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David Brynjolfson
Journalist and Editor.

Walter (Wally) Brynjolfon

Photographer and Concept Designer.

Featured Inside:
Fully photographed day-to-day documentation
of the Brynjolfson Family’s european adven-
tures and exploits.

Telephone Number:
(604) 530-3208
fax (604) 530-3208

Day 1 - Departure
Saturday - December 18th, 2010

The trip began with a as our layover choices. since the flights from though, so I was very hap-
humble parade out the Frankfurt being terribly there are so expensive) py. So we arrived at the
door. It was Dad, Mom, dull, and two days not and so we spent an extra airport, boarded the plane
Karis, Wally and I; the being enough for Lon- three hours driving south, with no problems and
entire family together in don we chose the land which wasn’t so bad since took off for Iceland. The
what would probably be of ice and fire. Also, we stopped at the Bellis flight was seven hours,
our last joint vacation. none of us had ever been Fair shopping mall. We but each person had a TV
It was a trip to Europe, there, or ever expected had lots of time, after screen with an abundance
obviously, but more to have another chance), all, and Karis wanted to of movies and shows and
specifically, Iceland, Italy ten days in Italy, seven buy pants, so we looked even a language-learning
and Spain. We would stop days in Spain and two around. Mom, Wally tool. It was very exciting
in Heathrow for a few days in traveling limbo (I and I all ended up buy- to travel to that intrigu-
hours on the way there, must have my numbers ing leather jackets from ingly unique island but
but nothing else. The idea wrong). So off we went, the same place since they the flight itself is never
was that it was a trip to together as an excited, were on sale (they turned that nice, especially when
visit our ‘’ancestral roots”, joyful whole. We woke up out to not be real leather) you fly eastwards for
which was undoubtedly after 7 AM and spent a which made it clear that seven hours and find that
true but it’s not as if this few minutes making our we were together since it’s already the next day.
was our only reason (or last few preparations and they looked so similar. It
our original reason for then we left. The night solved my jacket problem
that matter), we were before, we had ordered
visiting three incredibly pizza since we wanted
awesome countries after as little food as possible
all, and such a venture left in the house, and for
never needs a valid reason breakfast Wally and I ate
other than the thrill of the remainder. We had
adventure. Three weeks dropped Starbuck off at
divided as two days our grandparent’s house,
given to Iceland (we had and so it seemed all the
never thought of going more quiet and strange as
to Iceland until we were we left the door. Seattle
given the choice of there, was our place of depar-
London or Frankfurt ture (sadly not Vancouver
Day 2 - First Day in Reykjavik
Sunday - December 19th, 2010
I can’t remember exactly the distant mountains so immense and power- mon. We also stopped
when we boarded the decorated the drive. The ful, so awe-inspiring; the by the country’s most
plane, but it was already capital city was very emp- raw ferocious wild of popular restaurant- a
afternoon. Since Iceland ty, every still slept and the winds was immense hotdog stand. This was
was so far away to the nothing opened until ten (Icelandic wind is bad no ordinary hotdog stand
east, we arrived at 7:30 (nothing happening until from the ground but in though, they used Ice-
AM (not even midnight so late in the day was one the air it’s crazy). They landic mustard, which
in Seattle). It was still of the many shocks we were having mass at 11, is nothing like North
fully pitch-black outside, had). It was a very beauti- as the sun rose, and so we American mustard (I can’t
nothing could be seen. ful place in its own way, sat in the inside for a little remember the ingredients
When we decided to go the highest building was while. The insides of the but it was a dark brownish
to Iceland we forgot to seven stories, and the par- church were so serene and green colour and tasted
consider that it was going liament was just as regu- humble. The walls and the good especially since the
to be days away from the lar as any other building. arching columns weren’t bun itself tasted good
winter solstice in a very After dropping our stuff decorated with elabo- too. We actually bought
northern country (Reyk- off at the hotel, which rate paintings but were some, Wally did, and
javik is the northernmost was deep in the heart of plain white in an almost took it home with us even
capital city in the world the city, we crossed the eerie way, and when you though it disappeared af-
after all- some 64 degrees square to a bakery (the turned around you saw terwards. In Iceland, there
north, which makes it the one place open) and had an immense pipe organ aren’t many things to do
northernmost place we’ve breakfast. Then we admit- (the second biggest in the unless it involves nature;
ever been). The airport ted that the winds were world, I believe). Dur- it’s really only a destina-
was in a little town a good ice cold and that we were ing the mass, the church tion if one’s planning to
distance away from Reyk- freezingly miserable so we welcomed a new member go far out of city life. We
javik called Keflavik, and put on some extra layers. called Walter Waltersson. experienced everything
they made it very clear It slowly became dawn We left soon after, and about Reykjavik there was
that they had won the after 10 AM (but the sun split up over what to do. to experience and in only
trophy for best airport in didn’t fully come out We went to the Icelandic a matter of hours, less
Europe for 2009. Frankly until 11) and we wanted National Museum, except even, and ran out of stuff
they deserved it, it was to see the sunrise from Wally, and there we saw to do not long after we
amazing in all aspects, Hallgrimskirkja so we items from throughout came. The sun went down
but we left quite quickly went walking through the Iceland’s history (so a between three thirty and
and got into a shuttle. The streets. We arrived at the good amount on the four. Yes, it’s the shortest
winds were very fierce church at about 10 AM (it Vikings, which I found day I’ve ever seen (they
and nippy, much colder was at the opposite end very interesting, but really get twenty-four hour
than anticipated, only a of the city, which shows there wasn’t that much days in summer though).
country as bold as Iceland just how small the city in the museum). As we And we went home and
would have such an intro- is) and took pictures of walked there we passed ended up falling asleep at
duction. I wanted to con- its unworldly good-looks a graveyard that had the around five.
gratulate Wally on seeing with the azure of dawn name Brynjolfsson on
his first tree on European behind. We climbed up to a few of the tombstones
soil but of course there the steeple, where a great and throughout our stay
weren’t any (I later saw a view of the surroundings we actually saw the name
few purposely planted in could be seen. The entire often enough. In Canada,
the center of Reykjavik). city, with the mountains the name is so incredibly
Only barren volcanic across the bay and every- rare, it’s so nice to go to
rocks stretching out to thing was visible. It was a place where it’s com-
Day 3 - Blue Lagoon
Monday - December 20th, 2010
Still suffering from Jetlag, ing waters, and was com-
Wally woke up at about pletely natural, and we
1 Am, Mom at 2:00 and I thoroughly enjoyed it. By
woke up at about 2:30 (we the time we left the Blue
had taken naps through- Lagoon it was sunset, and
out the day before and we all fell asleep on the
had gone to bed at like 5 drive back (it was a half
PM (an hour after sunset) hour or so drive). Once
so we were still quite well we got back to the hotel,
rested). Karis woke up for we went to an Icelandic
a little bit and so did Dad sports bar, one of the few  
and then everyone went of its kind, and it was
back to bed eventually. I lovely. At the hotel, Dad
fell asleep at like 4:30 Am. found out that our flight
While we were up, I and to Madrid from Heathrow
Wally checked the news had been cancelled, which
on the internet and BBC meant that we would have
had this long article from to figure something out
