Senior Storyboard

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Multimedia Storyboard

Screen 1 of 10 Screen Title: Welcome Page Project Name: Scene Description

This screen shows the title,
Welcome to background photo and a brief
statement of what the program

Transformatricks entails.

Navigation: Click “Begin” to start

An interactive
lesson with Audio:
Speech: ‘Welcome to

beautiful images
Transformatricks an interactive
lesson with beautiful images,
quizzes, videos and games. At

quizzes, videos
the end of each section you will
get a question on what was
discussed. Click “Begin” to start’

and games Begin Music:


Functionality/Interactivity: The note on the left will appear from the bottom, The title will swirl around and Text Attributes:
the begin button will be highlighted to grab the user’s attention. Font styles: AR Hermann, Size:
Still Images: 36(Black and Yellow) Center,
Ar Carter, Size: 24(Red)
Centered (Left)
Ariel Rounded MT Bold, Size:
24(Black) Bottom Right
Screen 2 of 10 Screen Title: Definition and Project Name: Scene Description
Objectives Transformatricks This screen gives a description of the
word “Transformation” and states

what are the main types of
transformations. In the background an
animation takes place displaying one
of the types of transformations. Pop
Quiz what are the two categories of
transformations? State ONE difference
between them.
Navigation: Hyperlinks to bubbles
Transformations showing the definition of the
highlighted words.
involve changing the Click “Next” to continue
Speech: ‘With this interactive lesson
position, shape or size you will be exposed to transformations
as it relates to mathematics.
of objects. They can Transformations involve changing
positions, shape or size of an object.
be rigid or non-rigid. They can be rigid or non-rigid. Click
on the highlighted words to get the
meaning and examples. Click “Next”
Next to continue.’
Pop Quiz Scott_Holmes_-_04_-
Functionality/Interactivity: The note on the left will appear from the bottom, the title will swirl around and the Text Attributes:
“Next” button will be highlighted to grab the user’s attention. Users can click the highlighted words to see their Font styles: AR Hermann, Size:
definitions. The Pop Quiz will appear once the button is clicked. If the user wants to go back to any section or 36(Black and Yellow) Center, Bold
move to a new section the menu list is always available. Ar Carter, Size: 24(Red) Centered
Still Images:
Ariel Rounded MT Bold, Size:
24(Black) Bottom Right
Screen 3 of 10 Screen Title: Types of Project Name: Scene Description
Transformations Transformatricks This screen lists the types of
transformations under the headings

Types of “Rigid Transformations” and Non-

rigid Transformations”. These titles
will be links to the screens showing

the details of that type. Serves as a
table of contents.

Navigation: Hyperlinks to pages

Rigid Transformations showing the definition of and
examples of highlighted words or
Rotations the images.
Reflections Click “Next” to continue
Translations Audio:
Non-Rigid Speech: ‘Select the type of
transformation you would like to
Transformations explore. Once you have explored
all the types you can try the quiz or
Dilations game or view the summary video.
Click “Next” to continue.’
Next Music:

Functionality/Interactivity: The list on the left will have hyperlinks to the other pages, the title will swirl Text Attributes:
around and the “Next” button will be highlighted to grab the user’s attention. There will be images showing Font styles: AR Hermann, Size:
each type of transformation that can also be click to get to the type of transformation they represent. If the user 36(Black) Center, Bold
wants to go back to any section or move to a new section the menu list is always available. Ar Carter, Size: 24(Red) Centered
Still Images: Images adopted from: (Left) Agency FB Size: 14(Blue, hyperlinks)
Ariel Rounded MT Bold, Size:
24(Black) Bottom Right
Screen 4 of 10 Screen Title: Rotation Project Name: Scene Description
Transformatricks This screen gives a definition and
description of the word “Rotation”
and shows examples of rotations.
In the background an animation
takes place displaying the rotation
of a shape/image through various
angles. Pop Quiz: What are three
necessary elements when rotating
an image?

Navigation: Link to a video

demonstrating rotation.
Click “Next” to continue
Speech: ‘Rotation is when we
rotate a figure a certain degree
around a point. This is referred to
as a turn! In other words it involves
an object/image turning around a
center point. Click “Next” to

Functionality/Interactivity: The animation will demonstrate rotation of an image, each time it moves the angle Text Attributes:
and direction will be shown. The “Next” button will be highlighted to grab the user’s attention. The Pop Quiz Font styles: AR Hermann, Size:
will appear once the button is clicked. If the user wants to go back to any section or move to a new section the 36(Black and Yellow) Center, Bold
menu list is always available. Ar Carter, Size: 24(Red) Centered
Still Images: (Left)
Ariel Rounded MT Bold, Size:
24(Black) Bottom Right
Screen 5 of 10 Screen Title: Reflection Project Name: Scene Description
Transformatricks This screen gives a definition and
description of the word
“Reflection” and shows examples
of reflections. In the background an
animation takes place displaying
the reflection of a shape/image
through a mirror line.

Navigation: Link to a video

showing reflections.
Click “Next” to continue
Speech: ‘A reflection is the
flipping of an object across a
mirror line without changing its
size or shape. This is referred to as
a flip! Click “Next” to continue.’

