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 role  and  responsibilities  

• Demonstrable   commitment   to   the   values,   principles   and   objectives   of   the   Centre   for   Policy  
Alternatives   (CPA)   as   set   out   in   its   mandate   and   founding   documents  
• Very  good  knowledge  of  written  and  spoken  English.  Working  knowledge  of  Sinhala  or  Tamil  
an  added  advantage,  but  not  essential.  
• Experience  in  Internet  research,  including  accessing  legal  authorities  and  sources  related  to  
freedom  of  expression  online  in  other  countries.    
• Willing  to  travel  around  the  country  and  stay  in  basic  accommodation.    
• While  based  in  the  Media  Unit  conduct  research  and  contribute  actively  on,  inter  alia:  
1. Issues   related   to   governance,   human   rights,   media   freedom,   democracy   and  
peacebuilding  Groundviews  and  the  work  of  CPA  are  anchored  to.    
2. Investigative  reports  on  socio-­‐political,  cultural  and  religious  issues  
3. Multimedia   productions   that   can   be   featured   on   the   site,   including   photo   essays,  
slideshows,   mixed   media   productions,   podcasts,   short   form   video   and   creative   writing  
based  on  contemporary  realities  
4. Content  analysis  of  Groundviews,  including  commentary  
5. Contribute   to   the   marketing   of   content   on   Groundviews   through   the   curation   of   social  
media  platforms  and  other  means  
6. Incorporate  content  published  on  the  site,  as  well  as  that  which  is  produced  into  larger  
research  projects  looking  at  new  media  and  citizen  journalism  based  issues.  
• Ability  to  work  across  various  Units  of  the  organisation  as  the  need  arises  
• Undertake  any  other  research,  litigation  or  organisational  responsibility  as  may  be  assigned  
from  time  to  time  by  the  Media  Unit.  
Interns   are   encouraged   to   bring   their   own   audio-­‐visual   gear   and   computing   equipment.   CPA   will  
• A  desk  with  wifi  /  wired  connections  to  broadband  internet  
• A   telephone   at   the   work   desk   (they   may   be   provision   for   a   mobile   phone   for   in-­‐country,   work  
related  use)  
• Unhindered  Internet  access  for  the  duration  of  the  internship    
• Depending  on  the  nature  of  the  study,  access  to  GV’s  backend  including  access  to  commentary  
• Full   access   to   24”   iMac   with   digital   media   production   tools,   as   well   as   a   Windows   XP   based  
multimedia  workstation  
CPA  /  Groundviews  is  not  in  a  position  to  pay  a  stipend  or  cover  any  costs  associated  with  airfare  
and   accommodation.   Domestic   travel   and   lodging   costs   associated   with   work   will   be   fully  
Interns   are   strongly   encouraged   to   write   to   the   editors   of   Groundviews   with   a   project   proposal  
and  secure  adequate  funding  before  their  sojourn  in  Sri  Lanka.    
Please  contact:  
Sanjana  Hattotuwa,    
Nigel  Nugawela,    