the day before on how in London the next day.
Heathrow was being de- Then we went to bed and
layed due to unexpected this is really all we did. Of
amounts of snow, that it course, it was much nicer
was affecting thousands of to actually be there and a
flyers and that it was sug- few interesting things did
gested to not fly through happen at the lagoon such
Heathrow but that it as Wally getting the silica
would end by Monday. mud in his contacts and it
We thought “Well hope- burning, and dad making
fully it won’t be a prob- a daring joke about the
lem when we’re there Austrian who was taking
on Tuesday.” Well so no our picture (he was hav-
one set their alarm, and ing trouble with taking
everyone woke up at 11: a picture and wondering
00 AM. We were planning what the problem was and
to catch the 11 o’clock bus guessing that it was prob-
to the Blue Lagoon. So we ably due to humidity).
quickly ate and tried to
figure something out, and Austrian: I think the
took the bus that went an camera is humiliated.
hour later. The voyage to
the Blue Lagoon was nice, Dad: Maybe it’s not the
for most of the way, it was camera that is humiliated.
the same highway as to
Keflavik, but we got to see But all the little events
it in Daytime. The Lagoon can’t be recorded; only
was incredible. It had the memories can fill in the
most wonderfully sooth- rest.
Day 4 - Heathrow Fiasco
Tuesday - December 21st, 2010
We said goodbye to Ice- landed) was cancelled
land. We woke up for a due to the heavy snowfall
flight at seven but we later on Saturday. When we
found out the flight wasn’t were planning the trip we
until nine. The drive there were considering either
wasn’t interesting, but we spending our lay-over
said goodbye to Iceland in Iceland or in London,
and had some interest- and if we went to Lon-
ing conversations with don we would have had
the same driver we had to endure it right from
last time. Iceland Air, the the start. Heathrow is the
airport and I think some busiest airport in europe,
advertisements in the city second or third busiest
too probably, all told us in the world (after either
that Keflavik Airport was Atlanta or Chicago, or
the best in Europe (it was both, I can’t quite remem-
rated so for 2009) and re- ber), and it became utter
ally it was a nice place. It chaos merely over a few
was modern, in great con- inches of snow (I heard
dition, well decorated and that it snowed six inches
incredibly easy to navi- in two hours and then I
gate. The flight took a few also heard that it snowed
hours but was very nice five inches in one hour, so
and didn’t feel very long at I’m not exactly sure how
all, especially since I spent much there was). Most
it watching a documen- of the flights on Satur-
tary on the cod wars and day had been cancelled,
staring out at the clouds and that made the flights
over Ireland (we saw a on Sunday get cancelled
little bit of Irish farmland so the passengers from
but not very much). We Saturday could leave and
arrived at Heathrow in the same thing happened
London between 11:15 day by day, and it was
and 11:45 AM, and as taking them a ridiculously
soon as we got our bag- long time to clean up the
gage we went to Brit- runways and the whole
ish Airway’s Customer thing just dragged on for
Services booth-which a ridiculously long time.
was a long and com- Thousands of people were
plex walk because, quite stranded for days and the
simply, the airport was airways didn’t seem to be
huge. All that we knew doing very much to help.
at this point was that our Well anyways, so when we
flight out of Heathrow got to the Customer Ser-
(which was originally vices Booth, there was a
supposed to take off two huge line of people trying
and a half hours after we to deal with their flight
Heathrow Fiasco Cont...
problems as well. We got he hadn’t been at their they would get to go to ourselves. Finally, after
into this line at about house in Spain for a very the desk right after her. so many long hours we
twelve, and it moved in- long time, and they were Originally it was just one got our turn at the desk
credibly slowly while just supposed to be there with man and then it was his and figured out our flight
getting longer and longer him on the 18th. More friend and another friend issues. Dad dealt with it
behind us. We sat in this importantly, they were at after that. There was also while I and Karis stood
line for six hours (prob- the airport for four days an old Italian couple who at the bags talking to this
ably more like 5 hours (since the very start of the were trying to skip the other man who was trying
and 45 minutes) which whole “six inches of snow line altogether (not a bad to get to Rio de Janeiro.
was awfully dreadful and crisis”) and had been idea in theory except it’s The Italians crossed back
most certainly the lon- sleeping in the airport extremely obvious) (the right at the desk (with the
gest of its type that I have and were just incredibly wife, a typical old Ital- attendant doing nothing
ever had the privilege to stressed out. Between ian grandmother with about it) right before the
experience. We did, how- them and us was an Irish- a strange sense of style, Cuban’s turn (the Irish-
ever, become friends with woman (who worked as would run up to the desk woman and her father
those ahead and behind human resources person) every time someone was had left the line before
us in the line (mostly and her father, and they finished and no one did they had even gotten to
behind). It’s funny that in were travelling to Sydney. anything about it. It was the desk) and walked
types of trouble people In front of us was a Chris- so chaotic and disorga- away. Well, we finally
unite. When two people tian guy who I can’t re- nized that this could eas- figured everything out.
suffer together they bond member very much about ily just happen and it was We were going to spend
(well, honestly it wasn’t except for being a bit ridiculous). Keep in mind the night in London with
me that was doing the quiet and having a con- that the line only moved a free dinner and breakfast
bonding) and so it was versation with Dad about few feet in an hour. Well, at a fancy Hotel and then
in this case as well. The theology. In front of him things heated up, Mom board a plane to Amster-
outgoing Cuban man was a Spaniard with a Ha- got fed up with them dam as a layover to Rome
(you can always trust a waiian shirt and his wife, cheating, and she yelled (all of this not being our
Latino to be outgoing), and in front of them was at them, and showed the schedule whatsoever).
who was accompanied by a Portuguese lady who anger of the people. The So there we went, finally
his Lithuanian wife made supposedly didn’t speak Cuban then stepped in away from Heathrow after
everything incredibly in- English (note we never and used diplomacy and over 7 hours (we were
teresting and helped a lot. talked to these people got them to leave (this is only meant to be there
He served in the Ameri- except for the Cuban, his for the Portuguese) except for two) and we took the
can Military, lived in wife, the Irishwoman, and for the one guy who train to Paddington sta-
Italy for six years and had the guy in front of us). would help the lady with tion (on the train we had
been living in Seville for Well, it was actually very her transactions and then a nice conversation with
24 years, and they were fun and interesting, and leave to join his friends. an Englishman). From
probably very wealthy things heated up when The entire line stared, Paddington station we
(probably working for the people started skipping and the British Airways found the hotel, a very
CIA) and had been vaca- in line. The Portuguese people saw it and woke up fancy place with a deli-
tioning in Cape town for lady (short, in her early to the chaos and it ended cious dinner and then we
two weeks. Their situation fifties, fat like a little ball) up being very great. The went to an English pub
was very sad since, well had somehow acquired a Portuguese guys left (so (where they showed darts
first of all his father had bunch of people who were did the Italians until they on the TV) and then
flown in to see them and going to help her in case came back) and the rest finally went to sleep.
their kids for Christmas, she needed translating at of us were very happy and
and if I remember right, the desk, and in return smiled about it between
Day 5 - London to Rome
Wednesday - December 22nd, 2010

