CA 2 Essay Pre Test 1 Leadership and Management

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Paper Work Activity on CA 2

Glydelyn J. San Diego, BSN 4

School of Health and Natural Sciences, Nursing Department

Saint Mary’s University

May 3, 2020

Paper Work Activity on Health Education

This paper work activity aims to answer the following questions:

1. In the hospital where you practice your related learning experience, you were oriented

about it's setting, vision, mission, philosophy, and objectives together with that of the nursing

division. Discuss the hospital's setting, vision, mission, philosophy, and objectives together

with that of the nursing division.

Setting of a hospital is one of the basic yet important matter for rendering health care
services to patients and with respect to setting of a hospital first of all it is worth considering the
environment theory of Florence Nightingale in which she stated “the act of utilizing the
environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery.” in short she stressed the importance of
the relationship of hospital setting and patients thereby all that surrounds human beings is
considered in relation to their state of health.

R2TMC’s undoubtedly is regional hospital because of their outstanding service

considering that it is a government hospital in a rural area. From my point of view their setting is
convenient basing from their very competent staffs and numerous patients who recovers fast
from their treatment on top of that when it comes to the hospital’s philosophy, mission, and
vision they

2. Utilizing the organizing principles, criticize the organizational chart of the hospital where

you practice your related learning experience and that of its Nursing Service/Division. Give

evidence that the mission, philosophy, and objectives of the Nursing Service are reflected in

the organizational structure.


3. Find the number of nursing personnel needed for 250 patients in Region 2 Trauma and

Medical Center.

1. Tertiary Hospital

2. Minimal Care = 250 x .30 = 75

Intermediate Care = 250 x .45 = 112.5

Intensive Care = 250 x .15 = 37.5

Highly Sp. Care = 250 x .1 = 25

Total: 250

3. Minimal Care = 1.5hrs x .30 = 112.5

Intermediate Care = 3hrs x .45 = 337.5

Intensive Care = 4.5hrs x .15 = 168.75

Highly Sp. Care = 6hrs x 25 = 150

Total: 768.75 NCH/day

4. 768.75 x 365 = 280, 593.75 NCH/year

5. 40hrs/wk = 213 x 8 = 1704 hrs/yr

6. Nursing Personnel

280, 593.75/1704 hrs/year = 165 personnel

165 x .15 = 25 relievers

165 + 25 = 190 personnel

7. Tertiary = 65:35

190 x .65 = 124 professional

190 x .35 = 67 non-professional


8. Distribution

Professionals: Non-Professional:

124 x .45 = 56 AM 67 x .45 = 30 AM

124 x .37 = 46 PM 67 x .37 = 25 PM

124 X .18 = 22 NIGHT 67 x .18 = 12 NIGHT

4. What is performance appraisal? What are its purposes? What are the factors contributing

to an effective performance appraisal system?

Nursing management process is the process of working through staff members to be able
to provide comprehensive quality care to the patient which includes planning, organizing,
staffing, directing and controlling wherein task of the nurse manager is to plan, organize, direct
and control available financial, material, and human resources in order to provide
effective,economic care to groups of patients.

Under controlling is performance appraisal which is very important tool for the overall
evaluation of the whole nursing management process or the use of formal authority to assure
achievement of goals and objectives whereas action is taken to correct discrepancies between
this standards and actual performance.

In order to achieve effective performance appraisal system it should be performed by the person
who is trained and supported by the administrative setup thus plans for policing the appraisal has
the full support of top management related to job description stated the criteria of evaluation
that clearly applies procedures of appraisal that should be consistent besides this another
factor is it should be based on the philosophy, purpose and objectives of the ward or unit,
wherein the job description should be written in such a manner that standards of job
performance can be identified for each job and that the appraisal tool used should be suited to the
purposes for which it will be utilized and is accompanied by clear instructions for its use

In conclusion performance appraisal is considered to be fair and productive by all who

participate in it for the good of the whole team and achieve the goal on providing optimum
health care service to every patients.

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