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PARENTAL AUTHORITY the issue on custody and support shall have been

determined in a proper case.

ISSUE: Whether the custody of the minor should be
given to the mother.
Petitioner Daisie T. David worked as secretary of private
Rule 102, §1 of the Rules of Court provides that "the
respondent Ramon R. Villar, a businessman in Angeles
writ of habeas corpus  shall extend to all cases of illegal
City. Private respondent is a married man and the father
confinement or detention by which any person is
of four children, all grown-up. After a while, the
deprived of his liberty, or by which the rightful custody
relationship between petitioner and private respondent
of any person is withheld from the person entitled
developed into an intimate one, as a result of which a
thereto." In the case of Salvaña v.  Gaela, it was held
son, Christopher J., was born on March 9, 1985 to them.
that the writ of habeas corpus  is the proper remedy to
Christopher J. was followed by two more children, both
enable parents to regain the custody of a minor
girls, namely Christine, born on June 9, 1986, and Cathy
daughter even though the latter be in the custody of a
Mae on April 24, 1988.
third person of her free will because the parents were
compelling her to marry a man against her will.
The children of Daisie were freely brought by Villar to
his house as they were eventually accepted by his legal
In the case at bar, Christopher J. is an illegitimate child
since at the time of his conception, his father, private
respondent Ramon R. Villar, was married to another
In the summer of 1991, Villar asked Daisie to allow
woman other than the child's mother. As such, pursuant
Christopher J., then six years of age, to go with his
to Art. 176 of the Family Code, Christopher J. is under
family to Boracay. Daisie agreed, but after the trip, Villar
the parental authority of his mother, the herein
refused to give back the child. Villar said he had
petitioner, who, as a consequence of such authority, is
enrolled Christopher J. at the Holy Family Academy for
entitled to have custody of him. Since, admittedly,
the next school year.
petitioner has been deprived of her rightful custody of
her child by private respondent, she is entitled to
On July 30, 1991, Daisie filed a petition for habeas
issuance of the writ of habeas corpus.
Indeed, Rule 1021 §1 makes no distinction between the
RTC: The rightful custody of the minor Christopher J. T.
case of a mother who is separated from her husband
David is given to the natural mother and the respondent
and is entitled to the custody of her child and that of a
is ordered to give a temporary support of P3,000.00 a
mother of an illegitimate child who, by law, is vested
month to the subject minor and his siblings.
with sole parental authority, but is deprived of her
rightful custody of her child.
CA: Reversed, holding that the petition is not proper in
a habeas corpus  case. Law and jurisprudence wherein
The fact that private respondent has recognized the
the question of custody of a minor child may be decided
minor child may be a ground for ordering him to give
in a habeas corpus  case contemplate a situation where
support to the latter, but not for giving him custody of
the parents are married to each other but are
the child. Under Art. 213 of the Family Code, "no child
separated. Furthermore, rspondent is financially well-
under seven years of age shall be separated from the
off, he being a very rich businessman; whereas,
mother unless the court finds compelling reasons to
petitioner depends upon her sisters and parents for
order otherwise
support. In fact, he financially supported petitioner and
her three minor children. It is, therefore, for the best
Nor is the fact that private respondent is well-off a
interest of Christopher J that he should temporarily
reason for depriving petitioner of the custody of her
remain under the custody of respondent-appellant until
children, especially considering that she has been able
to rear and support them on her own since they were
born. Petitioner is a market vendor earning from P2,000 be sadistic and irresponsible. On January 14 1979, Julie
to P3,000 per month in 1993 when the RTC decision was Ann and Wendell died, each from a single gunshot
rendered. She augments her income by working as wound inflicted with the same firearm licensed in the
secretary at the Computer System Specialist, Inc. name of petitioner Cresencio Libi.
earning a monthly income of P4,500.00. She has an
arrangement with her employer so that she can Private Respondents, bereaved over the death
personally attend to her children.  of their daughter submitted that Wendell caused her
death by shooting her with the said firearm and
Although the question of support is proper in a thereafter turning the gun on himself to commit suicide.
proceeding for that purpose, the grant of support in this On the other hand, Petitioners, puzzled and likewise
case is justified by the fact that private respondent has distressed over the death of their son, rejected the
expressed willingness to support the minor child. The imputation and contended that an unknown third party,
order for payment of allowance need not be whom Wendell may have displeased or antagonized by
conditioned on the grant to him of custody of the child. reason of his work as narcotics informer of the
Under Art. 204 of the Family Code, a person obliged to Constabulary Anti-Narcotics unit (CANU), must have
give support can fulfill his obligation either by paying caused Wendell’s death and then shot Julia Ann to
the allowance fixed by the court or by receiving and eliminate any witness and thereby avoid identification.
maintaining in the family dwelling the person who is
entitled to support unless, in the latter case, there is "a As a result of the tragedy, parents of Julie Ann
moral or legal obstacle thereto." filed an action to recover damages against the parents
of Wendell to recover damages arising from the latter’s
In the case at bar, as has already been pointed out, viarious liability under Art. 2180 of the Civil Code.
Christopher J., being less than seven years of age at
least at the time the case was decided by the RTC, ISSUE: WON Petitioners are liable for damages under
cannot be taken from the mother's custody. Even now Art. 2180 of the Civil Code.
that the child is over seven years of age, the mother's
custody over him will have to be upheld because the RULING: Yes.
child categorically expressed preference to live with his ‘The father, and in case of his death or incapacity, the
mother. Under Art. 213 of the Family Code, courts must mother, are responsible for the damages caused by
respect the "choice of the child over seven years of age, their minor children who live in their company.’
unless the parent chosen is unfit" and here it has not
been shown that the mother is in any way unfit to have "Having been grossly negligent in preventing Wendell
custody of her child. Indeed, if private respondent loves Libi from having access to said gun which was allegedly
his child, he should not condition the grant of support kept in a safety deposit box, defendants-appellees are
for him on the award of his custody to him  subsidiarily liable for the natural consequence of the
criminal act of said minor who was living in their
CRESENCIO LIBI * and AMELIA YAP LIBI, Petitioners, v. company. This vicarious liability of herein defendants-
HON. INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, FELIPE appellees has been reiterated by the Supreme Court in
GOTIONG and SHIRLEY GOTIONG, Respondents. many cases, prominent of which is the case of Fuellas v.
Cadano, et. al. (L-14409, Oct. 31, 1961, 3 SCRA 361-
FACTS: Respondent spouses are the legitimate parent of 367), which held that:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
Julie Ann Gotiong who, at the time of deplorable
incident which took place, was an 18-year old first year ‘The subsidiary liability of parents for damages caused
commerce student; while petitioners are parents of by their minor children imposed by Article 2180 of the
Wendell Libi, then a minor between 18 and 19 years of New Civil Code covers obligations arising from both
age living with aforesaid parents, and who also died in quasi-delicts and criminal offenses.’
the same event.
‘The subsidiary liability of parent’s arising from the
Two years before their deaths, Julie Ann Goting criminal acts of their minor children who acted with
and Wendell Libi were sweethearts unit Julie Ann broke discernment is determined under the provisions of
up her relationship with Wendell after she found him to Article 2180, N.C.C. and under Article 101 of the Revised
Penal Code, because to hold that the former only covers The relationship of the couple deteriorated until
obligations which arise from quasi-delicts and not they decided to separate sometime in 1990. Teresita
obligations which arise from criminal offenses, would blamed Reynaldo for the break-up, stating he was
result in the absurdity that while for an act where mere always nagging her about money matters. Reynaldo
negligence intervenes the father or mother may stand contended that Teresita was a spendthrift, buying
subsidiarily liable for the damages caused by his or her expensive jewelry and antique furniture instead of
son, no liability would attach if the damage is caused attending to household expenses. Teresita left Reynaldo
with criminal intent.’ (3 SCRA 361-362). and the children and went back to California. She
claims, however, that she spent a lot of money on long
". . . In the instant case, minor son of herein defendants- distance telephone calls to keep in constant touch with
appellees, Wendell Libi somehow got hold of the key to her children.
the drawer where said gun was kept under lock without
defendant-spouses ever knowing that said gun had Reynaldo brought his children home to the
been missing from that safety box since 1978 when Philippines, but because his assignment in Pittsburgh
Wendell Libi had) a picture taken wherein he proudly was not yet completed, he was sent back by his
displayed said gun and dedicated this picture to his company. He had to leave his children with his sister, co
sweetheart, Julie Ann Gotiong; also since then, Wendell petitioner Guillerma Layug and her family. Teresita
Libi was said to have kept said gun in his car, in keeping claims that she did not immediately follow her children
up with his supposed role of a CANU agent . . ." because Reynaldo filed a criminal case for bigamy
chanrobles against her and she was afraid of being arrested. She
legally married to Roberto Lustado on December 17,
REYNALDO ESPIRITU and GUILLERMA LAYUG v. CA and 1984 in California and less than a year later, she had
TERESITA MASAUDING already commenced living with Reynaldo. The judgment
G. R. No. 115640, 15 March 1995, Third Division, of conviction in the bigamy case was actually rendered
(MELO, J.) only on September 29, 1994. On December 8, 1992 she
“While the bonds between a mother and her small child filed the petition for a writ of habeas corpus against
are special in nature, either parent, whether father or herein two petitioners to gain custody over the
mother, is bound to suffer agony and pain if deprived of children.
custody. One cannot say that his or her suffering is
greater than that of the other parent. It is not so much On June 30, 1993, the trial court dismissed the
the suffering, pride, and other feelings of either parent petition for habeas corpus. It suspended Teresita's
but the welfare of the child which is the paramount parental authority over Rosalind and Reginald and
consideration.” declared Reynaldo to have sole parental authority over
them but with rights of visitation to be agreed upon by
FACTS: the parties and to be approved by the Court.
Petitioner Reynaldo Espiritu employed by
National Steel Corp and respondent Teresita On February 16, 1994, the Court of Appeals
Masauding, a nurse in a local hospital first met reversed the trial court's decision. It gave custody to
sometime in 1976 in Iligan City. Teresita left for Los Teresita and visitation rights on weekends to Reynaldo.
Angeles, California to work as a nurse and eventually Petitioners contended that the respondent court
acquired immigrant status while Reynaldo was sent by resolved the question of custody over the children
his employer to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as its liaison through an automatic and blind application of the age
officer. Reynaldo and Teresita then began to maintain a proviso of Article 363 of the Civil Code which reads:
common law relationship of husband and wife. On
August 16, 1986, their daughter, Rosalind Therese, was Art. 363. In all questions on
born. On October 7, 1987, while they were on a brief the care, custody, education and
vacation in the Philippines, Reynaldo and Teresita got property of the children, the latter's
married, and upon their return to the United States, welfare shall be paramount. No
their second child, a son, this time, and given the name mother shall be separated from her
Reginald Vince, was born on January 12, 1988. child under seven years of age, unless