We woke up in London which parades happened before, and we got on our so really just two), and
and went down to have that went straight out of plane soon enough (man saw both the Big Ben
a lovely breakfast in the Buckingham Palace. We it was incredibly packed and the Coliseum in one
fancy four star hotel. Then walked up to the gates of though). The flight was day. It was quite a day,
we went down to the the palace and then had the shortest international a lot of disliked airport-
metro station half a block to rush back because we flight I’ve ever done. It lounging, and the airplane
from the hotel (Edger’s were already quite late. It was to Amsterdam, which descents were never nice,
Road- or something like took a bit of time to find was another big surprise, but we got out of the
that. It was right beside a station, but we made I never expected us to great ‘Six Inches of Snow
Paddington on the circle our way back to the hotel be going to the Nether- Crisis’ smoothly and
line in the tube). Dad and then got all our bags lands. It’s just a pity that were blessed with seeing
didn’t come with us, he and rushed to the airport. the entire stay was in an central London, so it was
was figuring out all the We never expected to be airport. Our stay at the good but certainly not the
itinerary details and our able to go in and explore Amsterdam airport was best.
plans and stuff for his London. It was fantas- longer than expected,
work. We had until about tic, and helped complete however, so we were there
10:30 to see the main the whole circle of ‘’go- for a few hours. Eventu-
sights of London, so we ing back to our roots” ally, we got on the plane
went straight to Westmin- (all we needed left in the and arrived in Rome, but
ster and saw the palace, trip was Scotland and by then it was dark. On
the abbey, the London Ireland). That being said, our drive from the airport
Eye and all the old British it was more than worth to our hotel, which was
buildings around them. it to delay everything just a street away from
We walked around and by spending the night the Coliseum, we saw
took pictures, loving it there (especially since the Coliseum which was
thoroughly all the way the airlines gave us the great and mighty. Dad
through, and then walked reservations as comple- had reserved our hotel
up to Trafalgar square. mentary). Well luckily for a longtime beforehand,
We passed the house of us, our exit from Heath- which was very nice, and
the Prime Minister, and row wasn’t as tumultu- it was an ok place. So we
other buildings that were ous as the entry, we had saw three major European
probably very impor- to wait in line for a half cities in one day (well, we
tant and then walked up hour but it felt like noth- can’t count our stay in the
the fat forested street on ing compared to the day Netherlands for anything
Day 6 - The Roman Ruins
Thursday - December 23rd, 2010
We woke up in our raining) and very sunny-
hotel room in central in fact it didn’t seem like
Rome and went down winter at all (not to us but
to eat breakfast, and the Italians sure thought it
then quickly went to the was cold). We saw Tra-
Coliseum. Our Hotel was jan’s Column (beside his
only a few blocks away market). We went into the
from the Coliseum; we Basilica di Santa Maria
could see it as soon as we di Arcoeli, the view was
got out of the hotel room. amazing, and the insides
The place was great, it was were grand, and we then
right beside an awesome walked through the Cam-
salami shop that had pidoglio. From that point,
been around since the we walked to the Fontana
30’s and beside a gelateria di Trevi, and sat there for
and a shop of Calabrese a little while. It was grand;
delights (Cheese, Salami, we got to know so much
Fungi). The Coliseum of Rome, so many of its
was amazing, and we saw streets. We walked all
Constantine’s Arch and the way up to the Piazza
then walked through the di Poppolo and sat there
Forum (which was very and by then the sun had
big, we saw the Circus gone down. Afterwards
Maximus and went into we walked down the Via
a museum of Roman Narrone, which was the
statues) and all over the main shopping street of
ancient Roman quarter. Rome. It was very busy,
Once we were beyond and at nighttime (it was
the Ancient marketplace nighttime by then) the
and the monument to cars weren’t allowed to
Vitoria Emmanuel II go through so it was only
(which I had never heard the pedestrians walking
about and was incredibly around and there was an
impressive) we stopped incredible amount. So
at a spectacular little we walked around some
restaurant a street away more (at one point there
where they had great Ital- was a little band playing
ian foccacia sandwiches on the street and a ran-
(our first Italian meal dom guy starting dancing
on Italian soil and it was right behind them in a
delicious) and then we ridiculous way without
had gelato which tasted them noticing and we
fantastic. Then we went laughed) and then came
out all over Rome. The back to the hotel.
weather outside was
delightful (the forecast
had said that it would be
The Roman Ruins Cont...
Day 7 - The Vatican
Friday - December 24th, 2010 dous, amazingly beautiful Catholic Mass though so
and grand, we had heard we were sad. That day we
Everyone but Wally had to buy tickets at the that the Vatican Museum did walk through the rain
to still buy their Christ- Vatican a few days before took more than a whole to an expensive Italian
mas gifts for everyone else and so we needed to go day to see and it was true. restaurant where we ate
(he bought his in Reyk- to the Vatican as soon as We certainly couldn’t another delicious Italian
javik). The plan was to possible to buy them (the have seen everything, and meal (that was incredibly
follow the plan we did in tickets were free) and so ended up leaving close to small and overpriced)
Cusco five years ago. Back we decided we would go when the day was ending and then we walked to the
then we picked names there first. Well, we took (it was raining too. The Pantheon and the Plaza di
from a hat and just had to the bus (the first time entire time it was raining Navone (the last famous
buy one gift for whoever in Italy, before we had or cloudy in Rome except places that we hadn’t
they pulled from the hat walked everywhere) and for the day before this one seen and been close to
(we had done this as we arrived in the Vatican which was wonderful). (we didn’t go inside the
went to Iceland, while soon enough. We went In the Sistine chapel we Pantheon though) except
we were on our way to into the Basilica and ex- saw the famous paint- for Castle San Angelo)
Seattle actually) and so it plored its museum. Then ing on the roof of God while it was dark. We
was going to be this year. we went to the museum touching life into Adam never ended up spreading
We also wanted to see the that was basically not a and it was actually very out to buy our Christmas
Pope do Christmas mass museum at all but rather small and surrounded by gifts so we decided to
in the Vatican (which the Sistine Chapel (and other brilliant paintings postpone Christmas until
started at 10:30) and we surrounding rooms). The just like it, and the guards the Dia de Reyes in Spain
found out that we needed entire place was tremen- kept yelling “No Photo” (January 6) so we went to
constantly, it was great. the Hotel and spent a few
We couldn’t get photos for more hours than usual
(just like one and a half-
most of which we spent
taking pictures of the
Coliseum at night) and
then went to sleep.
Day 8 - Monte Cassino
Saturday - December 25th, 2010
We woke up on Christmas had told us they would be jor cities so close togeth- and the entire place was
day and ate our breakfast open on Christmas day er. We stopped at Monte just incredibly awesome.
in the hotel (where we but now they weren’t. Cassino on our way down Perhaps one of the best
talked with some Aus- So we had to go to the to Napoli. We saw the things was the weather,
tralians) and then Dad, Airport (Again!).. We mountain and drove up we couldn’t believe that
Wally and David went went to the airport and and it was incredible. The it was Christmas day
out to get the car that we after some arguing with sight was amazing from because the weather was
were going to rent. The the woman at the counter the top, the whole valley just so great (the Italians
actual Christmas tradition we got a ‘small minivan’ could be seen with all the thought it was cold but
was ignored of course, and so we went and it mountains behind, and the Icelanders would’ve
and it was hardly notice- was great. We got back to we walked around the laughed at them because
able that it was Christmas the hotel in the minivan Abbey. It was the sight Italian weather was noth-
at all really. It was our and we loaded it up with of a major world war two ing compared to Iceland
last day in Rome, and we all our stuff. And then battle. We saw a Sherman (or most of Canada for
were going to start driv- we left and drove out of tank in the town that had that matter)). Well, once
ing down to Firmo. We Rome. It didn’t take us been left behind, and we we left Monte Cassino
took the metro to a very long to drive out through saw a graveyard for the we kept on driving and
rough part of town to get the countryside. The dead Polish soldiers in the drove past Napoli while
the car but found the car country is so small; it’s so distance. The sight from it was dark and stopped
place to be closed. They odd for us to see two ma- the Abbey was incredible at Pompeii., It turned out
that around the ruins of
Pompei the modern town
was built and the hotel we
stopped at was just down
the street from the back
entrance to the ruins.
Once we were well es-
tablished in our hotel we
walked to the main plaza,
meandered for a bit then
went back to the hotel for
some well deserved sleep.

