. This skin belong above all to the genus Propionibacte-
heterogeneous group of microorganisms includes rium, and P acnes is the most numerous species.
both aerobic and anaerobic pleomorphic bacteria This bacterium plays an important role in acne
that do not form spores. Because of their similar- but is not considered the cause. P acnes prolifer-
ity to the diphtheria bacillus, these microorgan- ates and generates inflammation-provoking
isms were formerly referred to as ‘‘diphtheroids.’’ substances, resulting in the disruption of the
In cutaneous infections, coryneform bacteria are follicular epithelium and progressive inflamma-
clearly involved both as a primary pathogen and tion as the contents of the follicle are injected
a secondary superinfection of other cutaneous into the dermis. In addition to its role in acne, P
infections such as syphilis and streptococcal acnes is also a frequent opportunistic pathogen.
pyoderma. There are several cutaneous lesions Some authors [49,50] report the isolation of P
from which coryneforms can be recovered and in acnes from an infected wound and in osteomyelitis
which they are seen as playing important patho- and endocarditis. There are several reports of
physiological roles. These include trichomycosis meningitis and botryomycosis due to P acnes.
axillaris, erythrasma, interdigital toe-web-space The antibiotics used to treat acne include
infections, acne, and pitted keratolysis [43]. tetracycline and erythromycin [51].
About 20% of the population is colonized by Gram-negative bacterial skin infections are
Corynebacterium minutissimum, which causes much less frequent than gram-positive infections,
erythrasma only in some cases [44]. Erythrasma but have considerable clinical importance.
is a superficial cutaneous infection ranging from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the cause of some
low-grade scaling to thickly macerated areas of superficial infections with particular characteris-
the skin. The preferred sites are the skin folds; tics. The microorganism readily colonizes damp
predisposing factors are obesity, diabetes, and environmental pockets and, as such, some areas
hyperhydrosis. Most infections show a typical of the body. In recent years there has been an
reddish fluorescence with Wood’s light. The fluo- increase in the cases of folliculitis from P aerugi-
rescence a result of a production of porphyrins, nosa in people attending saunas, Jacuzzis, and
which fluoresce under long-wave ultraviolet light swimming pools. The skin rash is itchy papules
[45]. or pustules characteristically distributed in the
Corynebacterium diphtheriae is not an inhabi- areas rich in apocrine and eccrine sweat glands.
tant of normal skin, although it may be recov- There may be associated symptoms of the infec-
ered from intact skin under epidemic tion in other areas, eg, mastodynia and earache.
conditions. This microorganism is more com- These disorders tend to have a spontaneous recov-
monly found on mucous membranes [46]. The ery but the use of quinolones may be useful. The
skin may be the primary portal of entry; the mi- genus Pseudomonas is frequently isolated from
croorganisms can be auto- or hetero-inoculated surgical wounds, varicose ulcers, bedsores, and
in an otherwise insignificant wound; there is burns, particularly during and after antibiotic
a high frequency of asymptomatic carriers. therapy. The presence alone of Pseudomonas in
Strains of C diphtheriae have been divided into these sites is a sign of infection, but the real danger
gravis, intermedius, and mitis types on the basis is that the germ may multiply in depth and cause
of physiological, morphological, and molecular bacteremia [52].
characteristics. Its pathogenic properties depend Other gram-negative microorganisms can
on the ability to produce toxins; only the strains cause folliculitis during antibiotic treatment for
infected by the pro-phage b have the toxþ gene acne, usually with tetracycline. When in young
and produce the exotoxin. C diphtheriae infec- people receiving therapy for acne there is an
tions are more common in tropical and subtrop- increase in the pustular lesions, a gram-negative
ical areas but epidemics have been described in superinfection of the follicules should be sus-
temperate climates like North America. Erosive, pected, in particular by Proteus or Pseudomonas.
ulcerative lesions with thick crusts are the most It is often sufficient to suspend tetracycline, but
common clinical findings [47]. The key therapy it is often necessary to switch to another antimi-
is the administration of the antitoxin, which crobial according to the sensitivity studies. After
should be administered early on. Antibiotic ther- surgery or traumas associated with contamination
apy can be performed with penicillin G or eryth- of the wound, serious skin infections by mixed
romycin [48]. aerobic or anaerobic flora can occur [53]. These

are generally cellulitis with diffuse necrosis of the in vitro often prove effective in vivo. Therapy is
skin and subcutaneous layers, at times extending therefore usually empirical and often based on
to the muscles. These infections are extremely anecdotal evidence or retrospective surveys [59].