the court finds compelling reasons for the habit of flirting from one man to another does not
such measure. fall under "compelling reasons" is neither meritorious
nor applicable in this case. Not only are the children
and of Article 213 of the Family Code which in turn over seven years old and their clear choice is the father,
provides: but the illicit or immoral activities of the mother had
already caused emotional disturbances, personality
Art. 213. In case of separation conflicts, and exposure to conflicting moral values, at
of the parent’s parental authority shall least in Rosalind. This is not to mention her conviction
be exercised by the parent designated for the crime of bigamy, which from the records
by the Court. The Court shall take into appears to have become final.
account all relevant considerations,
especially the choice of the child over It must be noted that both Rosalind and
seven years of age unless the parent Reginald are now over 7 years of age. They understand
chosen is unfit. the difference between right and wrong, ethical
behavior and deviant immorality. Their best interests
ISSUE: would be better served in an environment characterized
Whether or not the custody of the 2 children by emotional stability and a certain degree of material
should be awarded to the mother. sufficiency. There is nothing in the records to show that
Reynaldo is an "unfit" person under Article 213 of the
RULING: Family Code. In fact, he has been trying his best to give
NO. The task of choosing the parent to whom the children the kind of attention and care which the
custody shall be awarded is not a ministerial function mother is not in a position to extend.
to be determined by a simple determination of the age
of a minor child. The paramount criterion must always
be the child's interests. Discretion is given to the court LEOUEL SANTOS, SR. v. COURT OF APPEALS, and
to decide who can best assure the welfare of the child, SPOUSES LEOPOLDO and OFELIA BEDIA
and award the custody on the basis of that G.R. No. 113054 March 16, 1995
In the present case, both Rosalind and Reginald
are now over seven years of age. Rosalind celebrated Petitioner Leouel Santos, Sr., an army lieutenant, and
her seventh birthday on August 16, 1993 while Reginald Julia Bedia a nurse by profession, were married in Iloilo
reached the same age on January 12, 1995. Once the City in 1986. Their union beget only one child, Leouel
choice has been made, the burden returns to the court Santos, Jr. who was born on 1987. From the time the
to investigate if the parent thus chosen is unfit to boy was released from the hospital until sometime
assume parental authority and custodial responsibility. thereafter, he had been in the care and custody of his
maternal grandparents, private respondents herein,
While the bonds between a mother and her Leopoldo and Ofelia Bedia. Petitioner and wife Julia
small child are special in nature, either parent, whether agreed to place Leouel Jr. in the temporary custody of
father or mother, is bound to suffer agony and pain if the latter's parents. The latter alleged that they paid for
deprived of custody. One cannot say that his or her all the hospital bills, as well as the subsequent support
suffering is greater than that of the other parent. It is of the boy because petitioner could not afford to do so.
not so much the suffering, pride, and other feelings of The boy's mother left for the United States in May 1988
either parent but the welfare of the child which is the to work. Petitioner alleged that he is not aware of her
paramount consideration. whereabouts and his efforts to locate her in the United
States proved futile. Private respondents claim that
The Court is inclined to sustain the findings and although abroad, their daughter Julia had been sending
conclusions of the regional trial court because it gave financial support to them for her son. Private
greater attention to the choice of Rosalind and respondents contend that through deceit and false
considered in detail all the relevant factors bearing on pretensions, petitioner abducted the boy.
the issue of custody. The argument that moral laxity or
The spouses Bedia then filed a "Petition for Care,
Custody and Control of Minor Ward Leouel Santos Jr.,". The law vests on the father and mother joint parental
The trial court awarded custody of the child to his authority over the persons of their common
grandparents. The CA affirmed. children.  In case of absence  or death of either parent,
the parent present shall continue exercising parental
The Court of Appeals erred, according to petitioner, in authority.  Only in case of the parents' death, absence
awarding custody of the boy to his grandparents and or unsuitability may substitute parental authority be
not to himself. He contends that since private exercised by the surviving grandparent. The situation
respondents have failed to show that petitioner is an obtaining in the case at bench is one where the mother
unfit and unsuitable father, substitute parental of the minor Santos, Jr., is working in the United States
authority granted to the boy's grandparents under Art. while the father, petitioner Santos, Sr., is present. Not
214 of the Family Code is inappropriate. On the other only are they physically apart but are also emotionally
hand, private respondents aver that they can provide an separated. There has been no decree of legal separation
air-conditioned room for the boy and that petitioner and petitioner's attempt to obtain an annulment of the
would not be in a position to take care of his son since marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity of
he has to be assigned to different places. They also his wife has failed. 
allege that the petitioner did not give a single centavo
for the boy's support and maintenance. Besides, Julia The considerations made are insufficient to defeat
Bedia Santos, their daughter, had entrusted the boy to petitioner's parental authority and the concomitant
them before she left for the United States. right to have custody over the minor Leouel Santos, Jr.,
Furthermore, petitioner's use of trickery and deceit in particularly since he has not been shown to be an
abducting the child in 1990, after being hospitably unsuitable and unfit parent. Private respondents'
treated by private respondents, does not speak well of demonstrated love and affection for the boy,
his fitness and suitability as a parent. notwithstanding, the legitimate father is still preferred
over the grandparents. The latter's wealth is not a
Issue: deciding factor, particularly because there is no proof
that at the present time, petitioner is in no position to
Who should properly be awarded custody of the minor support the boy. The fact that he was unable to provide
Leouel Santos, Jr.? financial support for his minor son from birth up to over
three years when he took the boy from his in-laws
Ruling: without permission, should not be sufficient reason to
strip him of his permanent right to the child's custody.
Parental authority and responsibility are inalienable and While petitioner's previous inattention is inexcusable
may not be transferred or renounced except in cases and merits only the severest criticism, it cannot be
authorized by law.  The right attached to parental construed as abandonment. His appeal of the
authority, being purely personal, the law allows a unfavorable decision against him and his efforts to keep
waiver of parental authority only in cases of adoption, his only child in his custody may be regarded as serious
guardianship and surrender to a children's home or an efforts to rectify his past misdeeds. To award him
orphan institution. When a parent entrusts the custody custody would help enhance the bond between parent
of a minor to another, such as a friend or godfather, and son. It would also give the father a chance to prove
even in a document, what is given is merely temporary his love for his son and for the son to experience the
custody and it does not constitute a renunciation of warmth and support which a father can give.
parental authority. Even if a definite renunciation is
manifest, the law still disallows the same.  His being a soldier is likewise no bar to allowing him
custody over the boy. So many men in uniform who are
The father and mother, being the natural guardians of assigned to different parts of the country in the service
unemancipated children, are duty-bound and entitled of the nation, are still the natural guardians of their
to keep them in their custody and  children.
company. The child's welfare is always the paramount
consideration in all questions concerning his care and
Petitioner's employment of trickery in spiriting away his New York, she changed her mind and continued
boy from his in-laws, though unjustifiable, is likewise working.
not a ground to wrest custody from him.
When Nerissa came home a few days, before
Still and all, the law considers the natural love of a Ray II's first birthday, the couple was no longer on good
parent to outweigh that of the grandparents, such that terms. That their love for each other was fading became
only when the parent present is shown to be unfit or apparent from their serious quarrels. Petitioner did not
unsuitable may the grandparents exercise substitute want to live near her in-laws and rely solely on her
parental authority, a fact which has not been proven husband's meager income of P5,000.00.1 She longed to
here. be with her only child but he was being kept away from
her by her husband.
The strong bonds of love and affection possessed by
private respondents as grandparents should not be seen On the other hand, Ray wanted to stay here,
as incompatible with petitioner' right to custody over where he could raise his son even as he practiced his
the child as a father. Moreover, who is to say whether profession. They could live comfortably on his
the petitioner's financial standing may improve in the P15,000.00 monthly income2 as they were not
future? burdened with having to pay any debts.