Day 9 - Pompeiiiii and...

Sunday - December 26th, 2010
We woke up and went out much to it actually, and
into the ruins of Pompeii there were other ruins
quite early in the day. We in the area but we didn’t
got there long before the have enough time to see
tours coming out from them all, not to mention
Napoli, and it was rain- everything started to look
ing a little bit but it was the same after a while.
so empty and that made Due to the overcast, we
it incredibly wonderful. weren’t able to see the
No tourist attraction is the frightening and impos-
same when it’s inundated ing mount vesuvius very
with tourists, they’re well. But at one point
much better when they’re we were able to get some
empty. Still, though, it fun photos with it in the
was great and much big- background, imagining
ger than I had imagined, an erruption. We left the
and very worthwhile. The old ruined city at noonish
arena was great because and started down the road
it was so well preserved, again. Pompeii was just
and so were the many south of Napoli, and we
houses, and the bodies decided to go from Pom-
we saw too.There was so peii down the coastline to
Salerno. It wasn’t a very Napoli, with Vesuvius money a few days before it looked like at night. It
far journey to make in a in the background and (alongside bread), and we was incredibly congested,
day but it was incredibly then saw the beauty of had it as we drove, which and no hotels were avail-
beautiful and famously the Mediterranean. It was was fun. Doing that able (that were cheap).
amazing. Mom was the such a beautiful place, meant that Dad hardly got So we ended up stop-
one that suggested it, and got better and bet- a chance to eat though ping in Pontecegnano (a
she had always wanted ter as we drove through (he was the chauffeur for little town just south of
to go. It was the Amalfi the little towns nestled the entirety of the trip). Salerno. We had quite
Coast and really just a over the turquoise waters. The road was very tight the adventure looking for
peninsula on the southern Positano, Praiano, Amalfi, and winding, it took a a hotel, and we found a
side of the bay of Napoli they were all so beautiful surprising while, and in pizza-place with terribly
but it was an amazing up against the water with all the days we drove we cold pizza (perhaps the
peninsula. The coastline the hills jutting out like covered the least amount worst meal in our entire
was incredible and cer- teeth all around them. For of miles on this day. We stay in Italy). So we never
tainly worth spending lunch we ate the salami, drove straight through went into Napoli but saw
a day to drive through. cheese and olives Wally the city of Salerno and it from the other side of
We had a great view of had bought with his own got a good view of what its gulf.
... the Gulf of Naples
Day 10 - The Motherland
Monday - December 27th, 2010
The next day we woke up the ancestors we knew of
in Pontecegnano (I’m not from the town, and took
even positive if that was photocopies. The records
the exact place we stayed) they had went all the way
and started driving south to back to the 1850’s.
to Firmo. Firmo was Every day we had done
where Abuelita’s par- something different and
ents were from. It was a fantastically awesome (I
little town in the Cosenza was worried that this day
province of Calabria that was going to be different
spoke Albaresh (a dialect but it certainly wasn’t).
of Albanian which is due Once we left, we drove
to the Albanians immi- around the countryside a
grating hundreds of years little bit (and picked Ol-
ago). It was a longer ives straight from the tree
drive than the others we which was an atrocious
had done (yet still un- idea, now we know why
like any drive in Canada) they’re not eaten off the
and it was very beautiful tree (I still ate the whole
drive through the Italian thing though and so did
mountains. At one point Mom)). We drove straight
we passed a 7000 foot back up the coastline and
mountain isolated on its drove for a long time (we
own, but the entire time hadn’t driven as much as
we were driving through we had this day than any
beautiful countryside. other or for a long time
We got to Firmo at like for that matter) and. It
2:00 Pm, and went into was nighttime when we
the Civil office. There the arrived back at Cassino
people were incredibly and stayed at a hotel
friendly and helped us there. (It was still only
find the birth records of like ^or 7 PM when we
our ancestors, and then got there-before we had
we went with Teresa (who been stopping as soon as
turned out to be a distant the sun went down but
relative) and met her this day we had decided
parents who were second not to since we had al-
in the tiny little village in ing and one of the best
cousins to Abuelita or so ready seen all the coun-
the middle of nowhere. It parts of the trip so far
we thought. It ended up tryside anyways)). The
was the real Italy, being (alongside Monte Cassino
that we weren’t related hotel we stayed at was
with them and their Ital- and the Amalfi Coast).
but that we were related the worst we had had all
ian culture (which was We believed that because
to people they knew. It through the entire trip but
really a mix of Italian and of the Albanian link
was incredible to stay in it was the cheapest so we
Albanian culture as they we probably had some
the house of a super old certainly didn’t mind.
showed in pictures he old Albanian history, but this
purely untouched Ital-
Albanian traditions). The proved it. We found all
ian family with their old
entire place was outstand- the birth records of all
ways and run down house
Day 11 - To Tuscany
Tuesday - December 28th, 2010
We left Casino at our sumed). Once we left the
usual time and drove up old fort (which did look
north to Firenze. The plan very cool and it was a
was to see Siena, and then pity that we couldn’t go
Monterrigioni and stop at in) we headed towards
Firenze by nighttime. It the center of town. The
would have been possible first streets looked aban-
but by the time we had doned except for cars
driven up north (we were parked around, and all
on the highway east of the buildings were sup-
Rome) we had decided ported by scaffolding-like
to go to L’Aquila instead. beams. Walking through
It was mom’s Idea, and the streets, we found that
all her ideas beforehand many turned out to not be
had been great. It didn’t as old as the middle ages,
take us very much con- but rather only a few
vincing to go, and it was hundred years old (which
only like an hour off the is not a complaint- even
road (which would mean Baroque buildings would
an hour spent there and have been worthwhile to
another hour to get back). see, because they were
We drove through the old.) We had already seen
mountains and it was very so many buildings of
beautiful, and a pleas- their type that it wasn’t
ant drive. Aquila was anything new like I had
supposed to be an old hoped though. The only
medieval town nestled difference was that every
between mountains that building had metal poles
looked really awesome supporting its structure,
but that had been struck which did actually make
by an earthquake only a it interesting. I mean the
year or two ago and so place must have been
we would see both the so gorgeous before the
town and the damage. earthquake, it’s so terribly
Once we arrived in the sad that it had to happen.
city center we saw a 16th It could have been much
century star fort which worse though, there were
we immediately headed so many buildings still
towards and began en- standing after all. We ar-
circling with interest. We rived at streets that were
weren’t allowed much livelier (but the walls
further than a quarter were still held up with
around its circumference, support. Every single
because it was blocked building had wooden or
off by the military (who metal beams that made
were there to help with sure they didn’t crumble
repairing the city, we as- apart). There was still
rubble on the roads from of the same winding
the earthquake, little roundworm. Wally and I
pieces of marble that had climbed to the top of one
fallen off the buildings of the buildings (I’m not
and whatnot, but they sure what it was, it may
were disappearing fast have been the bell-tower,
because people, such as but it was right across
us, were cleaning them the street from the town
off the streets. We took cathedral), and the view
something with us; it was was amazing. Viewing it
a cut out piece of marble from above, always gives
no bigger than a mandarin you such a wonderfully
and shaped like a penta- new perspective, especial-
gon with two sides longer ly when it’s over a serene
than the rest (this is what red-tiled labyrinth such
I meant by cleaning the as Siena. By the time we
streets- we did our part). left, it was nighttime (we
Then we ate a delight- had only gotten in right
ful meal with delicious before the sun started to
artichokes that was more set), and we hoped to stop
than filling but had seem- at a hotel on the outskirts
ingly ripped us off. To our or in a smaller town on
understanding, we had the way to Firenze be-
paid the same price as all cause the hotels in the
the rough, lower-class downtown area weren’t
Italian workmen who cheap. Before the trip had
were having their lunch- started, Wally and I had
breaks but had gotten two said that we wanted to
dishes while they had go to Monteriggioni. It
three. We didn’t finish was an epic 12th century
what we had anyways, walled village on the way
so it wasn’t a big deal from Siena to Firenze
and soon we were off on (and very close to Siena
the road again. We took so it really fit both desires
another route through the quite nicely) (and we had
mountains, from Aquila, come to know it from
and it was very beautiful Assassins Creed II). Since
but had taken a bit longer it was very dark, we had
than we had expected. It to arrive in Florence by
stopped at Siena a few the end of the day (Karis
hours later. Siena was an especially wanted to)
incredibly beautiful place, but it was already very
and was completely me- dark and we had to stop
dieval and romantically beforehand (because after
awesome. The streets all, the distance between
were tightly squeezed Firenze and Siena isn’t
between the rows of tall very much but still too
stone buildings that all much). We went into
conjoined as if the houses Monterrigioni but the
were just different slices only hotel was a four star,
and we didn’t want to good pizza nonetheless with many villas along matter where we went
spend so much money so (none of the pizzas here the roads. We crossed though, the land was
we went around search- have pepperoni on them through many different beautiful in some way or
ing the area. We finally but they have salami). ecological terrains actual- another, because there
found a place in Colle di When we got the bill, ly. It was very interesting were so many towns high
Val D’Elsa which wasn’t we found we had to pay going from Calabria, to up in the mountains or
far from Monteriggioni for cutlery (two Euros a Abruzzo (where L’Aquila castles here and there that
but really in the middle person) which was ridicu- was) to Frosinone (where I would say the country-
of nowhere (which was lous and we (Mom) got Cassino was) to Tuscany side over all of Italy is
awesome. The hotel was a bit upset but paid and because the landscape fantastic.
an old villa from the 19th left anyways. We got to changed so much. No
century (that least) and see Tuscany for the first
was a very comfortable time, and it was incred-
place except incredibly ibly beautiful but at the
cold. For dinner we went same time, all of Italy has
to a somewhat nearby been beautiful so far. It
pizzeria where the pizza didn’t seem like anything
was delicious. Dad asked too different from the rest
for a pepperoni pizza and except that it was flatter,
got a pizza with noth- with roving hills instead
ing but bell peppers on of mountains, and cov-
it (pepperonccini). We ered in either grapevines
laughed, but it was very or lovely light scrubland
Day 12 - Florence intriguing sight to be-
hold, and very beautiful
whose only reason for
being so expensive was
Wednesday - December 29th, 2010 in its own way, and we purely location. I had or-
walked over it and over dered a hot chocolate (the
onto the other side where only time in the entire trip
most of everything lay. that I haven’t accepted
It’s interesting that such a Coffee when offered) and
famous bridge is exactly it ended up being incred-
where a dozen different ibly dense and pure,
high quality diamond not like the thin, watery
stores laid their shop. It powder-born stuff one
was very busy, and not as usually gets (and certainly
antique as Siena, nor as not like the diarrhea we
We woke up in our hotel up for us. We went in, had serene, but it was great had tried in Cusco five
in Colle di Val D’Esa and our coffees (my cappuc- just because of all the his- years before). Well, after
went out to Monterrigioni cino, Karis’ cappuccino, tory that it did hold within that we walked over to
to have breakfast. Wally and the espressos for its streets. It didn’t take the Duomo di Firenze