difficult to classify because of overlapping of the
sites involved, of the germs responsible, and of
Viral infections
the clinical manifestations. Many of these infec-
tions are severe, rapidly progressive, and associ- Viruses cannot be considered a component of
ated with high mortality. The flora is composed the normal flora of the skin but the skin is
of clostridia, other anaerobes, enterobacteria, a frequent site of manifestations of viral infection.
streptococci, and staphylococci. The therapy for The lesions may be limited or widespread as part
these syndromes is surgery with intense antibiotic of a systemic infection. Many common systemic
support. Because the infections are caused by virus infections are clinically apparent, mainly as
mixed aerobic anaerobic flora, broad-spectrum a generalized maculopapular skin rash. For these
therapy is indicated, such as aminoglycosides virus infections, after an initial replication phase
plus clindamycin. Metronidazole, clindamycin, in or close to the site of infection, generally the
piperacillin, and cefoxitin are useful against oropharynx, there is systemic viremia with seeding
anaerobes, and imipenem, ceftazidime, ciprofloxa- of the skin. It is probable that the rash is immune-
cin, and combinations containing beta lactamase mediated. In other cases, the skin lesion caused by
inhibitors and the association of piperacillin and the virus is a vesicular lesion. In these cases the
tazobactam are effective against aerobes and skin lesions are the sites of viral replication and
facultative bacteria [54]. are infectious [60]. The microorganisms most
Warty skin lesions may fallow the inoculation commonly involved in skin infections of a viral
of opportunist mycobacteria into superficial etiology are listed in Table 2.
abrasions. These atypical mycobacterial infections During the past decade, increasing attention
of skin are caused by a group of nontuberculous has been paid to papillomaviruses and the condi-
mycobacterial microorganisms [55]. Mycobacte- tions they cause. This interest is largely because of
rium marinum is the most common and causes advances that have been made in the detection
cutaneous infection in immunocompetent individ- and characterization of nucleic acids, as papillo-
uals. This microorganism is found in fresh or salt mavirus cannot be isolated in any routine cul-
water, or fish, thus fishermen and those who keep tures, and because of its association with cervical
fish are at higher risk [56]. Other pathogens carcinoma. Human papillomaviruses (HPV) con-
include Mycobacterium avium-intracellular, tain double-stranded DNA and are classified into
Mycobacterium ulcerans, Mycobacterium chelo- types on the basis of their nucleotide sequences.
nae, and Mycobacterium fortuitum. The infection There are now at least 90 human HPV types,
is mainly via inoculation or trauma. M chelonae sequentially numbered from 1, with some further
and M fortuitum are associated with injection divided into subtypes alphabetically if distinctive
and occur more often in immunocompromised endonuclease restriction patterns are seen [61].
individuals. Immunosuppression is associated The types of HPV are associated with the particu-
with disseminated disease [57]. M ulcerans disease lar consequences of infection. Infection is primar-
(Buruli ulcer) is an important health problem in ily of the squamous epithelium, and although
several West African countries. It is prevalent in there are many manifestations, the common
scattered foci around the world, predominantly wart (verruca vulgaris) and plantar warts are the
in riverine areas with a humid, hot climate. M ul- usual presentations. The principal sites are on
cerans infection leads to necrosis of subdermal the hands and feet, and they are a major cause
tissue and secondary skin ulceration [58]. The of dermatological consultation. Plantar warts are
choice of therapy will depend on the site and most commonly caused by HPV-1, -2, -4, -31,
nature of the infection, the species of causative and -32. The virus enters through skin abrasions
organism and the presence of any underlying and infects the cells of the basal layers of the
predisposing condition. Moreover, the in vitro skin. There is no diffusion to the deep tissues.
susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs varies consid- Viral replication is slow and is closely dependent
erably both between and within the species of on the differentiation of the host cells. Viral
mycobacteria. In general, however, drug sensitiv- DNA is present in the basal cells, but the viral an-
ity tests have not proved helpful; the combina- tigens and the infecting virus are produced only
tions of drugs to which the bacilli are resistant when the cells start to become squamous and
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Table 2
Main viruses that involve the skin
Virus family Virus genus Virus and disease
Herpetoviridae Herpesvirus Herpes simplex Stomatitis, genital herpes, etc.