Groundviews  Internships   1  
2010  -­‐  2011  
Groundviews  overview  
Short  description  of  the  site  
Sri  Lanka's  first  and  award  winning  citizens  journalism  website  uses  a  range  of  literary  styles  and  
media   -­‐   from   prose   and   poetry   to   satire,   photos,   podcasts   and   video   to   amplify   critical  
perspectives   on   culture,   humanitarianism,   media   freedom,   human   rights,   peace   and   democratic  
Long  description  of  the  site  
Groundviews   was   launched   in   November   2006   and   is   the   first   citizen   journalism   website   in   Sri  
The  central  idea  was  to  use  a  blog  to  publish  compelling  content  in  the  form  of  text,  audio,  video  
and   photos   in   English,   Sinhala   and   Tamil.   The   strategy   was   to   raise   awareness   of   the   blog   virally.  
Key  authors  were  asked  to  contribute  pithy  and  provocative  articles  that  pushed  the  boundaries  
of  polity  and  traditional  media  and  forced  readers  to  think  outside  their  comfort  zones.  Measures  
were  taken  to  register  the  site  outside  of  Sri  Lanka  in  light  of  the  repressive  regime  in  the  country  
that  could  take  steps  to  block  the  website.  The  target  audience  of  the  site  were  identified  as  Sri  
Lankan   policymakers   based   in   Colombo,   traditional   media   and   journalists,   civil   society   actors,  
human  rights  activists  as  well  as  2nd  and  3rd  generation  diaspora  (youth).  
Fortnightly  email  updates  on  new  content  are  sent  to  over  9,000  email  addresses  of  key  local  and  
international   civil   society   organisations,   human   rights   activists   and   journalists.   Detailed  
guidelines  governing  the  expression  and  publication  of  content  on  the  site,  the  first  on  any  online  
media   website   in   Sri   Lanka,   were   drawn   up   at   the   time   of   the   site’s   launch.   These   guidelines  
allowed   for   progressive   communication   on   highly   contentious   and   emotional   issues.   Given   the  
huge   erosion   of   human   rights   and   the   culture   of   abductions   and   murder,   the   safety   of  
contributors   was   secured   to   the   extent   possible   by   anonymous   postings   that   are   editorially  
Given  the  unprecedented  violence  directed  against  independent  traditional  print  and  electronic  
media,   the   Internet   and   web   became   the   primary   means   through   which   civil   society   found  
expression  during  the  years  of  heightened  war  in  Sri  Lanka.  Groundviews  now  gets  around  2,000+  
pageviews   a   day   to   its   site,   over   1,800   fans   on   its   Facebook   page,   and   over   800   followers   on  
Twitter.   In   December   2007   the   site   was   awarded   an   Award   of   Excellence   in   New  
Communications   from   the   Society   for   New   Communications   Research   (SNCR)   based   in   Boston.  
"Groundviews  exemplifies  the  mission  of  this  awards  program:  the  successful  and  innovative  use  
of   new   communications   solutions   and   social   media   practices   to   enhance   communications   and  
relationships"  commented  Mike  Manuel,  SNCR  Best  Practices  Committee  Chairman1.  Groundviews  
is   the   only   citizen   journalism   website   in   Sri   Lanka   to   be   directly   indexed   on   Google   News   and  
ranked  Number  1  on  Google  itself  by  keyword.  Articles  on  the  site  are  regularly  republished   in  
other   local   media,   including   media   websites   such   as   InfoLanka   News,   Tamil   Canadian   and  
Tamilnet.   These   articles   have   exposed   rights   abuses,   the   absence   of   ethics   in   traditional   media  
and   the   growing   democratic   deficit   in   Sri   Lanka.   Leading   journalists   and   civil   society   activists  
have   sent   in   content   to   be   featured   on   the   site   and   we   are   the   only   website   in   Sri   Lanka   that  
regularly  features  human  interest  stories  from  Internally  Displaced  Persons  (IDPs)  and  refugees  
from  the  embattled  regions  of  the  country.    
The  respect  for  and  recognition  of  for  insightful,  sui  generis  and  courageous  content  on  the  site  is  
well  established  amongst  key  stakeholders  in  media,  polity  and  society  in  Sri  Lanka.    


