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Banyuwangi is a popular city with the series of beautiful beaches which is natural. One of them
is Wedi Ireng beach.
The beach is called Wedi Ireng because this beach has black sand. Although the beach has black
sand, the sand is quite smooth. The sea water is still clear and blue. The beach has beautiful scenery. As
far as we can see, there is an amazing Bedil Island. This island can be seen clearly from Wedi Ireng
beach. At this beach, you can play water, go swimming or fishing. Besides that, Wedi Ireng beach has
also the best spot to enjoy sunrise and sunset.
After the visitors are satisfied enjoying Wedi Ireng beach, they can also enjoy fresh water of
Plosoan waterfall. The distance is around 1 kilometer from the beach. Along the trip to Plosoan
waterfall, visitors will witness shady and fresh forest.
Wedi Ireng beach is located at Sumberagung village, East Java. The distance is around 65
kilometer from Banyuwangi city. This beach can be accessed by using private vehicle and continued by
walking. It takes around 3 until 4 hours by using land transportation. From Pulau Merah beach, it takes
around 3 hours, the trip to Wedi Ireng is continued by using local fisherman boat. The local people call
the fisherman boats as “Ojek Perahu”. If you visit Wedi Ireng beach, you can also explore the other
tourism objects around the beach.
1. What does the word “ojek perahu” means?
a) A ferry
b) Rented boat
c) Motor boat
d) Motorcycle
e) Sailing boat

2. How many times does it take to reach Wedi Ireng from Banyuwangi?
a) 3 hours
b) 4 hours
c) 7 hours
d) 10 hours
e) An hour

3. What is the purpose of the text?

a) To give information about Banyuwangi
b) To describe Wedi Ireng beach
c) To inform how to get to Pulau Merah beach
d) To introduce Bedil Island
e) To describe Banyuwangi City

A perennial favorite among native Betawi, nasi uduk is rice cooked in coconut milk together with
lemongrass, cloves, pandan leaves, and cinnamon. It is a dish rarely eaten on its own, but rather served
with a variety of side dish and condiments. Most commonly a variety of stewed and fried meat, rice
noodles, eggs, tofu, fried anchovies, and rice crackers are served alongside rice. The dish is usually
served in warung, traditional Indonesian eateries, or at Indonesian food stalls. It can also be bought
already prepared and wrapped in fresh banana leaves. Nasi uduk is believed to have originated in
Jakarta, but it can be found in other parts of Indonesia as well.
1) The word “…eateries,” has similar meaning to…
a) Food court
b) Restaurant
c) Supermarket
d) Festival
e) Canteen

2) What do you need to make nasi uduk?

a) Rice crackers
b) Eggs
c) Coconut milk
d) Tofu
e) Noodles

3) Which is the following statement is TRUE according to the text?

a) Nasi uduk should be cooked with banana leaves
b) Nasi uduk is served alone without topping
c) Nasi uduk can be easily found in Jakarta
d) Nasi uduk is only sold in a food festival
e) Nasi uduk is rarely available on rainy days

The South African activist and former president Nelson Mandela helped bring an end to apartheid and
has been a global advocate for human rights. A member of the African National Congress party
beginning in 1940s, he was a leader of both peaceful protests and armed resistance against the white
minority’s oppressive regime in a racially divided South Africa. His actions landed him in prison for nearly
three decades and made him the face of the antiapartheid movement both within his country and
internationally. Released in 1990, he participated in the eradication of apartheid and in 1994 became
the first black president of South Africa, forming a multiethnic government to oversee the country’s
transition. After retiring from politics in 1999, he remained a devoted champion for peace and social
justice in his own nation and around the world until his death in 2013 at the age of 95.
1) Why does Nelson Mandela sentenced to jail?
a) He fights for cancer
b) He is former black president
c) He reject the idea of racism
d) He comes nearly to death
e) He participated in president election

2) How many years Nelson in prison?

a) 24 years
b) 9 years
c) 30 years
d) 15 years
e) 6 years

3) “…made him the face of the antiapartheid movement”. The underlined word has similar meaning
a) Front
b) Head
c) Leader
d) Symbol
e) Chairman

4) From the text, we can conclude that…

a) Nelson Mandela is not the only black president of South Africa
b) Nelson Mandela fights against racism to end the apartheid system
c) Nelson Mandela is the most racist president in the world
d) Nelson Mandela was being a president until his death
e) Nelson Mandela has big awareness for poverty in South Africa

