Final Chapter Project

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Final Chapter Project


The United States has been at war with the idea of terrorism since the attack on 9/11 on
the world trade center buildings, also known as the twin towers. The attack prompted the
United States into action to end terrorism coming from the middle east. Once invested into the
war with terrorism America finally had a small form of justice ten years later in 2011 in Iraq.

Death of Osama Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden was the leader of a terrorist group named Al Queda. They were
responsible for the attack on 9/11 as well as the attempted attack on the Pentagon. Bin Laden
was very well connected and was able to stay hidden from the United States analyst teams
search for him. In 2007 one of Bin Laden’s couriers was discovered to possibly assisting the
known terrorist. His position was not officially confirmed until the year of 2010, where he was
known to be in a highly protected compound 35 miles north of Islamabad.
On May 2nd, 2011, Navy SEAL team began execution of the plan that had months of
plan as well as practice and training. The raid of the compound commenced at 3:30 pm
(Pakistan Time) and Bin Laden was found and shot 9 minutes later on the third floor of the
building. Military personal later went in to retrieve the body and tested the DNA to confirm that
it was Bin Laden. His body was buried at see the following day.
After the raid intelligence specialist enter the compound and retrieved items such as
hard drives, computers, and Bin Laden’s personal journal that assisted in learning of the inner
workings of Al Queda. (1)
Even with the death of the man that was the master mind behind the attack on 9/11 it
had many long-lasting effects of the country that are still prevalent today, and because of it
now the country has increased security in all government buildings as well as the TSA for
airports. Though these changes have helped fight terrorism it has not stopped it completely.

Boston Marathon Bombing

The Boston Marathon was help on April 13, 2013. The race had over 23,000 participants
in the race. Near the finish line with only 5,600 racers still running, two pressure cooker bombs
went off killing 3 individuals and injuring more then 260. After some investigation it was
discovered to be orchestrated by two individuals known as the Tsarnaev brothers. The Brothers
were believed to be influenced through extreme Islamic beliefs but had no affiliation with and
terrorist group and acted on their own. (2)
This event has made the country more alert and scared of what could happen as well as
creating a prejudice towards the any middle eastern individual living within the states. This has
carried out to current day.
Terrorism has not been the only events that have been shaping this country. In more
recent years with the last election there was much debate on where the country might go with
the running campaign on Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump.
Email Scandal

During the campaign for Presidency Hillary Clinton was found using a personal email to
conduct government business. Having conducted so much of her business of was serious
breach of many rules and regulations. She had some of her advisors go through her personal
emails that she had used to conduct her business and found more then 55,000 pages of emails
that were turned over. By law all of the emails she had sent and received were government
property and were turned over to be help as government records. (3)
This event greatly affected her campaign. That would continue for the next couple
months against her opponent who was getting much traction in the debates.

Election of New President

As the campaign came to an end many individuals believed that because of random
polls taken by media sources that Hillary Clinton would win the election. As the day came to
announce the winner of the race with an alarming win the new President of the United States
became Donald Trump.
This event has the potential to shape the country in great ways. As Trump for President
he has done some excellent work and has many difficult tasks put in his path that have made
him a president that will not be forgotten.

Continued War Against Terrorism

In the yearly January of 2020 nearing the end of the first term as president, Trump
continued the on-going war against terrorism. After a US defense contractor was killed and
protesters break into the US Embassy< trump and no choice but to counter. He ordered a
bombing to kill Qassem Soleimani who was suspected of affiliation with known terrorist groups.
In the past a victory or event such as this has been celebrated by many, President Trump
was criticized for the actions. Many US citizens were taking the side of another country they
had no affiliation with and defending a man who had ordered the death of many US citizens.
This would not be President trumps last trial of his first term.

Covid-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, pandemic was first discovered in Wuhan
China. It is a disease with symptom similar to that of flu and pneumonia. It attacks the
respiratory system and is most lethal to those above the age of 65. It spread quickly as it was
not contained fast enough, and as well as the Chinese government did not warn the world of
the situation fast enough to get a handle on it. There is to be a projected to have a vaccine
within a year to help slow the spread.
As of May 5, 2020, the numbers stand at 3.66 million confirmed cases, 1.2 million
recovered, with only 257,000 deaths. Though the numbers are high it has been widely blown
out of proportion by all news medias as well as social medias. There have been lockdowns,
closing of businesses, and loss of jobs for many and it is all because people are not willing to
give up a few of their freedoms for the betterment of the nation.


In conclusion, there are many different things that affect a nation and how it works. The US in
more recent years has been affected by the fight against terrorism. It has shaped and helped
the nation to be more aware of the security and trust that are put in different places. It has
assisted in many helpful ways of protecting its citizens.


1- How SEAL Team Six Took Out Osama bin Laden, editors, August 2, 2019
2- Boston Marathon Bombing, editors, June 7, 2019
3- Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules,
Michael S. Schmidt, March 2,2015
4- Iran Vowed Retaliation After a U.S. Strike Killed a Top Iranian General, Tara Law, Josiah
Bates and Madeleine Carlisle, January 3, 2020

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