Groundviews  Internships   2  
2010  -­‐  2011  
Key  stories  
1. Publication   of   Winning   the   War,   Winning   the   Peace,   an   article   by   Dayan   Jayatilleke,   Sri  
Lanka’s   hawkish   Representative   to   the   United   Nations   in   Geneva   in   July   2008.   Dayan  
subsequently  became  one  of  the  best  read  and  most  commented  on  authors  on  Groundviews.  
His   engagement   on   the   site   with   critical   commentary   was   the   ONLY   example,   in   any   media  
local  or  international,  of  a  highly  placed  official  of  the  Rajapakse  regime  engaging  in  debates  
with   the   public   on   issues   related   to   human   rights,   war   crimes,   genocide,   governance   and  
humanitarian  aid.    
2. In   March   2009,   the   widow   of   Lasantha   Wickremetunge   (the   most   senior   journalist   to   be  
assassinated   in   Sri   Lanka   in   January   2008)   wrote   in   desperation   to  Groundviews   to   publish   a  
letter  to  the  Inspector  General  of  Police  on  the  death  of  her  husband.  Groundviews  was  told  
that   no   newspaper   in   Sri   Lanka   was   willing   to   carry   this   letter   in   full.   See­‐the-­‐president-­‐hiding-­‐lasantha-­‐
3. Groundviews  was  the  only  voice  to  critique  a  reference  from  Wikipedia  used  by  the  Sunday  
Times,   a   leading   newspaper,   to   buttress   a   case   for   the   alleged   pro-­‐LTTE   bias   of   Canadian  
Liberal  MP  Bob  Rae,  deported  from  Sri  Lanka  after  first  being  issued  a  visa  to  enter.  It  is  now  
used  by  journalism  schools  in  Sri  Lanka  as  a  case  study  in  the  study  of  online  sourcing.  See­‐rae-­‐the-­‐sunday-­‐times-­‐and-­‐wikipedia      
4. In  one  of  the  most  under-­‐reporting  yet  compelling  humanitarian  news  in  post-­‐war  Sri  Lanka,  
Groundviews  was  the  first  and  only  media  site  to  report  on  the  flooding  in  IDP  camps  in  2009.  
We  also  published  the  first  images,  taken  secretively  from  a  mobile  phone,  of  the  devastation  
on  account  of  the  flooding  in  the  IDP  camps  –  images  the  government  of  Sri  Lanka  does  not  
want  the  world  to  see.    See  the  following  stories  for  details  of  coverage  and  comparisons  with  
mainstream  media:  
This  groundbreaking  content  was  republished  in  the  New  York  Times,  Al  Jazeera  and  the  BBC,  
as  well  as  other  local  and  international  media  sites.    
5. From  19  –  27  May  2010,  Groundviews  ran  a  special  edition  on  the  end  of  war  in  Sri  Lanka.  
Over  this  week  alone,  the  site  received  over  forty-­‐thousand  readers  and  exclusively  featured  
over   eighty-­‐thousand   words   of   original   content,   one   video   premiere,   over   a   dozen   photos,  
generating   over   one   hundred   and   fifty-­‐thousand   words   of   commentary.   This   content   was  
subsequently  published  as  a  book  and  reviewed2.  
6. The  creation  of  Banyan  News  Reporters,  a  device  to  encourage  a  number  of  authors  to  use  
well   written   satire   to   interrogate   issues   related   to   corruption,   war   crimes,   impunity,  
censorship,   civilian   displacement,   abductions,   torture,   extra-­‐judicial   killings,   human   rights  
violations,  "national  security"  and  humanitarian  aid.  It  is  the  ONLY  example  of  satire  used  in  
the  pursuit  of  peacebuilding,  and  now  has  a  cult  following  with  some  article  republished  in  
mainstream  media.  See,  