NERISSA Z. PEREZ v. THE COURT OF APPEALS and RAY Despite mediation by the priest who solemnized
C. PEREZ their marriage, the couple failed to reconcile.On July 26,
G.R. No. 118870 March 29, 1996, SECOND DIVISION 1993, Nerissa Z. Perez filed a petition for habeas
corpus3 asking respondent Ray C. Perez to surrender the
It has long been settled that in custody cases, custody of their son, Ray Z. Perez II, to her.
the foremost consideration is always the welfare and
best interest of the child. The fact that the mother Respondent Court of Appeals ruled in favor of
works on twelve-hour shifts thrice weekly, at times, the boy's father Ray C. Perez, reversing the trial court's
even at night is not a compelling reason for her to be decision to grant custody to Nerissa Z. Perez, the child's
separated from her child. mother.Petitioner's motion for reconsideration having
been denied, she filed the instant petition for review
Ray Perez, private respondent, is a doctor of where the sole issue is the custody of Ray Perez II, now
medicine practicing in Cebu while Nerissa, his wife who three years old.
is petitioner herein, is a registered nurse. They were
married in Cebu on December 6, 1986. After six ISSUE: Should custody of the 3-year old child be granted
miscarriages, two operations and a high-risk pregnancy, in favor of the mother?
petitioner finally gave birth to Ray Perez II in New York
on July 20, 1992. RULING:

Petitioner who began working in the United Yes. When the parents of the child are separated,
States in October 1988.She became a resident alien in Article 213 of the Family Code is the applicable law. It
February 1992. Private respondent stayed with her in provides:
the U.S. twice and took care of her when she became
pregnant. Unlike his wife, however, he had only a Art. 213. In case of separation of the
tourist visa and was not employed. On January 17, parents, parental authority shall be
1993, the couple and their baby arrived in Cebu. After a exercised by the parent designated by
few weeks, only Nerissa returned to the U.S. She the Court. The Court shall take into
alleged that they came home only for a five-week account all relevant considerations,
vacation and that they all had round-trip tickets. especially the choice of the child over
However, her husband stayed behind to take care of his seven years of age, unless the parent
sick mother and promised to follow her with the baby. chosen is unfit.
According to Ray, they had agreed to reside
permanently in the Philippines but once Nerissa was in
No child under seven years of age shall The decision under review casts doubt on
be separated from the mother.  unless petitioner's capability to take care of the child,
the court finds compelling reasons to particularly since she works on twelve-hour shifts thrice
order otherwise. weekly, at times, even at night. There being no one to
help her look after the child, it is alleged that she cannot
Since the Code does not qualify the word properly attend to him. This conclusion is as
"separation" to mean legal separation decreed by a unwarranted as it is unreasonable.
court, couples who are separated in fact, such as
petitioner and private respondent, are covered within First, her present work schedule is not so
its terms. unmanageable as to deprive her of quality time for Ray
II, applying time management principles judiciously.
The Revised Rules of Court also contains a Second, many a mother, finding herself in such a
similar provision mandates that a child under seven position, has invited her own mother or relative to join
years of age shall not be separated from his mother her abroad, providing the latter with plane tickets and
unless the court finds compelling reasons to order liberal allowances, to look after the child until he is able
otherwise. The use of the word "shall" in Article 213 of to take care of himself. Others go on leave from work
the Family Code and Rule 99, section 6 of the Revised until such time as the child can be entrusted to day-care
Rules of Court connotes a mandatory character. centers. Delegating child care temporarily to qualified
persons who run day-care centers does not detract
The general rule that a child under seven years from being a good mother.
of age shall not be separated from his mother finds
its raison d'êtrein the basic need of a child for his Third, private respondent's work schedule was not
mother's loving care. Only the most compelling of presented in evidence at the trial. Although he is a
reasons shall justify the court's awarding the custody of general practitioner, the records merely show that he
such a child to someone other than his mother, such as maintains a clinic, works for several companies on
her unfitness to exercise sole parental authority on the retainer basis and teaches part-time. Hence,
following grounds: neglect, respondent court's conclusion that "his work schedule is
abandonment,15 unemployment and flexible (and h)e can always find time for his son" is not
immorality,  habitual drunkenness, drug addiction, well-founded. Fourth, the fact that private respondent
maltreatment of the child, insanity and being sick with a lives near his parents and sister is not crucial in this
communicable disease. case. Fifth, petitioner's work schedule cited in the
respondent court's decision is not necessarily
It has long been settled that in custody permanent. Hospitals work in shifts and, given a
cases,   the foremost consideration is always the mother's instinctive desire to lavish upon her child the
welfare and best interest of the child. Courts invariably utmost care, petitioner may be expected to arrange her
look into all relevant factors presented by the schedule in such a way as to allocate time for him.
contending parents, such as their material resources, Finally, it does not follow that petitioner values her
social and moral situations.In the case at bench, career more than her family simply because she wants
financial capacity is not a determinative factor inasmuch to work in the United States.
as both parties have demonstrated that they have
ample means. In the instant case, it has been shown that petitioner
earned enough from her job to be able to construct a
Respondent court stated that petitioner has no house for the family in Mandaue City. The record
permanent place of work in the U.S.A. and has taken describes sketchily the relations between Ray and
this point against her. The records, however, show that Nerissa Perez. The transcripts of the three hearings are
she is employed in a New York hospital 22 and was, at the inadequate to show that petitioner did not exert
time the petition was filed, still abroad. She testified earnest efforts and make sacrifices to save her
that she intends to apply for a job elsewhere, marriage.
presumably to improve her work environment and
augment her income, as well as for convenience.  The mother's role in the life of her child, such as Ray II,
is well-nigh irreplaceable. In prose and poetry, the
depth of a mother's love has been immortalized times Later, petitioner, Bonifacia Vancil was appointed legal
without number, finding as it does, its justification, not and judicial guardian over the persons and estate of
in fantasy but in reality. Valerie Vancil and Vincent Vancil Jr.. In August 1987, the
natural mother of the minors, Helen Belmes, submitted
BONIFACIA P. VANCIL, vs. HELEN G. BELMES an opposition to the subject guardianship proceedings,
SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ,  J.: saying that she had already filed a similar petition for
guardianship before the RTC of Pagadian City (Special
DOCTRINE/S: Proceedings No. 2819)
Respondent, being the natural mother of the minor, has
the preferential right over that of petitioner to be his Thereafter (in 1988), Helen Belmes followed her
guardian. This ruling finds support in Article 211 of the opposition with a motion for the Removal of Guardian
Family Code which provides: “Art. 211. The father and and Appointment of a New One, asserting that she is
the mother shall jointly exercise parental authority over the natural mother in actual custody of and exercising
the persons of their common children. In case of parental authority over the subject minors in
disagreement, the father’s decision shall prevail, unless Zamboanga del Sur where they are permanently
there is a judicial order to the contrary…” residing; that the petition was filed under an improper
venue; and that at the time the petition was filed
Petitioner, as the surviving grandparent, can exercise Bonifacia Vancil was a resident of Colorado, U.S.A. being
substitute parental authority only in case of death, a naturalized American citizen.
absence or unsuitability of respondent. Considering that
respondent is very much alive and has exercised REGIONAL TRIAL COURT:
continuously parental authority over Vincent, petitioner the trial court rejected and denied Belmes’ motion to
has to prove, in asserting her right to be the minor’s remove and/or to disqualify Bonifacia as guardian of
guardian, respondent’s unsuitability. Petitioner, Valerie and Vincent Jr. Instead, ordered petitioner
however, has not proffered convincing evidence Bonifacia Vancil to enter the office and perform her
showing that respondent is not suited to be the duties as such guardian upon the posting of a bond
guardian of Vincent. (Php50k).

Courts should not appoint persons as guardians who are COURT OF APPEALS:
not within the jurisdiction of our courts for they will find Dismissed the case of Bonifacia Vancil (Special
it difficult to protect the wards Proceedings No. 1618-CEB). It held that the Civil Code
considers parents, the father, or in the absence, the
FACTS: mother, as natural guardian of her minor children. The
Petitioner, Bonifacia Vancil, is the mother of Reeder C. law on parental authority under the Civil Code or P.D.
Vancil, a Navy serviceman of the United States of 603 and now the New Family Code, (Article 225 of the
America who died in the said country on December 22, Family Code) ascribe to the same legal
1986. During his lifetime, Reeder had 2 children named pronouncements.  The Revised Rules of Court confirms
Valerie and Vincent by his common-law wife, Helen G. the designation of the parents as ipso facto guardian of
Belmes. their minor children without need of a court
appointment and only for good reason may another
In May of 1987, Bonifacia Vancil commenced before the person be named. In this case, there is nothing on
RTC of Cebu City a guardianship proceedings (Special record of any reason at all why Helen Belmes, the
Proceedings No. 1618-CEB) over the persons and biological mother, should be deprived of her legal rights
properties of minors Valerie and Vincent. At the time, as natural guardian of her minor children.
Valerie was only 6 years old while Vincent was a 2-year
old child. It is claimed in the petition that the minors are In September 1998, Helen Belmes stated that her
residents of Cebu City, and have an estate consisting of daughter Valerie turned eighteen on September 2, 1998
proceeds from their father’s death pension benefits as shown by her Birth Certificate. thus prayed that this
with a probable value of P100k. case be dismissed with respect to Valerie, she being no
longer a proper subject of guardianship proceedings.