Varicella-zoster Chickenpox, Zoster
Herpesvirus type 6 Roseola infantum
Poxviridae Molluscipoxvirus Molluscum contagiosum
Papovaviridae Papillomavirus Papillomavirus Warts
Picornaviridae Enterovirus Coxsackievirus A, B Hand, foot, and mouth disease
Paramyxoviridae Morbillivirus Measles
Togaviridae Rubivirus Rubella
Parvoviridae Parvovirus Parvovirus B19 Erythema infectiosum,
aplastic crisis

keratinized once they reach the surface. The incu- in sexually active women with no cervical lesions,
bation period is usually about 4 to 6 months, with so the role of the detection of HPV-16 and -18 in
transmission by direct contact or by fomite. The the management of women with a clinically and
natural history is of regression, with about two cytologically normal cervix remains to be defined
thirds resolving within 2 years. Other benign [64].
skin lesions include flat warts (HPV-3 and -12) Papillomaviruses have also been implicated in
and butchers warts (HPV-7) [62]. Epidermodysla- human malignancies of the skin, such as squa-
sia verruciformis is a rare condition. It is an mous cell carcinoma in patients with epidermo-
HPV-specific disorder of cell-mediated immunity dysplasia verruciformis, and a similar carcinoma
resulting in disseminated warty lesions that persist may occur in immunocompromised renal trans-
for life. An autosomal recessive mode of inheri- plant recipients, who have a high risk of
tance is probable. Up to 23 types of HPV infect developing warts [65].
these patients, such as HPV-5, -8, -9, and -12, Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is probably the
and most do not cause lesions in healthy subjects most common virus infecting the human skin.
[63]. Genital warts have attracted great attention HSV is divided into types 1 and 2 according to
because of their association with genital cancer. a number of features including DNA fragment
The common type of genital wart is the condy- size after endonuclease restriction analysis. As
loma acuminatum, which is due to infection with with all herpes viruses, they are large, enveloped
HPV-6 or -11. The incubation period is about 1 virions with an icosahedral nucleocapsid consist-
to 6 months and may occur not only on the exter- ing of 162 capsomeres, arranged around a linear,
nal genitalia, but also on the mucosal surfaces of double-stranded DNA core. The DNAs of HSV-
the vagina and urethra. They rarely become 1 and HSV-2 are largely colinear, and consider-
malignant and usually spontaneously resolve. able homology exists between the HSV-1 and
Infection may often be asymptomatic, so the pos- HSV-2 genomes. These homologous sequences
sibilities of transmission are enhanced since the are distributed over the entire genomic map, and
infected person does not seek treatment. The most of the polypeptides specified by one viral
malignant potential of papillomaviruses has been type are antigenically related to polypeptides of
recognized for many years, but it is only in the the other viral type. This results in considerable
past 15 years that involvement in carcinoma of cross-reactivity between the HSV-1 and HSV-2
the cervix has been demonstrated The detection glycoproteins, although unique antigenic deter-
of HPV DNA by hybridization techniques has minants exist for each virus. Viral surface glyco-
implicated HPV, particularly HPV-16 and -18, in proteins mediate HSV attachment to and
a range of cervical lesions from carcinoma in penetration into the cells and provoke host
situ to invasive cervical carcinoma. In malignant immune responses. Eleven glycoproteins of HSV
cells, the HPV genoma has been integrated into have been identified (gB, gC, gD, gE, gG, gH, gI,
the cell genome, rather than remaining extrachro- gJ, gK, gL, and gM), with a 12th predicted (gN).
mosomal. These HPV types also occur commonly gD is the most potent inducer of neutralizing

antibodies and appears to be related to viral common viral disease is confined to the skin and
entry into a cell; gB is also required for in- mucous membranes. It has an incubation period
fectivity. Antigenic specificity is provided by gG, from 1 week to 6 months. The lesions vary in
with the resulting antibody response, thus allow- number from one to many hundreds, and develop
ing the distinction between HSV-1 (gG-1) and from papules to flesh-colored or pearly nodules,
HSV-2 (gG-2) [66,67]. which often have an umbilicated center. Systemic
HSV-1 is generally associated with oro-labial symptoms are rare. In adults they usually occur
disease, with most infections occurring during on the trunk, genital area, and thighs, and
childhood, and HSV-2 with genital disease with infection may be sexually transmitted. In children,
infection following sexual debut [68]. However, it in whom infection is more common, the lesions
is possible for HSV-2 to cause oro-labial herpes are predominantly on the trunk and proximal
and HSV-1 to cause genital herpes [68]. extremities. The disease usually lasts 6 to 9
Primary infection with HSV-1 usually occurs months, although individual lesions persist for
in childhood and is often asymptomatic, al- only about 2 months. The virus has not been
though it can present as stomatitis, occasionally cultured and, if necessary, a specific diagnosis can
severe. After primary oral infection, the virus be attained by electron microscopy [70].
