Ecology of Education (Educ. 112) : Wesleyan University - Philippines Graduate School

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Mabini Extension, Cabanatuan City


Ecology of Education
(Educ. 112)

Submitted by:
Ms. Enicia B. Francisco
Submitted to:
Dr. Carmelita A. Tiglao
Features - a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.
Management - the process of dealing with or controlling
things or people
Features of Management
Management can be defined as the process of
administering and controlling the affairs of
the organization, irrespective of its nature, type,
structure and size. It is an act of creating and
maintaining such a business environment wherein the
members of the organization can work together, and
achieve business objectives efficiently and effectively.
 Management is goal-oriented
Achievement of specific objectives is very important
feature of the management. It is a means towards the
accomplishment of pre – determined goals and
objectives. Without goals management has no
justification to exist. Each and every activity of
management is goal oriented. The success of
management is measured by the extent to which the
pre – determined goals are achieved.

Management is Associated with Group Efforts

Management always refers to a group of people involved
in managerial activities. The management functions
cannot be performed in isolation. Each individual
performs his/her role at his/her status and
department, and then only management function can
be executed.
Management is Accomplished Through the Efforts of

Management is the process of getting things done

through the efforts of other people in order to achieve
the predetermined objectives of organization. According
to ‘’Peter Drucker’’ “Management is a multipurpose
organ that manages a business and manages Managers
and manages Workers and work.”

Management is Indispensable

Some people mistake indispensable for irreplaceable,

but for me they're not the same thing. "As they say,
everyone can be replaced. But to be indispensable
means that you are so good and efficient at your job,
that your boss and co-workers don't want to imagine
replacing you," she says. "You are the go-to person they
count on; the one who simply gets things done.”

Hoover says if you are ambitious or take pride in your

work, you should “absolutely strive to be
indispensable.” There is a great feeling of satisfaction in
a job well done and knowing that you're making an
impact. “In this day and age when employee job
satisfaction is nearly at an all-time low, it's a great goal
to have.” Its is the same with management is connot be
replace because management is INDISPENSABLE.
Management is Intangible:
Management function cannot be physically seen but its
presence can be felt. The presence of management can
be felt by seeing the orderliness and coordination in the
working environment. It is easier to feel the presence of
mismanagement as it leads to chaos and confusion in
the organisation.

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