ISSUE: unsuitability may substitute parental authority be
Who between the mother and grandmother of minor exercised by the surviving grandparent.
Vincent should be his guardian.
Petitioner (Vancil), as the surviving grandparent, can
RULING: exercise substitute parental authority only in case of
Vincent should be under the guardianship of Helen death, absence or unsuitability of respondent (Belmes).
Belmes; Valerie is no longer under the guardianship of Considering that respondent is very much alive and has
Helen, in view of the fact the she had already reached exercised continuously parental authority over Vincent,
the age of majority during the pendency of the petitioner has to prove, in asserting her right to be the
proceedings. minor’s guardian, respondent’s unsuitability. Petitioner,
however, has not proffered convincing evidence
The Court agreed with the ruling of the CA that showing that respondent is not suited to be the
respondent, being the natural mother of the minor, has guardian of Vincent. Petitioner merely insists that
the preferential right over that of petitioner to be his respondent is morally unfit as guardian of Valerie
guardian. This ruling finds support in Article 211 of the considering that her (respondent’s) live-in partner
Family Code. raped Valerie several times. But Valerie, being now of
major age, is no longer a subject of this guardianship
"Art. 211. The father and the mother shall proceeding.
jointly exercise parental authority over the
persons of their common children. In case of Even if Belmes is unfit as guardian of minor Vincent, still
disagreement, the father’s decision shall petitioner cannot qualify as a substitute guardian. It
prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the bears stressing that she is an American citizen and a
contrary. xxx." resident of Colorado. Obviously, she will not be able to
perform the responsibilities and obligations required of
Being the natural mother of minor Vincent, respondent a guardian. In fact, in her petition, she admitted the
Helen Belmes has the corresponding natural and legal difficulty of discharging the duties of a guardian by an
right to his custody. The rule long accepted by the expatriate, like her. To be sure, she will merely delegate
courts is that ‘the right of parents to the custody of those duties to someone else who may not also qualify
their minor children is one of the natural rights incident as a guardian. The Court also observed that petitioner is
to parenthood,’ a right supported by law and sound already old and her conviction of libel by the Regional
public policy. The right is an inherent one, which is not Trial Court in Cebu City (filed by one Danilo Deen), will
created by the state or decisions of the courts, but give her a second thought of staying here. Indeed, her
derives from the nature of the parental relationship." coming back to this country just to fulfill the duties of a
guardian to Vincent for only two years is not certain.
While petitioner contends that she is more qualified as
guardian of Vincent, the Court said that her claim to be Finally, Courts should not appoint persons as guardians
the guardian of said minor can only be realized by way who are not within the jurisdiction of our courts for
of substitute parental authority pursuant to Article 214 they will find it difficult to protect the wards. There is
of the Family Code. nothing in the law which requires the courts to appoint
residents only as administrators or guardians. However,
"Art. 214. In case of death, absence or notwithstanding the fact that there are no statutory
unsuitability of the parents, substitute parental requirements upon this question, the courts, charged
authority shall be exercised by the surviving with the responsibilities of protecting the estates of
grandparent. xxx." deceased persons, wards of the estate, etc., will find
much difficulty in complying with this duty by
The law vests on the father and mother joint parental appointing administrators and guardians who are not
authority over the persons of their common children. In personally subject to their jurisdiction. Notwithstanding
case of absence or death of either parent,  the parent that there is no statutory requirement, the courts
present shall continue exercising parental authority . should not consent to the appointment of persons as
Only in case of the parents’ death, absence or administrators and guardians who are not personally
subject to the jurisdiction of our courts here.
DISPOSITIVE PORTION: The CA held petitioner St. Marys Academy liable for the
death of Sherwin Carpitanos under Articles 218 and 219
WHEREFORE, the appealed Decision is hereby of the Family Code, pointing out that petitioner was
AFFIRMED, with modification in the sense that Valerie, negligent in allowing a minor to drive and in not having
who has attained the age of majority, will no longer be a teacher accompany the minor students in the jeep.
under the guardianship of respondent Helen Belmes.
Under Article 218 of the Family Code, the following shall
ST. MARYS ACADEMY, petitioner, vs. WILLIAM have special parental authority over a minor
CARPITANOS and LUCIA S. CARPITANOS, child while under their supervision, instruction or
GUADA DANIEL, JAMES DANIEL II, JAMES DANIEL, SR., custody: (1) the school, its administrators and teachers;
and VIVENCIO or (2) the individual, entity or institution engaged in
VILLANUEVA child care. This special parental authority and
FACTS responsibility applies to all authorized activities,
whether inside or outside the premises of the school,
St. Marys Academy of Dipolog City conducted an entity or institution. Thus, such authority and
enrollment drive for the school year 1995-1996. A facet responsibility applies to field trips, excursions and other
of the enrollment campaign was the visitation of affairs of the pupils and students outside the school
schools from where prospective enrollees were premises whenever authorized by the school or its
studying. As a student of St. Marys Academy, Sherwin teachers. Under Article 219 of the Family Code, if the
Carpitanos was part of the campaigning group. person under custody is a minor, those exercising
Accordingly, on the fateful day, Sherwin, along with special parental authority are principally and solidarily
other high school students were riding in a Mitsubishi liable for damages caused by the acts or omissions of
jeep owned by defendant Vivencio Villanueva on their the unemancipated minor while under their
way to Larayan Elementary School, Larayan, Dapitan supervision, instruction, or custody.
City. The jeep was driven by James Daniel II then 15
years old and a student of the same school. Allegedly, However, for petitioner to be liable, there must be a
the latter drove the jeep in a reckless manner and as a finding that the act or omission considered as
result the jeep turned turtle. Sherwin Carpitanos died. negligent was the proximate cause of the injury caused
RTC ordered St. Marys Academy of Dipolog City to pay because the negligence must have a causal connection
plaintiffs Sps. Carpitanos, the following sums of money: to the accident. In their comment to the petition,
a. P50,000.00 indemnity for the loss of life of Sherwin S. respondents Daniel spouses and Villanueva admitted
Carpitanos; b. P40,000.00 actual damages incurred by the documentary exhibits establishing that the cause of
plaintiffs for burial and related expenses; c. P10,000.00 the accident was the detachment of the steering wheel
for attorneys fees; d. P500,000.00 for moral damages. guide of the
jeep. Hence, the cause of the accident was not the
RTC held defendants James Daniel, Sr. and Guada Daniel recklessness of James Daniel II but the mechanical
susbsidiarily liable, ordering them to pay herein defect in the jeep of Vivencio Villanueva. Respondents,
plaintiffs in the event of insolvency of the school. James including the spouses Carpitanos, parents of the
Daniel II, being a minor at the time of the commission of deceased Sherwin Carpitanos, did not dispute the
the tort and who was under special parental authority report and testimony of the traffic investigator who
of defendant St. Marys Academy, is ABSOLVED. Vivencio stated that the cause of the accident was the
Villanueva (vehicle owner) is ABSOLVED of any liability. detachment of the steering wheel guide that caused the
jeep to turn turtle. Significantly, respondents did not
On appeal by St Marys, CA reduced the actual damages present any evidence to show that the proximate cause
to P25,000.00 but otherwise affirming the decision. of the accident was the negligence of the school
authorities, or the reckless driving of James Daniel II.
Issue: Whether petitioner is liable for damages for the Hence, the respondents reliance on Article 219 of the
death of Sherwin Carpitanos Family Code that those given the authority and
responsibility under the preceding Article shall be
Ruling: No. principally and solidarily liable for damages caused by
acts or omissions of the unemancipated minor was

Further, there was no evidence that petitioner school

allowed the minor James Daniel II to drive the
jeep of respondent Vivencio Villanueva. It was Ched
Villanueva, grandson of respondent Vivencio
Villanueva, who had possession and control of the jeep.
He was driving the vehicle and he allowed James Daniel
II, a minor, to drive the jeep at the time of the accident.

Hence, liability for the accident, whether caused by the

negligence of the minor driver or mechanical
detachment of the steering wheel guide of the jeep,
must be pinned on the minors parents primarily. The
negligence of petitioner St. Marys Academy was only a
remote cause of the accident. Between the remote
cause and the injury, there intervened the negligence of
the minors parents or the detachment of the steering
wheel guide of the jeep. Consequently, we find that
petitioner likewise cannot be held liable for moral
damages in the amount of P500,000.00.