still wanted to see more everyone else) and then long to get to the Plazza (the cathedral) and the
of the little town, and we walked around a little in front of the Palazzi di outsides were pleasantly
needed to eat breakfast bit. It was a wonderful Vecchio (which was a unique and the insides
somewhere (this was the little medieval town and museum that we didn’t surprisingly humble. Me
first hotel that didn’t of- it really didn’t take long go into) and it didn’t take and Wally climbed up to
fer breakfast) and so we at all to get to know all of long after that for Karis the very top of the bell-
went to Monterrigioni it (although we weren’t to buy a tourist book on tower (414 steps, which
(which was, after all, just allowed up on the walls Florence. We had seen was half that that Wally
ten minutes away). We sadly). We left and went a giant statue of David climbed when he took
had seen a little café in straight to Firenze (Flor- with a striking resem- the stairs (which hap-
the center of town the ence) because we wanted blance to the original by pened because we rudely
night before and so we to spend the entire day Michelangelo (this was abandoned him and saved
decided to go in and have there after all. It was only the reason we had bought ourselves 200 steps) at
a look and then Wally like 11 AM when we the book in the end, to the Vatican Basilica) and
(and i) would have time arrived, and we parked see where exactly the real the sight was amazing.
to go and explore the our car far away near the one was and whether or You could see everything
city a little bit more. We town walls and walked not it was this one) out in Florence, just like in
went, and it was closed a long ways through the in the Plaza, and it was Rome and in Siena. Not
but someone saw us and streets until we arrived at surrounded by other large long after, we went into
came out to open the café Ponte Vecchio. It was an impressive marble stat- the Duomo, and then
ues. Some were originals, we decided to go back
others weren’t, but one to the hotel and see the
of the ones that were was Fortress that was nearby
the Rape of the Sabine to it (to this day, I’m not
Women (the only famous even sure which fortress
work of art placed in it was, it was just on the
Florence that we would map), but half way there
end up seeing). We then we stopped and decided
sat at a café right there to go back. We had made
in the plaza not far from it as far as the palace of
the ancient arched hut the powerful family that
that held such works of competed with the Medi-
art, and it was nice place cis, and it was a very
Mary, traipsed our way
to another town. The city
we stayed at was Prato. It
was a big city, not as big
or important as Firenze
(or as cool), but with
enough people for the
rows and rows of five-sto-
ry apartment buildings to
exist. They had a skating
rink in the town square;
it was the third or fourth
we had seen. They also
had a good Italian fast-
food place that handed
out salted sandwiches of
David by Michelangelo truck, and then kept Panini, and many good
was held). This star-fort walking and walking. shopping stores that the
appeared much bigger After arriving back at the locals stormed by the
on the map, but was far car, at perhaps 4 PM, we masses. That’s all we did
majestic place, I thought, away. We trekked the drove around and found that night except for walk
and worth seeing. Once distance there, and found that there were utterly around and sit around
we were back on the that it certainly wasn’t no worthwhile hotels to at the hotel and watch a
other side of the river worth it at all. On our sleep at for the night, movie with George Cloo-
once more, we went to way back, we took an- and, unlike Joseph and ney called the American.
the Uffizi gallery, which other route, as usual, and
is where they held many came across an archaic
famous works such as the basilica with that com-
Birth of Venus and other mon glamour of Catholic
masterpieces. The line churches yet with a grand
ups were terribly long courtyard filled with the
for entering, so we ended green lush of nature, but
up walking all the way we didn’t go in. On our
to another fortress on the way out, actually, we saw
other side of town (I had a very modern, high-
wanted to see the Royal tech system of dumping
Academy, which is where garbage into a garbage-
Day 13 - Pisa
Thursday - December 30th, 2010
We woke up in Prato and
quickly left for Pisa. The
plan was to drive to Pisa
and then drive down to
Rome from there along
the highway that followed
the coastline. We had
gotten to Pisa, the town
itself was really just typi-
cal and nothing different
from Salerno, Cassino,
Prato and all the little
towns that we had driven
through, except it seemed
a bit dirtier perhaps. Of as the lavishly overdone
course, the only worth- Vatican, but rather, was
while thing was the tower simply wonderful. Once
of Pisa and the surround- we left, we had to go
ing buildings. The lean- back to Prato because I
ing tower was certainly had forgotten my wallet
quite something, but cost in the hotel, and it wasted
15 Euros to go in so we a solid hour (or more),
didn’t bother, and instead but we were quickly on
walked into the Cathe- the road again and drove
dral right beside it. As it for a solid five hours from
turned out, it was a bell Pisa to Fiumicino. The
tower to the nearby cathe- drive there wasn’t that
dral (these two buildings special. More castles, and
and the baptistery on the a tiny glimpse of the Tyr-
other side of the Cathe- rhenian sea (hardly worth
dral were what I referred it) was all. In Fiumicino,
to when I said surround- we had trouble finding a
ing buildings). Once we hotel for that night and
had enough of looking at for the following night,
the leaning tower of Pisa, New Year’s Eve, (one
we went into the cathe- of the issues was find-
dral, which looked fantas- ing a room for three) but
tic and incredibly grand found one eventually and
on the outside and the stayed there. We went out
inside looked no differ- walking to the peer in the
ent. The great thing here darkness of the night, and
was that there weren’t so we ate at a pizzeria (we
many relics and statues were terribly sick of pizza
as in the Vatican, it was by this time in the trip).
just beautiful paintings
on the walls, and it didn’t
look as overwhelming
Day 14 - New Year’s Eve the Plaza di Popolo and
then down the main shop-
sales, but time went by
terribly slow. We decided
Friday - December 31st, 2010 ping street, and then back to go home if we weren’t
We were supposed to go and some of it was a bit up, and then down again. allowed into the Rock
into Rome from Fiumi- interesting, but the best Down by the monument Concert, and we would
cino and spend the rest of was the food that was of- to Vittorio Emmanuel II, watch the party from the
the day there until New fered beyond the Court of a big rock concert was be- TV in our hotel bedroom.
Year’s Eve (A full twelve Justice at the very end of ing prepared for that night Sure enough, the area
hours or more) but we the long line of merchan- (New Year’s Eve), and around the monument
hadn’t really planned out dise-sellers. They had the rock-star was playing was closed off, and so we
exactly what we were go- apple cider made right in as if to practice. The Ital- headed back, and by that
ing to do. We just figured front of us in a giant pot ians were all excited that point it was like nine or
that we would go up to with the apples and long they got to see him, and ten PM. We got to the ho-
the Plaza di Popollo, cinnamon sticks float- it was a big deal but we tel and tried the Icelandic
where the big party was ing in the fragrant murky had never heard of him. Schnapps we had bought
supposed to be, and then liquid, and boiled wine It was Claudio Baglioni, in the Keflavik airport,
meet up at the Monument right beside it. It was very a huge deal in Italy ap- and that stuff was aw-
to Vittorio Emmanuel. tasty and enjoyable, and parently. We were quite ful, and then we watched
We went in and parked so were the candied fruits close when we saw him, the Italian television. We
our Car near the Coli- at the stand nearby. It and we figured we would had never really found
seum (on the same street was great to have the old come back for the con- anything worthwhile on
as our hotel) and walked pre-Columbus food just cert. We looked through TV in Italy before this
up and took a bus to the how the Romans and the some shops, but I don’t (except for Who Wants
Vatican so that we could Medieval Italians ate it. think we bought anything, to be A Millionaire in
see Castel San Angelo When something is sweet and ate at the pizzeria Italian and a few silly
(which was the last major and delicious without down the street from our commercials), and this
attraction that we hadn’t any of the New World old hotel in Rome. With honestly wasn’t that much
been in or seen up close ingredients, then it’s very nothing to do, and like different. The Celebra-
for that matter(except for special and fun in its own eight hours to waste, we tion we saw on TV was
the underground sewer way and so was the case just wandered around up from a place called
systems which of course with the dried and can- and down the shopping Rimini, and not Rome,
wasn’t really consid- died fruits that we ate. street, and sat around at a and we stopped watch-
ered)). We couldn’t go in, They were right beside café where we had some ing about a half hour to
or it was a terribly huge these tremendously long coffee. We had dinner in an hour before the clock
line or something like that ropes of licorice (licorice the same pizza place too. struck. There were lots of
(Dad didn’t want to go being of course hugely It was decided that this firecrackers going off in
into any museums be- popular in Europe) that place had the best pizza the neighborhood and it
cause of all the walking, were priced by how we had tried so far. There was loud, but we stayed
and Mom wasn’t interest- much they weighed in we chatted with a Spanish in bed lamely. That’s
ed due to, more or less, a kilograms. Mine was the couple for a little while. how our New Year’s
short attention span which longest, and the fattest, At another time in the was spent. Although we
caused us to miss going and it cost 2 euros and day, we sat at the Spanish weren’t there when the
into many places), and eighty-five cents, and it Steps and watched Wally clock struck, we were
instead ended up walking was an incredible amount stick his head into the there at night-time when
all the way around the of licorice. I had to keep background of the pic- the streets were very
waterfront, northwards on on chewing and keep on tures that tourists around crowded, and a few were
the west side of the Tiber chewing, and it took a us were taking. It was fun already getting rowdy,
River. We passed many solid five hours to finish, to sit there and watch, and and so it could have been
stands and street vendors but finally all of it was see the annoying street duller.
selling random junk, conquered. We walked to vendors not make any
Day 15 - Flight to Madrid
Saturday - January 1st, 2011
This was the day we left at 8 PM. We weren’t we went to the apartment
left for Spain. We got supposed to wait around and then walked around
up and ate breakfast in at the airport at all, but downtown Madrid a little
the hotel as we had been we ended up spending bit. Since we were going
doing everyday and then the entire day there. We to be in the same city the
packed and headed out. read, and sat at Mac- entire time, we rented an
We left for the airport Donald’s and then in the apartment for the week.
and dropped off the car seats between the shops, It was a nice place, and
and then realized that and so the hours went much more relaxing than
our flight wasn’t on the by. After a full day at the changing hotel every time
schedule. Dad had gotten airport, we finally got on (not to mention that it
the departure and the ar- our planes. Both flights was better than the hotels
rival times mixed up and were very cheap, and so usually). From the very
so we didn’t have a flight everything about them start, we loved Madrid
anymore, we missed it. was poor quality. Com- and thought it was awe-
We planned out some pared to Icelandic Air some, and that’s about all
new flights for later in the and the other flights that that happened this day.
day and to help squeeze we had been on, these
in we split up. Dad and were awfully atrocious.
Wally took a flight that We arrived in Madrid.
left from Rome to Madrid Dad and Wally explored
at 4 PM and I, Karis and a little bit while waiting
Mom took a flight that for us. When we arrived,
Day 16 - Madrid and Street Performers
Sunday - January 2, 2011 it out later). It was very and she gave me and
enjoyable though, and we Wally Spanish coins from
promised to go back the before the Euro and a rare
next day. Before we left, Euro of Don Quixote on
they gave Karis her old the tail. That’s about all
baby clothes from when we did this day.
she lived there with them,

