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Running head: ESSAY OUTLINE

Essay Outline



A. Introduction

Hook: new technologies have revolutionized the office training curriculum.

Research question: “what implications do new office technologies have on office training


Thesis: Technology has completely revolutionized the office environment consequently

prompting office administrators to tailor their training curriculum to meet the needs of the

modern office setting.

Context: The context of the essay is based on an event that describes a change in technology.

Currently, organizations have found it super-convenient to leverage on powerful and effective

office technologies to carry out their office duties. This means that the office administration

training program has also shifted to the technological realm.

B. Body

1. There are specific attributes of undertaking office administration tasks.

The attributes apply for both the traditional and the modern office setting. Such attributes


 Communication.

 Time Management.

 Organizational Skills.

The aforementioned attributes have been significantly revolutionized by technological advances.

From Hollis Turner’s research (2017), most students as well as employers have come to the

realization that technology has completely revolutionized office administration. For each of the

aforementioned attributes, technology has revolutionized corresponding office training


curriculum. Thus learning the key office attributes is key to understanding the implication of

technological advances on office training curriculum.

2. Technology has disrupted the office training curriculum.

The modern day office administrator is expected to posses the following abilities:

 Improve on office efficiency

 Posses the ability to defuse tense situations

 Posses the ability to solve competing priorities.

All of the aforementioned requirements have been brought about technology’s disruption on

office administration. Particularly, technology’s main consequence on the office training

curriculum is largely based on the specific ways in which technology itself has revolutionized

office administration. The modern day is comprised of a more functionality but less work space

(Bleap, n.d). Thus, the office training curriculum has found it convenient to shift its learning

objectives to produce students and employees who will meet the dynamic needs of office

adminstration brought about by technology.

3. The modern office comes with various educational and training needs.

This education and training needs have been brought about as a result of technology. The office,

simply being a place where work takes place, has undergone significant transformations. Thus,

the modern office comes with various functionalities such as:

 Processing incoming and outgoing emails by forwarding them to concerned parties.

 Transcription.

 Dictation.

 Retrieving and disposing records in repositories.

 Communicating

 Data backing.

Some of the aforementioned technologies require a proper understanding of technological

functionalities like handling servers, backing up office data in the cloud as well as using various

software such as CRM (Morrison, 2010). Thus, these training needs illustrate the real impact of

technology in the office administration training curriculum.

C. Conclusion

Technology has completely revolutionized the office environment consequently prompting office

administrators to tailor their training curriculum to meet the needs of the modern office setting.

Thus it is critical for stakeholders in the office administration training to recommend best

practices in office training.



Bleap. (n.d.). Office Management andModern Office and its Functions. Retrieved from Bleap


Hollis-Turner, S. (2017). Attributes for the field of practice of the administrator and office

manager. Journal of Education (university of Kwazulu-Natal), 70, 88-107.

Morrison, M. (2010, 9). Training Needs Analysis Template for Front Office Staff Customer

Care. Retrieved from


Mujiati, M., Raharjo, T. J., & Rifai RC, A. (2019). The Analysis of Learning Model in Office

Administration Training at Semarang Job Training Development Center. Journal of Nonformal

Education, 5(1), 25-34. doi:10.15294/jne.v5i1.18339

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