Incidentally, there was no question that the registered

owner of the vehicle was respondent Villanueva. He
never denied and in fact admitted this fact. We have
held that the registered owner of any vehicle, even if
not used for public service, would primarily be
responsible to the public or to third persons for injuries
caused the latter while the vehicle was being driven on
the highways or streets. Hence, with the overwhelming
evidence presented by petitioner and the respondent
Daniel spouses that the accident occurred because of
the detachment of the steering wheel guide of the jeep,
it is not the school, but the registered owner of the
vehicle who shall be held responsible for damages for
the death of Sherwin Carpitanos. The Court remands
the case to the trial court for determination of the
liability of defendants, excluding petitioner St. Marys
Academy, Dipolog City.

already registered by Strong Machinery (constructive

Issue: Who is the owner of the building?

Held: The SC ruled that Strong Machinery has a better

right to the contested property. Under the law, if the
same thing should have been sold to different vendees,
the ownership shall be transfer to the person who may
have the first taken possession thereof in good faith, if
it should be personal property. Should it be real
property, it shall belong to the person acquiring it who
first recorded it in the registry. Should there be no
entry, the property shall belong to the person who first
took possession of it in good faith, and, in the absence
thereof, to the person who presents the oldest title,
provided there is good faith.

The judgment must be sustained in favor of Strong

Machinery on the ground that the agreed statement of
PROPERTY facts in the court below discloses that neither the
purchase of the building by the plaintiff nor his
Leung vs Strong Machinery inscription of the sheriff's certificate of sale in his favor
Facts: was made in good faith, and that the machinery
company must be held to be the owner of the property
In 1913, Compania Agricola Filipina (CAF) was indebted under the third paragraph of the above cited article of
to two personalities: Leung Yee and Frank L. Strong the code, it appearing that the company first took
Machinery Co. CAF purchased some rice cleaning possession of the property; and further, that the
machines from Strong Machinery. CAF installed the building and the land were sold to the machinery
machines in a building. As security for the purchase company long prior to the date of the sheriff's sale to
price, CAF executed a chattel mortgage on the rice the plaintiff.
cleaning machines including the building where the
machines were installed. CAF failed to pay Strong Yee cannot be regarded as a buyer in good faith as he
Machinery, hence the latter foreclosed the mortgage – was already aware of the fact that there was a prior sale
the same was registered in the chattel mortgage of the same property to Strong Machinery.
registry. The SC also noted that the Chattel Mortgage Law
CAF also sold the land (where the building was standing) expressly contemplates provisions for chattel mortgages
to Strong Machinery. Strong Machinery took possession which only deal with personal properties. The fact that
of the building and the land. the parties dealt the building as if it’s a personal
property does not change the nature of the thing. It is
On the other hand, Yee, another creditor of CAF who still a real property. Its inscription in the Chattel
engaged in the construction of the building, being the Mortgage registry does not modify its inscription the
highest bidder in an auction conducted by the sheriff, registry of real property.
purchased the same building where the machines were
installed. Apparently CAF also executed a chattel
mortgage in favor Yee. Yee registered the sale in DBP VS CA, MYLO O. QUINTO AND JESUSA CHRISTINE
the registry of land. Yee was however aware that prior S. CHUPUICO
to his buying, the property has been sold in favor of
Strong Machinery – evidence is the chattel mortgage

On April 20, 1978, Petitioner granted a loan of could not have vested valid title to Petitioner because
P94,000.00 to Sps. Santiago and Olivia Olidiana. To the mortgagors were not the owners in fee simple of
secure the loan, Sps. Olidiana executed a real estate the property mortgaged. The court also found the
mortgage on several properties among which was Lot mortgages over Lot 2029 of no legal consequence
2029 (Pls-61) with Tax Declaration No. 2335/1, situated because they were executed in violation of Art. 2085,
in Molave, Zamboanga del Sur with an area of 84,108 par. 2 of the New Civil Code which requires that the
sqm. At the time of the mortgage, the property was still mortgagor be the absolute owner of the thing
the subject of a Free Patent application filed by the Sps. mortgaged.
Olidiana with the Bureau of Lands (BOL) but registered
under their name in the Office of the Municipal CA Ruling: Affirmed the RTC Decision
Assessor of Molave for taxation purposes.
ISSUE: WON the land in dispute could have been validly
On Nov. 2, 1978, Sps. Olidiana filed with the BOL a mortgaged while still the subject of a Free Patent
Request for Amendment of the Free Patent application Application with the Government.
stating that they are renouncing, relinquishing and
waiving all their rights and interests over Lot No. 2029 RULING: NO
(Pls-61) in favour of Jesusa Christina S. Chupuico and
Mylo O. Quinto, herein respondents. We hold that Petitioner bank did not acquire valid title
over the land in dispute because it was public land
On Jan. 10, 1979, the BOL granted the free patent, when mortgaged to the bank. We cannot accept
equally divided the lot, and awarded Lot 2029-A and Lot Petitioner’s contention that the lot in dispute was no
2029-B to Chupuico and Quinto, respectively. longer public land when mortgaged to it since Sps.
Olidiana had been in open, continuous, adverse and
On April 20, 1979, Petitioner granted additional loan of public possession thereof for more than thirty (30)
P62,000.00 to Sps. Olidiana. Correspondingly, Sps. years.
Olidiana executed additional mortgage on the same
parcel of land (Lot No. 2029) as loan security. In Visayan Realty, Inc. v. Meer, we ruled that the
approval of a sales application merely authorized the
Thereafter, for failure of Sps. Olidiana to comply with applicant to take possession of the land so that he could
the terms and conditions of the loan, Petitioner comply with the requirements prescribed by law before
extrajudicially foreclosed all their mortgaged properties. a final patent could be issued in his favor. Meanwhile
Consequently, these properties including Lot 2029 were the government still remained the owner thereof, as in
sold at public auction for P88,650.00 and awarded to fact the application could still be cancelled and the land
Petitioner as the highest bidder. awarded to another applicant should it be shown that
the legal requirements had not been complied with.
However, when the Petitioner tried to register the Sale What divests the government of title to the land is the
and Affidavit of Consolidation and to have the tax issuance of the sales patent and its subsequent
declaration transferred in its name, it was discovered registration with the Register of Deeds. It is the
that Lot 2029 has already been divided and placed in registration and issuance of the certificate of title that
the name of the Respondents. segregates public lands from the mass of public domain
and converts it into private property. Since the disputed
In view of the discovery, the Petitioner filed an Action lot in the case before us was still the subject of a Free
for Quieting of Title and Cancellation or Annulment of Patent Application when mortgaged to petitioner and
Certificate of Title against the Respondents. no patent was granted to the Sps. Olidiana, Lot No.
2029 (Pis-61) remained part of the public domain.
RTC Ruling:
It ruled in favour of the Respondents and declared the With regard to the validity of the mortgage contracts
mortgage and all subsequent legal consequences entered into by the parties, Art. 2085, par. 2, of the
relative to Lot 2029 null and void. It stated that the New Civil Code specifically requires that the pledgor or
contracts of mortgage entered into by the Petitioner mortgagor be the absolute owner of the thing pledged
and the subsequent foreclosure of the subject property or mortgaged. Thus, since the disputed property was
not owned by the Sps. Olidiana when they mortgaged it (2) In LRC Case No. 396, this Court hereby approves the
to Petitioner, the contracts of mortgage and all their petition for registration and thus places under the
subsequent legal consequences as regards Lot No. 2029 operation of Act 141, Act 946 and/or P.D. 1529,
(Pls-61) are null and void. In a much earlier case we otherwise known as the Property Registration Law, the
held that it was an essential requisite for the validity of land described in Plan Psu-67537-Amd-2 and containing
a mortgage that the mortgagor be the absolute owner an area of 308,638 square meters, as supported by its
of the property mortgaged, and it appearing that the technical descriptions now forming parts of the records
mortgage was constituted before the issuance of the
of these cases, in addition to other proofs adduced in
patent to the mortgagor, the mortgage in question
the names of petitioners Damian Ermitaño De Guzman,
must of necessity be void and ineffective. For, the law
explicitly requires as imperative for the validity of a Deogracias Ermitaño De Guzman, Zenaida Ermitaño De
mortgage that the mortgagor be the absolute owner of Guzman, Alicia Ermitaño De Guzman and Salvador De
what is mortgaged. Guzman, all married, of legal age and with residence
and postal addresses at Magallanes Street, Carmona,
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES v. DAMIAN ERMITAÑO Cavite, subject to the claims of oppositors Dominga
DE GUZMAN ET. AL. G.R. No. 137887, February 28, Ermitaño, Natividad Encarnacion, Melba E. Torres, Flora
2000, FIRST DIVISION, YNARES-SANTIAGO, J. Manalo, Socorro de la Rosa, Jose Ermitaño and
Esmeranso Ermitaño under an instrument entitled
The property subject of private respondents' application 'Waiver of Rights with Conformity" the terms and
was only declared alienable in 1965. Prior to such date, conditions of which are hereby ordered by this Court to
the same was forest land incapable of private be annotated at the back of the certificates of title to be
appropriation. It was not registrable and possession issued to the petitioners pursuant to the judgment of
thereof, no matter how lengthy, could not convert it into this Court. Court of Appeals affirmed.
private property, (unless) and until such lands were
reclassified and considered disposable and alienable. ISSUE: Did the petitioner acquire the property through
acquisitive prescription?
Subject parcels of land were released as agricultural
land only in 1965 while the petition for confirmation of In the case before us, the property subject of private
imperfect title was filed by private respondents only in respondents' application was only declared alienable in
1991.Thus the period of occupancy of the subject 1965. Prior to such date, the same was forest land
parcels of land from 1965 until the time the application incapable of private appropriation. It was not
was filed in 1991 was only twenty six (26) years, four (4) registrable and possession thereof, no matter how
years short of the required thirty (30) year period lengthy, could not convert it into private property,
possession requirement under Sec. 14, P.D. 29 and R.A. (unless) and until such lands were reclassified and
No. 6940. Conflicting applications for confirmation of considered disposable and alienable.
imperfect title were filed by Norma Almanzor and
private respondent Salvador De Guzman over parcels of In summary, therefore, prior to its declaration as
land located in Silang, Cavite. After trial on the merits, alienable land in 1965, any occupation or possession
the lower court rendered judgment in favor of private thereon cannot be considered in the counting of the
respondent De Guzman, to wit - thirty year possession requirement. This is in accord
with the ruling in Almeda vs. Court of Appeals, (supra),
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered by this and because the rules on the confirmation of imperfect
Court as follows: titles do not apply unless and until the land classified as
forest land is released in an official proclamation to that
(1) In LRC Case No. TG-362, this Court hereby denies the effect so that it may form part of the disposable
application for registration of the parcels of land agricultural lands of the public domain.
mentioned therein by applicant Norma R. Almanzor for
lack of factual and legal bases; Did the petitioner acquire the property through
acquisitive prescription? granted respondent's application for the issuance of a
writ of possession. Hence, the present petition.
While we acknowledge the Court of Appeals' finding
that private respondents and their predecessors-in- The Mendozas set forth that the RTC erred in issuing
interest have been in possession of the subject land for the writ of possession and acted with grave abuse of
sixty three (63) years at the time of the application of discretion amounting to lack and excess of jurisdiction,
their petition, our hands are tied by the applicable laws reiterating their argument that they cannot be ousted
and jurisprudence in giving practical relief to them. The of their possession of the property, having been in
fact remains that from the time the subject land was actual possession of the property since 1964, as
evidenced by Gerardo C. Mendoza's Sales Application
declared alienable until the time of their application,
made in January 1986 over the property. Salinas
private respondents' occupation thereof was only
counters that the petition should have been initially
twenty six (26) years. We cannot consider their thirty
with the CA based on the principle of hierarchy of
seven (37) years of possession prior to the release of courts, and that the general order of default issued by
the land as alienable because absent the fact of the RTC binds them and personal notice was not
declassification prior to the possession and cultivation necessary.
in good faith by petitioner, the property occupied by
him remained classified as forest or timberland, which ISSUE:
he could not have acquired by prescription. Further, Is the issuance of the writ of possession by the RTC
jurisprudence is replete with cases which reiterate that proper?
forest lands or forest reserves are not capable of private
appropriation and possession thereof, however long, HELD:
cannot convert them into private property. Possession
of the land by private respondents, whether spanning No. A writ of possession may be issued under the
decades or centuries, could never ripen into ownership. following instances: (1) land registration proceedings
under Sec. 17 of Act No. 496; (2) judicial foreclosure,
This Court is constrained to abide by the latin maxim
provided the debtor is in possession of the mortgaged
"(d)ura lex, sed lex".
realty and no third person, not a party to the
foreclosure suit, had intervened; and (3) extrajudicial
foreclosure of a real estate mortgage under Sec. 7 of
Act No. 3135 as amended by Act No. 4118.
February 6, 2007, THIRD DIVISION (Austria-Martinez, J.)
In land registration cases, principles regarding the
Key Doctrine: “A writ of possession may be issued
issuance of a writ of possession are well-settled. A
under: (1) land registration proceedings under Sec. 17
judgment confirming the title of the applicant in a
of Act No. 496; (2) judicial foreclosure, provided the
registration case and ordering its registration in his
debtor is in possession of the mortgaged realty and no
name necessarily carries with it the delivery of
third person, not a party to the foreclosure suit, had
possession which is an inherent element of the right of
intervened; and (3) extrajudicial foreclosure of a real
estate mortgage under Sec. 7 of Act No. 3135.”
This is sanctioned by existing laws in this jurisdiction
and by the generally accepted principle upon which the
administration of justice rests. Also, a writ of possession
The RTC granted Salinas’s application for registration
may be issued not only against the person who has
and OCT was issued in her name covering a parcel of
been defeated in a registration case but also against
land located in the Province of Zambales .
anyone unlawfully and adversely occupying the land or
any portion thereof during the land registration
The Mendozas opposed claiming that they were not
proceedings up to the issuance of the final decree, and
oppositors/parties to the registration case and they
it is the duty of the registration court to issue said writ
have been in actual physical possession of the property
when asked for by the successful claimant.
since 1964. The RTC rejected their arguments and

