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Some people think one should stay all their life in the same job, whereas others advocate

changing jobs from time to time.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People tend to differ when it comes to the opinion whether one should change job frequently.
On the one hand, many people think one should keep doing the same job all throughout the life
where as other advise that is not the way to go. The merits of both the arguments will be
analyzed before a conclusion is provided.

Firstly, there are immense benefits that professionals enjoy sticking to a same job. But the most
obvious ones are security and enhanced expertise in a specific domain that they gain during
their tenure in the workplace. For example, a civil engineer who is designing the architecture of
bridge for years knows all the nitty-gritty details of the factors for building a robust bridge.
Because of his vast experience, his company will also be interested to retain him as the same
level of competency cannot be expected from a newcomer. This supports the argument that
continuing the same job over years has several positive facets.

However, many other people argue in favor of changing jobs recurrently. The main reason being
when individuals work in several jobs they usually add more skills to their portfolio and this
definitely improves their employability. For instance, when a wildlife photographer changes his
job and joins an advertising agency, not only his skills get enhanced, he is also considered as
more dynamic and versatile. Additionally, spending too long in a job also make people feel
monotonous. This makes clear why the idea of shifting jobs is suggested.

After looking at these two opposing points of view, it is felt that changing jobs every once in a
while is of more benefit. However, it is recommended that one should judge the situation prior to
make a decision.

Some people think that a person should change a career at least once, while
others think that it is better to stay in one job for a lifetime.

What is your opinion?

In the modern days, it is quite a common fact that people change their job frequently.
Because of the rise of employment opportunities in private sector companies, there is
huge demand for the professionals. It is argued that majority of the employees move to
other jobs due to various factors which enforces them to do so. The discussable points
are firstly to achieve their personal and professional growth as well as to break their
routine work culture in official activities, employees prefer to change their jobs.
Employees dream about their career to be increased form strength to strength. Hence in the
need of fulfilling their goal, undergo the process of learning new skills and techniques for
betterment of future. Considering an example, one of my friend had changed his job in couple of
years as he was not able to achieve his professional dreams and desired work culture. The
employees are also not hesitating to change the job if there are offered higher designation with
hike in salary. After analyzing, professional growth is one of the reason for job change.

On the other hand, employees prefer to change their job, In order to break the
monotony nature in the work atmosphere. For example, if the a typist in a company is
bored with his daily routine work. Therefore, this boringness nature and monotony of the
work will lead to search of a new job for the uplift of the career and as well the increase
of financial status. Hence after analyzing the regularity and excitement in their work life
is the cause for the job change.

To summarize, it is clear that to achieve personal, professional growth and routine nature are
the main causes responsible employee’s job change. Thus, in the future, it can be expected that
this percentage of employment change will be likely to increase.

Some people believe that employees should stay in the same job for the rest of their
lives. Others think they should switch jobs at least once during their worklife.

To what extent do you agree/disagree

While some argue that people should work for the same job, I agree with those who say that
changing job is necessary. This essay will explain how it encourages employees to stay
motivated and helps them to learn new skills.

Firstly, a change of job motivates employees to become more productive in their work. This
is due to the fact that they might feel monotonous by doing the same task every day. With a
change of job, they become enthusiastic because they have something new to do.
Consequently, they take more interest in doing the things that they have started to learn.
For instance, one of my colleagues in my office, who was recently transferred from
Accounting Department to Human Resource Department, told me that how motivated he
was feeling due to entirely new tasks he had to perform. In contrast, employees following
the same routine may develop slacking-off habits, and it may lead them to be fired from
their jobs.

Secondly, moving to a new job enables workers to enhance their skill-sets. This is because
their new jobs require them to do new things that they would not do otherwise. For example,
five years ago, I changed my career from the job of an auditor to an accountant, and it
helped me to equip with accounting skills which I did not have when I was an auditor. If I
had not changed my job, I would not have learned these new skills. Conversely, people who
keep on doing the same job do not learn new skills.
In conclusion, a career change is essential in my opinion because it is a source of
motivation for employees, and they learn different things by doing new activities.

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an
important element of individual well-being.

What factors contribute to job satisfaction?

How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

Nowadays, the satisfaction from a job become a significant factor that workers are looking for.
This result has proved by researchers. On the other hand, some people may not aware how
satisfaction affect their lives, but it exists and influence quietly. Additionally, work generally has
a considerable proportion in a personal’s adult live. Therefore, people can understand how
important it is.