Day 17 - Separations
Monday - January 3, 2011
We went through the house. We used up the
same morning routine time very well, and saw
and then me, Wally and much in the museum (but
We woke up a bit later olives, and Dad bought Karis decided to go to El only half of it). We saw
than all the other days, jamon, and then we ate Museo Del Reina Sofia Guernica and many other
which was wonderful, authentic Spanish chur- (after much deliberation). paintings by Picasso, and
and we stayed around the ros, and it was wonderful. The entrance into the we saw many great works
house a little bit out of Then we walked through museum was great (not by Salvador Dali, includ-
tiredness and relaxation. the gypsy market and just because the museum ing the Enigma of Hitler,
First, we walked around looked at all the little was only a few blocks and a ton of other intrigu-
all the sights of Madrid, knickknacks and useless away from the house) but ing modern art. It was
such as the Entrada Del merchandise and by this because it was free for wonderful, and on the trip
Sol and the Plaza de time it was about 3 PM. students and those under to Nandi’s, we encoun-
Espana and El Palacio Straight after, we went to 18. We believe it’s like tered Mom on the metro
Real (we didn’t go inside, the house of an old friend this all over Europe, but (she had been shopping)
we just saw the outside) of Dad and Mom’s. Her it’s fantastic, and too bad and headed there together.
We saw many cool street name was Nandi, and the we didn’t know because When we arrived, Dad
performers and incred- husband was Roberto, only Karis had brought was already there (he had
ibly fewer annoying street and they were friends the necessary proof. This been in the apartment,
vendors (throughout the from the old missionary Museum was purely fo- working on his work and
entirety of Spain we only in Spain days. We went cusing on 20th century art trying to rent a car), and
saw one or two yet hun- and talked, and ate some such as the Abstractism then everyone had din-
dreds in Italy), and the snacks. I found the prize and Cubism and newer ner. It was a real Spanish
sights were outstanding) that was hidden in the weirder stuff. We only meal- at 2 PM like usual
and then we stopped at cake, as per tradition, had a few hours before we but it’s not like the Jamon
one of the Spanish mar- and it was just a little car had to go back to Nandi’s Curado and the Chorizo
kets. There Wally bought thing of no value (I threw
that we had been eating ment, Karis went with will one see olive pits on
beforehand wasn’t Span- him, and then we headed the floors of bars. Mom
ish. It was all incredibly back to the Museum de found us on her way back
delicious, and the people Reina Sofia and spent and joined us too. Even-
were amazing, and we a couple more hours. tually we all went home
had a tremendous blast. When we went back to and had our meal at 10
Soon more of Mom’s old the Apartment, we found PM just like the Span-
friends came in, and we both of them sitting in iards do, and then went
were introduced to them, a Tapas Bar, and joined to bed. It was a great day
and then a couple hours them and had a merry old of looking at the cubist
were spent socializing time. Only in Spain can and modernist art and of
and whatnot. We left one get free food along- enjoying the rich culture
mom behind to talk with side any drink, and with of that awesome country
her friends, Dad went the food changing every of Spain.
back to work at the apart- time, and only in Spain
Day 18 - Museo del Prado and Museo de Jamon
Tuesday - January 4th, 2011
We woke up and had imagined seeing. So we late and met back at the ish culture is so grand
breakfast together like we went into the Prado and apartment after another and fantastic; no wonder
usually did in the apart- got it for half off for be- short walk between them. we loved it so much.
ment with the homemade ing students (Two Euros). The entire family then This was, of course, the
stuff. It was so much bet- There is so much to see went to eat at the Museo night that we went to see
ter than the hotels, and we in there, it’s amazing. Del Jamon, which sounds Flamenco. No tour of
had so much more time to We saw the Garden of like a museum but is Spain is complete without
relax. Me and Wally de- Earthly Delights, and the really just a wonderful a bullfight, which sadly
cided to go to the Museo Seven Deadly Sins, all of café like place covered couldn’t have happened-
Del Prado. We knew we Goya’s great masterpieces completely with Jamon which led to us choosing
had no other day because and so much more. The Serrano that one can just the next classic icon of
we were going out of amount of beauty and buy at incredibly cheap Spain. We went to a bar
Madrid for the next two brilliance that radiated prices alongside man- deep in the labyrinth of
days (and the day after through the walls was in- chego cheese, chorizo the Madrid streets where
that is when we leave), sane in itself. So we met and a beer. It’s so incred- they were offering a good
and the others wanted to show at 32 Euros for
come too but they were adults and 25 Euros for
only interested in spend- kids (even though we’re
ing a couple hours there. not kids-so I don’t the
Me and Wally wanted exact reason for why we
to spend the whole day, got it cheaper). A free
so we left at 11 Am, or drink came with it, a
around there, and Mom cheap stunt to make the
and Karis went out shop- price look more worth-
ping together. We were while, like when a shirt
going to meet together and sunglasses are thrown
at 2 back at the hotel into the sale of car, but
and then we would walk it was certainly more
back to the Prado. We than worth it. I mean, we
walked there, and right up back at the apartment, ibly delicious, and it’s so didn’t regret it one bit.
by the Museum, across spent another hour there common too, it’s not a The Flamenco dancing,
the street when you go and then headed back as rare delicacy but what the with the wooden shoes
out the main entrance and a joint group. Mom didn’t people eat on a daily ba- thudding along with the
take a left, was an awe- join us, but everyone else sis, it’s just another great rhythm, and the rapid
some arms store that we came. We spent a whole reason to love Spain. guitar stroking alongside
saw as we moved towards day and really only saw Sure Italy has its Pastas the aging man singing in-
the crosswalk. Going half (there was the entire and Pizzas, but Spain has comprehensibly at the top
in, we saw an incredible third floor, and the tempo- such a unique and heav- of his voice was nothing
amount of swords and rary exhibits, and we sped enly cuisine too, and even like anything I had ever
armor lining all the walls through the entire second more so since it’s not so seen before. Well, I could
as elaborate decorations floor so most of the stuff I over-repeated and bor- go on describing it, but
that one could buy. There did see I didn’t have time ingly mass-produced to you already get the point.
were helmets and what- to properly analyze) or the point where it’s been We ended the day fantas-
not of Conquistadores, of at least it felt like it for established as a staple tically, but it wasn’t as if
Templars, of Gladiators, myself but it was better food of our cuisine too the rest of the day wasn’t
of Spartans, of Vikings for everyone else. Well, but in such a form that it’s any worse.
and so much that I never we left the Prado quite lacking in quality. Span-
Day 19 - Touring Spain
Wednesday - January 5th, 2011
This was the day before to the sides instead of one
El Dia de Los Reyes, that opened vertically. It
the day of the Kings, was nice and comfortable,
and we had it planned and quickly utilized as we
that we would open our drove away to Toledo. It
gifts to each other on this wasn’t such a far distance
night. January 6 is the to that old magnificent
12th day after Christmas castle-town, and the drive
and traditionally the day there was quite enjoyable,
when the Magi came to it of course being my
see Jesus which appar- first view of the Spanish
ently is more important countryside; we arrived at
to the Spaniards than the noon. Toledo is a beauti-
birth of Jesus itself. It’s ful city, a fine medieval
the day when the kids place that is more than
wake up in the morn- worth a visit, especially
ing and see gifts waiting when one has the whole
for them, and then open day and speaks the lan-
them gleefully which guage like us. Parking the
means, more or less, that car, we walked up to the
it’s really just Christ- gate that one controlled
mas postponed twelve access, which was now
days (or for us, a second just a relic of times past,
Christmas). Well, as you and took a look from its
remember, we decided to top. Then we continued
postpone our gift open- walking and made it up
ing to the 6th since we to the old fortified castle
had so little time before; itself, which was now an
early in the morning on army museum that looked
that day we were going to very intriguing. We de-
Seville and so we had no cided to split ways, with
time to do such a thing. me and Wally going into
Our only choice was to the museum and Karis,
open gifts on the eve of Mom and Dad wander-
El Dia de Los Reyes, ing through the streets,
in other words tonight, and the plan was the meet
which is a funny circum- at the major plaza in an
stance because most of us hour. The museum was
still hadn’t really bought very interesting, and once
our gift yet. Anyways, again, we wished we had
we woke up and waited more time, and we nearly
around as Dad got a car. forgot that we were in a
He came back with a grey castle at the same time.
Peugeot, same size but We met back together,
a bit roomier with more and had more tapas at
visibility in the front and one of the bars there (we
two trunk doors opening had tapas nearly every-
where we went), and then having their annual Dia road so it was worth it in Viking-ship model in the
walked around for a long de Los Reyes Parade the end, especially be- Keflavik airport, and then
while longer. There was as we drove around the cause of our adventure on a painting of a tall-ship
no boredom in looking streets (including a giant this one incredibly bumpy replicated as a poster
through the streets, they Shrek figure, and dozens road with more pot-holes while we walked the
looked so medieval and of little kids dressed as than a water-permeable street beyond Castel Sant
there was a nearly-ridic- Santas) but we didn’t care flower shop. We came Angelo. Karis bought
ulous amount of shops so much as we did about home and had a meal but me a sweater from one
selling swords and 16th the mills. Near the mills, I can’t quite remember of the shops in Toledo.
century replica firearms right on the mountain- what meal it was. Well, in Mom bought Karis some
(Toledo was known for top with a perfect view any case, we sat together mittens from Iceland. Dad
its steel after all). We of the scenery, was an at the sofa and opened our bought mom a ceramic
walked by the cathedral, old castle actually (the presents that night. I gave olive oil dispenser, a
by the synagogue that castle of Toledo wasn’t Wally a wooden Don salt shaker and a pepper
had been turned into a quite a castle like this, I Quixote figure (he had shaker. We were all very
church, by El Greco’s had just said so because been reading Don Quix- happy and pleased, and I
old house and all about I couldn’t remember it’s ote all through the trip believe that this may have
(don’t misunderstand; correct word, but this and had become obsessed been one of the best days
we had done more walk- was a real castle erected with it) that I had bought of the trip, although it
ing in some of the previ- with stones over the dirt at the arms shop while would certainly be hard to
ous days). While at the of the countryside). We everyone was at the Prado choose which one was the
Tapas bar (that had a ton walked through the castle, (which helps explain best of them all.
of tables outside in the in it, out onto its ramparts why I didn’t get enough
sun, so it was more like a and everywhere. I des- time with the paintings).
restaurant but wasn’t one) perately wanted to see a Wally had bought Dad a
mom had gotten into a castle during our trip but
friendly conversation (yet never thought we actu-
again) that led to us hear- ally would, and so it was
ing about a town nearby a near-ecstatically joy-
that was situated near the ful experience. Then, we
famous mills of La Man- walked over to the wind-
cha (on which much of mills and walked around
Don Quixote was based them, looking out over
around) that we had to go the vast landscape at sun-
see (as if we didn’t have set, and down at the town
an option, but I’m say- nestled there like a single
ing this merely for effect man-made boat on a vast
because we earnestly lake, so naked and small
desired to discover). So against the never-ending
we drove around Toledo, dunes of nature. On our
down its hill, and along- way back to Madrid, we
side the other side of its decided to stop by a sub-
winding river and out urban city called Aran-
through the surprisingly- juez. It was nighttime
flat Spanish countryside already, but we hoped to
until we reached a place see the old palace of dead
known as Consuegra. The Queen Isabella amidst the
town was in the middle darkness. We only saw
of nowhere and highly the outside, but it was
adorable, the people were only ten minutes off the
Day 20 - Touring Spain Round 2
Thursday - January 6th, 2011

