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STUDENT NAME : Muhammad Nadzwa Ali Wafa
CALASS : XI.4 mipa 2
DAY & DATE : Tuesday, March 24, 2020
● TOPIC Explanation Text ( Reading Comprehension )
LEARNING OBJECTi Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi perbedaan struktur teks
explanation dengan teks lainnya dengan menganalisa teks yang diberikan dengan tingkat
ketepatan 75%

Instructions :
a. Identify the differences text structure between both the following texts!

Venus Eclipse
On May 16th,2010, people in most regions in the world have seen a very rare natural
phenomenon.It was Venus eclipse . It was very rare amazing natural event. It was reported
that the venus eclipse will be seen again in the future in 2050.Do you know how this rare
Venus eclipse happens?
Well ,actually Venus eclipse is like Sun eclipse.Venus eclipses occurs when the
position of earth , moon, and Venus is parallel.Venus planet will slowly disappear for a
moment because it is covered the surface of the Moon. Venus planet seems to move to the
back side of the Moon.
The Moon and planets are sharing a similar apparent path in the sky.That is why it is
not unusual for the moon to appear to pass close to Venus.
In fact , the Moon appears somewhere near it about once a month.However , most
people don’t see these event because they are visible in the evening sky only half the
time,and then only for a short period after sunset.The closeness varies from month as well.
Source -explanation-text -tentang venus.html

Kind of the text

=>Explanation text

Purpose of the text

=>to tell how the process of natural phenomena that is very rare is the phenomenon of the
eclipse of Venus

Generic Structure of thet

1. General statement
2. Explanation
3. ClosingSequenced explanation


STUDENT NAME M. Adhitya dwi saputra

CLASS XI 3 mipa 2

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


TOPIC Explanation Text ( Reading Comprehension )

LEARNING Peserta didik dapat menemukan informasi rinci tersirat dalam teks
OBJECT explanation dengan menjawab soal pilihan ganda dengan tingkat
ketepatan 75%

I​nstructions : Work individualy!

Tsunami occurs when major fault under the ocean floor suddenly slips. The
displaced rock pushes water above it like a giant paddle, producing powerful water waves
at the ocean surface. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the earthquake source
and move across the ocean until they reach the coastline, where their height increases as
they reach the continental shelf, the part of the earth crust that slopes, or rises, from the
ocean floor up to the land. The term of tsunami comes from the Japanese language meaning
harbour ( tsu ) and wave ( nami ).

A tsunami washes ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding, loss of
lives due to drowning and damage to property.

A tsunami is a very large sea wave that is generated by a disturbance along the ocean
floor. This disturbance can be an earthquake, a landslide, or a volcanic eruption. A tsunami
is undetectable far out in the ocean, but once it reaches shallow water, this fast traveling
wave grows very large.

B. Answer the questions below based on the text about Tsunami

1.​ ​ ‘’Tsunami happens because ....

A.​ T
​ he displaced rock pushes water above it

B.​ A
​ major fault under the ocean

floor slips suddenly

C.​ T
​ he ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the source

D.​ T
​ he waves moves across the ocean until they reach the beach

E.​ A
​ tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean

2.​ W
​ hat are the impacts of tsunami?

A.​ ​The part of the Earth’s crust that slopes, or rises, from the ocean floor down to
the land
B.​ ​A tsunami washes ashore with often disastrous effects such as flooding and
loss of lives

C.​ ​A tsunami is a very large sea wave which is not generated by a disturbance a
long the ocean floor

D.​ A
​ tsunami is detectable far out in the ocean

E.​ O
​ nce tsunami reaches shallow water, the wave never grows very large

3.​ W
​ e understand from the text that tsunami ....

A.​ C
​ auses the movement of earth

B.​ F
​ orms a new shape of coastline

C.​ M
​ akes unfortunate event

D.​ R
​ ises a new coastal land

E.​ D
​ isplaces rocks to land

4.​ ​. “... producing ​powerful​ water waves at the ocean surface.” The synonym of the
underlined word is....

A.​ F
​ ast

B.​ D
​ eep

C.​ Q
​ uick

D.​ S
​ trong

E.​ W
​ eak

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