Groundviews  Internships   3  
2010  -­‐  2011  
Why  Groundviews  is  unique  in  Sri  Lanka  
• There  is  no  other  comparable  citizen  journalism  site  in  Sri  Lanka.  Our  reach  is  both  local  and  
global,   and   our   content   is   now   on   the   radar   of   key   policy   makers,   government,   the   diplomatic  
community,  bilateral  and  multilateral  donors  and  the  UN.    
• There  is  no  other  media  website  that  uses  a  combination  of  prose,  poetry,  satire,  photography  
and   video   to   flag   issues   that   are   critical   to   peacebuilding,   human   rights   and   democratic  
governance  in  Sri  Lanka.    
• The   website   is   a   catalyst   for   progressive   debate   on   highly   contentious   issues.   The   editorial  
framework   for   commentary   excludes   vicious   and   vituperative   input,   thereby   maintain   a  
standard   of   engagement   that   encourages   the   respect   of   difference   and   the   diversity   of  
opinion.   This   makes   the   site   appealing   to   a   broad   constituency   ranging   from   government   to  
NGOs,  from  domestic  voices  to  those  in  the  diaspora,  from  youth  to  elder  statespersons  and  
diplomats  and  importantly,  those  from  every  community  and  ethnic  group  in  Sri  Lanka.  
Accolades  and  recognition  
Groundviews  sets  the  bar  for  web  based  citizen  journalism  in  Sri  Lanka.  It  has  demonstrated  by  
example  that  new  and  web  media  can  serve  as  vital  mechanisms  for  investigative  reporting  and  
dissent  even  in  a  context  where  traditional  media  is  censored  and  violently  curtailed.  Renowned  
poets,  writer,  activists,  youth  leaders,  politicians,  senior  diplomats  of  the  Rajapakse  government,  
a   previous   President   of   Sri   Lanka,   academics   and   others   have   written   well   over   2,000   articles  
that  have  collectively  generated  hundreds  of  thousands  of  reader  generated  comments.  
• “What   no   media   dares   to   report,   Groundviews   publicly   exposes.   It’s   a   new   age   media   for   a  
new  Sri  Lanka…  Free  media  at  it’s  very  best!”  –  Grand  Jury,  Manthan  South  Asia  2009  
• “The  citizen  journalism  website  Groundviews  did  some  of  the  most  telling  early  reporting  on  
the   conditions   within   the   IDP   camps,   alerting   national   and   international   opinion   to   the  
growing  conditions  of  squalor  and  distress  following  heavy  rains  in  August  and  then  October  
2009.   The   website’s   reporting   was   accompanied   by   a   poignant   commentary   on   the   level   of  
concern  of  the  mainstream  media  in  the  situation  in  the  camps.”  -­‐  Excerpt  from  Freedom  in  
Solidarity:   Media   Working   for   Peace   in   South   Asia,   published   on   behalf   of   the   South   Asia  
Media  Solidarity  Network  (SAMSN)  by  the  International  Federation  of  Journalists  (IFJ)  Asia-­‐
Pacific.  (Pg.  40)  
• “Want   bottom-­‐up   insight   into   Sri   Lankan   conflict?   @groundviews   is   awesome.“,  via  @GlobalIntegrity  (the  Twitter  feed  of  Global  Integrity)  
• As   an   avid   reader   of   Groundviews,   please   accept   my   hearty   congratulations   on   winning   the  
coveted    ’Manthan  Award  South  Asia’  from  the  300+  nominations.  Please  continue  your  good  
work   in   advocating   for   good   governance,   transparency   and     freedom   of   expression.   As   the  
Grand  Jury’s  evaluation  noted  that  it’s  a  new  age  media  for  a  new  Sri  Lanka.  –  Mrs.  Shanthy  
Vadi,  Toronto,  Canada  
• What’s   also   remarkable   is   the   exchange   of   opinion   that   has   followed   each   post   on   Menik   at  
Groundviews  —  a  robust,  passionate,  not  always  polite  exchange  of  views  from  both  sides  of  
the   political   fence.   In   Sri   Lanka,   that   alone   qualifies   as   something   of   a   miracle.   –   Keith  
Hammonds,  Ashoka  Foundation  
• I  have  really  found  Groundviews  ground  breaking  –  and  yes  it  is  an  effective  site  for  debate,  
although  i  have  to  admit  that  I  get  outraged  by  some  of  the  racist  and  bigoted  comments   that  
appear.   Good   that   they   do   though,   as   one   begins   to   realise   the   nature   of   what   we   see   out  
there.   –   Renowned   Sri   Lankan   author   on   Groundviews   who   contributes   anonymously   citing  
security  reasons  
• For   ongoing   analysis   of   the   conflict,   the   citizen   journalism   site   provides  
interesting   and   often   tragic   reporting.   –   Renowned   international   media   freedom   organisation  
Freedom  House.  

Groundviews  Internships   4  
2010  -­‐  2011  
• Been   watching   the   media   clips   interviewed   by   you   with   Tracy   and   Dayan.   Great   pieces   of  
interview  style.    Been  starving  for  delicious  English  as  such  you  use.  –  Jade  
• Brilliante!  Encore!  -­‐  Lakshman  Gunesekara,  one  of  Sri  Lanka’s  leading  journalists  and  former  
Editor  of  the  Sunday  Observer  (responding  to  Banyan  News  Reporters)  
• Thanks   for   Groundviews,   by   the   way,   and   for   keeping   everyone   on   the   ball.   –   by   Sunila  
Abeysekera,    award  winning  human  rights  activist  
• All  the  best,  and  congrats  for  doing  a  wonderful  job  through  GV.  –  Kalana  Senaratne  
• I   read   your   site   with   much   enthusiasm   and   was   especially   thrilled   to   read   your   exposure   of  
Sunday   Times.   These   people   have   no   shame,   it   seems.   –   Gamini   Viyangoda,   a   writer   and  
former  editor  of  the  Lanka  Dissent  news  website  
• I  am  a  dedicated  Groundviews  reader  of  yours  and  I  have  to  congratulate  you  on  the  success  
of  the  site.  –  Mark  Gereis  
• Congratulations  mate!  Excellent  work!  -­‐  Chamath  Ariyadasa,  Editor  of  JNW  SMS  news  service  

Groundviews  Internships   5  
2010  -­‐  2011  

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