We woke up a bit early time lounging about, but was closed, so all we got seen this before). We
than we had been in the got there about an hour to do was walk around it walked around it, and
days previous, but not and a half later. Sego- and study its walls from went all the way to the
as early as desired (you via was quite similar to across the moat (but man cathedral in the center.
know how Wally is in get- Toledo in age, it seemed, what a moat). When we We didn’t go in, but in-
ting out of bed). Quickly, but the castle itself was left, we decided to drive stead continued on to the
we went away, once we separated from the rest of around to have a good church that was started
were ready, to Segovia; the town just enough to look at it from all angles, by Saint Teresa-because
we wouldn’t have had appear to be leaning on so we drove on the roads she was from Avila- and
time to open the presents a cliff of its own (com- just at the bottom of the explored that area. Not
as we expected. The plan pared to Toledo which cliff and had quite a view. far was a statue of a bull
was to go to Segovia, then was one walled town on a After we were done we from Celtic times thou-
Avila and then Escorial. hill). We didn’t spend that went to Avila, as planned, sands of years ago that
The streets were incred- much time in the city of and it didn’t take long. It was probably used as an
ibly empty all throughout Segovia itself, and to our was another really cool idol. We bought some
the morning, since it was disappointment, not much Spanish medieval town, bread, chorizo, jamon,
essentially Christmas day, time at the castle either. It but was well known for manchego and olives for
which made for easier was closed due to El Dia being fully walled which a picnic that we were
driving and a faster trip. de Los Reyes, perhaps made it even better (but going to do (we had been
We didn’t spend so much the one day of the year it it’s not like we hadn’t meaning to do picnics
throughout the entire trip university, and looked was very great, we got a but food that’s good,
and the closest thing that at its outsides, and then great idea of what it was and it’s exciting to do
had come to it was when went into the cathedral like in that part of Spain because you never know
we ate Wally’s salami and walked around there through all the driving we what you’re going to get
and cheese-ball thing as some more. We stopped did. When we got back as your tapas. To sum it
we drove on the Amalfi and had another round to Madrid, we walked up, it was great to get to
coast) and we drove out of Tapas and then left. It around the downtown know four different cities
of town to a place called was another beautiful old area once again. This time in one day, and we did an
the four columns. The Spanish town with a ton we walked down what incredible amount as our
entire city could be seen of history (much more was perhaps the busiest last full day (and night) in
and it was a magnificent, than Madrid certainly). street at a busy hour at Spain. We certainly didn’t
beautiful view (too bad On the way back, we night, which we hadn’t end the trip badly-on the
there were a few modern drove on the same road quite done before, and contrary, our adventures
buildings); the place we that we had come on and it made the night more where at one of their
stopped was a stopping so we stopped at a old exciting, more interesting. highest levels since the
ground for pilgrimages ruin that Wally wanted to Once again, we stopped beginning.
because apparently it was take another look at (there at a Museo de Jamon,
where Saint Teresa had were many ruins we and bought a beer (from
stopped when she fled to passed on a daily basis, the tap, a small-medium
the lands of the Moors. many of them very cool, size) and Tapas (this time,
We drove on, and went so the only special thing it was just plain ham or
to Salamanca –Escorial was that it was near the olives) for only one euro.
having been abandoned. highway really). Seeing It was utterly fantastic
There we walked to the the Spanish landscape to get such cheap food
Day 21 - Spain to Italy
Friday - January 7th, 2011
Originally we thought and I suppose it could be was nice. Once again, we established fact that Best
we were supposed to considered an adventure flew with EasyJet- which Western isn’t that great,
catch a 7 AM flight, but but not really since all is an abominably cheap neither by reputation nor
we double checked and that happened was my airline, and we spent a by physical evidence.
it turned out to be a 1700 hair getting bathed (they good while just sitting in That night we ate pizza
flight so we suddenly had washed it at a sink as I line waiting for the gate at another pizzeria. This
a ton of time in Spain that lay reposed on a chair, to open (which wouldn’t place was more like a
we didn’t expect (well and they massaged the happen if they called restaurant than a pizzeria
it wasn’t that much but shampoo in a little bit us up by sections of the but the pizza was deli-
enough to sleep in- which too), and then cut. Dad plane and not the chaos cious and the people kind
is wonderful). So for our worked at the computer of not having specific and generous in allowing
last few hours in Spain, as he had been doing on seats) but its better than us to stay until well past
we decided to split up and off (but mostly off), having to suddenly grab 10 PM. It was a great
a little bit just because and Karis watched TV. everything and run to a final taste of Italy as we
everyone wanted to do Well, we gathered back different gate like what spent our last quick stop
different things. Once together at about 1 PM happened to us last time there and it was delicious,
we had breakfast, Wally and then headed off to (we saw it happen to the certainly one of the best
went to the Reina Sofia the airport together. We people at the gate nearby pizzas we had had so far.
to look at the bookstore took the bus, which is a who had the same air- Mom ordered gnocchi,
that he didn’t get a chance great way to say goodbye lines). Well, we made it to and it was very good,
to when we where there to a city. The plan was to Rome well enough, with and the rest of us all
a few days before; it arrive in Rome at about nothing lost, but missed ordered our own pizzas
didn’t take long for him 8 PM and sleep at some our shuttle to the hotel (when you order a pizza
to leave. I went to get a cheap hotel nearby for the (they wouldn’t wait ten in Italy you can never be
haircut, which I desper- night, and then wake up minutes) which wasn’t too sure what size it is).
ately needed (it wasn’t so at 4 AM to go back to the that bad because another The pizzas turned out to
noticeable when I spiked airport and take a plane to one came some twenty be huge, and only dad
it up but I never really Heathrow. So originally, minutes later. We slept was able to finish (with
bothered to do that while we thought we would in a Best Western, which the time provided) so we
on Vacation so it always be spending most of our sounds like it would’ve took the rest in a pizza
looked bad, but I didn’t afternoon in Rome but been better than the hotels box and brought it back
quite mind because I instead we spent it sitting we had been sleeping to the hotel with us (the
was on vacation after all) around in Madrid, which in before but it’s a well- plan was to eat the pizza
the next day). Well then in Europe (this is really being disappointed at not to buy at the store of the
we went to sleep on last everything that happened finding any worthwhile Reina Sofia).
time for our little trip here this day- except for Wally Spanish Civil-War posters