Based on these tenets, the issuance of a writ of Court that while a writ of possession may be issued only
possession, therefore, is clearly a ministerial duty of the pursuant to a decree of registration in an original land
land registration court. Such ministerial duty, however, registration proceedings, it cannot issue against
ceases to be so with particular regard to petitioners possessors under claim of ownership, as actual
who are actual possessors of the property under a claim possession under claim of ownership raises a disputable
of ownership. Actual possession under claim of presumption of ownership, and the true owner must
ownership raises a disputable presumption of resort to judicial process for the recovery of the
ownership. This conclusion is supported by Article 433 property, not summarily through a motion for the
of the Civil Code, which provides: Actual possession issuance of a writ of possession.Thus, it was erroneous
under claim of ownership raises a disputable for the RTC to have issued the writ of possession against
presumption of ownership. The true owner must resort petitioners. This conclusion, of course, is without
to judicial process for the recovery of the property. prejudice to any case that respondent may file for the
Under said provision, one who claims to be the owner recovery of the property.
of a property possessed by another must bring the
appropriate judicial action for its physical recovery. The Isaguirre vs. De LaraCornelio M. Isaguirre vs. Felicitas
term "judicial process" could mean no less than an De LaraG.R. No. 138053, May 31, 2000Gonzaga-Reyes,
ejectment suit or reinvindicatory action, in which the J.
ownership claims of the contending parties may be
properly heard and adjudicated. Doctrine: As a general rule, the mortgagor retains
possession of the mortgaged property since a mortgage
It is noted that there already exists a final and executory is merely a lien and title to the property does not pass
decision disregarding respondent's claim for possession to the mortgagee. However, even though a mortgagee
over the property. In a Decision dated January 21, 2002, does not have possession of the property, there is no
rendered by the Municipal Trial Court in Cities (MTCC) impairment of his security since the mortgage directly
of Olongapo City, Branch 3, in Civil Case No. 4643, an and immediately subjects the property upon which it is
action for unlawful detainer filed by respondent and her imposed, whoever the possessor may be, to the
spouse against petitioners and several other occupants fulfillment of the obligation for whose security it was
of the property, the case against petitioners was constituted. If the debtor is unable to pay his debt, the
dismissed by the MTCC for lack of cause of action. While
mortgage creditor may institute an action to foreclose
the MTCC Decision was appealed by the other
the mortgage, whether judicially or extra judicially,
defendants, respondent and her spouse manifested
that they will not appeal the decision and, instead, will whereby the mortgaged property will then be sold at a
file for a writ of possession in LRC Case No. N-04-0-97. public auction and the proceeds there from given to the
creditor to the extent necessary to discharge the
Note should also be made that petitioners registered mortgage loan.
their opposition to respondent's application for the
issuance of a writ of possession and apprised the RTC of
their actual, peaceful, physical and uninterrupted Alejandro de Lara was the original applicant-claimant
possession since 1964, including therein documents for a Miscellaneous Sales Application over a parcel of
supporting their claim, consisting of Gerardo C. land identified as portion of Lot 502, Guianga Cadastre,
Mendoza's Sales Application made on January 1986 and filed with the Bureau of Lands with an area of 2,342
a Declaration of Real Property for the years 1976 and square meters. Upon his death, his wife – respondent
1985, among others. The RTC, nevertheless,
Felicitas de Lara, as claimant, succeeded Alejandro de
disregarded their opposition and, instead, relied on the
Lara. The Undersecretary of Agriculture and Natural
ruling in Serra Serra v. Court of Appeals, that a writ of
Resources amended the sales application to cover only
possession may be issued in a land registration
proceeding. 1,600 square meters. By virtue of a decision rendered
by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, a
A reading of the Serra Serra case, however, supports subdivision survey was made and the area was further
the Court's conclusion that a writ of possession should reduced to 1,000 square meters. On this lotstands a
not have been issued in this case. It was ruled by the two-story residential-commercial apartment declared
for taxation purposes in the name of respondent’s sons Court affirmed the decision of the Court of Appeals, we
– Apolonio and Rodolfo, both surnamed de denied petitioner’s motion for
Lara.Respondent obtained several loans from the reconsideration.Respondent filed a motion for
Philippine National Bank. When she encountered execution with the trial court, praying for the
financial difficulties, respondent approached petitioner immediate delivery of possession of the subject
Cornelio M. Isaguirre, who was married to her niece, for property, which motion was granted. Respondent
assistance. A document denominated as “Deed of Sale moved for a writ of possession. Petitioner opposed the
and Special Cession of Rights and Interests” was motion, asserting that he had the right of retention over
executed by respondent and petitioner, whereby the the property until payment of the loan and the value of
former sold a 250 square meter portion of Lot No. 502, the improvements he had introduced on the property.
together with the two-story commercial and residential The trial court granted respondent’s motion for writ of
structure standing thereon, in favor of petitioner, for possession. The trial court denied petitioner’s motion
and in consideration of the sum of P5,000.Apolonio and for reconsideration. Consequently, a writ of possession,
Rodolfo de Lara filed a complaint against petitioner for together with the Sheriff’s Notice to Vacate, was served
recovery of ownership and possession ofthe two-story upon petitioner.
building. However, the case was dismissed for lack of
jurisdiction. Petitioner filed a sales application over the
subject property on the basis of the deed of sale. His Whether or not the mortgagee in an equitable
application was approved, resulting in the issuance of mortgage has the right to retain possession of the
Original Certificate of Title, in the name of petitioner. property pending actual payment to him of the amount
Meanwhile, the sales application of respondent over of indebtedness by the mortgagor ?
the entire 1,000 square meters of subject property
(including the 250 square meter portion claimed by Held:
petitioner) was also given due course, resulting in the A mortgage is a contract entered into in order to secure
issuance of Original Certificate of Title, in the name of the fulfillment of a principal obligation. Recording the
respondent. document, in which it appears with the proper Registry
of Property, although, even if it is not recorded, the
mortgage is nevertheless binding between the parties,
Due to the overlapping of titles, petitioner filed an constitutes it. Thus, the only right granted by law in
action for quieting of title and damages with the RTC of favor of the mortgagee is to demand the execution and
Davao City against respondent. After trial on the merits, the recording of the document in which the mortgage is
the trial court rendered judgment, in favor of petitioner, formalized. As a general rule, the mortgagor retains
declaring him to be the lawful owner of the disputed possession of the mortgaged property since a mortgage
property. However, the Court of Appeals reversed the is merely a lien and title to the property does not pass
trial court’s decision, holding that the transaction to the mortgagee. However, even though a mortgagee
entered into by the parties, as evidenced by does not have possession of the property, there is no
theircontract, was an equitable mortgage, not a sale. impairment of his security since the mortgage directly
The appellate court’s decision was based on the and immediately subjects the property upon which it is
inadequacy of the consideration agreed upon by the imposed, whoever the possessor may be, to the
parties, on its finding that the payment of a large fulfillment of the obligation for whose security it was
portion of the “purchaseprice” was made after the constituted. If the debtor is unable to pay his debt, the
execution of the deed of sale in several installments of mortgage creditor may institute an action to foreclose
minimal amounts; and finally,on the fact that petitioner the mortgage, whether judicially or extrajudicially,
did not take steps to confirm his rights or to obtain title whereby the mortgaged property will then be sold at a
over the property for several years after the execution public auction and the proceeds there from given to the
of the deed of sale. As a consequence of its decision, creditor to the extent necessary to discharge the
the appellate court also declared Original Certificate mortgage loan. Apparently, petitioner’s contention that
issued in favor of petitioner to be null and void. This “to require him to deliver possession of the Property to
respondent prior to the full payment of the latter’s It turned out that the lot in question was the
mortgage loan would be equivalent to the cancellation subject of a suit, which resulted in its acquisition by one
of the mortgage is without basis. Regardless of its Maria Lee. In 1982, Lee sold the lot to Lily Salcedo, who
possessor, the mortgaged property may still be sold, in turn sold it in 1984 to the spouses Dionisio. The
with the prescribed formalities, in the event of the Dionisio spouses executed a Deed of Quitclaim over the
debtor’sdefault in the payment of his loan obligation.A said property in favor of the petitioners. As such, the lot
simple mortgage does not give the mortgagee a right to was registered in the latter's names. Petitioners never
lost possession of the land because Lee and company
the possession of the property unless the mortgage
never issued a writ of possession against them.
should contain some special provision to that effect.
Regrettably for petitioner, he has not presented any In 1993, the petitioners sent a letter to private
evidence, other than his own gratuitous statements, to respondent demanding that she vacate the premises
prove that the real intention of the parties was to allow and pay the rentals in arrears. Upon failure of the
him to enjoy possession of the mortgaged property until private respondents to heed the demand, the
full payment of the loan.The trial court correctly issued petitioners filed with the MTCC of Dagupan City a
the writ of possession in favor of respondent. Such writ complaint for unlawful detainer and damages.
was but a necessary consequence of affirming the Respondents claim that they should be entitled to buy
validity of the original certificate of title in the name of the land because of the promise of the petitioners to
respondent Felicitas de Lara, while at the same time sell them the land and because they were builders in
nullifying the original certificate of title in the name of good faith.
petitioner Cornelio Isaguirre. Possession is an essential
attribute of ownership; thus, it would be redundant for MTCC: Private respondents to vacate the premises and
to pay rent. Articles 448 and 546 of the Civil Code,
respondent to go back to court simply to establish her
which allow possessors in good faith to recover the
right to possess subject property.
value of improvements and retain the premises until
reimbursed, did not apply to lessees like the private
Federico Geminiano, Maria Geminiano, Ernesto respondents, because the latter knew that their
Geminiano, Asuncion Geminiano, Larry occupation of the premises would continue only during
Geminiano, and Marlyn Geminiano vs.  Court the life of the lease. Besides, the rights of the private
of Appeals, Dominador Nicolas, and Mary A. respondents were specifically governed by Article 1678,
Nicolas which allows reimbursement of up to one-half of the
value of the useful improvements, or removal of the
FACTS: improvements should the lessor refuse to reimburse.
The lot in question was originally owned by the
petitioners' mother, Paulina Amado vda. de RTC: Reversed the Decision of MTCC. Ordered the
Geminiano. On a portion of that lot stood the petitioners to reimburse the private respondents for the
petitioners' unfinished bungalow, which the petitioners value of the house and improvements in the amount of
sold to the private respondents for the sum of P180,000.00 and allowed the private respondents to
P6,000.00, with an alleged promise to sell to the latter remain in possession of the premises until they were
that portion of the lot occupied by the house. fully reimbursed for the value of the house. It ruled that
Subsequently, the petitioners' mother executed a since the private respondents were assured by the
contract of lease over a 126 square-meter portion of petitioners that the lot they leased would eventually be
the lot, including that portion on which the house sold to them, they could be considered builders in good
stood, in favor of the private respondents starting faith, and as such, were entitled to reimbursement of
November 1978 for P40.00 per month for a period of 7 the value of the house and improvements with the right
years. The private respondents then introduced of retention until reimbursement had been made.
additional improvements and registered the house in
their names. After the expiration of the lease contract in CA: Affirmed the decision of the RTC.
1985, however, the petitioners' mother refused to
accept the monthly rentals. ISSUES:

1. Whether or not the private respondents are that of a lessee under a rental contract; otherwise, it
builders in good faith. would always be in the power of the tenant to
2. Which provision of law governs the case at "improve" his landlord out of his property.
bench: Article 448 or Article 1678 of the Civil
Code? It must be stressed, however, that the right to
indemnity under Article 1678 of the Civil Code arises
HELD:  only if the lessor opts to appropriate the
1. No. It is undisputed that the private improvements. Since the petitioners refused to exercise
respondents came into possession of a 126 square- that option, the private respondents cannot compel
meter portion of the said lot by virtue of a contract of them to reimburse the one-half value of the house and
lease executed by the petitioners' mother in their improvements. Neither can they retain the premises
favor. The juridical relation between the petitioners' until reimbursement is made. The private respondents'
mother as lessor, and the private respondents as sole right then is to remove the improvements without
lessees, is therefore well-established, and carries with it causing any more impairment upon the property leased
a recognition of the lessor's title. Being mere lessees, than is necessary.
the private respondents knew that their occupation of
the premises would continue only for the life of the
lease. Plainly, they cannot be considered as possessors
G.R. No. 108894, February 10, 1997
nor builders in good faith.
Anent the alleged promise of the petitioners to
sell the lot occupied by the private respondents' house, Plaintiff (herein petitioner) is the registered
the same was not substantiated by convincing owner of a parcel of land said land was purchased by
evidence. Neither the deed of sale over the house nor plaintiff from Pariz Industries, Inc. in 1970, together
the contract of lease contained an option in favor of the with all the buildings and improvements including the
respondent spouses to purchase the said lot. And even wall existing thereon. Defendant (herein private
if the petitioners indeed promised to sell, it would not respondent) is the registered owner of a parcel of land,
make the private respondents possessors or builders in that said land which adjoins plaintiffs land was
good faith so as to be covered by the provisions of purchased by defendant from a certain Enrile Antonio
Article 448 of the Civil Code. The latter cannot raise the also in 1970, that portions of the buildings and wall
mere expectancy of ownership of the aforementioned bought by plaintiff together with the land from Pariz
lot because the alleged promise to sell was not fulfilled Industries are occupying a portion of defendants
nor its existence even proven. The first thing that the adjoining land; upon learning of the encroachment or
private respondents should have done was to reduce occupation by its buildings and wall of a portion of
the alleged promise into writing, because under Article defendants land, plaintiff offered to buy from defendant
1403 of the Civil Code, an agreement for the sale of real that land occupied by portions of its buildings and wall
property or an interest therein is unenforceable, unless with an area of 770 square meters, more or less, but
some note or memorandum thereof be produced. Not defendant, however, refused the offer.
having taken any steps in order that the alleged promise
to sell may be enforced, the private respondents cannot The parties entered into a private agreement
bank on that promise and profess any claim nor color of before a certain Col. Rosales, wherein plaintiff agreed to
title over the lot in question demolish the wall thus giving to defendant possession
of a portion of his land previously enclosed by plaintiffs
2. Art. 1678 governs. In a plethora of cases, this wall. Defendant later filed a complaint before the office
Court has held that Article 448 of the Civil Code, in of Municipal Engineer of Parañaque as well as before
relation to Article 546 of the same Code, which allows the Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal against plaintiff
full reimbursement of useful improvements and in connection with the encroachment or occupation by
retention of the premises until reimbursement is made, plaintiffs buildings and walls of a portion of its land but
applies only to a possessor in good faith, i.e., one who said complaint did not prosper. Defendant dug or
builds on land with the belief that he is the owner caused to be dug a canal along plaintiffs wall, a portion
thereof. It does not apply where one's only interest is of which collapsed and led to the filing by plaintiff of the