Turning to the importance of the satisfaction, some study illustrated that workers can often
achieve a high performance of their task when they satisfy on their job. Furthermore, those
people typically have a healthy well-being. However, the result showed that employee usually
drop their performance when they feel unsatisfied. Moreover, these people might become
depressed sometimes.

According to another study, the researchers found out that there are several satisfaction types:
tasks, salary and encouragement. First, some people feel satisfied due to finishing a task or a
challenge. Second, some people might focus on their salary. Third, other people need others
encouragement. Therefore, it all depend on the personality.

In real cases, one of the major reasons for change job can be a dissatisfaction, which proposed
by a career research professor. For instance, the worker, John, thought he was worth a better
offer, but his boss disagreed that. As a result, he changed his job a few months later.

To sum up, the factors of satisfaction might be more than above; the most important thing is to
find the personal factor and try to fulfil it. Therefore, your adult live can get a magnificent

Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their
work from home instead of working in offices every day. Working from home should be
encouraged as it is good for workers and employers.

Do you agree or disagree?

Over the recent past Information Technology developed sharply, making communication much
easier. Thanks to this teleworking has become more practical. Working from home gives new
opportunities for employees and employers as well. It brings more independence and can
provide a new level of good quality work.

There are numbers of strong arguments. Firstly, workers spend too much time in offices not
doing any work. This is a huge waste of time. They became less efficient. Things which they are
capable to do in shorter time last longer. Many factors affect this state of things. Employees
cannot focus on their current task because of a colleague requesting some help, a supervisor
with issue or just a chat with friend and many others small things. Theoretically short tasks
accumulate and from every 5 minute spent on each of them it gets to 2 hours every day. In a full
time work mode 8 hours are reduced to only 6. It really makes a difference.

Secondly, by staying at home employees can force themselves to organize their time better.
They also do not waste their time to commute. By working fewer they gain more free time which
they can spend on developing their skills. A further point is that employers can reduce their cost
of business. They can rent smaller offices, buy fewer equipment and recruit less stuff. This can
help them to cut the costs and make savings. Money staying it theirs’ pockets can be spent on
the team, by providing training and making theirs’ workers more productive.

Finally working from home has many advantages, but can simply do not fit the needs of
employees, employers and business. So it cannot be provided for the whole team and every
business branch.

In conclusion, I believe that teleworking brings many opportunities for workers and employers as
well, but it depends on many various company features. Where possible, I think workers should
be offered the choice, but not forced to work from home unless they wish to.

The length of the working week does not reflect modern lifestyle needs. It should be
substantially reduced to give people more leisure time and time with their families.

How far do you agree with this statement?

Day by day, the life is becoming more complex and very difficult and people work for long time
in every day. It is agreed that the number of working day in a weak should be reduced to give
workers more free time with their families. Analyzing both difficulty and complexity of life
nowadays as well as people work hard for long time will show this.

Firstly, today, the life is complex and people spend a long time working very hard without a rest
time. For instance, people work from the beginning of morning to the end of evening very hard.
When they back to their home, they might be tired and stressful. Therefore, people can not find
a free time to talk and discuss with their families and spend enjoyable time with them. Thus, this
makes it clear why people need for more free time every week.

Secondly, as people work hardly for a long time during a working day, they might be stress and
their health could be not good. For example, when workers do their job, they will be standing all
the time and sometime doing hard without a rest time. Thus, their body could be very tired and
in a bad condition and this routine continues every day. From this, it becomes quiet evident that
why decreasing the number of working day is important for people health.
In summary, people are working very hard for long time. Therefore, their health condition could
be bad and they do not spend more time with their families. Thus, it is clear why the idea of
increasing the number of working day can not be supported. After analysing this subject, it is
predicted that the drawbacks of working a long time without rest more than benefits.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.

Global is developing more and more in many fields. Therefore, people’s demand is found new
opportunities. However, living and working in a foreign country have a lot of cons and pros.

First of all, living and working in a foreign country have a lot of the advantages. Of course,
everyone always will choose a foreign country have good economy, medicine, insurance and
security, which made anybody wants to live there. Additionally, oversea students would like to
live and work at their study-abroad places after they experienced all of things in this country.
Living in a foreign country also help people approach another cultures, they can open their mind
with great knowledge. Beside that, working at foreign workplaces will improve people’ skills in
career. For example, work culture of Asia has differed from ones of America, American do their
job fast and clearly while Asian is contrary to American, they follow feeling a lot of.