Around 1 p.m. on August 26, a volcanic blast sent a cloud of gas and debris some 15 miles into the air
above Perboewatan. It would be the first in a series of increasingly powerful explosions over the next 21
hours, culminating in gigantic blast around 10 a.m. on August 27 that propelled ash some 50 miles into
the air and could be heard as far away as Perth, Australia (a distance of some 2,800 miles). About 9
square miles of the island, including both Perboewatan and Danan, plunged underwater into the caldera
to a depth of some 820 feet below sea level. Krakatoa’s violent eruption killed more than 36,000 people.
Relatively few of the victims were killed by the tephra (volcanic rock) and hot volcanic gases produced
by the blasts themselves. But ten thousands more people drowned in the series of tsunamis caused by
the volcano’s collapse into the caldera, including a 120-foot-high wall of water that formed just after the
climactic blast and wiped out 165 coastal villages on Java and Sumatra. As evidence of the tsunami’s
devastating power, water deposited the steamship Berouw nearly a mile in land of Sumatra, killing all its
1) What could be the best title of the text?
a) Krakatoa Eruption
b) Krakatoa Mount
c) Krakatoa Tsunami
d) Krakatoa Flood
e) Krakatoa Tourism

2) What caused most the death of the people?

a) Volcanic rock
b) Gigantic blast
c) Volcanic gases
d) Great tsunami
e) Hunger and poverty

3) “… killing all its crewmembers.” The underlined word refers to…

a) Tsunami’s power
b) The steamship Berouw
c) Land of Sumatra
d) Volcano Blast
e) Coastal villages

4) From the text, we can conclude that…

a) Krakatoa eruption caused a lot of people death
b) Krakatoa is the most volcano mount in the world
c) Krakatoa volcanic blasts create new island
d) Krakatoa’s volcano activity is not dangerous
e) Krakatoa can be potentially a nice spot for tourism

5) “…a volcanic blast sent a cloud of gas and debris”. The underlined word has similar meaning to…
a) Shot
b) Explosion
c) Boom
d) Flare
e) Flood

Einstein was once travelling from Princeton on a train when the conducter came down punching the
tickets of every passenger. When he came to Einstein, Einstein reached his vest pocket but he couldn’t
find his ticket, so he reached in his trouser pockets. It wasn’t there, so he looked into his briefcase but
couldn’t find it there either. Then he looked at the seat besides him. He still couldn’t find it. The
conductor said, “Dr. Einstein, I know who you are. We all know who you are. I’m sure you bought a
ticket. Don’t worry about it.” Einstein nodded appreciatively. The conductor continued down the aisle
punching tickets.
Suddenly, he turned around and saw the great physicist down on his knees and hands looking under his
seat for the ticket. The conductor rushed back and said, “Dr. Einstein, don’t worry. I know who you are.
No problem. You don’t need a ticket. I am sure you bought one.”
Einstein looked at him and said, “Young man, I know who I am. What I don’t know is where I am going.
That’s why I am searching it!”
1) What is the moral value of the story?
a) We should know the purpose of our life
b) We should buy ticket if we want to travel
c) We should be famous person in the world
d) We should be kind to everyone we meet
e) We should go everywhere using train

2) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

a) Einstein didn’t buy the ticket
b) Einstein is a famous celebrity
c) Einstein found his ticker under his seat
d) Einstein asked the conducter for ticket
e) Einstein begged for free ticket

3) “…Don’t worry about it”. The antonym of the underlined word is…
a) Burden
b) Comfort
c) Fear
d) Calm
e) Nice

4) Where did the story probably take place?

a) In a car
b) In a station
c) In a train
d) In a bus
e) In a market

5) What is conducter mean?

a) The person who gives you ticket
b) The person who checks your ticket
c) The person who drives the train
d) The person who cleans the train
e) The person who sells tickets

Soal Structure
1. A: Yesterday’s show was fun but I feel sorry that Audrey didn’t join us.
B: You don’t have to feel that. Although she didn’t have a ticket, Audrey was… to come in.
a. Can
b. Allowed
c. Went
d. Found
e. leave
2. A: The air was so polluted in the city centre.
B: That’s true. I… breathe
a. Would hardly
b. Was hardly able to
c. Could hardly
d. Was not hardly
e. Am not hardly able
3. A: Look! What are they doing?
B: … new students on the yard will do the ceremony.
a. Those
b. These
c. That
d. This
e. A

