Be Careful What Comprehensible Sounds Escape Your Mouth If Your Guardian of Destiny Is The Red Phoenix

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Be careful what comprehensible sounds escape your mouth if your Guardian of Destiny

is the Red Phoenix. Double that caution if your Phoenix is particularly strong. Arguably
one of the most powerful ‘deities’ in the study of Qi Men, the Phoenix augment your
words with true power even when you’re not consciously exercising the strength of said
This deity is one of three others, including the Chief and 9 Heavens, that are able to
manifest and visualize anything plausible into existence. For the Phoenix specifically,
what you SAY has the remarkable tendency of coming true. The obvious plus side is
that you can, through speech, create circumstances that are in your favour.Ð
You can enjoy a high percentage of victories where debates or heated arguments are
concerned. This Guardian makes it so that you’re probably witty and articulate by
nature. Then again, not all arguments are won from a position of intelligence – you
could be so argumentative and forceful in your speech that your conversation partner
concedes the debate to you out of mental exhaustion. That’s also another possible
manifestation of the Red Phoenix’s attributes.Ð
The downside to the Red Phoenix is that you cannot say whatever you want with
abandon unless you’re a masochist or sadist. Constantly criticize yourself in extremely
negative fashion, for example, and you’ll find yourself gradually embodying the traits
you wish didn’t have.Ð
Regulating the use of words as a Red Phoenix person is crucial to make the best of its
power. You’re probably already gifted in controlling the flow of conversation – the next
step is to hone those talents into something you can consistently and confidently apply.
Learn how business negotiations work, for instance, or regularly take part in debates.
You can improve the scope of your Red Phoenix’s power by learning a new language
Another aspect a Red Phoenix must master is self-control. Understand that words have
repercussions and these consequences are amplified because of your deity. You are
responsible over deciding the effect what you say has on others, so always keep that in

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