Group Two Assignment - Edid 6504

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Log Frame – Passport2Success


Group 2

Donnette Abbott- Ruth John Nickesha Senior Shantel Victor-Cole Brehaniea Wight
(Team leader)

308003507 05054518 308003276 314500054 309101654

A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements of

EDID 6504: Programme Evaluation and Course Assessment Methods

Trimester II, 2015-2016

University: University of the West Indies Open Campus

eTutor: David Subran
Course Coordinator David Subran
Log Frame – Passport2Success 2

Problem Statement: Log Frame: Passport2Success

Research conducted by the Ministry of Education and the private sector in the Cayman Islands reveals that young adults in the 17 to 21 age group do not possess the skills which are needed (P2S) in the Cayman Islands
for employment.

Goal: To prepare young Caymanians for the job market by helping them to transition from high school to full-time employment through enhanced literacy, effective communication and on-
the-job training.

Assumption Input Activity Output Outcome Impact

Basic literacy skills will be Trained facilitators of the Classes are geared towards the provision Execute P2S programmes three Participants now have Young persons are better able to seek and
developed programme. of basic skills, using face-to-face methods times a year required professional skills maintain employment. (Decrease in
of delivery unemployment)
Participants can develop skills of Suitable guest speakers to Facilitate three cohorts of young Participants are more
preparing professional resumes, address areas of motivation, Workshops on topics such as writing people ages 17 - 20 years for twelve capable of impressing Dependence on Government resources is
proper deportment for interviews work ethics and deportment. resumes, appropriate professional attire, weeks on a full time basis, five days potential employers diminished
and workplace etiquette interview skills, and pride in performance a week
Qualified Counsellors Participants have a clearer Potential increase in worker productivity
There will be better social Team building activities Conduct a special programme for idea of what kind of job
Employers committed to one cohort of single mothers for 16 suited to them Participants are able to contribute to the
interaction among participants, thus
providing on-the-job training Acquisition of “passports” with stamps weeks on a full time basis, five days society through community-based service
enhancing their ability to work in a week
opportunities indicating levels of success in completing Single mothers are given
teams programme activities the chance to provide for Improvement in family relations
Incentive (Weekly stipend) Provide one week of community their children
These participants can have a Possibility of earning weekly stipend based service and work placement days
clearer perspective on the type of Passports for tracking on established criteria for all cohorts Participants’ morale and
job that suits them and further progress leadership skills are
maintain employment Job placement - participants are attached to A weekly stipend with potential improved
local businesses and organizations where performance related bonus
Participants are motivated to they gain on-the-job experience Participants are more
continue their education and to P2S’s curriculum includes a wide independent and are better
define their career interests Extra-curricular activities, such as range of topics which support the able to make decisions
involvement in community-based activities programme’s overall mission
The tasks will provide personal and
professional hands-on training

Beginning Resources Planned Work Intended Results

Log Frame – Passport2Success 3


Ministry of Education, Employment & Gender Affairs Cayman Islands Government. (2012). The

Passport2Success Programme. Retrieved from


Passport2Success. (2014). Retrieved from

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