4. A: Do you need some help with math assignment?

B: I’m fine. Don’t worry. Whenever I had problem with my math homework, my brother… help.
a. Will
b. Would
c. Should
d. Could
e. Do

5. A: I’ve got a news! My boss offered me a promotion!

B: Are you serious?
A: Yes, I’m really excited!
B: …
a. You don’t have to feel that
b. I know that
c. That’s great! Congratulations!
d. That’s terrific
e. I feel bad for you

6. What would you say to your friend who won Gold Medal at Math Competition?
a. Congratulations on your superb achievement!
b. You are almost as smart as scientist
c. I don’t feel that title would fit on you
d. It happens to us all eventually
e. Don’t worry about what they say. I’m proud.

Dear Angie,
I am confident that your education will be an important key to unlocking doors to your potential.
You are already success. So proud of you.
With love,
7. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To remind someone’s potential
b. To ask for someone’s help
c. To inform someone’s success news
d. To congratulate someone on graduation
e. To announce graduation schedule
8. A: Excuse me. Are you students from History Class?
B: Yes, I am.
A: What time does usually the class begin? I am a new student here.
B: …
a. The class starts at 9 a.m
b. The class will begin at 9 a.m
c. The class will be cancelled
d. The class will end at 9 a.m
e. The class can be started at 9 a.m

9. A: Hello, Arif! It’s been long since the last time we met.
B: Yeah. …. Since 2000
a. I live in New York
b. I am living in New York
c. I was living in New York
d. I have lived in New York
e. I had lived in New York

10. A: Why didn’t you come to my birthday?

B: Sorry. …………………………………last night.
a. I was meeting my friend
b. I meet my friend
c. I am meeting my friend
d. I couldn’t meeting my friend
e. I don’t meeting my friend
11. A: I came to your house last night. But no one answered the bell.
B: Sorry. …………………………………………………………when you came.
a. I am shopping at the mall
b. I would shopping at the mall
c. I was shopping at the mall
d. I could shopping at the mall
e. I didn’t shopping at the mall

12. A: John already has most of the votes.

B: …………………………………………………...
a. He wins the election
b. He is going to win the election
c. He will win the election
d. He is winning the election
e. He doesn’t win the election

Dear all students,

Due to the upcoming school anniversary celebration, all students are required
to participate in decorating school hall tomorrow. Therefore, the English
Exam will be postponed. Further information will be communicated
separately. Thank you.

Mr. Jacob

13. Which is the

statement is true based on the announcement above?
a. There will be no class tomorrow
b. English midterm will be rescheduled
c. English midterm is cancelled
d. All students will study English tomorrow
e. There will be school party tomorrow

14. What does the students probably do after reading the announcement?
a. They will do the English exam
b. They will join the school anniversary celebration
c. They will go to the school hall room
d. They will decorate their class
e. They will go home

15. “…. required to”. The word ‘required’ has closest meaning to…
a. looked
b. selected
c. instructed
d. recommended
e. joined

16. A: I will go to Spanish holiday. What should I prepare?

B: ……………………………………………………………………………..
a. You need to apply for the visa first.
b. Have you booked your ticket?
c. You have to book your ticket online.
d. You shouldn’t go there. The situation is pretty chaotic.
e. You should go to Garuda Travel Fair.

17. Richard: Hai, Dan! Long time no see. How do you do?
Daniel: …………………………………………………………………….
a. I’m not feeling well
b. Glad to meet you
c. Life is busy nowadays
d. How do you do?
e. Thanks for asking

18. A: Attention passengers on flight 232 to Ohio. The flight has been delayed due to bad weather
conditions. The flight crew has arrived at the gate but the ground crew is still de-icing the wings of
the air craft. Our new departure time is 10.50 a.m.
B: Oh! That was my flight!
According to the announcement, which is the following statement is NOT TRUE?
a. There is some trouble causing flight delayed
b. The flight will go to Ohio
c. The plane will leave at 10.50 a.m
d. The flight is cancelled
e. The flight crew is ready at the gate

19. Where do you usually find the announcement?

a. At department store
b. At train station
c. At airport
d. At bus terminal
e. At cinema

20. “… de-icing the wings”. The word de-icing has similar meaning to…
a. wiping
b. repairing
c. cleaning
d. removing
e. breaking

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