becomes latent in the neurons of the trigeminal Measles, rubella, parvovirus B19, and some
ganglia, with reactivation likely later in life. The enteroviruses produce generalized maculo-papu-
natural history is of a few hours of nonspecific lar rashes and it may not be easy to distinguish
tingling, followed by the development of vesicles, between them clinically, particularly in infections
scabbing, and resolution over a few days. Two of the latter three. Transmission is by the
biologic properties of HSV that directly influence respiratory route for measles, rubella, and
human disease are latency and neurovirulence. parvovirus B19, but is fecal-oral for the
During HSV infection, virions are transported by enteroviruses.
retrograde flow along axons that connect the Measles virus, a member of the Morbillivirus
point of entry into the body to the nuclei of genus, is an enveloped virus with a nonsegmented
sensory neurons. Viral multiplication occurs in negative-strand RNA genome. It has two enve-
a small number of sensory neurons, and the viral lope glycoproteins, the hemoagglutinin (H) and
genome then remains in a latent state lifelong. the fusion (F) protein, which are responsible for
With periodic reactivation brought on by events receptor binding and membrane fusion, respec-
such as physical or emotional stress, fever, UV tively. The measles virus causes a common child-
light, and tissue damage, the virus is transported hood disease with high fever and typical skin
back down the axon to replicate again at or near rash. Measles has an incubation period of about
the original point of entry into the body. Such 10 to 11 days, the rash being preceded by a 2- to
reactivation can result in clinically apparent 3-day prodrome of fever, coryza, and conjunctivi-
disease (lesions) or a clinically inapparent tis, with the appearance of the characteristic ele-
(asymptomatic or subclinical) infection. The vated white Koplik’s spots on the mucosa of the
mechanisms by which HSV establishes latency mouth. The rash usually starts around the head
are currently under investigation. Neurovirulence and spreads to the trunk and extremities, with
refers to the affinity with which HSV is drawn to resolution after a few days [71]. Complications
and propagated in neuronal tissue. This can are not uncommon, arising in about 3% to 4%
result in profound disease with severe neurolog- of cases, and include bacterial pneumonia and
ical sequelae, as is the case with neonatal HSV otitis media. Postinfectious encephalitis occurs at
central nervous system (CNS) disease and with a rate of about 1 in 2000 to 5000 cases and carries
herpes simplex encephalitis in older children and significant mortality. Subacute sclerosing panen-
adults [69]. cephalitis (SSPE) occurs after an interval of
Although there is debate about the usefulness some years in about one in a million cases. It
of antivirals, such as acyclovir, continuous oral reflects a persistent infection with measles virus.
therapy is often recommended for herpetic Patients present with intellectual impairment and
infections to suppress a recurrence [60]. progress to motor dysfunction, coma, and death.
Molluscum contagiosum is a disease caused by In the immunocompromised child, measles may
a poxvirus of the Molluscipox virus genus that occur without a rash but lead to encephalitis or
produces a benign self-limited papular rash of giant-cell pneumonia, which have high fatality
multiple umbilicated cutaneous tumors. This rates [72].
672 RUOCCO et al

The use of live attenuated vaccines given in the the adult. In the child, but not in the adult, the
second year of life has led to a great decline in rash, erythema infectiosum (or Fifth disease), is
incidence of measles in countries with a high usually accompanied by a malar erythema leading
uptake. Despite the introduction of measles to the alternative name of slapped cheek
vaccine in the late 1960s, biannual epidemics syndrome. In patients with hemolytic anemia,
were still occurring up to the late 1980s. The such as sickle cell disease and hereditary spherocy-
introduction of mumps, measles, and rubella tosis, the transient inhibitory effect of parvovirus
(MMR) vaccine in 1988, together with more B19 on the bone marrow may lead to aplastic
active vaccination campaigns, have led to an crisis. Infection during pregnancy does not lead
increased uptake of vaccine. This follows the to fetal damage, although hydrops fetalis, intra-
example set by the United States, where measles uterine death, and stillbirth may occur after infec-
is now an uncommon disease, although it still tion in the second trimester [77]. No vaccine is
presents occasional problems of institutional out- available.
breaks in adolescents who are not immunized or Human herpes type 6 (HHV-6) is the sixth
have vaccine failure [73]. member of the herpes virus family that includes
Rubella virus is a positive-sense, single- herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, varicella-zoster
stranded RNA virus belonging to the Togaviridae virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Epstein-Barr
family of the genus Rubivirus [74]. Infection with virus. It is a member of the beta-herpes virus
rubella virus usually results in a mild disease subfamily, of the Roseolavirus genus. HHV-6 is
that only rarely produces significant sequelae. an enveloped DNA virus of 160 to 200 nm in
Rubella has a somewhat longer incubation period diameter and approximately 167 kbp in length.
