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Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)

Student Number: UP948881

types of scenarios and hence it will have

Introduction (approx. 250 words) higher speed when compared to TCP.
 DCCP still requires congestion control and can
 Datagram Congestion Control Protocol, use a couple methods of control. It can allow
otherwise known as DCCP, is a transport layer the application a choice on what method it
protocol, which is message orientated. Brief prefers to use. CCID2 is a TCP like congestion
background of DCCP such as when it was first control.
suggested as a standard, back in 2006. DCCP  Like TCP, DCCP is connection orientated.
uses congestion control
 One may think of it as UDP with congestion
control, or TCP without reliability (Bittau and
Economical implication of DCCP (approx. 333
Handley, 2007)
 This report will explain what 3 scenarios TCP
does not perform optimally and where DCCP  Due to DCCP not being the most common
suits these scenarios better. (streaming standard there would be a cost involved with
media, Multiplayer games (internet gaming) implementing it and configuring devices and
and internet telephony.) then look at the applications to use it.
Economical- socio- technical implications of  If used for banking and other fund transfers it
DCCP could potentially lose data and that could
affect the total monies and/or balance.
 (additional research required)

DCCP and TCP (approx. 1000 words)

 TCP is more reliable as it provides delivery
guarantees and therefore more robust
protocol for applications that require Social implication of DCCP (approx. 333
guaranteed delivery. words)
 However, TCP isn’t ideally suited for the
 DCCP will help minimise glitching with online
following scenarios streaming media,
gaming and streaming of media. Therefore,
multiplayer games and internet telephony.
more people are more likely to stay in and
Main reason for this is because these types of
play or watch and could lead to distancing
data prefer speed to reliability.
themselves from society. However, with
 These real-time applications cannot afford the
online gaming they could be socialising with
additional latency introduced by reliability
other gamers using voice chat.
mechanisms (Polese et al., 2019)
 (additional research required)
 DCCP doesn’t have reliability mechanisms
therefore it reduces the latency for these Technical implication of DCCP (approx. 333

 DCCP relies on speed rather than reliability

which is fine for these scenarios previously
stated but for the most case, DCCP lacks the
ability to confirm delivery. This can cause an
issue for applications such emails and HTTP.
Reliability is a major downfall for the type of
transport protocol.
 Most common transport protocol is TCP,
therefore there would already be a lot of
devices and applications configured to
running TCP rather than DCCP. Therefore,
there could potentially be a demand for these
applications and devices to be reconfigured to
run DCCP. If they allow to be reconfigured to
running DCCP as some may not.
 (additional research required)

Conclusion (approx. 250 words)

 Looking at the overall picture of DCCP. It has

its advantages and disadvantages. On the
positive side it is suited for streaming media
and online gaming due to reduced latency
that increases the speed. However, it comes
at a cost of reliability issues.
 DCCP is versatile and I think it has a future
with more than the 3 scenarios suggested.


 Bittau, A. and Handley, M.,

2007.  Implementing DCCP: Differences From
TCP And UDP. London, p. 2.
 Polese, M., Chiariotti, F., Bonetto, E., Rigotto,
F., Zanella, A. and Zorzi, M., 2019.  A Survey
On Recent Advances In Transport Layer
Protocols - IEEE Journals & Magazine. [online] Available at:
40> [Accessed 18 March 2020].

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