Functionality/Interactivity: The animation will demonstrate reflection of an image, each time the mirror line Text Attributes:
will be shown. The “Next” button will be highlighted to grab the user’s attention. The Pop Quiz will appear Font styles: AR Hermann, Size:
once the button is clicked. If the user wants to go back to any section or move to a new section the menu list is 36(Black and Yellow) Center, Bold
always available. Ar Carter, Size: 24(Red) Centered
Still Images: (Left)
Ariel Rounded MT Bold, Size:
24(Black) Bottom Right
Screen 6 of 10 Screen Title: Translation Project Name: Scene Description
Transformatricks This screen gives a definition and
description of the word
“Translation” and shows examples
of translations. In the background
an animation takes place displaying
the translation of a shape/image.
Navigation: Link to a video
showing translations.
Click “Next” to continue
Speech: ‘Translation is moving an
object in space without changing it
size orientation or shape. Therefore
an image is moved from one place
to another in any direction. This is
referred to as a slide! Click on the
image to see it translated. Click
“Next” to continue.’

Functionality/Interactivity: The animation will demonstrate translation of an image, each time it moves the Text Attributes:
direction will be shown. The “Next” button will be highlighted to grab the user’s attention. The Pop Quiz will Font styles: AR Hermann, Size:
appear once the button is clicked. If the user wants to go back to any section or move to a new section the 36(Black and Yellow) Center, Bold
menu list is always available. Ar Carter, Size: 24(Red) Centered
Still Images: (Left)
Ariel Rounded MT Bold, Size:
24(Black) Bottom Right
Screen 7 of 10 Screen Title: Dilations Project Name: Scene Description
Transformatricks This screen gives a definition and
description of the word “Dilation”
and shows examples of dilations.
In the background an animation
takes place displaying the resizing
of a shape/image.

Navigation: Hyperlinks to bubbles

showing the definition of the
highlighted words.
Click “Next” to continue
Speech: ‘Dilation is when we
enlarge or shrink a figure. This can
be referred to as resizing the shape.
Click “Next” to continue.’

Functionality/Interactivity: The animation will demonstrate dilation of an image, each time it resized the scale Text Attributes:
will be shown. The “Next” button will be highlighted to grab the user’s attention. The Pop Quiz will appear Font styles: AR Hermann, Size:
once the button is clicked. If the user wants to go back to any section or move to a new section the menu list is 36(Black and Yellow) Center, Bold
always available. Ar Carter, Size: 24(Red) Centered
Still Images: (Left)
Ariel Rounded MT Bold, Size:
24(Black) Bottom Right
Screen 8 of 10 Screen Title: Quiz Project Name: Scene Description
Transformatricks This quiz comprises of 5 true and
false questions and 5 Multiple
choice items on all four
transformations. Once an answer
is selected students will see if their
answer is correct or not.

Navigation: Links from each

answer to a sticker saying for
example great job if correct or try
again if incorrect.
Click “Next” to continue
Speech: ‘This quiz consists of 10
questions, 5 true or false and 5
multiple choice items. Select the
answer corresponding to your
answer. For the T/F you only have
one attempt however for the
multiple choices you have 2
attempts. Click “Next” to

Functionality/Interactivity: Checkboxes will be used to show the answer selected. Students will get their total Text Attributes:
score once they click the finish button. They cannot leave the quiz until all questions have been attempted. If Font styles: AR Hermann, Size:
the user wants to go back to any section or move to a new section the menu list is always available. 36(Black and Yellow) Center, Bold
Still Images: Ar Carter, Size: 24(Red) Centered
Ariel Rounded MT Bold, Size:
24(Black) Bottom Right
Screen 9 of 10 Screen Title: Game Project Name: Scene Description
Transformatricks This screen gives users the
opportunity of exploring the four
transformations. This game will be
in the form of a card matching
game where the user will have to
find pairs of the different types of
transformations from the
instructions given. All instructions
will be given at once.

Navigation: Click “Start” to begin

the game. Click “Instructions” for
an explanation.
Click each card to turn them over.
Click “Next” to continue.
Speech: ‘Hi there. Click on the
instructions button for how to play
the game. Once you understand
click “Start” to begin. The
instructions are available at any
time during the game just click
Help button. Click “Finish” to end
the game. Click “Next” to

Functionality/Interactivity: The user is able to flip the cards as many times as they like however they are only Text Attributes:
given 5 seconds to look at it. They have a help button to refresh their memory of the instruction. If the user Font styles: AR Hermann, Size:
wants to go back to any section or move to a new section the menu list is always available. 36(Black and Yellow) Center, Bold
Still Images: Ar Carter, Size: 24(Red) Centered
Ariel Rounded MT Bold, Size:
24(Black) Bottom Right
Screen 10 of 10 Screen Title: Summary Video Project Name: Scene Description
Transformatricks On this screen videos are shown
highlighting all four

Navigation: Click on play to view

each video.
Click “Next” to continue
Speech: ‘Let us review what we
have learned. Click play when you
are ready. Click “Exit” to leave the
lesson or you can go back to any of
the other pages from the links
below. Hope you enjoyed your
time, see you soon!”

Functionality/Interactivity: Click on play to view each video. If the user wants to go back to any section the Text Attributes:
menu list is always available. Font styles: AR Hermann, Size:
Still Images: 36(Black and Yellow) Center, Bold
Ar Carter, Size: 24(Red) Centered
Ariel Rounded MT Bold, Size:
24(Black) Bottom Right

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