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Dramatic Play Center- The dramatic play center gives children the ability to act out situation,

pretend, and dress up while they play and learn. This center changes each month to reflect the
monthly themes. The whole dramatic play center transforms into different places that go along with
the theme, for example during the Zoo-tastic theme the center turns into a zoo where the children can
be zookeepers to take care of the animals.

Sample Dramatic Play Dramatic Play Center

Zoo-tastic Theme
Title: Feed the Animals
• Fine Motor
Objective: The children will • Gross Motor
count the number of scoops • Perceptual Motor
of food for each animal to eat. • Problem Solving
Brief Description:
1. The children will scoop • Creativity
food out of the bags for • Group Interactions
each animal. • Teamwork
2. The children will use • Negotiating
the sheet to know how Language and Literacy:
many scoops each
animal gets to eat. • Communication
3. The children will • Vocabulary
compare the amount of • Spelling
food small animals get • Reading
compared to the
amount large animals
get. • Counting 1-5
4. Using the graph, the • Sorting
children will keep track • Comparing
the amount each • Size
animal eats each day.

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