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Jobs in Psychology / Types of Psychologists

Type of Psychologist / Job Title Description

Do experiments to learn about psychological subject
matter; could study one of many different areas in

Study how humans develop over the whole lifespan.

How and why do people at different ages act
differently? What is different about the needs of people
at different stages in life?

Look at how the physical brain and nervous system

influence behavior and psychological processes; nerve
cells, brain areas, etc.

Explore things like memory, problem solving, and other

mental functions. Not afraid to try to look into the
“Black Box”

Interested in how psychology is connected to health;

helping promote health, learning about how people can
deal with stress, etc.
Consumer behavior. Designing effective
advertisements, products, or services using
psychological knowledge.
Learners and learning. How can teachers teach better?
How do people learn, and how can we improve
Helping athletes to recover from injuries, helping them
perform better using psychological knowledge, etc
All the ways psychology is connected to criminal
behavior and the criminal justice system; touches on a
lot of different aspects of these.
Behavior in the workplace, productivity, leadership
styles, reducing absenteeism, etc
A medical doctor with extra psychological training.
Usually helps people with mental disorders, and can
prescribe medication.
Counselling and help for all types of people, both those
with mental illnesses, and people with normal life
problems they need help with.
How groups and society generally influences our
behavior and psychological functioning. E.g. group
dynamics and influences of authority
Exploring the differences that make up our individual
personalities and trying to explain where these come
from. Also how our personalities influence our
psychological functioning and health.

Word Box: Clinical / Counseling, Psychiatrist, Sports, Criminal / Forensic, Industrial / Organizational (I/O),
Health, Educational, Consumer, Cognitive, Social, Personality, Biological / Physiological, Developmental,

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