Living and working in a foreign country also have disadvantages. Climate is a big problems
when people change their living areas. Weather change lead to affect people’s health. If people
can know many new cultures, which is the advantage, people sock off the strange style life,
which is the disadvantages. Moreover, language is also difficult problem when people move
their houses and live foreign countries. For example, there are many differ in opinions and
ideas, but the obstacle of language make people can not explain own thinking exactly.

In summary, living and working in s foreign country or own country also have the advantages
and the disadvantages. However, everybody can recognize and solve these problems, which is
the most important.

Some people choose a career according to the social status and salary it will give them.
Others choose a career according to whether they will enjoy the work.

Which do you think is the best way to choose a career?

A career choice in view of social status and financial security it offers is considered to be the
deciding factor for some individuals to decide their career path. But, there are some people who
give more weightage to a career in the field of work they enjoy rather than the other way around.
In my opinion, it should always be the personal interest that should be the guiding force when
undertaking a career.

The proponents, who believe in a career based on the pay scale and status attached to it have
little but few arguments. For instance, a career in medicine could give a lot of perks in sense of
money and position in society, but only that doctor excels in life who has interest in his subject
and enjoys treating patients. Or else, they just end up to be a family physician, rather than a
specialist. So presumedly, a career without interest wouldn't take one to heights in career, in
other words it causes hindrance to one's career growth, which again is a cause of his low social

On the other hand, a career clubbed with enjoyment and interest results in attaining a stable
social status combined with financial rewards. Reason for this being that, when a person enjoys
his work it does not seem to him like he is being burdened to do that and so more or less he
sees it as a hobby. In present scenario, as most of the careers evolve lots of stress, a job in
choice of liking saves us from many diseases arising out of pressure at work . Additionally, love
for work escalates ones career growth.

I concur, upon the fact that the career chosen by keeping happiness at work in mind is the best
way to earn a great living without being pressurized.

Some people think only students who get the best academic results should be rewarded.
Other say that students who show improvements be rewarded?

Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.

It is indisputable that rewards and incentives motivate individuals to keep working for better
results and improvement. Students, particularly need this motivation to concentrate and keep
focused in their studies. That is the only possible way by rewarding them for their achievement
and efforts no matter whether they are higher score achiever or students who show
improvement in their studies.
Student of all level try to improve when they have a feeling that their hard work is going to be
appreciated. Many universities and colleges have rewards and scholarships programs so that
student can feel appreciated for the efforts they have made. Consequently, these little
incentives and rewards play an indispensable role later in their career and practical life.

On the other hand, many student also drop out from schools and universities just because they
are not appreciated and encouraged to work hard so that they keep focused until they complete
their studies. However, most of the time, average and weak students are discouraged and
bullied in schools and universities. As a result, they decide to drop out and give up.
Consequently, they end up doing work in factories as a labor with the feeling of inferior complex.
Universities and schools are required some amendments in their policies to address these
issues and take appropriate steps in well and balanced manner to reward all students since
everyone has a right to have a better career.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that all student must be appreciated for their
achievements and encourage to work hard so that they can contribute to the world’s economies
by being well educated individuals.
Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic
abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities
studying together.

Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

Few individuals exhort that school should select students based on their academic profile, while
others advocate it with different abilities. Some children born with innate abilities, and some
learn with experience. While both of them are important for the development of society, I believe
that students should not be discriminated according to their academic abilities.

Smart and intelligent students represent the face of country. In schools, they learn how to
handle economic problems, poverty and employment issues. If they are not getting opportunities
to learn how to handle these rudimentary issues, then a country could observe a decline in
overall growth. It is only possible, if students are segregated based on their academic profile
and interest. Teachers can pay close attention to them, which would help them to grow
academically. It has been empirically proven that, if students are selected based on their
capabilities, they can perform better in every aspect.

Conversely, it is not fare to teach students based on their abilities. If teaching both types of
students together, weak students can get motivation from them, which could eventually increase
skills and abilities. Jawarlal Nehru, first prime minister of India said, "country can only prosper,
when education institute stop discriminating students and teach them equally." Furthermore,
cross functional students in a class can help each other and increase their professional or
personal horizon. Eventually, teaching without discrimination will create a pool of individuals
with different skill set, which could increase the growth prospect of a country.

In conclusion, it is prudent to advice and encourage bright students, whilst we should not
neglect others. Students are the building blocks of future. My personal opinion schools should
not discriminate students based on their abilities.

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