supplemental complaint and a separate criminal on to Parizs successor, petitioner in this case. Further,
complaint for malicious mischief against defendant and where one derives title to property from another, the
his wife which ultimately resulted into the conviction in act, declaration, or omission of the latter, while holding
court of defendants wife for the crime of malicious the title, in relation to the property, is evidence against
mischief. While trial of the case was in progress, plaintiff the former. And possession acquired in good faith does
filed in Court a formal proposal for settlement of the not lose this character except in case and from the
case but said proposal, however, was ignored by moment facts exist which show that the possessor is
not unaware that he possesses the thing improperly or
After trial on the merits, the Regional Trial Court wrongfully. The good faith ceases from the moment
rendered a decision in favor of petitioner. Appeal was defects in the title are made known to the possessor, by
duly interposed to the CA, which reversed and set aside extraneous evidence or by suit for recovery of the
the decision of the Regional Trial Court. property by the true owner.

ISSUE: Art. 448 of the Civil Code, which reads:

Whether or not the petitioner is a builder in bad The owner of the land on which anything has been built,
faith because it is presumed to know the metes and sown or planted in good faith, shall have the right to
bounds of his property. appropriate as his own the works, sowing or planting,
after payment of the indemnity provided for in articles
546 and 548, or to oblige the one who built or planted
This court disagree with respondent Court. Its to pay the price of the land, and the one who sowed,
main pronouncement that a registered owner of land the proper rent. However, the builder or planter cannot
has presumptive knowledge of the metes and bounds of be obliged to buy the land if its value is considerably
its own land, and is therefore in bad faith if he more than that of the building or trees. In such case, he
shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does
mistakenly builds on an adjoining land. There is nothing
not choose to appropriate the building or trees after
that would suggest, however remotely, that bad faith is
proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the
imputable to a registered owner of land when a part of
terms of the lease and in case of disagreement, the
his building encroaches upon a neighbors land, simply court shall fix the terms thereof.
because he is supposedly presumed to know the
boundaries of his land as described in his certificate of The question, however, is whether the same
title. benefit can be invoked by petitioner who, as earlier
stated, is not the builder of the offending structures but
There is no question that when petitioner purchased
possesses them as buyer.
the land from Pariz Industries, the buildings and other
structures were already in existence. The record is not We answer such question in the affirmative.
clear as to who actually built those structures, but it
In the first place, there is no sufficient showing that
may well be assumed that petitioners predecessor-in- petitioner was aware of the encroachment at the time it
interest, Pariz Industries, did so. Article 527 of the Civil acquired the property from Pariz Industries. We agree
Code presumes good faith, and since no proof exists to with the trial court that various factors in evidence
show that the encroachment over a narrow, needle- adequately show petitioners lack of awareness
shaped portion of private respondents land was done in thereof. In any case, contrary proof has not overthrown
bad faith by the builder of the encroaching structures, the presumption of good faith under Article 527 of the
the latter should be presumed to have built them in Civil Code, as already stated, taken together with the
good faith. It is presumed that possession continues to disputable presumptions of the law on evidence. These
be enjoyed in the same character in which it was presumptions state, under Section 3 (a) of Rule 131 of
acquired, until the contrary is proved. Good faith the Rules of Court, that the person is innocent of a
consists in the belief of the builder that the land he is crime or wrong; and under Section 3 (ff) of Rule 131,
building on is his, and his ignorance of any defect or that the law has been obeyed. In fact, private
respondent Eduardo Uy himself was unaware of such
flaw in his title. Hence, such good faith, by law, passed
intrusion into his property until after 1971 when he On January 30, 1981, Jardinicos lawyer wrote
hired a surveyor, following his purchase of another Kee, demanding the latter to remove all improvements
adjoining lot, to survey all his newly acquired lots. Upon and vacate Lot 9. When Kee refused to vacate Lot 9,
being apprised of the encroachment, petitioner Jardinico filed with the MTCC a complaint for ejectment
immediately offered to buy the area occupied by its with damages against Kee.
building -- a species of conduct consistent with good
faith. ISSUE: Is Kee a builder in good faith?
In the second place, upon delivery of the property
by Pariz Industries, as seller, to the petitioner, as buyer,
the latter acquired ownership of the
We agree with the following observation of the Court of
property. Consequently and as earlier discussed,
petitioner is deemed to have stepped into the shoes of
The roots of the controversy can be traced
the seller in regard to all rights of ownership over the
directly to the errors committed by CTTEI, when it
immovable sold, including the right to compel the
pointed the wrong property to Wilson Kee and his wife.
private respondent to exercise either of the two options
It is highly improbable that a purchaser of a lot would
provided under Article 448 of the Civil Code.
knowingly and willingly build his residence on a lot
  owned by another, deliberately exposing himself and
PLEASANTVILLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, his family to the risk of being ejected from the land and
petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, WILSON KEE, C.T. losing all improvements thereon, not to mention the
TORRES ENTERPRISES, INC. and ELDRED JARDINICO, social humiliation that would follow.
Under the circumstances, Kee had acted in the
FACTS: manner of a prudent man in ascertaining the identity of
Edith Robillo purchased from petitioner a parcel his property. Lot 8 is covered by Transfer Certificate of
of lot designated as Lot at the Pleasantville Subdivision Title No. T-69561, while Lot 9 is identified in Transfer
in Bacolod City. In 1975, respondent Jardinico bought Certificate of Title No. T-106367. Hence, under the
the rights to the lot from Robillo. At that time, Lot 9 was Torrens system of land registration, Kee is presumed to
vacant. Upon completing all payments, Jardinico have knowledge of the metes and bounds of the
secured from Register of Deed TCT Title No. 106367 in property with which he is dealing. x x x
his name. It was then that he discovered that
improvements had been introduced on Lot 9 by But as Kee is a layman not versed in the
Respondent Wilson Kee, who had taken possession technical description of his property, he had to find a
thereof. way to ascertain that what was described in TCT No.
69561 matched Lot 8. Thus, he went to the subdivision
It appears that on March 26, 1974, Kee bought developers agent and applied and paid for the
on installment Lot 8 of the same subdivision fro T.T relocation of the lot, as well as for the production of a
Torres Enterprise, Inc. (CTTEI), the exclusive real estate lot plan by CTTEIs geodetic engineer. Upon Kees receipt
agent of petitioner. After preparation of the lot plan and of the map, his wife went to the subdivision site
a copy thereof given to Kee, CTTEI through its accompanied by CTTEIs employee, Octaviano, who
employee, Zenaida Octaviano, accompanied Kees wife, authoritatively declared that the land she was pointing
Donabelle Kee, to inspect Lot 8. Unfortunately, the to was indeed Lot 8. Having full faith and confidence in
parcel of land pointed by Octaviano was Lot 9. the reputation of CTTEI, and because of the companys
Thereafter, Kee proceeded to construct his residence, a positive identification of the property, Kee saw no
store, an auto repair shop and other improvements on reason to suspect that there had been a misdelivery.
the lot. The steps Kee had taken to protect his interests were
reasonable. There was no need for him to have acted
After discovering that Lot 9 was occupied by ex-abundantia cautela, such as being present during the
Kee, Jardinico confronted him. The parties tried to reach geodetic engineers relocation survey or hiring an
an amicable settlement, but failed. independent geodetic engineer to countercheck for
errors, for the final delivery of subdivision lots to their
owners is part of the regular course of everyday
business of CTTEI. Because of CTTEIs blunder, what Kee
had hoped to forestall did in fact transpire. Kees efforts
all went to naught.

Good faith consists in the belief of the builder

that the land he is building on is his and his ignorance of
any defect or flaw in his title. And as good faith is
presumed, petitioner has the burden of proving bad
faith on the part of Kee.

At the time he built improvements on Lot 8, Kee

believed that said lot was what he bought from
petitioner. He was not aware that the lot delivered to
him was not Lot 8. Thus, Kees good faith. Petitioner
failed to prove otherwise.


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