of 16 to 17 days and, particularly in children, is The sequence difference between variant A and B
a mild disease, often asymptomatic. It is transmit- is about 4%, and the two can be differentiated by
ted through aerosol and is less contagious than restriction fragment length polymorphism, mono-
measles, but more than parotitis. The virus clonal antibodies, polymerase chain reaction
initially multiplies in the local lymphoid tissues, (PCR) and in vitro growth characteristics [78].
then spreads to the spleen and distant lymph The isolation and characterization of HHV-6
nodes. Continuous multiplication in these tissues was first reported in 1986 using cultures of periph-
brings on, a week after infection, a viremic phase eral blood leukocytes (PBL) from patients with
and an onset of the virus in the respiratory tract acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
and in the skin and, in some cases in the placenta, and lymphoproliferative disease. HHV-6 preferen-
joints, and kidneys. The pink macular rash usually tially infects CD4þ T lymphocytes, but can also
starts on the face, spreads centrifugally, and lasts infect other cell lines of epithelial, fibroblastic,
only 2 to 3 days. The major complication of and neuronal origin with different efficiency. The
rubella is intrauterine infection and fetal damage clinical syndrome of exanthem sabitum (or rose-
if infection occurs during the first 4 months of ola infantum, sixth disease) was first described in
pregnancy. Persistent infection with rubella virus 1913; however, its etiological link to HHV-6 was
can lead to immunopathological problems pre- first identified in 1988. Approximately 50% to
senting after birth, such as pneumonia. No effec- 60% of children are infected by HHV-6 by 12
tive antiviral treatment exists. Live attenuated months of age and almost all children are infected
rubella vaccines have been available since the by the age of 2 to 3 years. This illness is character-
1970s to prevent congenital rubella. It is given ized by a high fever that resolves with the appear-
by parenteral route, generally associated with ance of a pinkish macular rash. Studies have
the vaccine for measles and parotitis [75]. implicated HHV-6 as an etiological agent of
The human parvovirus B19 belongs to the meningitis and encephalitis in the immunocom-
genus Erythrovirus and is the only member of promised [79].
the family Parvoviridae to cause a wide range of Antiviral agents that have been found to be
human diseases in both children and adults [76]. effective in vitro against HHV-6 include ganciclo-
The virus is nonenveloped, and its genome con- vir, foscarnet, and cidofovir. In otherwise healthy
sists of a linear, single-stranded DNA molecule children HHV-6 infection is usually self-limited
of approximately 5600 nucleotides with terminal and no antiviral treatment is needed [80].
palindromic inverted sequences of 383 nucleotides Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a highly cell-
at both ends. Infection with parvovirus B19 associated member of the Herpesviridae family
cannot be differentiated clinically from rubella in and one of the eight herpes viruses to infect

humans. It is a double-stranded DNA virus and is Zoster in pregnancy presents no hazard to the fe-
most closely related to herpes simplex virus types tus or neonate [83].
1 and 2. These viruses rapidly proliferate and Last, it is known that immunocompromised
invade and destroy the infected cells. The virus is patients present many additional problems
ubiquitous in most populations worldwide and regarding viral skin infections, but it is not known
the primary infection causes varicella, more com- whether this is a consequence of therapy or of
monly known as chickenpox. VZV is neurotropic underlying problems, such as lymphoma or HIV
and establishes latency in sensory neurons. infection. These infections, such as HSV and VZV
Reactivation from latency, usually during periods with a latent state are more likely to reactivate
of impaired cellular immunity, causes herpes and disseminate rather than remain as a localized
zoster (shingles). Varicella is a common childhood lesion. Varicella and measles may be life threat-
infection with an incubation period of 14 to 16 ening. Rubella does not seem to present any
days. A shortened incubation period can be particular risk, and parvovirus B19 and enterovi-
encountered especially in immunocompromised ruses only rarely present problems. The dissemi-
patients. The skin lesions progress rapidly nation of warts can occur in molluscum
through the stages of macules to papules to contagiosum.
vesicles that rapidly burst and form a crust. The In conclusion, the past decade has seen exciting
lesions appear in series; therefore, all stages in developments in identifying the etiological agents
their genesis can be seen at any one time. Patients for syndromes manifesting in the skin, but there
with varicella are generally considered to be are still others for which a viral origin seems
infectious 2 days before the appearance of the likely.
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