Day 22 - Italy to Home

Saturday - January 8 th, 2011

Not only is this the last minutes at the gate sitting been hit half way through goings could be silently
day of the trip it is quite around), it was about 2 the trip, so it got bent and left alone. It was quite a
certainly the longest day Pm when we boarded. was difficult to maneu- long trip, and it had a big
of the entire trip as well. We arrived at Iceland and ver up and down. On the impact on us. I’m quite
The plan was to board a boarded the plane to Se- second last day, it got hit positive that we’ll never
flight from Rome to Lon- attle not long after (only again and was bent so forget.
don, and from London some ten to fifteen min- bad it couldn’t be pushed
board a flight to Reykja- utes in Keflavik). While down at all. The airport
vik (five hours later) and we waited, we talked with staff broke the handle off
from Reykjavik board a a Punjabi couple from after they took it from us,
flight to Seattle (a seven Surrey, and I had a lost and so we had to lug it
hour flight) and from Se- a part of my ticket but around on a trolley or by
attle drive three hours- all that wasn’t a problem at hand for the rest of the
in one day. We woke up all. On the plane, we had way. Now it fell over and
at 4 AM in Italy (which the emergency exit seats the zipper to the out-
is about 7 PM in Vancou- (we did when we went to side pocket snapped and
ver) and then snoozed a Rome too, but it wasn’t everything fell out (this
little bit and got up at 4: the same, they were half also happened earlier at
50, and then we got down way through the plane), some point too) on the
and hade breakfast. Then otherwise known as the escalator. It wasn’t a big
we got on the shuttle van first seats one sees when deal, it was just funny.
and arrived at the airport they board the plane, the We saw your stereotypi-
not long after. After rush- ones with an incredible cal American on the drive
ing through (an act that amount of leg room and to the car park, and it
was hindered by the se- right by the doors. That was such a huge culture
curity check being closed was exciting and new, and difference from the fine-
until 7) we arrived at our the TV screens showed a ness of Europe. We drove
gate and boarded our whole new list of movies, up north, and stopped at
flight without incident. so we watched a movie Wendy’s and at the gro-
We arrived in London at called Wall Street: Money cery store, and got home
about 9:25, sat around for Never Sleeps (with Shia not long after nine. It was
a good long while and ate LaBeouf) which was so wonderful to be home,
the pizza from yesterday good (except I person- especially after such an
(yes, we brought it across ally never got to finish adventurously long trip
security-twice in fact it). Seven hours after we as that, and we were all
because we had to re- left, we arrived in Seattle very tired. It didn’t take
enter to switch terminals and it was about 5 PM. long for us to collapse on
in Heathrow). Eventually As we left the airport, our beds. That’s how the
we boarded the plane and were on the escala- trip ended. Slowly, and
going to Iceland, and tor, the fifth luggage bag with no sort of bang, and
eventually the plane left completely broke (the in the quiet of the night
(it spent a good twenty extendable handle had where our comings and

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